NBLSA 20132014 Pre-Law Fellowship Program Application

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Purpose of the Fellowship


About the National Black Law Students Association


About the NBLSA Pre-Law Fellows Program


Fellowship Areas


Duties & Responsibilities

A collaborative effort between


Program Tasks

the National Black Law Students


Guidelines & Submission Checklist


Fellowship Program Rules

Association and the National Bar



Fellowship Application

PURPOSE OF THE NBLSA PRE-LAW FELLOWS PROGRAM The purpose of the fellowship program is to encourage members of the National Black Law Students Association (NBLSA) to foster relationships with undergraduate students in NBLSA’s PreLaw Division by engaging in substantive section areas as mentors to the Fellows. The fellowship program also serves to create opportunities for undergraduates to learn the purpose of NBLSA; contribute to NBLSA’s goals; develop networking skills, relationships, and leadership skills; receive experience in the legal field; participate in advocacy projects; and to foster growth in professional development. Further, the program will cultivate a fellow’s interest in various practice areas and foster a long term continuous relationship between the Fellow and NBLSA throughout their academic and professional careers.

ABOUT THE NATIONAL BLACK LAW STUDENTS ASSOCIATION In 1968, Algernon Johnson ("A.J.") Cooper founded the first Black American Law Students Association at the New York University Law School. Today, NBLSA is the largest student run organization in the United States with nearly 6,000 members, spanning six regions, and consisting of over 200 chapters and affiliates in the nation’s accredited and unaccredited law schools. NBLSA has also expanded to have chapters and affiliates in areas outside of the nation such as Bahamas, Nigeria, and South Africa. Notably, NBLSA assisted in the formation of the Black Law Students Association of Canada (BLSAC), the National Latina/o Law Student Association (NLLSA), the National Association of Law Students with Disabilities (NALSD), and the National Asian Pacific American Law Student Association (NAPALSA).

ABOUT THE NBLSA PRE-LAW FELLOWS PROGRAM The NBLSA Pre-Law Fellows Program provides students with a unique opportunity to gain nonprofit and legal experience, develop leadership skills, and work with NBLSA national and regional leaders. The NBLSA Pre-Law Fellow is an unpaid, volunteer position designed to incorporate pre-law students into the experience of the nation's largest student-run organization. As a NBLSA Pre-Law Fellow, you will work directly with NBLSA officers and staff on organizational management and civil justice issues including voter protection, juvenile and criminal justice, and international relief efforts. The program provides you with unparalleled networking opportunities and meaningful mentorship from students at the nation's best law schools. As a NBLSA Pre-Law Fellow, you will also have the opportunity to attend Regional events throughout the year and the 46th Annual National Convention in Milwaukee, WI from March 11-16, 2014. NBLSA is looking for self-motivated students who possess excellent written and verbal communication skills, a sincere interest in pursuing a career in law, enthusiasm for NBLSA's mission, and the ability to commit 3-5 hours a week during the 2013-2014 academic year. Successful candidates may also have a history of community service and experience working on teams.


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Alumni Fellow: o Develop and implement an alumni database. o Work with the Alumni Affairs Committee to establish a nomination process for the Hall of Fame award. Programming Fellow: o Aid in the development of programs such as the Charles Hamilton Houston Leadership Retreat and the NBLSA Convention. o Work with the National Director of Programing to enhance and implement national programs and participation. Communications Fellow: o Assist in developing and implementing a communication protocol. o Assist in the developing a strategy to enhance the NBLSA brand. Pre-Law Fellow: o Work as a liaison between NBLSA and undergraduate Pre-Law Chapters. o Assist in enhancing the mentor-mentee program between local BLSA chapters and undergraduate Pre-Law Chapters.


Participate in conference calls, meetings, and other programs.

Assist in organizing meetings, as well as complete research and writing projects.

Assist in developing and implementing programs that will enhance the pipeline between undergraduate students and NBLSA Pre-Law Division.

Encourage colleagues to become members of the NBLSA Pre-Law Division.

Submit three reports throughout the term. A reporting form will be sent to each Fellow at least three (3) weeks before the deadline. Reporting requirements are as follows: o Inception Report due no later than August 7, 2013. 

This report should demonstrate that the Fellow has established the proper contact with their assigned Team Leader. In addition, this report should include the Fellow’s understanding of the nature of the fellowship. Finally, this report should state projected goals and targets of the fellowship as well as a timeline for achieving these goals.

o Mid-Term Report due no later than October 2, 2013. 

This report should describe all activities and goals achieved subsequent to the initial contact with the Section Chair.

o End of Term Report due January 20, 2014. 

This report should summarize the fellowship experience including tasks and projects worked on, the status of all assignments, and whether or not the

individual has met his or her goals and targets. The report should also serve as a transition document for the incoming Fellow in that particular section. The report should include comments for how to improve the program. o Each report questionnaire should be submitted on time and will be sent directly to the Program Director, LieAnn Van-Tull at internalchiefofstaff@nblsa.org. It should also be followed up by a conference call or meeting with the respective Team Leader to assess goals, progress, and transition.

Submission Checklist Submit your application online at http://www.nblsa.org/fellows/ Candidate Requirements:  NBLSA Member (Dues-Paid)  Undergraduate Student with an interest in law Application Requirements:  Cover Letter  A Letter of Good Standing from your undergraduate institution  Resume Application Process: Deadlines: June 20, 2013: Application Disseminated July 19, 2013: Applications Due June 20-25, 2013: Interview Period July 26-29, 2013: Notification and Placement July 31, 2013: Start of Term

FELLOWS PROGRAM GROUND RULES These ground rules outline the protocol that all fellows and Team Leaders are to follow with respect to their interaction during the course of this year’s program. Purpose and Scope The purpose of the NBLSA Pre-Law Fellows Program is to provide prospective law students with valuable law-related, non-profit experience. It is our sincerest hope that you enjoy the work assigned to you by your respective Team Leaders and grow to develop a mentor/mentee relationship with your direct manager. In order to make our program a mutually-beneficial experience, we ask that both Fellows and Team Leaders approach this as an invaluable opportunity to serve NBLSA as we enhance our professional development as young leaders. Please do not hesitate to contact the Program Director if there are any issues, questions, or concerns. Team Leader’s Role and Responsibilities Each Team Leader will: 

Assign tasks to a Fellow throughout the Fellow’s 2013-2014 term.

Assign a minimum of two (2) major projects to complete per the Fellow’s Term.

Connect with your Fellow at least on a monthly basis.

Update the Program Director on any difficulties you may encounter with your Fellow or the Program.

Complete a bi-monthly questionnaire and submit to the Program Director.

Fellow’s Role and Responsibilities Each Fellow will: 

Complete assigned tasks in a timely manner during their 2013-2014 term.

Complete three assigned reports by the deadlines.

Attend at least 1 local, regional, or national event per month.

Maintain contact with your Team Leader.

Attend the 46th Annual National Convention in Milwaukee, WA from March 11-16, 2014.

Maintain contact with your NBLSA Pre-Law Fellows cohort and provide your updated information at the end of your term to maintain an alumni Fellows contact list.

Communication Guidelines Each Fellow will be granted access to an official NBLSA e-mail address and must check that account daily to ensure timely receipt of all NBLSA correspondence. There is a 48 hour required response time after receipt of an email. Completion of Assignments If a Fellow finds that he/she is unable to complete a task by the assigned deadline please contact your Team Leader to create a revised schedule that works well for both parties and to produce a completed project. Your bi-weekly update report should reflect all assignments that you are working on, or have completed, indicating their proper status either as pending or complete. Bi-Weekly Update Form In order to track your progress during your fellowship, we kindly ask that you submit bi-weekly update reports to your Team Leader and copy the Program Director, LieAnn Van-Tull, internalchiefofstaff@nblsa.org, on all update reports. A Fellow should notify their Team Leader as soon as possible (at least 24-48 hours in advance) if he/she cannot submit an update on time.

NBLSA’s standard expectations of professionalism and respect remain in effect at all times. Thank you in advance for your strict adherence to these guidelines!

2013-2014 NBLSA Pre-Law Fellows Application First Name _______________________________ Last Name _______________________________ Current Address ___________________________ City______________________________ State _______________ Zip Code ___________ Permanent Address ___________________________________________________________

City _________________________ State _______________

Zip Code _____________

Preferred Phone Number______________________________ Email Address_______________________________________________________________ Undergraduate School_________________________________________________________ Year in School: □ Freshman □ Sophomore □ Junior □ Senior (check one)

Signature __________________________________

Date ___________

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