Nblsa nba fellowship program application final

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A collaborative effort between the National Black Law Students Association and the National Bar Association



Purpose of the Fellowship


About the National Bar Association


About the National Black Law Students Association


About the NBLSA | NBA Fellowship


Duties & Responsibilities


Fellowship Benefits


Guidelines & Submission Checklist


Fellowship Application


The purpose of the fellowship program is to provide an opportunity for members of the National Black Law Students Association (NBLSA) to foster a relationship with the National Bar Association (NBA) by engaging with NBA sections in a substantive and practical manner. This will not only allow student members to gain experience in particular areas of interest, but will also strengthen the pipeline between NBLSA and the NBA.

ABOUT THE NATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION During the first quarter of the 20th century, twelve African American pioneers with a mutual interest in, and dedication to justice and civil rights for all, helped structure the struggle of the African American race in America. These individuals conceived the NBA, formally organized in Des Moines, Iowa on August 1, 1925. When the NBA was organized in 1925, there were fewer than 1,000 African American lawyers in the nation, and less than 120 belonged to the NBA. By 1945, there were nearly 250 members representing 25% of the African American members of the bar. Over the past 75 years, the NBA has grown enormously in size and influence.

ABOUT THE NATIONAL BLACK LAW STUDENTS ASSOCIATION In 1968, Algernon Johnson ("A.J.") Cooper founded the first Black American Law Students Association at the New York University Law School. Today NBLSA is the largest student run organization in the United States with nearly 6,000 members. NBLSA is comprised of chapters or affiliates in six different countries including The Bahamas, Nigeria, and South

Africa. Organized into six regions, the organization has over 200 chapters and is present in all but a few of the nation's accredited law schools, as well as unaccredited law schools. Notably, NBLSA assisted in the formation of the Black Law Students Association of Canada (BLSAC), the National Latina/o Law Student Association (NLLSA), the National Association of Law Students with Disabilities (NALSD), and the National Asian Pacific American Law Student Association (NAPALSA).


This is a distance fellowship opportunity in which NBLSA members will be selected to

serve as NBLSA | NBA Fellows by a joint committee of representatives from NBLSA and the NBA. Fellows will assist NBA Section Chairs in planning conferences and workshops; brainstorming about topics for their section's journal; contacting and confirming panelists for their section's events; researching trending topics in the law; and other law-related activities. The term for the 2013-2014 NBLSA | NBA Fellowship begins September 11, 2013, goes into recess from December 1 – January 6, and ends on April 13, 2014. Fellows may, with the permission of the respective Section Chair, continue the fellowship through the summer and assist with preparation for the NBA Convention. No Fellow will be permitted to work for more than one full year. It is imperative to note that Fellows may be required to travel to meetings and/or conferences for the purpose of fulfilling duties and responsibilities.


Assist in organizing section meetings and participate in section conference calls, meetings and other programs.

Assist in developing and implementing programs that will enhance the pipeline between the NBA and NBLSA.

Participate in monthly conference calls with the NBLSA Director of Education/Career Development (September, October, November, January, February & March).

Submit the following written documents during the term. Reporting requirements are as follows: o Mid-Term & End of Term Reports due January 15, 2014 and April 13, 2014 (form to be provided) o 1 Scholarly Writing on section’s area of law due February 1, 2014 (approximately 12 double-spaced pages) o 1 Editorial Article on section’s area of law due November 1, 2013 (approximately 750-1,000 words)


NBLSA | NBA Fellows benefits include: •

Access to Leading Attorneys across the Nation: Fellows will have the opportunity to work with black attorneys who are leading legal scholars and practitioners in the area of law that is of interest to the Fellow. This potential mentorship will help the Fellow to develop his educational and career goals.

Practical Experience in the Field of Interest: This is an opportunity for the Fellow to be complete assignments in the interested area of law that will prove to be marketable in the workplace upon graduation.

Networking with Colleagues: This is an excellent opportunity for NBLSA members to interact with one another and develop professional relationships.

Ability to participate in the section's conference calls and board meetings: Fellows will have the opportunity to take part in the section’s conference calls and assist in the programming and planning of the section’s activities.

Opportunity to be featured in a NBLSA publication: The required written work will be published in one of the following NBLSA publications: SRBLSA Law Journal, MWBLSA Law Journal, NBLSA Blog and NBLSA Legal Pad.

“This program opens so many doors and exposes you to great opportunities, as well as is a great pipeline to the NBA.” Charlyn M. Stanberry, NBLSA | NBA Fellow, Women Lawyer’s Division, 2011-12

Submission Checklist Submit your application online at http://www.nblsa.org/nbafellowship

Candidate Requirements: ¨ NBLSA Member (Dues-Paid for the 2013-2014 term) ¨ 2L, 3L, or 4L Part-Time or Dual Degree, L.L.M ¨ NBA Member (complimentary) Application Requirements: o Cover Letter o A Letter of Good Standing from your local BLSA Chapter President o A Letter of Good Standing from your Law School o Resume o Application

Application Process: Fall 2013 August 7 – Application Disseminated September 5 – Applications Due September 9-20 – Interview Period September 23-25 – Notification and Placement September 28 – Mandatory Orientation Conference September 29 – Start of Term

2013-2014 NBLSA|NBA Fellowship Application (please complete online form) First Name _______________________________ Last Name _______________________________ Current Address ___________________________ City______________________________ State _______________ Zip Code ___________ Permanent Address ___________________________________________________________

City _________________________

State _______________

Zip Code _____________

Preferred Phone Number______________________________ □ Cell

□ Home


Email Address_______________________________________________________________ Law School _________________________________________________________________ Year in Law School: □ 2L □ 3L □ 4L

□ LLM (check one)

Sections of Interest (MUST select five, 1 = most preferred) ‗ ‗ ‗ ‗ ‗ ‗ ‗ ‗ ‗ ‗ ‗ ‗

Administrative Law Alternative Dispute Resolution Bankruptcy Law Civil Rights Law Civil Trial Advocacy Law Commercial Law Communications Law Corporate Law Criminal and Juvenile Justice Law Entertainment, Sports and Arts Law Environmental, Energy and Public Utilities Family Law

‗ ‗ ‗ ‗ ‗ ‗ ‗ ‗ ‗ ‗ ‗

Health Law Immigration Law Intellectual Property Law International Law Labor and Employment Law Law and Religion Military Law Real Estate and Probate Law Small Business Law Tax Law Women’s Lawyer Division

Signature __________________________________ Date ___________

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