Logo Use Guidelines NBLSA Communications Team: National Director of Public Relations National Director of Communications
National Black Law Students Association 1225 11th Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001-4217 (202) 618-2572 www.nblsa.org
NBLSA LOGO USE GUIDELINES INTRODUCTION The purpose of this document is to provide clarification about how the NBLSA logos and name should be used in all mediums. These include, but are not limited to, internal documents, print materials, websites, academic journals and publications, and promotional materials. This document provides a key list of proper usage guidelines, examples of correct usage, and specific directions for reporting logo violations.
ABOUT THE NBLSA LOGO Regional associations (MABLSA, MWBLSA, NEBLSA, RMBLSA, SRBLSA, and WRBLSA), official sponsors, and certain affiliate organizations are encouraged to use the NBLSA logos on their websites, brochures, sponsorship and promotional materials, and elsewhere. Any improper usage will result in termination of use. The main NBLSA logo is a registered trademark of The National Black Law Students Association, which is responsible for defending against any damaging or confusing use. Use of the NBLSA logos should be focused around the promotion of NBLSA and the NBLSA community. Derivative versions of NBLSA’s logos are prohibited, as they weaken NBLSA’s brand identity.
LOGO ELEMENTS: MAIN LOGO The main NBLSA logo has three elements – a device, wordmark and trademark. The main logo is shown below. These elements must be used together and may not be separated or altered.
OTHER LOGOS 2|Page The guidelines contained in this document refer to the 2013-‐2014 NBLSA logos.
Badge Logo
2013-2014 Logo
Regional Logos 3|Page The guidelines contained in this document refer to the 2013-‐2014 NBLSA logos.
LOGO COLOR 4|Page The guidelines contained in this document refer to the 2013-‐2014 NBLSA logos.
The colors of each logo may not be altered in any way. Each logo, including the main logo, appears in three colors – black, green, and red. Do not use any other colors in presenting the logo or alter the color selections in any way.
BACKGROUND A white background is the preferred choice; however, any solid colored background may be used as long as the logo is recognizable in its entirety.
MINIMUM SIZE AND FONT Each logo must always be displayed at a size large enough to read the text of the logo. This will vary based on the resolution of the medium it is being used in. Logos should never be recreated typographically – always use the official logos found in the Logo Use Guidelines (these may vary from year to year). When resizing the logos, it is imperative that the logo remains proportionate at all times. This is best accomplished by dragging the corners of the logo.
WRITING ABOUT NBLSA The NBLSA name should always appear in capital letters. If you are creating a document for an external audience, the organization’s full name, as well as the parenthesized acronym, must be used the first time the organization name appears within a print document or on a website. Thereafter, you may refer to the organization as “NBLSA.”
The National Black Law Students Association (NBLSA)
To ensure proper usage, please remember to submit your work to the NBLSA National Director of Public Relations, via a Communications Check Request form,1 for review prior to external publishing. NBLSA actively monitors proper use of the NBLSA name and marks. To report a violation or ask for a review of materials, please contact publicrelations@nblsa.org or complete a Communications Check Request form.
5|Page The guidelines contained in this document refer to the 2013-‐2014 NBLSA logos.
Key Guidelines •
Neither the logos nor the NBLSA name may be used in any other organization name, service name, domain name, or website title.
The logos may not be altered, separated or otherwise distorted in its perspective or appearance.
If you are not a NBLSA sponsor or particular affiliate region, organization or partner, you may not use the NBLSA logo under any circumstances.
The color and proportions of each logo may not be altered in any way.
If you have any questions or concerns about usage, please contact the NBLSA National Director of Public Relations at publicrelations@nblsa.org.
6|Page The guidelines contained in this document refer to the 2013-‐2014 NBLSA logos.