The National Black Law Students Association, Inc. Scholarship Guide 2013-2014
“Road to 50: An Evolving Legacy”
Table of Contents Greeting from Director of Education & Career Development
Rodney Pulliam Memorial Scholarship
Sandy Brown Memorial Scholarship
NBLSA Outstanding Student Leader Scholarship 6 Nelson Mandela Scholarship
Greetings NBLSA Family, It is a pleasure to serve as your 2013-2014 National Director of Education and Career Development. The Education Committee has been working diligently on the scholarship process for this academic year. There are three scholarship opportunities available for NBLSA members: 1) Rodney Pulliam Memorial Scholarship, 2) Sandy Brown Memorial Scholarship, and 3) NBLSA Outstanding Student Leader Scholarship. NBLSA Pre-Law Members are eligible to apply for the Nelson Mandela Scholarship. In this guide, each scholarship is outlined with the requirements and documents that must be submitted to apply. Scholarship essays will be graded upon their content, organization and style. The applications will open on December 31, 2013 and must be submitted by the extended deadline of January 21, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. EST. All scholarship recipients will be notified via email in early February 2014. In addition to receiving a financial award, recipients will be announced in the NBLSA Communications Blast and recognized on March 15, 2014 at our National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The National Black Law Students Association is comprised of many talented students who are committed to excellence in achievement. This is an excellent opportunity for you to be recognized and rewarded for your hard work and dedication to excellence. We are looking forward to receiving your scholarship applications! Go to to apply. In NBLSA Love, Dalourny Nemorin
Dalourny Nemorin Director of Education and Career Development National Black Law Students Association
Rodney Pulliam Memorial Scholarship Application Deadline: January 21, 2014 Purpose The Executive Board of the National Black Law Students Association is pleased to announce the annual Rodney Pulliam Memorial Scholarship. Mr. Pulliam served as our National Chair for the 1998-1999 academic year. Mr. Pulliam was an inspiration to all who knew him as a husband, father, minister, attorney, and community activist. This award will recognize a NBLSA member who exemplifies Mr. Pulliam’s dedication to social action and community service and is intended to be used exclusively toward a bar preparation course. To be eligible for an award, entrants must be a third year or fourth year law student who plans to work in the public interest sector following graduation. Applicants must write an essay on the issue posed by the below essay question. Essay Question The number of students applying to law school has dropped drastically. Unemployment for African-Americans persistently remains in the double digits, yet there are Black law students nationwide who enroll in law school and search for jobs in spite of the numbers. Explain any obstacle you endured in order to be in law school. How did you respond to these obstacles, and what lessons can be passed down to aspiring law students based on your experiences? Scholarship Information The winning essay will be chosen based on content, grammar, organization and style. The essay must be the product of the applicant. It must be 750 words or less, typed, and double-spaced. Criteria The following are components of the scholarship application and should be submitted through the electronic application found HERE : ◊ General information form ◊ One copy of your essay ◊ Resume ◊ Must be a current financial member of National BLSA Selection Process Members of the NBLSA Scholarship Committee will select the scholarship recipients. Applications must be submitted online by January 21, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. EST. All application materials must be submitted as a PDF document, saved as Your Name_Rodney Pulliam Memorial Scholarship. NOTE: If you are applying for more than one scholarship, you must submit each application separately. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Scholarship recipients will be notified via email in late January. In addition to receiving a financial award, each recipient will be recognized in the NBLSA Communications Blast and at our National Convention on March 15, 2014 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Attendance at the convention is not a requirement to enter the scholarship contest. Questions regarding this scholarship should be sent to the Director of Education and Career Development, Dalourny Nemorin at
Sandy Brown Memorial Scholarship Application Deadline: January 21, 2014 Purpose The Executive Board of the National Black Law Students Association is pleased to announce the Sandy Brown Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship is named after the late Sandy Brown, a past NBLSA Western Regional Director and will be given in her honor. To be eligible for this award, applicants must currently be in their first or second year of law school. Applicants must write an essay on the issue posed by the essay question below. Essay Question The poet Langston Hughes wrote:” I swear to the Lord/ I still can't see/ Why Democracy means/ Everybody but me." The African American community across the nation is known for the challenges inherently associated with its socioeconomic status, lack of community involvement, and position in society. Explain your aspirations in attending law school and how you plan to use your degree to uplift your community. Scholarship Information The winning essay will be chosen based on content, grammar, organization and style. The essay must be the product of the applicant. It must be 1,000 words or less, typed, and doublespaced. Criteria The following are components of the scholarship application and should be submitted through the electronic application found HERE : ◊ General information form ◊ One copy of your essay ◊ Resume ◊ Must be a current financial member of National BLSA Selection Process Members of the NBLSA Scholarship Committee will select the scholarship recipients. Applications must be submitted online by January 21, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. EST. All application materials must be submitted as a PDF document, saved as Your Name_Sandy Brown Memorial Scholarship. NOTE: If you are applying for more than one scholarship, you must submit each application separately. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Scholarship recipients will be notified via email in late January. In addition to receiving a financial award, each recipient will be recognized in the NBLSA Communications Blast and at our National Convention on March 15, 2014 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Attendance at the convention is not a requirement to enter the scholarship contest. Questions regarding this scholarship should be sent to the Director of Education and Career Development, Dalourny Nemorin at
NBLSA Outstanding Student Leader Scholarship Application Deadline: January 21, 2014 Purpose The Executive Board of the National Black Law Students Association is pleased to announce the annual Outstanding Student Leader Scholarship. The purpose of this award is to recognize the NBLSA member who has excelled academically, in addition to being active in their BLSA chapter and com- munity. To be eligible for an award, applicants must be first, second, or third year law students. Applicants must write an essay on the issue posed by the below essay question. Essay Question August 27, 2013 marked the 50th year anniversary of the March on Washington. In 2018, NBLSA will celebrate its 50th year anniversary. The theme of this year is Road to 50: An Evolving Legacy.1) What does the theme mean to you and how are you building upon the NBLSA legacy of service and activism? 2) Please submit a letter of recommendation from an individual who can discuss how your current work and future goals will evolve the legacy of equal rights to all. 3) Please submit your transcripts Scholarship Information The winning essay will be chosen based on content, grammar, organization and style. The essay must be the product of the applicant. It must be 1000 words or less, typed, and double-spaced. Criteria The following are components of the scholarship application and should be submitted through the electronic application found HERE : ◊ General information form ◊ One copy of your essay ◊ One copy of your most recent transcript ◊ Resume ◊ Must be a current financial member of National BLSA ◊ A letter from a BLSA Chapter Officer or a NBLSA Regional or National Board Member discussing your contributions to NBLSA Selection Process Members of the NBLSA Scholarship Committee will select the scholarship recipients. Applications must be submitted online by January 21, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. EST. All application materials must be submitted as a PDF document, saved as Your Name_ Outstanding Student Leader Scholarship. NOTE: If you are applying for more than one scholarship, you must submit each application separately. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Scholarship recipients will be notified via email in late January. In addition to receiving a financial award, each recipient will be recognized in the NBLSA Communications Blast and at our National Convention on March 15, 2014 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Attendance at the convention is not a requirement to enter the scholarship contest. Questions regarding this scholarship should be sent to the Director of Education and Career Development, Dalourny Nemorin at
Nelson Mandela Scholarship Application Deadline: January 21, 2014 Purpose The Executive Board of the National Black Law Students Association is pleased to announce the annual Nelson Mandela Scholarship. Nelson Mandela has dedicated his life to fighting against injustice and the scourge of apartheid. This award will recognize a Pre-Law Division member who exemplifies Mr. Mandela’s dedication to justice and equality. To be eligible for an award, entrants must be a member of the Pre-Law Division and be of African descent. Applicants must write an essay on the issue posed by the below essay question. Essay Question Nelson Mandela is famous for his rousing quote "to deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity." How is the mass incarceration of African Americans a human rights issue? What can the legal community (or aspiring black attorneys) do to address this as a human rights issue? Scholarship Information The winning essay will be chosen based on content, grammar, organization and style. The essay must be the product of the applicant. Criteria The following are components of the scholarship application and should be submitted through the electronic application found HERE : ◊ General information form ◊ One copy of your essay ◊ Resume Selection Process Members of the NBLSA Scholarship Committee will select the scholarship recipients. Applications must be submitted online by January 21, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. EST. NOTE: Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Scholarship recipients will be notified via email. In addition to receiving a financial award, the Nelson Mandela Scholarship recipients will travel to Milwaukee, WI on March 15, 2014 to accept their awards and will receive two nights of complimentary hotel accommodations during the NBLSA Annual Convention. Questions regarding this scholarship should be sent to the Director of Education and Career Development, Dalourny Nemorin at