Greetings BLSA Family, Due to the number of Diversity Job Fairs in the Midwest Region, MWBLSA will not be holding its own job fair. All of the employers who would attend will be represented at these other job fairs and I strongly encourage you to take advantage of them. Please see the information below: Month
Twin Cities Diversity in Practice
2013 Minnesota Minority Recruitment Conference
9:00am – 5:00pm
University of St. Thomas School of Law 1000 LaSalle Avenue Minneapolis, MN
Bryan Cave LLP August
The St. Louis Diversity Job Fair Committee
Indianapolis Bar Association (IBA)
6 Annual St. Louis Diversity Job Fair
8:30am – 4:30pm
One Metropolitan Square 211 N. Broadway St. Louis, MO
Hilton Indianapolis Hotel & Suites IBA Diversity Job Fair
Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association
2013 Heartland Diversity Legal Job Fair
Each year’s conference includes around 25 employers and upwards of 100 law students. Participating employers may include small, medium, and large firms; corporate law departments; and public interest, nonprofit, and government entities. Students interested in registering should visit or visit the website The primary goal of the Fair is to attract a diverse group of students from the Classes of 2014 and 2015 to the metropolitan St. Louis legal community, encourage them to practice law in the area, and become an integral part of our community. The Job Fair steering committee has invited law firms, corporations, and government agencies from all over the nation. The deadline for law student registration is Friday, May 31, 2013 at midnight (CST). Law students can register for the 2013 St. Louis Diversity Job Fair by going to This event is open to Class of 2015 Law School students who represent all aspects of diversity and are looking for a one-of-a-kind legal community in a Midwestern city that has both cosmopolitan style and small-town charm. Student Registration runs April 1 – July 7, 2013.
120 W. Market Street Indianapolis, IN
Additional Information and DEADLINES Student registration for the Minnesota Minority Recruitment Conference will open on Thursday, May 16! The MMRC is a great opportunity for students from the Classes of 2014 and 2015 to interview with the leading employers in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area.
Crowne Plaza Hotel 1301 Wyandotte Kansas City, MO
Students will register for the IBA Diversity Job Fair via Symplicity’s web site at Please visit for more details. Classes of 2013, 2014 and 2015 students who consider themselves diverse are invited to participate.
The 2013 Heartland Diversity Legal Job Fair will take place August 9-10, 2013, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in downtown Kansas City, MO. Last year, Kansas City played host to over 60 students from over 30 Law Schools from across the nation who had the opportunity to interview with 12 area law firms, organizations and government agencies. Registration closes June 22, 2013 For more information and to register, please visit
Embassy Suites ChicagoAugust
Cook County Bar Association (CCBA)
2013 CCBA Minority Law School Job Fair
Downtown/Lakefront 511 North Columbus Drive
The Cook County Bar Association (“CCBA”) is pleased to invite you to participate in the 30th Annual CCBA Minority Law Student Job Fair (“Job Fair”). Since 1983 the Cook County Bar Association has been working to bridge the employment gap for minority law students through its annual Minority Law Student Job Fair. This event has evolved over the years and has become the oldest, largest, and most well respected professional employment event of its kind in the United States. In an effort to keep the student-to-employer ratio as low as possible, we are only inviting J.D. students in the classes of 2015 (current 1Ls/rising 2Ls) and 2014 (current 2Ls/rising 3Ls). Please note that students graduating in any month prior to December 2013 (current 3Ls) are not eligible. To register, please visit The deadline to register and upload a resume is June 17, 2013 (NO EXCEPTIONS). Please also visit
Best Regards, Kevin Waklatsi J.D. Candidate, Class of 2014 Midwest Regional Chair, 2013-2014 National Black Law Students Association The University of Chicago Law School