Table oHf andbook Contents National
NBLSA THEME, MISSION, VISION ......................................................................2 MESSAGE FROM THE NATIONAL CHAIR ............................................................3 NATIONAL EXECUTIVE BOARD & NATIONAL SPECIALISTS ..............................4 NBLSA OVERVIEW ............................................................................................10 NBLSA STRATEGIC PLAN .................................................................................12 NBLSA SPEAKERS BUREAU..............................................................................14 MEMBERSHIP....................................................................................................15 NATIONAL PROGRAMMING.............................................................................17 NATIONAL EVENTS CALENDAR.......................................................................20 ALUMNI AFFAIRS..............................................................................................21 EDUCATION AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT......................................................23 FREDERICK DOUGLASS MOOT COURT COMPETITION....................................26 THURGOOD MARSHALL MOCK TRIAL COMPETITION.....................................29 INTERNATIONAL NEGOTIATIONS COMPETITION............................................32 COMMUNITY SERVICE......................................................................................35 PRE-‐LAW DIVISION...........................................................................................43 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS...........................................................................45 ATTORNEY GENERAL.......................................................................................48 SOCIAL ACTION ................................................................................................53 PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE .......................................................................57 FINANCIAL OVERVIEW .....................................................................................60 CORPORATE RELATIONS .................................................................................65 NATIONAL CONVENTION ................................................................................67 MID-‐ATLANTIC REGION ..................................................................................68 MIDWEST REGION ............................................................................................77 NORTHEAST REGION ......................................................................................85 ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ............................................................................92 SOUTHERN REGION .......................................................................................100 WESTERN REGION .........................................................................................109
NBLSA Theme: Permanent: Striving to Balance Since 1968. 2012-‐2013: Enhancing the Dream
NBLSA Vision: NBLSA is a global catalyst for the respect, acceptance and engagement of Black law students in law schools, communities and the legal profession.
NBLSA Mission: NBLSA develops talented, involved, diverse attorneys and serves as the leading national advocate for Black law students.
National Chair’s Message It is my distinct honor and pleasure to greet you as the National Chair for the 2012-‐2013 term. NBLSA is entering its 45th year of existence during what is a tumultuous time for our nation and the globe. Thus, we remain committed to maintaining the relevance and voice of NBLSA in tackling issues, serving communities, and preparing our members for success in the legal profession. The purpose of NBLSA is to utilize the collective resources of the member chapters to: • Articulate and promote the educational, professional, political, and social needs and goals of Black law students; • Foster and encourage professional competence; • Improve the relationship between Black law students, Black attorneys, and the American legal structure; • Instill in the Black attorney and law student a greater awareness and commitment to the needs of the Black community; • Influence the legal community by bringing about meaningful legal and political change that addresses the needs and concerns of the Black community; • Adopt and implement policies of economic independence; • Encourage Black law students to pursue careers in the judiciary; and • Do all things necessary and appropriate to accomplish these purposes. In keeping with our mission, the theme for 2012-‐2013 is "Enhancing the Dream." As NBLSA leaders, we stand upon the shoulders of those who have gone before us to pave the way for our opportunities. Thus, NBLSA will continually strive to seize the opportunities given to us to make positive social change, serve our community, and diversify the legal profession. We are committed to enhancing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s vision of a better tomorrow by standing firm on our accomplishments of today. While we have not arrived at a final point of success, we are continually striving to balance and pave the way for Black students and community empowerment. In the 2012-‐2013 term, we will align with organizations that will add to our outreach and impact. To ensure we are in line with key issues facing minority law students, we will strengthen our existing partnerships and forge new partnerships with organizations aligned with our mission. We will advance issues that have a direct impact on minority law students and diversity within the legal profession and we will focus on enhancing and furthering the academic achievement of NBLSA students. We are raising the standard to ensure our membership is given the tools needed to excel in the legal profession. We will have programming in our six regions throughout the year and will culminate our year at our 45th Annual National Convention in Atlanta, GA from March 6 -‐10, 2013. NBLSA is an organization committed to preparing minority students to enter the legal profession and shedding light on issues that are affecting our membership, our nation, and the globe. We will continue to leverage and strengthen the history and legacy of our organization as we continue to advocate for change and build the pipeline of student success into the legal profession. Sincerely, Kendra Brown Vermont Law School | J.D., Class of 2012 George Washington University School of Law | LL.M., Class of 2013 National Chair, 2012-‐2013 National Black Law Students Association
National Executive Board
Kendra Brown NATIONAL CHAIR George Washington University School of Law
Cara Sherman FDMCC DIRECTOR Pennsylvania State Dickinson School of Law
Erica Aiken
DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICE Georgetown University Law Center
Dave Dambreville VICE CHAIR Pennsylvania State Dickinson School of Law
Whitney Kenner SECRETARY Mercer University College of Law
Eleanor Curry TREASURER South Texas College of Law
Teleicia Rose
Valerie Fontenot
Yvesner Zamar
Louisiana State University
University of the District of Columbia
Pennsylvania State Dickinson School of Law
Victoria Walker
Aisha Smith
Bomopregha Julius
MID-‐ATLANTIC CHAIR George Mason University School of Law
MIDWEST CHAIR University of Wisconsin-‐ Madison
NORTHEAST CHAIR Northeastern University School of Law
National Executive Board
Chukwudi Egbuonu
Charlyn Stanberry
Thurgood Marshall School of Law-‐ Texas Southern University
Florida International University School of Law
Seton Hall University College of Law
Florida A&M University
David Stephen
Janea Raines
University of Detroit Mercer School of Law
Loyola University Chicago School of Law
Christopher Sanders WESTERN CHAIR Seattle University School of Law
Alyssa Lee Locus DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE RELATIONS Loyola University Chicago
Shelton Marshall DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL ACTION Florida A&M University School of Law
Danielle McGee EXTERNAL CHIEF OF STAFF Quinnipiac University School of Law
Carla Jordan-‐Detamore DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS Washington University in St. Louis
Ebony Foster DIRECTOR OF ALUMNI AFFAIRS Widener School of Law -‐ Delaware
National Executive Board
Stanley Settle II DIRECTOR OF THE PRE-‐LAW DIVISION Southern University School of Law
Diepiriye Anga
Nicole Morgan
PARLIAMENTARIAN Louisiana State University
Ashley Christopher CONVENTION COORDINATOR University of the District of Columbia
Deyaska Spencer INC DIRECTOR North Carolina Central School of Law
Catherine Marable HISTORIAN Florida A&M University
University of Pennsylvania Law School
The National Executive Board has ultimate responsibility for all NBLSA programs and business dealings. The National Executive Board directly oversees initiatives such as, but not limited to: The Congressional Black Caucus Weekend and Charles Hamilton Houston Leadership Retreat, Hill and Government Day, 45th Annual Convention, Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition, Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition, International Negotiations Competition, Chapter of the Year Competition and NBLSA Named Scholarships. Regional Initiatives with National support include: Job Fairs, Academic Retreats, Regional Conventions and Pre-‐Law Division Law Camps.
National Specialists
Gianni Corleone
Ashley Harrington TMMTC SPECIALIST New York University School of Law
Tamara Titre
CORPORATE RELATIONS SPECIALIST Michigan State University School of Law
Stewanna Miskell WEB CONTENT SPECIALIST Thurgood Marshall School of Law-‐ Texas Southern University
Shawn Greene CONVENTION SPECIALIST George Washington University School of Law
Tony Mitchell, Jr. LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY SPECIALIST St. Louis University School of Law
Keisha Robinson FINANCIAL SPECIALIST Florida A&M University
Donald Burton, Jr.
CHAPTER RELATIONS SPECIALIST Faulkner University School of Law
Brittne Ballenger
Avalon Paul
Georgia State School of Law
Jonathan Evans
Sydney Snow
National Specialists
Ariel Harris INC SPECIALIST North Carolina Central University School of Law
Kyontha Nelson PROGRAMMING SPECIALIST University of Denver School of Law
NBLSA Leadership
NBLSA Overview
About NBLSA History The National Black Law Students Association is a 501(c)(3) non-‐ profit organization and the nation’s largest student-‐run organization representing nearly 6,000 minority law students throughout the United States and six other countries. Founded in 1968 at New York University School of Law by Algernon Johnson Cooper, today NBLSA has approximately 200 chapters at law schools throughout the country. These chapters represent almost every ABA accredited law school, plus several non-‐accredited law schools. Chapters are organized into six regions—Mid-‐Atlantic, Midwest, Northeast, Rocky Mountain, Southern and Western—that encompass 49 states as well as the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Recently NBLSA established an international connection with law students in Canada, England, South Africa, and the Bahamas who have decided to model their student organizations after NBLSA. NBLSA prides itself on giving law students an opportunity to develop their advocacy, writing and business skills as they work to promote diversity in legal education and the legal profession.
Statement of Purpose NBLSA’s purpose, as denoted in our Constitution, focuses on four critical areas. NBLSA exists to: • Empower Our Communities • Instill in the Black attorney and law student commitment to the needs of the Black community; • Bring about meaningful legal and political change in the Black community; • Improve Ourselves • Articulate and promote the needs and goals of Black law students; • Foster professional competence; • Change Our Profession • Improve the relationship between Black law students, Black attorneys, and the American legal structure; • Encourage Black law students to pursue careers in the judiciary; and • Ensure Our Lasting Legacy • Adopt and implement policies of economic independence. We use the collective resources of our 200 chapters and our nearly 6,000 members to achieve these aims.
NBLSA Overview NBLSA Structure National NBLSA is governed by its National Constitution and Bylaws, which are ratified by the NBLSA membership. The NBLSA Constitution establishes a National Executive Board (NEB). The NEB is comprised of both elected and appointed officers and is led by an elected National Chair. The NEB is responsible for upholding NBLSA’s vision and purpose; ensuring NBLSA has adequate resources to fulfill its mission; setting the policies, direction, and priorities of the Association; providing fiduciary oversight; and maintaining and developing highly effective leadership. The NEB, under the direction of the National Chair, also manages and oversees the property, affairs and day-‐to-‐day operations of the Association. In addition to the NEB, the National team also includes National Specialists, technical experts in a given programming area, and NBLSA Fellows, members of the Pre-‐Law Division that have shown incredible leadership potential. Specialists and Fellows are appointed, non-‐voting members of the National leadership team and are not considered members of the NEB. Regions NBLSA is divided into six geographic regions: Mid-‐Atlantic, Midwest, Northeast, Rocky Mountain, Southern and Western. Regions function as the conduit between the national organization and its chapters. Each region has a Regional Executive Board (REB). The REB, which is modeled after the National Executive Board, provides chapters with programmatic direction and supports chapter activities. The REB is led by a Regional Chair. The Regional Chair, who reports to the National Chair, sits on both his or her Regional Executive Board and the National Executive Board. Chapters Chapters, located at schools across the nation, are NBLSA’s foundation. Chapters develop creative programming that furthers NBLSA’s strategic goals. Chapters are also a critical component of the NBLSA membership experience. Chapters help NBLSA maintain its financial health by facilitating the membership dues collection process. Each chapter has an executive board comprised of elected and/or appointed positions.
NBLSA Strategic Plan
NBLSA Strategic Plan NBLSA has adopted the following strategic plan: Strategic Goal Area #1 | Maintenance of the NBLSA Brand: • • • •
Convey the importance of professionalism to NBLSA members. Utilize technology to teach about the history of NBLSA. Utilize varied media outlets for effective marketing and branding of NBLSA. Maintain a strategic communications plan for effective outreach.
Strategic Goal Area #2 | Maintenance of Key Partnerships: • • •
Align NBLSA with organizations which further NBLSA’s mission. Build upon and strengthen our existing partnerships. Establish new partnerships in every key programmatic area.
Strategic Goal Area #3 | Continued Commitment to Pipeline Programming: • • •
Strategic Goal Area #4 | Enhanced Programming and Advocacy Initiatives: • •
Incorporate prior term feedback into the programming planning process. Continuously receive feedback regarding programming to ensure overall satisfaction and programming relevance. Have relevant, timely, and efficient academic and professional planning through academic support and professional resources. Develop pipeline career initiatives with organizations, law firms, and government entities. Strengthen NBLSA’s International outreach.
Strategic Goal Area #5 | Long-‐Term Planning and Archiving Initiative: •
• • •
Develop a “Road to 50” Planning Team to set the proper planning for the 2018 50th Anniversary of NBLSA. Work with regions and the national team to properly archive NBLSA documents, historical data, and materials. S t r e n g t h e n t h e E x e c u t i v e B o a r d infrastructure. Revisit the hiring of an Executive Director. Utilize a strong succession plan.
Maintain the growth and outreach of our Pre-‐ Law Division. Maintain ties with undergraduate institutions around the country through local BLSA chapter involvement and outreach. Maintain ongoing communication with law school deans and law firm diversity a d m i n i s t r a t o r s t o b u i l d p i p e l i n e programming. Develop and maintain strong alumni involvement and an overall alumni retention strategic plan.
NBLSA Strategic Plan
Strategic Goal Area #6 | Strenghtened Financial Fitness: • • •
Ensure organizational fiscal responsibility. Gain tax exempt status in all states where NBLSA events are held. Establish a NBLSA Foundation and work on Capital Campaign efforts.
Strategic Goal Area #7 | Membership Enhancement and Retention: • • •
Ensure membership satisfaction through surveys and After Action Reports. Develop a new platform to convey member benefits. Maintain an effective plan to recruit and retain NBLSA members.
NBLSA Speakers Bureau
Speakers Bureau
SPEAKERS BUREAU HISTORY AND PURPOSE For over 40 years, the National Black Law Students Association has been a leading advocate for diversity and inclusion in law schools across the nation. Our members are not only talented law students, but also involved community advocates. Our alumni are among the most talented and respected legal practitioners and are active and influential community leaders.
Kendra Brown, National Chair George Washington University School of Law Washington, DC
Dave Dambreville, National Vice Chair Pennsylvania State University Dickinson School of Law University Park, PA
Bomopregha Julius, Northeast Regional Chair Northeastern University School of Law Boston, MA
Charlyn Stanberry, Southern Regional Chair
Our executive leadership team, comprised entirely of law students, is dedicated to living life with purpose. NBLSA's leaders are tireless advocates for change who represent today's most talented law students and tomorrow's most dynamic lawyers.
Florida International University School of Law Miami, FL
The NBLSA Speakers Program sends current NBLSA leaders to speak at luncheons, receptions, annual dinners and other special events. Members of our executive board have visited local chapters, college campuses, and conferences to share their experiences and to speak on a variety of topics including leadership, juvenile justice, preparing for law school, women in society, student advocacy, time management and networking.
David Stephen, National Director of Public Relations
Members of the Speakers Bureau are available to speak on behalf of NBLSA on your college campuses and any functions related to legal and pre-‐law issues. We encourage you to direct interested parties to the NBLSA Speakers Bureau for an approved speaker at a related engagement. Requests for speaking engagements may be made at www.nblsa.org/speakersbureau/.
Christopher Sanders, Western Regional Chair Seattle University School of Law Seattle, WA
University of Detroit-‐ Mercer School of Law Detroit, MI
Teleicia Rose, National Director of Programming Pennsylvania State University Dickinson School of Law University Park, PA
Yvesner Zamar, National Attorney General University of the District of Columbia School of Law Washington, DC
Alyssa Lee Locus, National Director of Corporate Relations Loyola University Chicago School of Law Chicago, IL
Janea Raines, National Director of Membership Loyola University Chicago School of Law Chicago, IL
Diepiriye Anga, National Director of International Relations University of Pennsylvania Law School Philadelphia, PA
LaBrae McMillan, National Financial Secretary Florida A&M University College of Law Talahassee, FL
Membership Membership Structure NBLSA membership is a three-‐tiered membership system. A NBLSA member is a member on the chapter level, regional level and national level. To be an active member in NBLSA an individual must pay NBLSA membership dues and complete any necessary administrative processes determined by the NBLSA National Executive Board. A chapter may also determine its own dues in order to gain membership in the organization. Upon satisfaction of these conditions, an individual is entitled to all the privileges of active membership. Chapters that decide not to pay dues during a given membership year will not be allowed to refer to themselves as the Black Law Students Association, or use the logos of NBLSA or its regions. Members of these inactive chapters will not be afforded the privileges enumerated in the NBLSA Constitution. 2012-‐2013 Membership Objectives • Increase Member Satisfaction: Deliver relevant, quality programming to members and improve member communication so that every member is an informed member. Actively seek member feedback to improve NBLSA’s execution. • Membership Benefits: Continue to create more exclusive opportunities and appealing benefits for our membership. • Membership Communication: Effectively communicate what NBLSA is, does, and provides for our members. Implement a variety of means of communication to ensure that members are informed of upcoming programs, networking opportunities and career development initiatives.
Janea Raines National Director of Membership Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Class of 2013
Members of the Month NBLSA will select six financially active members to become Members of the Month; one Member of the Month from each respective region. The Members of the Month will be selected based on an essay of no more than 500 words that describes how the nominee has contributed to his or her community, contributed to his or her fellow NBLSA members, and implemented this year’s National Theme “Enhancing the Dream.” National Members of the Month Nomination forms must be submitted by the 20th of each month per the timeline below. Member of the Month Nomination Timeline October WRBLSA Member of the Month submissions are due September 20, 2012 November RMBLSA Member of the Month submissions are due October 20, 2012 December NEBLSA Member of the Month submissions are due November 20, 2012 January SRBLSA Member of the Month submissions are due December 20, 2012 February MWBLSA Member of the Month submissions are due January 20, 2013 March MABLSA Member of the Month submissions are due February 20, 2013
Membership Membership Registration Members register for NBLSA with local chapters at their law schools via online registration. More information will be given to the chapter leaders in the beginning of the 2012-‐2013 academic school year. The national membership dues for the 2012-‐2013 term will be $35 per person, however, local chapters maintain a right to collect an additional fee per person. Each person that registers for the 2012-‐2013 term after November 1, 2012, will be assessed a $15 late fee. Individuals that start their first year of law school in the spring semester will pay $35 per person until February 15, 2013, however, these individuals must notify the National Director of Membership about their status prior to February 10, 2013. NBLSA Chapter Emails Each chapter will be given a nblsa.org email address, powered by Google. This email address will be used by NBLSA for all official chapter correspondence. Chapters are free to use the nblsa.org account exclusively or to forward nblsa.org mail to an existing account. National Connections National Connections are an opportunity for members to ask about National programs and give feedback. The National Director of Membership will be available for one hour to answer your questions. The first National Connection will take place Sunday, September 9, 2012. Membership Benefits Members of NBLSA receive discounts on a variety of products and services. These membership benefits include but are not limited to bar review course discounts, hotel discounts, and car rental discounts. Membership benefits will be added throughout the year. For more information, please visit www.nblsa.org/membership/. Chapter Chartering and Reactivating For assistance in reactivating or chartering a local BLSA chapter please contact the National Director of Membership.
Membership Team Janea Raines National Director of Membership membership@nblsa.org
Donald Burton, Jr. National Chapter Relations Specialist chapters@nblsa.org
Heather Bennett MABLSA Director of Membership mablsa.membership@nblsa.org
Olabisi Ogboye MWBLSA Director of Membership midwest.membership@nblsa.org
Monique Haynes NEBLSA Director of Membership neblsa.membership@nblsa.org
Tiffany Myers RMBLSA Director of Membership rmblsa.membership@nblsa.org
Veronica Williams SRBLSA Director of Membership srblsa.membership@nblsa.org
Anthony Culpepper WRBLSA Director of Membership wrblsa.membership@nblsa.org
Programs that Enhance the Dream Charles Hamilton Houston Leadership Retreat Saturday, September 22, 2012 8:00AM-‐4:00PM Georgetown University Law Center 600 New Jersey Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20001
Held annually during NBLSA’s Congressional Black Caucus Weekend, CHH offers the opportunity for chapter leadership to meet and intimately interact with National Board Members. The purpose of the retreat is to give local chapter leaders the tools, information, and skills that are essential to having a successful tenure as a NBLSA leader. The retreat gives attendees an overview of national programming plans and guidelines for the year. This year the retreat will be comprised of multiple, interactive breakout sessions covering such areas as recruitment and retention of members, fundraising, garnering corporate sponsorships and managing chapter finances. The retreat will also focus on educating attendees about the 2012-‐2013 NBLSA initiatives. Specifically, this portion of the retreat will focus on issues surrounding educational inequality, voter disenfranchisement, and mentorship. Moreover, CHH will devote considerable time to Professional Development, offering attendees the opportunity to participate in a resume workshop where they’ll receive one-‐on-‐one feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of their resume from legal professionals.
Teleicia Rose National Director of Programming Pennsylvania State University Dickinson School of Law, Class of 2013 programming@nblsa.org
NBLSA Chapter Grant Program The Chapter Grant Program was established in 2010 in an effort to give needed additional funding to NBLSA chapters and Pre-‐Law Divisions that hold events in line with national objectives and programmatic thrusts. Chapter grant requests are approved by an ad hoc committee composed of the National Chair, National Director of Programming, National Director of Membership and National Treasurer. For further information and/or to apply, please visit http://www.nblsa.org/chaptergrantprogram/. Budget The Annual Budget for the chapter grant program is $10,000; $5000 per semester. Approval Guidelines A proposed event must be in line with national objectives found in the NBLSA Constitution and Bylaws. A law school chapter or pre-‐law student division is only eligible for one chapter grant per year. Chapter grants are limited to a maximum request of $500. 17
Programming General Application Information • Names and Signatures of Chapter Executive Board • Name, Location, and Type of Chapter
Programming Team
• Number of Financially Active Members
Teleicia Rose
• Member Submitting
National Director of Programming
• Date of Submission • Abstract
Difie Osbourne
Application Requirements
MABLSA Director of Programming mablsa.programming@nblsa.org
A description of how the event promotes the mission and goals of NBLSA. A detailed description of the event/activity, including origin of program, purpose of program, targeted audience, list of all planned participants/ speakers (including their titles and affiliations). Clear and comprehensive list of goals of the program/event/activity. Budget requests must include a detailed budget of all anticipated expenses and projected revenue/funding. Expenses for food (please specify) and beverage (please specify) should be detailed by per person costs. A list of all sources of funding and the amounts. Please explain if the law school/administration will provide funding and if so, how much. If no funding from the school/administration has been allocated, please explain. An explanation of the necessity of funding for this program/activity. What, if any, expenses can you eliminate if NBLSA funding is not secured?
Aminta Moses MWBLSA Director of Programming mwblsa.programming@nblsa.org
Morgan Gray NEBLSA Director of Programming neblsa.programming@nblsa.org
Joy Kamani RMBLSA Director of Programming rmblsa.programming@nblsa.org
Ruth Tisdale
How will this program benefit law students, the legal profession and the community?
SRBLSA Director of Programming srblsa.programming@nblsa.org
What is the likelihood that this program/activity will continue next year? Please explain.
Anthony Culpepper
What level of involvement does your law school/student organizations currently have in NBLSA or other law groups?
WRBLSA Director of Programming wrblsa.programming@nblsa.org
What support have you received for your chapter towards your program? What involvement does your chapter have on campus? Post Event Requirements Grant recipients are required to submit an After Action Report and a final itemized budget within two weeks of the scheduled event. In addition, the committee requires submission of pictures from the event and electronic copies of any printed materials for records and to highlight programs held by grant recipients. Submit application and supporting documents at least 30 days before event. 18
Application Process/ Timeline Submit application and supporting documents— 30 days before event Committee Review of Application— Approximately 2 weeks Notification of Approval, Request for Additional Information or Denial Treasurer Issue Award— Approximately 1 week Mandatory After Action Reports— Due within 2 weeks of the event Notification of Acceptance of AAR and final budget— Approximately 1 week
National Calendar
National Calendar of Events June 2012 22-‐24 6th Annual Joint Leadership Retreat
Detroit, MI | Detroit Marriot, Renaissance Center
National Executive Board Meeting Detroit, MI | Detroit Marriot, Renaissance Center
July 2012
14-‐19 87th Annual National Bar Association Convention | Caesar’s Palace Las Vegas, NV National Executive Board Meeting
Charles Hamilton Houston Leadership Retreat
Washington, DC | Georgetown University Law Center
October 2012
1-‐31 International Book Drive 25-‐27 International Law Weekend
New York, NY | Fordham Law School
27 Founder’s Day of Service TBD National Speed Networking Alumni
November 2012
1-‐5 International Book Drive cont. 10 Harlem RBI: Dream Charter School
Community Service
Newark, NJ
World Aids Day Program
New York, NY | Dream Charter School
Las Vegas, NV
August 2012
10 National Executive Board Meeting
Registration for Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference & Charles Hamilton Houston Leadership Retreat Opens
December 2012
September 2012 1
Registration for the 45th Annual NBLSA National Convention Opens Registration for Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition Opens 3 Registration for Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial and International Negotiations Competitions Opens 19-‐22 NBLSA’s Congressional Black Caucus Weekend
Washington, DC
National Executive Board Meeting
January 2013
2-‐8 NBLSA CARES Nigeria Service Trip
Nigeria, Africa NBLSA CARES Haiti Service Trip Port Au Prince, Haiti
Anti-‐Bullying & Health/Wellness Community Service Houston, TX | Ronald McDonald House of Houston and S.H.A.P.E. Community Center
National Executive Board Meeting Dallas, TX
February 2013
Washington, DC
TBD NBLSA Hill and Government Day
Community Service: Congressional Kids Day
March 2013
Washington, DC
Ninth Annual Networking & Alumni Reception Washington, DC | Reed Smith
Visit www.nblsa.org/nationalcalendar for updates
Washington, DC
6-‐10 45th Annual NBLSA National Convention
Atlanta, GA | AmericasMart
National Executive Board Meeting Atlanta, GA
Alumni Affairs
Alumni Affairs CONNECTIONS BEYOND LAW SCHOOL: Connecting with current attorneys for insight, guidance, and mentorship An Introduction to Alumni Affairs and Development NBLSA is committed to serving its members, both past and present. NBLSA has a legacy of community service and excellence that transcends law school. In hopes of remaining connected with NBLSA members well beyond graduation, the Director of Alumni Affairs and Development serves as the liaison to bridge the gap between past and present members. Programs are developed and implemented to foster a strong, long lasting relationship between alumni and student members. We aim to encourage alumni involvement and meaningful interaction. Ebony Foster National Director of Alumni Affairs Widener School of Law-‐ Delaware Class of 2013
Alumni Achievement Awards NBLSA greatly appreciates the countless contributions our alumni are making to the legal community and society as a whole. To celebrate these achievements, NBLSA honors alumni through the Alumni Achievement Initiative, a nation-‐wide program that recognizes the outstanding accomplishments of our alumni. To nominate an exceptional alum, please visit www.nblsa.org/alumni/.
“If I have seen further, it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants” -‐-‐ Isaac Newton
Alumni Affairs Alumni Networking Receptions NBLSA will host Alumni Receptions in various locations throughout the year. The receptions provide for an opportunity for alumni to connect, interact, and network with other alumni and current NBLSA members. The locations of the receptions will be announced in the monthly Alumni Newsletter. Electronic invitations will be sent to all registered NBLSA Alumni. Please visit www.nblsa.org/alumni to register. We look forward to seeing you and our alumni at the upcoming receptions.
Alumni Affairs Team Ebony Foster National Director of Alumni Affairs alumni@nblsa.org
Joshua Cox
Alumni NetWORKS Program NBLSA realizes the importance of networking and the valuable knowledge our alumni can provide to current members. Through the Alumni NetWORKS Program and partnership with the National Bar Association, NBLSA strives to connect current members and young alumni with mentors who can provide career guidance, life experience, and invaluable advice.
MABLSA Director of Alumni Affairs mablsa.alumni@nblsa.org
Alumni Affairs Committee The Alumni Affairs Committee is an opportunity for members to get involved in NBLSA’s alumni outreach efforts. Committee members develop and implement programs to encourage alumni involvement. Members also interact regularly with alumni, disseminating NBLSA information and fostering relationships with alumni. Finally, the Committee is responsible for the development of alumni chapters, which include membership benefits and potential partnerships with corporations. To join the Alumni Affairs Committee or to obtain more information please email alumni@nblsa.org.
Danielle Burckson
Evangeline White MWBLSA Director of Alumni Affairs mwblsa.alumni@nblsa.org
NEBLSA Director of Alumni Affairs neblsa.alumni@nblsa.org
Jonathan Jackson RMBLSA Director of Alumni Affairs rmblsa.alumni@nblsa.org
Breauna Paterson SRBLSA Director of Alumni Affairs srblsa.alumni@nblsa.org
Education & Career Development
Education & Career Development Enhancing the Dream Professional Development Series In an effort to “Enhance the Dream,” this year we will continue the Professional Development Series by using both audio and visual tools to reach NBLSA’s membership. We will also be implementing a template bank for job application assistance and a scholarship bank for students in financial need.
Academic Retreat NBLSA is ensuring that we are at the forefront of creating brilliant, legal trained minds that can effectively navigate in their academics and career. Our Regional Academic Retreats are structured to provide our membership with academic support that is necessary to thrive as a law student. They are held in the fall in each region. This year we have been offered partnership assistance from the Council of Legal Education Opportunity and Kaplan Bar Review.
Cassye M. Cole National Director of Education & Career Development Brooklyn Law School, Class of 2014
E-‐Career Consultant We will perpetuate the efforts of this program, which was established during the last administration. The "My E-‐Consultant" Series is a joint partnership with the National Bar Association (NBA). The NBA is the largest and oldest professional organization for African-‐American attorneys and judges. Beginning in September, a panel of NBA attorneys will provide insight into a practice area and answer your questions about the job search process. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with a prospective mentor.
Education & Career Development Scholarship Information Rodney Pulliam Scholarship The Executive Board of the National Black Law Students Association is pleased to announce the Rodney Pulliam Scholarship. This scholarship is in honor of the late Rodney Pulliam, who served as the 1998-‐ 1999 NBLSA National Chair. A minimum $500 BARBRI Bar Preparation Course scholarship will be awarded to deserving third or fourth year law students who are graduating in Spring 2013. The Sandy Brown Scholarship The Executive Board of the National Black Law Students Association is pleased to announce the annual Sandy Brown Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship is named after the late Sandy Brown, a past NBLSA western regional director and will be given in her honor. To be eligible for this award, entrants must currently be in their first or second year of law school. NBLSA Student Leader Scholarship The Executive Board of the National Black Law Students Association is pleased to announce the annual NBLSA Student Leader Award. The purpose of this award is to recognize NBLSA members who have excelled academically, in addition to being active in their BLSA chapter and community. To be eligible for this award, entrants must be first, second, or third year law students. Fellowship Information The Executive Board of the National Black Law Students Association is pleased to announce two outstanding fellowship opportunities: The NBLSA | NBA Fellowship This is a distance fellowship opportunity in which NBLSA members will be selected to serve as NBLSA – NBA Fellows. All Fellows will be responsible for assisting the National Bar Association in implementing initiatives that will enhance the pipeline between NBLSA members and the NBA. Fellows will have the opportunity to work with Black attorneys who are leading legal scholars and practitioners in the area of law that is of interest to the Fellow. This can provide for potential mentorships that will assist the Fellow with his/her educational and career goals. The CBC | NBLSA Fellowship This year, the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) has partnered with NBLSA to offer an amazing opportunity to rising 2Ls, 3Ls, and LL.M. Candidates. Legal Fellows will work with the CBC, Member offices, outside stakeholders, Senate, and the Executive Branch agencies on the CBC’s legislative priorities. Fellows undertake projects involving sophisticated legal research and writing, analysis and drafting of legislation and administrative regulations, legislative and regulatory advocacy. During the Fall and Spring, the Fellows will work full or part-‐time for 13 weeks. During the Summer, Fellows are required to work full-‐time for an 11-‐week term. The fellowship is for academic credit.
Education & Career Development Regional Job Fairs The regional job fairs are an opportunity for NBLSA members to interview for summer associate positions, federal and local governments, pro bono, and in-‐house counsel opportunities. National support includes Symplicity (job bidding) administration and membership verification. Our Job Fair Team includes the National Director of Education and Career Development, the National Job Fair Specialist(s), and the Job Fair Specialists from each region. NBLSA members are eligible to attend all job fairs. To register please see https://law-‐nblsa-‐csm.symplicity.com/ Western Region Job Fair, Los Angeles, CA – August 4, 2012 Student Bidding: July 4, 2012-‐July 9, 2012 Student Interview Accept Period: July 19, 2012-‐July 23, 2012 Interview Schedules Available: July 31, 2012 Northeast Region Job Fair, New York, NY – August 10-‐11, 2012 Student Bidding: June 16, 2012-‐July 2, 2012 Student Interview Accept Period: July 17, 2012-‐July 21, 2012 Interview Schedules Available: July 27, 2012 Rocky Mountain Region Recruitment Conference and Academic Retreat, Houston, TX – August 10, 2012 Student Bidding: June 16, 2012-‐ July 25, 2012 Student Interview Accept Period: August 2, 2012-‐ August 5, 2012 Interview Schedules Available: August 2, 2012 Mid-‐Atlantic Region Job Fair and Leadership Retreat, Bethesda, MD – August 17-‐18, 2012 Student Bidding: June 16,2012-‐ July 2, 2012 Student Interview Accept Period: August 1, 2012-‐August 4, 2012 Interview Schedules Available: August 17, 2012 Southern Region Job Fair, Greensboro, NC – August 24-‐26, 2012 Student Bidding: July 9, 2012 -‐ July 20, 2012 Student Interview Accept Period: August 6, 2012 -‐ August 10, 2012 Interview Schedules Available: August 20, 2012
Education & Career Development Team Cassye M. Cole National Director of Education and Career Development New York Law School educationcareer@nblsa.org
Gianni Corleone National Job Fair Specialist jobfair@nblsa.org
LieAnn Van-‐Tull MABLSA Job Fair Coordinator mablsa.jobfair@nblsa.org
Shana Scott MWBLSA Recruitment Fair Coordinator mwblsa.recruitment@nblsa.org
Alanna Pittard NEBLSA Job Fair Coordinator neblsa.jobfair@nblsa.org
Bianca Roberson RMBLSA Job Fair Coordinator rmblsa.jobfair@nblsa.org
Karima Grady SRBLSA Job Fair Coordinator srblsa.jobfair@nblsa.org
Ashley Washington SRBLSA Job Fair Coordinator srblsa.jobfair@nblsa.org
Duwayne Carr WRBLSA Job Fair Coordinator wrblsa.jobfair@nblsa.org
Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition
Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition History of FDMCC One of the cornerstones of NBLSA programming is the Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition (FDMCC). Since its inception in 1975, the FDMCC has consistently provided NBLSA members with excellent training in appellate advocacy through oral arguments and brief writing. Each year, between 100 and 125 teams compete across the nation within the six Regional Competitions, culminating in the top three teams from each region competing at the national level during NBLSA's Annual Convention. Each year, the FDMCC provides competitors with the opportunity to argue issues that are at the forefront of debate in the legal profession and this year will prove to be no different. This year marks the 37th anniversary of this competition and the theme for this year will be "Living the Dream: Developing Excellence in Advocacy and Fostering Progress in Society."
Purpose of FDMCC The FDMCC program was created to provide NBLSA members with an opportunity to enhance their brief writing and advocacy skills. NBLSA is dedicated to providing minority law students with the skills necessary to succeed in the legal profession. The FDMCC is a significant aspect of NBLSA programming which seeks to provide minority law students who are NBLSA members with the opportunity to hone their appellate advocacy skills in an atmosphere of zealous competition and spirited camaraderie.
Cara Sherman National Moot Court Director Pennsylvania State University Dickinson School of Law, Class of 2013 mootcourt@nblsa.org
Important Dates & Fees September 1 -‐ October 1, 2012: Early Bird Registration period. Registration between these dates will be available at discounted rate (to be announced). September 1 -‐ October 15, 2012: A discounted rate per team will be extended to chapters registering two or more teams for the competition (one discount will be applied per team). September 15, 2012: The problem will be released on TWEN. October 2 -‐ October 31, 2012: Regular Registration period. October 31, 2012: Registration deadline. October 12, 2012 (midnight EST): Answers to substantive questions, scoring rubric and sheets. November 15, 2012: All team briefs are due. November 22, 2012: Deadline for late service of briefs. March 6-‐10, 2013: 2013 National Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition will take place in Atlanta, GA.
Frederick Douglass Moot Court
Frederick Douglass National Moot Court Competition Team Cara B. Sherman National Moot Court Director mootcourt@nblsa.org
Charles Tucker Jr., Esq. National FDMCC Advisor
Major Chantell Higgins Bless, Esq.
Competition Improvements Regional Moot Court Directors
In keeping with NBLSA's commitment of service to its members, the FDMCC Planning Board has implemented exciting new changes to the Competition. In an effort to create a more effective forum for the Gobriella Davis cultivation of superior written and oral MABLSA Moot Court Director advocacy skills, the following changes have mablsa.mootcourt@nblsa.org been made to improve logistics for this year's competition. Cheng-‐Yu Hou First, FDMCC competitors will no longer be MWBLSA Moot Court Director required to pay a separate registration fee for mwblsa.mootcourt@nblsa.org the convention. A single registration fee will cover registration for the competition as well Christopher Ellis as the convention.
National Committee Member
Asha Bryant, Esq. National Committee Member
Kevin McIntyre, Esq. National Committee Member
David Banks, Esq. National Committee Member
Siana Mclean, Esq. National Committee Member
NEBLSA Moot Court Director neblsa.mootcourt@nblsa.org
Second, the FDMCC rules have been amended to implement a third place round on the regional level to ensure that the best Bianca Roberson advocates advance to the National Frederick RMBLSA Moot Court Director Douglass Moot Court Competition. rmblsa.mootcourt@nblsa.org Third and finally, the administration of the FDMCC Problem will be returned to the Westlaw TWEN site to facilitate easier communication between competitors and the FDMCC Planning Board during the writing stage of the competition.
Ashley Barnett SRBLSA Moot Court Director srblsa.mootcourt@nblsa.org
Sharee Tumbling SRBLSA Moot Court Director srblsa.mootcourt@nblsa.org
National Black Law Students Association
Frederick Douglass
Moot Court Competition
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Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition
Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition In March of 2002, at NBLSA's General Convention, the body voted to create a National Mock Trial Competition, in order to develop future lawyers with strong courtroom skills as they prepare for various components of a trial. Each year, hundreds of competitors compete on the regional level in the hopes of ultimately becoming one of the top three teams in the Nation. To date, the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition (TMMTC) is one of the largest, most respected law school mock trial competitions in the country and is proud to be celebrating its tenth year.
Important Dates & Fees August 31, 2012: Qualification Requirements, 2012-‐2013 TMMTC Problem released on http://www.nblsa.org/tmmtc/. September 3, 2012 -‐ October 5, 2012: Early Bird Registration period.
Valerie Fontenot National Mock Trial Director Paul M. Herbert Center, Louisiana State University, Class of 2013 mocktrial@nblsa.org
September 3, 2012 -‐ October 12, 2012: Multiple Team Discount Registration period. October 5, 2012-‐ November 11, 2012: Regular Registration period, scoring information released. October 2012-‐ December 2012 : Answers to substantive questions received during registration. November 12, 2012 -‐ November 30, 2012: Late Registration Period. December 9 , 2012: Deadline for competitors and coaches to send questions and concerns about the problem to mocktrial@nblsa.org. December 23, 2012: Answers to substantive questions received after registration period closes. January 2013-‐February 2013: Regional Competitions. March 6-‐10, 2013: 2013 National Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition will take place in Atlanta, GA.
2012-2013 Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition NATIONAL COMPETITION March 6 – 10, 2013 Atlanta, GA
January 9 – January 12
RMBLSA !Dallas, TX
January 16 – January 19
NEBLSA !Cambridge, MA
January 23 – January 26
SRBLSA ! Nashville, TN
January 30 – February 2
MWBLSA ! St. Louis, MO
February 6 – February 9
MABLSA ! Pittsburgh, PA February 13 – February 16
Valerie Fontenot 2012-2013 National Mock Trial Director mocktrial@nblsa.org
Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial
Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial National Competition Team Valerie Fontenot National Director of TMMTC mocktrial@nblsa.org
Ashley Harrington National TMMTC Specialist mocktrialspecialist@nblsa.org
Stephen Anthony Esq.
Competition Improvements The TMMTC continues to improve every year and remains committed to cultivating superior advocacy skills in each of its competitors. As such, the following exciting improvements and changes have been made to the competition: • All TMMTC competition materials will be accessible on the NBLSA homepage. • TMMTC competition information needed during the regional and national competitions (i.e. team pairings, room assignments) will be accessible from the NBLSA homepage.
Regional Mock Trial Directors Barbara Stansil MABLSA Mock Trial Director mablsa.mocktrial@nblsa.org
Dominique Taylor MWBLSA Mock Trial Director mwblsa.mocktrial@nblsa.org
National TMMTC Advisory Board Member
Jeffrey Brooks Esq. National TMMTC Advisory Board Member
Christopher Lomax Esq. National TMMTC Advisory Board Member
Morris Parker Esq. National TMMTC Advisory Board Member
Chelsea Johnson NEBLSA Mock Trial Director neblsa.mocktrial@nblsa.org
Dyan Owens RMBLSA Mock Trial Director rmblsa.mocktrial@nblsa.org
Reshonda Thompson SRBLSA Mock Trial Director srblsa.mocktrial@nblsa.org
Irene Williams WRBLSA Mock Trial Director wrblsa.mocktrial@nblsa.org
International Negotiations
International Negotiations Competition The NBLSA International Negotiations Competition (INC) is the only non-‐ litigation based competition offered by our organization, providing students with a unique opportunity to develop useful negotiation skills while creating awareness of important global issues. Each participant collaborates with a classmate from their law school, forming two person teams to negotiate a cross-‐border conflict based on current issues in our global community. After participating in a student-‐led negotiation lasting 50 minutes, where each team strives to obtain the best results for their client, students receive constructive feedback from legal practitioners and law professors who serve as judges. Moreover, students are exposed to differences in negotiating styles, various ethical and social norms, and a broad spectrum of business issues, all coupled with the enhanced difficulties of cross-‐cultural communication. This upcoming year will mark the 7th Annual NBLSA International Negotiations Competition. The Negotiations Competition will be held at the NBLSA National Convention in Atlanta, GA from March 6 – March 10, 2013.
Important Dates & Fees
Deyaska Spencer National Director of International Negotiations Competition North Carolina Central School of Law, Class of 2013 inc@nblsa.org
September 3, 2012: Registration Opens. September 10, 2012–October 29, 2012: $100 Early Bird Registration period. October 29, 2012 – December 3, 2012: The discounted rate of $100 per team will be extended to chapters registering two or more teams for the competition. October 29, 2012 – December 3, 2012: $150 Regular Registration period. December 3, 2012 – December 17, 2012: $175 Late Registration period. December 17, 2012: Registration Deadline. January 15, 2013: The International Negotiations Competition Problem will be released on www.nblsa.org/inc/. January 31, 2013: Deadline for competitors and coaches to send questions and concerns about the problems and rules to internationalcompetition@nblsa.org. February 15, 2013: Answers to substantive questions released on www.nblsa.org/inc/. March 6, 2013 -‐ March 10, 2013: 2013 International Negotiations Competition will take place in Atlanta, GA. Registered teams will receive confidential information for the competition at a mandatory competitor’s meeting on March 7, 2013.
International Negotiations
Competition Improvements In keeping with NBLSA’s tradition of serving the needs of its membership, the International Negotiations Competition Team will further improve upon an already functioning competition. There were many systemic improvements that were made over the past few years that we will continue to implement. It is also our hope that these systemic improvements will help us to expand the competition this year and in the years that follow. By growing the competition we are looking to the future of the INC and the prospects of eventually moving to regional competitions. With our prospective expansion we will ensure that coordination efforts among participants, coaches and judges are seamless. The following changes will be made to improve the competition and provide students with an enhanced experience that will help strengthen important legal advocacy skills:
International Negotiations Competition Team Deyaska Spencer North Carolina School of Law, Class of 2013 National Director of the International Negotiations Competition inc@nblsa.org
Ariel Harris
All guest judges will be asked to meet for a session on scoring uniformity. This session will orient judges and set expectations regarding the INC scoring rubric. All judges will receive uniform training and preparation before the competition to promote consistency of judging and fairness in each negotiation session.
Judges will be randomly assigned to competition rooms. An official assignment roster will be provided to specialists. Each room will have a designated specialist assigned to it. The specialist is responsible for ensuring that judges are in their assigned rooms so that each round begins promptly.
Kurt Davis, Esq.
The competition schedule has been restructured to provide students with adequate time to prepare for each round, while also enabling competitors to participate in as many National Convention panels, luncheons, forums, and social events as possible.
Kathleen C. Wallace, J.D., LL.M
All teams will receive their completed score sheets at the end of the competition.
Teams will receive notice of their quarter finals placement electronically. In addition the rankings of each quarter finalist will be electronically disseminated and displayed.
In an effort to recognize and reward contestants, a “best” negotiator will be selected for each round of the competition. The judges will also select an individual to be named “best” negotiator overall.
North Carolina Central School of Law, Class of 2013 International Negotiations Competition Specialist
International Negotiations Advisory Board Member
International Negotiations Advisory Board Member
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Community Service
Community Service Community Service Program Objectives • Develop community service programming that is related to and focused on effective means of “Enhancing the Dream” of a better tomorrow. • Improve the Chapter of the Year (COY) scoring formula to address inconsistencies in methods of calculating participation and add greater transparency and accountability to the grading process. • Continue to hold community service events at each national board meeting to affirm the board’s commitment to our initiatives. • Promote a more unified service force by facilitating service initiatives that will be implemented on a national scale. Ericka Aiken National Director of Community Service Georgetown University Law Center, Class of 2013 communityservice@nblsa.org
Community Service Areas of Focus • Youth Empowerment • Human Rights Awareness • Prison Reform/Prisoner Rehabilitation • International Outreach • Environmental/Sustainability
National Community Service Initiatives A Dream Un-‐Deferred: Youth Empowerment “What happens to a dream deferred?”…NBLSA recovers it. All chapters are encouraged to participate in community service projects within the following national schemes: • Knowledge is Power Series: Chapters are encouraged to participate in tutoring and voter awareness programs for youth in their communities. • Model Behavior Series: Chapter members are encouraged to serve as mentors to youth in their communities, particularly at-‐risk and/or disadvantaged youth. • A Healthier YOUth Series: Chapters are encouraged to host or volunteer for a health awareness event for youth in their communities. • B.A.N. (Just Say No to Bullying, Abuse & Neglect Series) Chapters are encouraged to host or volunteer for a seminar, symposium, panel, class or conference that addresses the issues of bullying, abuse and/or neglect.
Community Service Recovering the Dream of Freedom: Prison Reform & Prisoner Rehabilitation “Freeing yourself [is] one thing, claiming ownership over that freed self [is] another.” – Toni Morrison All chapters are encouraged to participate in community service projects within the following national schemes: • Innocence Project Series: Chapters are encouraged to host an innocence project event in their community that promotes awareness and/or involves fundraising. • Liberating Minds Series: Chapters are encouraged to volunteer for and/ or donate books to programs that provide books to prisoners. • No Return Series: Chapters are encouraged to educate juvenile offenders on legal issues, such as Fourth Amendment rights and diversion programs. The goal of this series is to reduce recidivism rates among juveniles in hopes that they will not return to the criminal justice system as repeat offenders. Know Your Rights: Human Rights Awareness “A right delayed is a right denied.” -‐-‐ Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. All chapters are encouraged to participate in community service projects within the following national scheme: • Born Free & Equal Series: Chapters are encouraged to educate youth and adults on their basic Human Rights; chapters can utilize the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and local human rights legislation as a teaching tool. Dream in Green! Environmental Awareness & Sustainability “If we don’t think about future generations, they will never forget us.” -‐-‐Author Unknown All chapters are encouraged to participate in community service projects within the following national schemes: • Environmental Awareness Series: Chapters are encouraged to host or participate in an environmental awareness event in their community. • Captain Planet Series: Chapters are encouraged to participate in sustainability initiatives and/or start such an initiative at their school. For example, a chapter might work to increase the number of recycling bins located on their campus. • Earth Day: Chapters are encouraged to participate in an Earth Day event on April 22, 2013.
Community Service Team Ericka Aiken National Director of Community Service communityservice@nblsa.org
Rosa Parks MABLSA Director of Community Service mablsa.service@nblsa.org
Rosanna Cochran MWBLSA Director of Community Service mwblsa.service@nblsa.org
Shanisha Smith RMBLSA Director of Community Service rmblsa.service@nblsa.org
Vacant NEBLSA Director of Community Service neblsa.service@nblsa.org
Elisha Polk SRBLSA Director of Community Service srblsa.service@nblsa.org
Nicole Bates WRBLSA Director of Community Service wrblsa.service@nblsa.org
Community Service ROOTS: Founder’s Day of Service All chapters are encouraged to participate in community service projects within the following national schemes: • Vision: In honor of the vision of our founder, all chapters should observe the day by hosting a service event on the last Saturday of October. This can be done in conjunction with the National Week of Service. The goal is for 100% participation chapter members and will promote the focus of BLSA in serving the community. • Hangin’ with Mr. Cooper: One of the community service events during the national convention will be chosen by our esteemed founder, A.J. Cooper. Volunteers will have the opportunity to serve the community with Mr. Cooper.
Dr. King had a dream...NBLSA will enhance itt.
Regional Community Service Initiatives
Mid-‐Atlantic Region
Youth Enhancement Program (YEP) This program is designed to teach high school and undergraduate students how to become professionals and to help them understand their basic constitutional rights. Chapters will work with high schools to develop mentoring relationships and will connect with pre-‐law divisions to ensure students are equipped with the necessary skills to be successful in furtherance of their education. The region will host two pre-‐law camps where undergraduate students will have the opportunity to network, refine their resumes, and receive assistance with the law school application process. The goal of YEP is to show the youth in our community that successful minority professionals exist and are willing to assist them. Additionally, we want to build lasting relationships with our pre-‐law divisions. Know Your Rights Campaign Unfortunately, so many United States citizens do not understand their basic rights. Throughout the academic year, chapters will be encouraged to distribute materials, host workshops, and speak with individuals in the community about their basic rights. In October, the entire region will host its Know Your Rights Campaign in Philadelphia.
Community Service
Regional Community Service Initiatives (continued) Midwest Region Youth Empowerment Local chapters are encouraged to organize community service projects that focus on youth in the most economically deprived areas in the state. Our aim is to collaborate as a region to empower the youth. Methods to accomplish our mission can include, but are not limited to, mentoring programs at high schools, juvenile detention centers, YMCAs, and Boys & Girls Clubs. Our goal is to provide youth with the knowledge, assistance, and resources they need to turn a dream into reality. We are determined to show our youth that hard work, faith, perseverance, and vision can lead to a successful life.
Northeast Region Youth Empowerment | Human Rights Awareness | Service With a focus on community outreach and education, NEBLSA will emphasize nationally recognized “awareness” days and months. This will make collaboration throughout the region more effective and spirited. Each semester law schools in the Northeast Region will be asked to participate in at least one regionally recognized event to ensure a strong BLSA presence in the Black community. Local chapters will also be encouraged to continue and recognize new opportunities for volunteerism within their communities. NEBLSA will continue its focus and efforts to promote youth empowerment, human rights awareness, health promotion and the importance of education. September 2012: National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month & Worldwide Day of Play October 2012: National Bullying Prevention Month & National Breast Cancer Awareness Month February 2013: National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Rocky Mountain Region International Outreach Considering the season of immigration reform, local chapters are encouraged to participate in the monthly Citizenship & Immigration Forum. Members are trained to provide assistance to Legal Permanent Residents in completing their United States Citizenship Application. This activity will allow the Rocky Mountain region to help someone reach his or her goal of becoming a U.S. Citizen. Education RMBLSA members are encouraged to collaborate with local high schools, undergraduate institutions, and mock trial mentor programs in their communities. This will foster nurturing relationships for the younger population and address mental health amongst law students, and encourage students to use their resources in order to manage their mental health. 38
Community Service Know Your Rights; Founder’s Day Service Local chapters are encouraged to help someone execute their will! The Houston Bar Association’s Elder Law Committee sponsors a FREE Will-‐A-‐Thon open to all Harris County low-‐income seniors (age 60+) who wish to have a simple will prepared. This event is held in the Third Ward area of Houston, TX, which is an area plagued with poverty and low-‐education. Attorneys help the individual seniors draft wills and the law students serve as witnesses. Recovering the Dream of Freedom Local chapters are encouraged to join a local Prison Ministry, which helps ex-‐offenders integrate back into the community. This activity will restore social and restorative justice in the local community. Local chapters are also encouraged to participate in the Innocence Project. Members will also work diligently to educate judges, lawmakers, students, and the general public on the causes and prevention of wrongful convictions. The goal of this initiative is to promote awareness of the injustices of the criminal law field and to build an understanding of the challenges in exonerating an innocent person. A Healthier YOUth Local chapters are encouraged to volunteer at SHAPE Community Center and/or other organizations aimed at empowering young adults in the areas of health and nutrition. For example, chapters can volunteer to lead or assist in nutritional and cultural enrichment classes for youth. The goal of this initiative is to increase health awareness and strengthen nutritional practices among youth.
Southern Region Youth Empowerment SRBLSA chapters will participate in Adopt-‐a-‐School and mentoring programs such as Big Brother/Big Sister and YMCA to teach youth about civic engagement and voter awareness. Members will serve as tutors and mentors to students, and inform them on the importance of having self-‐esteem, living a healthy lifestyle, and academic success. Prison Reform/Prisoner Rehabilitation SRBLSA chapters will par2cipate in community service projects geared towards prison reform/prisoner rehabilita2on such as the Innocence Project, programs that work to combat felony disenfranchisement, and juvenile educa2on programs. SRBLSA Founders Day-‐ Regional Day of Service On October 27, 2012, all SRBLSA chapters will participate in a community service project tailored to human rights awareness or environmental justice and sustainability to honor our esteemed NBSLA Founder A.J. Cooper. SRBLSA World AIDS Day Commemoration On December 1, 2012, all SRBLSA chapters will commemorate World AIDS Day through the guidance of the SRBLSA Director of Community Service which will be geared toward an international outreach. 39
Community Service
Regional Community Service Initiatives (continued)
SRBLSA MLK Day of Service On January 21, 2013, SRBLSA chapters will honor MLK’s vision by participating in community service projects with local community service organizations.
Western Region Unlocking the Keys to Success: Empowering Youth Through Increased College Access WRBLSA is encouraging chapters to focus on reaching out to high school students of color interested in attending law school because minority students need to see higher education as an attainable goal. Local chapters can host programs that provide a candid look into what the application and funding process entails. This can be achieved through panel discussions featuring admissions and financial aid officers from universities in the community, as well as personal statement workshops conducted by BLSA members. The goal is to encourage youth to reach for higher education. Recovering the Dream of Freedom: Prison Reform & Prisoner Rehabilitation WRBLSA is encouraging chapters to focus on educating juvenile offenders on their First and Fourth Amendment rights in an effort to reduce recidivism rates. Chapters can collaborate with existing diversion programs in the community. Chapters can also volunteer to give Street Law presentations so that juveniles can learn about their rights in an interactive and fun way.
Community Service
Scoring Rubric 50 pts SOCIOPOLITICAL AWARENESS -‐ National Attorney General Activities (25 pts) -‐ CBC Weekend (5 pts) -‐ Hill and Government Day (5 pts) -‐ Other Activities (15 pts) -‐ Chapter/Regional Sponsored Social Action Activities (25 pts)
The following participation criteria for overall Sociopolitical Awareness MUST be met: Large Chapters: at least 3 Activities Medium Chapters: at least 2 Activities Small Chapters: at least 1 Activity * As an alternative to the National AG events, chapters may also earn points in this area if they have events in their communities that are closely tailored to the events that the AG has organized. Chapters must submit proposals for such events to the community service director in advance of planning and obtain pre-‐approval for such events.
50 pts COMMUNITY SERVICE -‐ National Community Service Initiatives (25 pts) -‐ Youth Empowerment (5 pts) -‐ Prison Reform & Prisoner Rehabilitation (5 pts) -‐ Human Rights Awareness (5 pts) -‐ Environmental Awareness & Sustainability (3 pts) -‐ MLK Day of Service (2 pts) -‐ Founder’s Day of Service ( 3 pts) -‐ National Convention (2 pts) -‐ Regional Community Service Activities (25 pts) Chapters will earn a maximum of 25 points for participating in regional community service events. The following participation criteria for overall Community Service MUST be met: Large Chapters: at least 9 activities Medium Chapters: at least 6 activities Small Chapters: at least 3 activities
*As an alternative to the National Community Service Initiatives, chapters may also earn points in this area if they have events in their communities that are closely tailored to the National Initiatives. Chapters must submit proposals for such events to the community service director in advance of planning and obtain pre-‐approval for such events.
40 pts PRE-‐LAW DIVISION -‐ Pre-‐law Programming Large Chapters: at least 3 Activities Medium Chapters: at least 2 Activities Small Chapters: at least 1 Activity
Chapter of the Year Please find included in this guide the Chapter of the Year (COY) Scoring Formula and Rubric. Every region will use this national rubric and application and each chapter will be graded on a numeric scale and can receive up to a total of 265 points to obtain a raw score. This raw score will be your final score. It is critical that chapters submit a master sign in sheet with the names of all members in their chapter and the ev e n t s t h a t t h ey a t t e n d e d t o determine the participation score. Participation is worth 30 points. There are three parts to the process of becoming Chapter of the Year: 1. The Application 2. The Scrapbook and Event Documentation 3. The Interview This year three Chapter of the Year Awards will be disseminated. Chapters will be categorized as “Large,” “Medium,” or “Small” based on their membership. (Large = 40+ Members; Medium = 20-‐40 members; Small = Less than 20 members) A chapter in each category will receive a Chapter of the Year award, so your chapter will only be competing against chapters of comparable size. Please read the COY Scoring Rubric carefully and in its entirety prior to the start of the academic school year. Each part contains vital information. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ericka Aiken, National Director of Community Service at communityservice@nblsa.org.
Community Service
Scoring Rubric (continued) 40 pts EDUCATION AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT -‐ Academic Programming (10 pts) -‐ 1L Support (10 pts) -‐ Professional Career Events (10 pts) -‐ BLSA Membership Recruitment (10 pts) * Membership Recruitment will be based on number/percentage of new members. Large chapters: at least 3 activities Medium chapters: at least 2 activities Small chapters: at least 1 activity 12 pts REGIONAL PROGRAMMING -‐ Job Fair Participation (3 pts) -‐ Academic Retreat Participation (3 pts) -‐ Competition Participation (3 pts) -‐ Regional and Intraregional Participation (committees, sponsorship, etc) (3 pts) 12 pts INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS -‐ NBLSA C.A.R.E.S International Service Trips (1 pt) * Chapters get credit for their members submitting applications. -‐ World AIDS Day (5) -‐ International Law Weekend (1 pt) -‐ Book Drive (5 pts) 11 pts INTERVIEW 15 pts EVENT DOCUMENTATION & PRESENTATION -‐ Event Documentation: maintained accurate records (including attendance) (5 pts) -‐ Presentation: Scrapbook (10 pts) 05 pts SOCIAL EVENTS -‐ Internal Relationship Development (parties, socials, mixers, dinners) 30 Points: Participation
Pre-‐Law Division
Pre-‐Law Division Pre-‐Law National Moot Court Competition The Pre-‐Law Division (PLD) is excited to celebrate the second year of the PLD National Moot Court Competition. This competition will introduce Pre-‐Law Division members to the oral advocacy that is required for law students, the critical thinking that is required in law school classes and the communities that have problems awaiting them after law school. Information about this program will be provided through the National Pre-‐Law Division website. Pre-‐Law Division at the National and Regional Conventions The Pre-‐Law Division will seek to enhance the dream at the National Conference in Atlanta, GA through workshops that focus on LSAT preparation, the process of applying to law school, and the life of law school students. There will also be similar activities at each of the regional conferences in a continuous effort to better serve our PLD members. Pre-‐Law Division Law Day Law Day is implemented by local chapters for current and prospective PLD members. Local chapters are encouraged to design programs exposing participants to the law school admissions process, financing a legal education and mock 1L classes.
Stanley Settle II National Director of the Pre-‐ Law Division Southern University School of Law, Class of 2013 prelaw@nblsa.org
Pre-‐Law Mentoring NBLSA members have traditionally served as mentors to Pre-‐Law members, and this year, we ask you to help us continue this strong tradition of mentorship by encouraging your members to volunteer to become PLD mentors. By serving as mentors, NBLSA members will build relationships with PLD members who hold similar interests. Moreover, they will serve as a guide to mentees as they navigate the law school application process. Please encourage the members of your local chapter to become mentors. Mentor applications are available at www.nblsa.org/prelawdivision/.
Pre-‐Law Division Pre-‐Law Division Chapter of the Year/ Member of the Month The Pre-‐Law Division Chapter of the Year competition and Member of the Month Program provide an opportunity to recognize the achievements and contributions of PLD chapters and members. We will select six Pre-‐Law members as Members of the Month throughout the year. The PLD Member of the Month will be selected based on an essay of no more than 500 words describing how the nominee has contributed to his or her community. These essays will be submitted to the corresponding regional PLD director. The Pre-‐Law Division will also recognize the chapter that has made a difference in its community and has improved the quality of its undergraduate institution. This chapter will be recognized at the 2013 National Convention in Atlanta, GA. Nelson Mandela Scholarship The Nelson Mandela Scholarship is awarded exclusively to PLD members. Scholarships will be awarded at the National Convention in Atlanta, GA.
Pre-‐Law Division Team Stanley Settle II National Director of the Pre-‐Law Division prelaw@nblsa.org
Antrell Tyson MABLSA Director of Pre-‐Law Division mablsa.prelaw@nblsa.org
Shakiva Wade MWBLSA Director of Pre-‐Law Division mwblsa.prelaw@nblsa.org
Asia-‐Sierra Millete NEBLSA Director of Pre-‐Law Division neblsa.prelaw@nblsa.org
Vacant RMBLSA Director of Pre-‐Law Division rmblsa.prelaw@nblsa.org
Erika Robinson SRBLSA Director of Pre-‐Law Division srblsa.prelaw@nblsa.org
Alisha Trotter WRBLSA Director of Pre-‐Law Division wrblsa.prelaw@nblsa.org
International Relations
International Relations Over the years, NBLSA has developed strong roots both within the United States and beyond. It is our goal as an organization to increase our global reach and to continue expanding our relationships with legal organizations all over the world. International Law Association Membership All NBLSA members interested in learning more about the legal aspects of international relations and global affairs are encouraged to become student associates of the American Branch of the International Law Association. Membership is completely free! Additional details can be found at http:// www.ila-‐americanbranch.org/Membership_Student.htm.
Diepiriye A. Anga National Director of International Relations The University of Pennsylvania Law School, Class of 2014 international@nblsa.org
International Relations Team Diepiriye Anga National Director of International Relations international@nblsa.org
Layi Ali-‐Ajibode International Relations Committee University of Virginia School of Law
Shawn Greene International Relations Committee Loyola University Chicago School of Law
International Book Drive NBLSA is proud to partner with the International Book Project. In 2011, NBLSA members donated well over 1000 books and close to $1000 towards the creation of a library in Rwanda. This year, in an effort to promote literacy around the globe, NBLSA will be donating books and raising funds toward the creation of a library in another developing country. All BLSA chapters are expected to organize a children’s book drive, fundraiser, or both between October 1, 2012 and November 5, 2012. 100% of the donations will be shipped to the International Book Project. International Law Weekend Each October, the American Branch of the International Law Association presents International Law Weekend (ILW) in New York City. This two-‐and-‐a-‐ half day conference features over 30 panels, and is participated in by many of the world’s leading international lawyers and diplomats. Additionally, in the past, gala receptions have been hosted by the Finnish, Belgian, and British missions to the United Nations. Recent ILWs have attracted an audience of 800-‐1,000 students, academics, diplomats, and practitioners. Registration for the ILW is free of charge for the Branch's student associates. We encourage NBLSA members to attend! More details about the weekend will be made available closer to the date. World AIDS Day December 1st is the globally designated day to bring awareness to the HIV/ AIDS epidemic that plagues the world. Each local chapter is encouraged to organize and implement a program on this day to bring awareness to the global HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Nicole Julius International Relations Committee Loyola University Chicago School of Law
2012-2013 International Service Trips
Contributing through Advocacy, Resources, Education and Service Program
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Traversing Borders and Transforming Lives: Encouraging Sustainability from all Angles!â&#x20AC;? 46
International Relations 2013 Haiti Trip Opportunity
The Zafen Project, based in Haiti, is an initiative dedicated to transforming the Haitian economy by creating jobs, expanding already existing small businesses, and empowering citizens by educating them on the economic benefits and legal aspects of entrepreneurship. In January 2013, ten (10) NBLSA student members from all over the country will travel to Haiti where they will assist the directors of the Zafen Project with various legal microfinance and legal projects. Participants will familiarize themselves with the Haitian legal system, and its application to economic development. More details about the trip and the application to participate will be released in the fall of 2012.
2013 Nigeria Service Trip Opportunity The Women Trafficking and Child Labor Eradication Foundation (WOTCLEF) is a non-‐governmental organization located in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria. The organization is committed to addressing the issues of human trafficking, illegal child labor, women’s rights, and HIV/ AIDS in Nigeria. In January 2013, ten (10) NBLSA student members from all over the country will travel to Abuja, Nigeria to volunteer at the WOTCLEF office. Students will assist with rescue, rehabilitation, and reintegration efforts of trafficked persons. Additionally, they will help raise awareness of issues such as illegal child labor, women’s rights, and the HIV/AIDS epidemic through presentations and other already established WOTCLEF services. Finally, participants will have the opportunity to learn about the legal aspects of human trafficking. More details about the trip and the application to participate will be released in the fall of 2012.
Attorney General
Attorney General Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference (CBC-‐ALC) The Annual Legislative Conference (ALC) sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation enables NBLSA members to empower communities by participating in panels and discussions about issues concerning minorities. The ALC also provides the opportunity to network with individuals in the legal and political communities.
Yvesner Zamar National Attorney General University of the District of Columbia, David A. Clarke School of Law, Class of 2013 ag@nblsa.org
“”Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones weʼve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” -- Barack Obamat
The goal of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) is to “promote the public welfare through legislation designed to meet the needs of millions of neglected citizens.” Currently 43 members strong, the CBC holds an Annual Legislative Conference (ALC) which attracts over 12,000 business, industry, and community leaders to address social justice issues and solutions for those problems. The theme of this year’s ALC is “Inspiring Leaders | Building Generations.” NBLSA will be conducting numerous events in support of the ALC theme throughout the weekend including the Ninth Annual NBLSA CBC Reception. NBLSA’s theme for the year is “Enhancing The Dream.” In order to fulfill our credo, our programming will continue building upon the advances that have been made in education and equal justice over the years with the support of our sponsors, alumni and current law students. This year’s events will include: • A symposium with community leaders, government officials and legal advocates on Stand Your Ground laws, discussing the disparaging effect and disparate impact in communities across the country. • A Paving the Pathway forum with congressional staffers, college administrators, community leaders and key stakeholders discussing the preservation of College Affordability & Access. • The Charles Hamilton Houston (CHH) Leadership Development Retreat • The Ninth Annual NBLSA CBC Reception • Congressional Kids Day on the Hill • Networking Reception hosted in conjunction with the Council on Legal Education Opportunity (CLEO)
Attorney General JUDICIAL ADVOCACY NBLSA‘s judicial advocacy team gives members the opportunity to use their legal research and writing skills to make changes in the community. In an effort to demonstrate our commitment to change, NBLSA has implemented an Amicus Brief and White Paper writing program. As part of the programs, members will write amicus briefs, public comments for draft legislation, and white papers in furtherance of NBLSA’s advocacy initiatives. Amicus Brief Program The Amicus Brief Program is a competitive opportunity that enables NBLSA students to empower communities by drafting and submitting amicus curiae briefs supporting judicial decisions affecting minorities, especially the Black community. Participation in this program allows students the opportunity to research current appellate cases and assist in the preparation of briefs that advocate for reforms consistent with NBLSA's initiatives. White Paper Program NBLSA will continue its participation in government regulatory advocacy through the White Paper Program. White papers are used to educate and advise on policies or legislation. The first issue NBLSA will be addressing will be revisions to Stand Your Ground laws in continuance of our efforts in seeking #JusticeForTrayvon and similarly-‐situated people. NBLSA will also attempt to address other issues as they arise. If you would like to assist the White Paper Program, contact ag@nblsa.org. Public Comments Public Comments are also used to ask important questions and send comments to agencies that are drafting regulations. Each agency must be responsive to these comments and use this information to draft a comprehensive regulation. NBLSA will be drafting public comments on behalf of the organization for questions important to our communities and constituency.
Advocacy Team Yvesner Zamar National Attorney General ag@nblsa.org
Shelton Marshall National Directors of Social Action socialaction@nblsa.org
Vacant National Elections Specialist vote@nblsa.org
Jonathan Evans National Judicial Advocacy Specialist judicial@nblsa.org
Sydney Snow National Legislative Advocacy Specialist legislative@nblsa.org
Tony Mitchell, Jr. Congressional Liaison congresssionalliaison@nblsa.org
Cameron Williams MABLSA Attorney General mablsa.ag@nblsa.org
Candace Moore
“Until the great mass of the people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each other’s welfare, social justice can never be attained.” -‐-‐ Helen Keller
Erick Harris
MWBLSA Attorney General mwblsa.ag@nblsa.org
RMBLSA Attorney General Rmblsa.ag@nblsa.org
Rebecca Gregory Dorian Woolaston SRBLSA Attorney General srblsa.ag@nblsa.org
NEBLSA Attorney General neblsa.ag@nblsa.org
Attorney General National Hill and Government Day NBLSA coordinates a National Hill and Government Day each year where law students from across the country come to Washington, D.C. to advocate for a national initiative with members of Congress and their staff. This year, NBLSA members have the opportunity to get training on legislative advocacy in order to prepare them to meet and network with Capitol Hill staffers to advocate on reforms in higher education. National Hill and Government Day will take place in the Spring of 2013. Preparing for Legislative Outreach One of our goals is to educate our membership before we do outreach throughout the year. The following are programs to aid in this effort: Introductory Advocacy Workshops at Academic Retreats NBLSA will take the opportunity to host short workshops educating our members on the advocacy initiatives for the upcoming year. In addition to educating members on the issues, they will also be informed on various ways that they can be the change they would like to see in the their communities. Finding our Community Voice After training from the National Advocacy Team, we are asking our local BLSA chapters to go into their communities and conduct lobbying workshops with at least one local community organization. Community organizations can include civic clubs, churches, agencies, etc. Each chapter will identify a focus area, present the lobbying information/legislation 101 packets that will be distributed to each BLSA Chapter and help the organization in the drafting, sponsorship and filing of one bill during their state’s spring legislative season. These chapters will be acknowledged at National Hill and Government Day and on our national website. Each program must be approved by the National Advocacy Team prior to commencement .
“We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
Attorney General Five Point Plan The new five year plan has five issues (Education, Elections & Voting, Criminal Justice, Environmental Justice, and Rapid Response) which the organization is dedicated to advocating over the next five years. The new structure gives the organization time to build a brand within a certain issue area and allows us to truly build a worthwhile partnership with other organizations. Furthermore, it takes time to educate and train the membership on issues. College Access & Affordability (Education) Americans, especially minorities, are currently facing daunting financial hardships with no end in sight. Young people are enrolling in school in an era where the cost of education is rising while the federal grant programs are shrinking. In order to pursue higher education, one is forced to take out student loans to cover for the reduced government funding. As a result, minorities are now dealing with an immense amount of student debt with no means of repaying them due to the rising unemployment rates. The Nation’s total outstanding student loan debt surpassed the total credit card debt in 2010, and is on track to exceed one trillion dollars during 2012. NBLSA will use this year to research various issues that plague accessibility and affordability to higher education in an effort to prepare NBLSA’s recommendations to Congress amidst the upcoming reauthorization of the Higher Education Act in 2013.
Election Protection & Voter Awareness In 2012, the next President and Congressional members will be selected to lead our country. In the midst of various controversial issues that loom affecting the minorities in this country, it is as important as ever to be actively involved in this upcoming election. NBLSA will engage in various activities to raise awareness amongst the membership of the organization and possible voters at large. NBLSA is an active member of the Democracy Restoration Act Coalition in a measure to assure that those that have paid their debt to society have all their rights restored. In addition to raising awareness about the issues impacted by this election, NBLSA will be active on Election Day in conjunction with the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights to ensure that our the rights of voter’s are not infringed upon.
Envrionmental Justice Over the past year, NBLSA has been part of a concerted effort to eliminate health and socioeconomic risks to achieve better living conditions across the country, especially in minority communities which are disparately impacted. With at least 1.8 million African Americans being affected by hazardous waste facilities, negligence of clean air and water policies and exposure to toxins, we will focus our efforts in supporting other national organizations and agencies in eliminating this disparate impact.
Criminal Justice Theodore Shaw said, "Our nation's criminal justice policies are characterized by judicially sanctioned discrimination, arbitrary punishments and the perpetual ostracization of ex-‐offenders—civil death." NBLSA is tasked with ensuring that less people face this civil death. Minorities, especially African-‐Americans, have a higher likelihood of going to jail and facing an array of subsequent disparate effects. In order to combat the inequities in the system, NBLSA is actively involved with a coalition to restore the rights of those that have paid their debt to society, works to insure those that are wrongfully convicted receive true justice, and constantly advocates for changes in the decisions or law that would lead closer to equality. NBLSA is an active member of the Democracy Restoration Act Coalition in a measure to assure that those that have paid their debt to society have all their rights restored. In addition to raising awareness about the issues impacted by this election, NBLSA will be active on Election Day in conjunction with the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights to ensure that our the rights of voter’s are not infringed upon.
Attorney General Five Point Plan contin. Rapid Response As issues are always arising around the country that impact NBLSA and its constituents, it is necessary to plan to address these pressing matters. In order to make sure that those issues are addressed even if they are not within one of our advocacy initiatives is to have rapid response. NBLSA constantly keeps abreast of these issues affecting the minority community and will aggressively tailor a plan of action to immediately address this issues as they arise throughout the course of the year. Please contact the Attorney General at ag@nblsa.org if you would like to be involved in this year’s initiative or for further information.
Voter Awareness & Election Protection Programming NBLSA supports overall increases in voter participation, as it is one of the most instrumental means to expressing your right to be able to advocate. This year we will be working with The Young Professional Voter. We will conduct voting rallies and educational forums about topics such as redistricting and becoming an absentee voter to increase our voice as we quickly approach this election season. NBLSA is partnering with the Lawyers’ Committee, Hip Hop Caucus, and other organizations focused on election protection to ensure that disenfranchised people retain their right to vote.
A web based forum about the Young Professional Voter will be available for all chapters to participate in discussions. Each chapter can participate and engage in discussions about • Why You Should Vote • Volunteering as Poll Workers • Candidates for Local Elections
Voter Registration NBLSA will not be registering voters this election year as a result of the ever-‐changing third party voter registration laws. Nevertheless, NBLSA will be collaborating with organizations that focus on voter registration initiatives to increase participation in absentee voting and voter registration rallies. This will require participation from local chapters to assist in educating their communities about voter initiatives.
If your local chapter plans to invite a candidate to speak, please contact the Elections Specialist at vote@nblsa.org for further information.
Future Vote Program This program will help to increase Voter Participation by offering education as well as rallies and programming in the following areas:
The Young Professional Voter Local BLSA Chapters will have the opportunity to partner with Community Service Organizations to host events about bringing awareness to the importance of young voters. 52
Social Action
Social Action CBC | 2012 Campaign Launch for Social Media in #ACTION In efforts to merge the grassroots and social media (i.e. twitter, facebook, blogs), we are launching a series of media campaigns targeted at bringing national awareness to NBLSA’s grassroots initiatives in the areas of Access to Healthcare, Educational Opportunities, and Voter Protection. Access to Healthcare Documentary The Social Action team will collaborate with current NBLSA members and affiliated organizations to create a documentary-‐style presentation on how access to healthcare is imperative, especially for those with pre-‐existing or chronic health conditions. Shelton Marshall National Director of Social Action Florida A&M University College of Law, Class of 2013 socialaction@nblsa.org
Voter Protection NBLSA is dedicated to ensure individuals’ rights are not infringed upon. This year‘s focus will be the disenfranchisement of convicted felons and injustice bias in the justice system. During the month of October, chapters commit to (1) service on Election Day as a volunteer poll worker or poll monitor and (2) one or more of the following ongoing voter protection efforts: voter disenfranchisement awareness/assisting convicted felons in a manner that will help them retain their right to vote, or forums on inequality in the justice system. Affordable Care Act NBLSA believes all students, and Americans generally, deserve equal access to high quality, comprehensive, and affordable healthcare. The recent decision by the Supreme Court of the Unites States to uphold the Affordable Care Act has given us many privileges that we were once not afforded. It is our goal to bring awareness to how this historic decision has impacted society by having townhalls and forums to discuss its effects. Best Practice Manual The best practice manual encompasses innovative ideas/programs that local chapters may implement throughout the course of the year.
Social Action
Social Action Awards
Oliver Hill Social Action Award The Oliver Hill Social Action Award is for those individuals who are active in the community, advocating on behalf of social justice initiatives. Oliver White Hill, Sr. was a civil rights attorney from Richmond, VA. In 1940, Hill won his first civil rights case in Virginia, and in 1943, he joined the U.S. Army and served in the European Theatre of World War II. Five years later, he was the first African American elected to the Richmond City Council since Reconstruction. Those who continuously promote equality and justice for all mankind should apply. In addition, the award will recognize an individual who has used creativity and hard work to successfully implement NBLSA's national initiatives. Requirements 1. BLSA member in good standing. 2. Must have participated in at least five of the following efforts: • Promoted discussion through local programming designed to Strengthen Equal Opportunities in Education by working with organizations such as the Council on Legal Education Opportunity (CLEO) to advance minority representation in the legal arena. Each program should be pre-‐approved by a Regional Director of Social Action or an Advocacy Team member. • Submission of ideas of ways to advocate at a local or regional level for the NBLSA Best Practices Manual (must be in final format). • Attend one of the following: National Hill and Government Day, Regional Lobby Day or Regional Conference, or a National Social Action event. • Promoted Election Protection or Participation with local chapter or through the Respect my Vote! Coalition or Voter ID Coalition or other pre-‐approved coalitions (please notify a Regional Director of Social Action before beginning work). • Promoted Access to Healthcare by participating in social action programming including NBLSA’s Dying to Live Campaign, Regional BLSA social action Healthcare Awareness programming or creating other pre-‐approved events through local grassroots organizations.
Social Action Oliver Hill Social Action Award (continued) 3. Applicant must explain how his/her actions have influenced their local community, in 550 words or less. The applicant should describe events that have occurred throughout the year. 4. Applications must be received electronically or postmarked by February 15, 2013 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Applications received after deadline will not be considered. 5. Award recipient must be present at the National Convention. The Johnnie L. Cochran Social Consciousness Award The Johnnie Cochran Social Consciousness Award recognizes social ac2on at the chapter level. Johnnie L. Cochran dedicated his life to prac2cing law, aHer being inspired by Thurgood Marshall and his victory in Brown v. Board of Educa/on. Cochran felt his career gave him an opportunity to fight for equal protec2on as he challenged inequality. When Cochran died in 2005, family and friends proclaimed they "were most proud of the work he did on behalf of those in the community.” He "was willing to fight for the underdog,” and was oHen referred to as “the people's lawyer." In fact, many described him as the Thurgood Marshall of his era. Each year NBLSA chooses a chapter who illustrates the initiatives and programming that best represents Mr. Cochran’s life work. To receive The Johnnie Cochran Social Consciousness Award the following criteria must be met: Requirements 1. BLSA chapter in good standing. 2. Must have participated in the following Social Action programs: • NBLSA’s Social Action Town Hall (CBC weekend) or National Hill and Government Day 2013 (chapters 120 miles away or less must have at least 5 members present to qualify and chapters more than 120 miles away must have at least 2 members present, extenuating chapter circumstances will be considered). • Participation at a regional social action event including summits and forums and/or Regional Hill and Government Day (chapters 120 miles away or less must have at least 4 members present to qualify and chapters more than 120 miles away must have at least 2 members present, extenuating chapter circumstances will be considered). • Election Protection or Participation Programming through the Respect my Vote! Coalition or Voter ID Coalition or other pre-‐approved coalitions (please notify regional social action chair before starting work). • Access to Healthcare involvement through attending and actively participating in social action programming including regional social action healthcare programming or creating other pre-‐ approved events through local grassroots organizations. This can include creating pre-‐approved chapter program or having at least two persons per chapter on the NBLSA Advocacy Team webinars and discussing local impact when appropriate. • Voter Participation Programming created by the Regional Advocacy Team and Elections Specialist (specifically a program geared towards combating the disenfranchisement of convicted felons or the Young Professional Voter). • Minimum of 60 hours of community service (hours must be verified by a Regional Director of Social Action and/or Attorney General and documentation may be necessary to verify hours).
Social Action Promote or rally in local community for a social justice initiative with pre-‐approval of the Regional social action chair and/or attorney general. (e.g. D.R.E.A.M. Act) This can include a local chapter rally for increased voter participation, local town hall meeting to discuss efforts to increase access to education, promote awareness of how the Affordable Care Act affects the local community to name a few. 3. Chapters must explain how their social conscious initiatives impacted their local community, in 600 words or less (quality pictures are highly encouraged in email format). 4. Applications must be received electronically or postmarked by February 15, 2013 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Applications received after deadline will not be considered. 5. Award recipient must be present at the National Convention. •
Special Note: A chapter applicant and an individual applicant must separately meet the respective requirements for the two awards. Please support all applications with pictures and proof of participation. The Regional Social Action Chair, if possible to avoid potential conflicts, should approve each program. However, a regional advocacy team member must approve the information. If a program is not approved properly, it will not count towards the awards. Please send the Regional Social Action Chair a description of three to five sentences at least five days before the program for confirmation. If you have any questions please contact the National Director of Social Action for more details. Contact Mr. Shelton Marshall at socialaction@nblsa.org if you need further information. Regional Social Action and Grassroots Work The regional social action team determines the grassroots framework and develops the initiatives. Events include regional town hall meetings, collaborating with non-‐profit organizations and community organizers, rallies, and education on national initiatives, amongst others. Your regional social action chairs are here to assist your chapter in community building. The regions will primarily focus on Engaging Social Media to bring awareness to the areas of Access to Healthcare (i.e. the Affordable Care Act), Voter Protection, and Strengthening Educational Opportunities for minorities in the legal arena. As they work to assist the National Director of Social Action, they are your first point of contact in grassroots work and for the 2012-‐2013 Social Action Awards. Please contact your regional social action chair about implementing community-‐based work at your local chapters.
Social Action Team Shelton Marshall National Director of Social Action socialaction@nblsa.org
Latosha Ellis MABLSA Director of Social Action mablsa.socialaction@nblsa.org
Candace Moore MWBLSA Director of Social Action mwblsa.ag@nblsa.org
Alicia Tambe NEBLSA Director of Social Action neblsa.socialaction@nblsa.org
Jared Gaither RMBLSA Director of Social Action rmblsa.socialaction@nblsa.org
Lauren McAlpin SRBLSA Director of Social Action srblsa.socialaction@nblsa.org
Lauren Collins WRBLSA Director of Social Action wrblsa.socialaction@nblsa.org
NBLSA Parliamentary Procedure
Plenary Rules Maintenance of Quorum Quorum must be maintained at all times in order to carry on the business of the session. Accordingly, once plenary begins, each delegate will be required to sign in and out of the session, so that a proper accounting of quorum may be maintained. Proxy Rules A chapter who wishes to proxy all or some of its votes must (1) be in good standing (2) transfer their proxy to a chapter in good standing (3) complete the required proxy form and obtain the National Director of Membership’s signature (4) the completed form should be presented to the National Recording Secretary for tender. All proxies must be completed by the end of the morning session of plenary. Once proxied, the vote is relinquished for the remainder of the plenary session specified. Recognition of Speakers A member may not speak unless recognized by the speaker. If a member speaks out of turn, they will lose their turn at the microphone. Once recognized the member must introduce themselves for the record. (Example: Charles Hamilton Houston, Howard University.)
Nicole Morgan National Parliamentarian Louisiana State University, Class of 2013 parliamentarian@nblsa.org
In order to remedy the “rush to the microphone,” NBLSA will employ both precedent (number of times a speaker has spoken) and order in which a speaker is recognized. This system facilitates both fairness and a free exchange of different ideas and opinions in the legislative process. Decorum During plenary, certain issues may be controversial. However, in order to conduct the business of NBLSA, we must always remember to maintain decorum. Each member shall speak with respect and civility when addressing the body. A member will be asked to leave plenary for the remainder of the day if they are disruptive to the plenary session. Debate Rules Debate will be conducted by alternating Pro/Con statements at the respective microphones. In the interest of time and fairness, debate time will be limited to 10 minutes. Requests to extend debate time shall be made through unanimous consent motions. It is important that the process of dealing with the issues the body wants to entertain happens, but it is just as important that this process not become too timely with respect to the overall conduct of the sessions. As such members should consider what is to be said, reflect if the comment is necessary (i.e. has someone already said it, will this further the goals of plenary), and then make a decision whether or not to speak. 57
NBLSA Parliamentary Procedure Vote Votes will be caste by show of hands of the delegates present. All votes will be approved according to the Constitution and Bylaws. Constitutional amendments require a 2/3 vote and Bylaws require a simple majority vote. If an amendment is presented as a Constitutional amendment yet fails to achieve the 2/3 vote required, but does achieve a simple majority, the amendment does not pass. Roll Call Vote In the event that a motion is too close to recognize, a formal roll call vote may be required. The Recording Secretary will use the current sign-‐in sheets to solicit the vote of each chapter. An immediate tally will be calculated and the decision announced thereafter. Questions and Concerns Questions, comments, and concerns shall be directed to the information desk. If a member desires to file a grievance that will also go to the information desk. All grievances will be handled by the grievance committee, headed by the Vice Chair.
Parliamentarians Nicole Morgan National Parliamentarian parliamentarian@nblsa.org
Aaron Gober-‐Sims MABLSA Parliamentarian mablsa.parliamentarian@nblsa.org
Alison Weitzer MWBLSA Parliamentarian mwblsa.parliamentarian@nblsa.org
Catherine Nampewo NEBLSA Parliamentarian neblsa.parliamentarian@nblsa.org
Megan Sheffield RMBLSA Parliamentarian rmblsa.parliamentarian@nblsa.org
Pavielle Bookman SRBLSA Parliamentarian srblsa.parliamentarian@nblsa.org
Irene Williams WRBLSA Parliamentarian wrblsa.parliamentarian@nblsa.org
NBLSA Chapter Documents
Chapter Constitution & Bylaws A Constitution and Bylaws provides the direction, leadership and cohesiveness to achieve chapter goals. All chapters must have a current, electronic version of their Constitution and Bylaws on file with NBLSA, as well as copies of the Affiliation Agreement signed by chapter leadership. Below is a listing of the required elements: • NBLSA’s Statement of Purpose • Non-‐Discrimination Membership Statement • Explanation of National and Local Dues Structure • Officer and Committee Descriptions • Officer Elections and Terms NBLSA National and Regional Parliamentarians are available to help Chapters draft or improve their governing documents. Chapter Affiliation Agreement The NBLSA chapter affiliation process is straightforward. To be affiliated with NBLSA, a new Chapter must submit to the NBLSA National Director of Membership: • A completed and signed charter application. • A copy of the Chapter’s proposed governing documents (e.g., Constitution & Bylaws). • A roster of the chapter’s charter members. • A completed and signed chapter affiliation agreement. Chapter affiliation will be approved by the NBLSA Executive Board. Local Leadership Whether you are beginning to structure your chapter or looking to revitalize your chapter, a strong and cohesive leadership structure ensures your chapter meets its goals. NBLSA recommends at a minimum, the following three positions: President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Due to chapter size, chapters have the discretion to determine if the same person can hold these offices.
NBLSA Financial Overview
Financial Overview The National Black Law Students Association (NBLSA) is a 501(c)(3), non-‐ profit organization, and is exempt from federal income tax. The 501(c)(3) designation is specifically reserved for organizations operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary, or educational purposes. For tax purposes, chapters are legally distinct from NBLSA. NBLSA does not manage chapter bank accounts, direct chapter fundraising efforts, approve chapter budgets or expenditures, or otherwise financially govern chapters. Moreover, while each chapter agrees to operate in accordance with NBLSA’s Constitution and Bylaws, policies, and purpose, NBLSA does not determine the specific programs chapters undertake.
Eleanor Curry National Treasurer South Texas College of Law, Class of 2013 treasurer@nblsa.org
This section is not intended to be financial, tax, or legal advice and should not be construed as such. Please consult with a tax preparer, attorney, or your university to determine the best course of action for your chapter.
Because chapters are separate legal entities, chapters do not fall within NBLSA’s 501(c)(3) designation. Each chapter is responsible for its own finances and federal and/or state reporting obligations. Although chapters may still independently qualify for federal tax exemption, they are responsible for seeking it. In addition, just as NBLSA meets the IRS federal tax filing requirements for NBLSA (both National and each of the six Regions), chapters must meet the requirements by (1) filing tax returns on their own, (2) filing their returns under their law school, or (3) filing their returns under their university. The Relationship between NBLSA National, Regions, and Chapters Chapters are separate legal entities from NBLSA, but are affiliated with NBLSA. If they choose, chapters must independently qualify for federal tax-‐ exempt status. Chapters may not under any circumstances use NBLSA’s federal tax identification number. National and each of the six (6) Regions comprise NBLSA, a 501(c)(3) non-‐profit organization. The NBLSA Executive Board oversees and manages the fundraising, bank accounts, contracts, and governance.
NBLSA Financial Overview Federal Tax Status – A Primer In order to qualify as a tax exempt organization (i.e., exempt from Federal taxation under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(a)), an organization must generally be a type of organization described in IRC Section 501(c). Organizations that meet the requirements of IRC Section 501(a) are generally exempt from federal income taxation. In addition, charitable contributions made to some section 501(a) organizations by individuals and corporations are deductible as charitable contributions under IRC Section 170. Because chapters must operate in accordance with NBLSA’s purpose, chapters will likely qualify for exemption as a charitable organization 501(c)(3).
In order to support its entitlement to this exemption, every organization should have a written Constitution, Bylaws, and/or Article of Association, which would typically include the following basic information: 1. The name and purpose of the chapter; 2. A description of the chapter’s activities in terms that indicate its tax-‐exempt character; 3. A description of the chapter’s membership (e.g., how does someone become a member?); 4. A list of officers and a description of how officers are chosen; 5. An indication of how and for what purposes the chapter disburses its funds; 6. A dissolution provision stating that if the chapter dissolves, its assets will be distributed to NBLSA or to some other designated tax-‐exempt organization.
501(c)(3) Restrictions: An absolute requirement for federal tax exemption under IRC Section 501(c) (3) is that none of the chapter’s net income or profits can be of use to the benefit of private interests. Further, an organization exempt from taxation under IRC Section 501(c)(3) is limited in its ability to attempt to influence legislation and is prohibited from intervening in a political campaign for or against any candidate for public office. Obtaining Federal Tax Exempt Status The benefits of 501(c)(3) status include exemption from federal income tax and eligibility to receive tax-‐deductible charitable contributions. To qualify for these benefits chapters must file an application with and be recognized as exempt under IRC Section 501(c)(3) by the IRS if the contribution will be accepted in the name of the organization.
Financial Team Eleanor Curry National Treasurer treasurer@nblsa.org
LaBrae McMillan National Financial Secretary financial@nblsa.org
Simone DeLerme MABLSA Treasurer mablsa.treasurer@nblsa.org
Ogochukwu Anokwute MWBLSA Treasurer mwblsa.treasurer@nblsa.org
Clais Daniels-‐Edwards NEBLSA Treasurer neblsa.treasurer@nblsa.org
Idris Akinpelu RMBLSA Treasurer rmblsa.treasurer@nblsa.org
Laura Smittick-‐James SRBLSA Treasurer srblsa.treasurer@nblsa.org
Adrienne Holland WRBLSA Treasurer wrblsa.treasurer@nblsa.org
Chapters who wish to achieve exemption under 501(c)(3) with Gross Receipts of Less than $5,000 Per Year Chapters that normally gross receipts of less than $5,000 per year (see gross receipts test below) and which are organized and operated exclusively for tax-‐exempt purposes will generally be recognized as tax exempt under IRC 501(a) without applying to the IRS for approval of IRC Section 501(c)(3) status. 61
NBLSA Financial Overview Chapters who wish to achieve exemption under 501(c)(3) with Gross Receipts of More than $5,000 Per Year Chapters that normally gross receipts of more than $5,000 per year (see gross receipts test below) and which are organized and operated exclusively for tax-‐exempt purposes must formally request recognition of exemption by filing a IRS Form 1023, in order to be recognized as an entity exempt from federal income taxes. Gross Receipts Test For purposes of 501(c)(3) test outlined above, gross receipts are not more than $5,000 if:
i) during the chapter’s first taxable year, the chapter received gross receipts of less than $7,500; ii) during its first two taxable years, the aggregate gross receipts received by the chapter are $12,000 or less; and iii) if a chapter has been in existence for at least three taxable years, the aggregate gross receipts received by the chapter
during the immediately preceding two taxable years plus the current year are $15,000 or less.
Annual IRS Filing Requirements
Chapters recognized as tax exempt under IRC Section 501(c)(3) are required to file an annual information return. The type of annual filing is determined by the organization’s annual gross receipts and assets. Chapters with annual gross receipts of less than $25,000 per the year: Chapters with gross receipts that are not normally more than $25,000 per year (see gross income test below) must electronically submit IRS Form 990-‐N, also known as the e-‐Postcard, annually (unless the organization chooses to file a complete Form 990 or 990-‐EZ). The e-‐Postcard is due by the 15th day of the 5th month after the close of the chapter’s tax year. Chapters with annual gross receipts more than $25,000 per the year: Chapters with annual gross receipts more than $25,000 per year (see gross income test below) must file the IRS Tax Return Form 990-‐EZ or Form 990 annually with the IRS. We strongly encourage the few chapters in this position to contact their respective law school foundation office to determine how to best meet the IRS filing requirements. Chapters that are not formally granted federal tax exempt status: Chapters that are not formally granted federal tax exempt status through the filing IRS Forms 1023, but that are recognized as tax exempt (because their annual gross receipts are not more than $5,000 and they are organized and operated exclusively for tax exempt purposes) should contact the IRS Account Services Unit prior to the initial e-‐Postcard filing at (877)-‐829-‐5500 to request the IRS to set up the organization’s account to allow filing of the e-‐Postcard. Organizations that received formal IRS approval of exempt status do not need to contact the IRS prior to filing the e-‐Postcard. Further information on Form 990-‐N (E-‐Postcard) can be found at: http://www.irs.gov/charities/article/0,,id=177782,00.html
Gross Income Test A chapter's gross income is considered normally to be in excess of $25,000 if the chapter is: • up to a year old and has received, or donors have pledged to give, more than $37,500 during its first tax year; • between one and three years old and averaged more than $30,000 in gross receipts during each of its first two tax years; or, • three years old or more and averaged more than $25,000 in gross receipts for the immediately preceding three tax years (including the year for which the return would be filed). Further instructions on which form to file can be found on the Internal Revenue Service’s website at http://www.irs.gov/charities/article/0,,id=184445,00.html.
NBLSA Financial Overview NBLSA’s Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN or TIN) Chapters are not permitted to use NBLSA’s FEIN for any purpose. Any chapter that files information or tax returns (e.g., Form 990-‐N) and/or opens a bank account is required to have an FEIN. Chapters that do not have an FEIN, such as newly chartered chapters, can apply for an FEIN by completing IRS Form SS-‐4 online, by telephone, by fax or by mail. To avoid issuance of multiple FEINs, chapters should check their records to verify that an FEIN was not previously issued. When completing the Form SS-‐4, requests a name and SSN for the responsible party (e.g., the chapter president or treasurer). Because chapter leadership changes annually, we recommend that the chapter update the contact information associated with the FEIN on a regular basis. NBLSA keeps a record of all chapter FEINs and requires Chapter FEIN’s be provided immediately upon receipt from the IRS. Once your chapter is assigned a FEIN, please send an email containing your FEIN to chapters@nblsa.org. Again, please use the Chapter’s FEIN to manage the chapter’s banking relationship. Under no circumstances should an individual’s social security number be used to obtain or maintain a chapter bank account. The IRS may treat the funds in the account as part of that individual's assets and any earnings on the account will be deemed earnings of the individual for income tax. Record-‐keeping Chapters must maintain complete financial records for at least six years. Failure to maintain proper records will make it difficult to substantiate to tax authorities that the chapter does not owe taxes, interest and penalties for prior years. Please check with your university to see if it can retain copies of your financial records for safekeeping since chapter leadership changes annually. Public Disclosure Requirements Chapters must, during the three-‐year period beginning with the due date (including extensions, if any) of the Form 990 (or Form 990-‐EZ), make its return available for public inspection upon request. The entire information return, with the exception of the schedule of contributors, must be made available. In addition, certain other information, including the Form 1023, must be made available for public inspection. Inspection must be permitted during regular business hours at the chapter's principal office. Again, we strongly encourage chapters in this position to contact their respective law school foundation office to determine how to best meet filing requirements.
NBLSA Financial Overview
Budgeting in the Short-‐Run
For chapters that have never organized their finances, this section offers guidelines on how to calculate expenses. Calculating Expenses The first step in calculating annual expenses is to estimate the costs of your chapter’s planned activities, publications, office supplies, and other items. We recommend using a spreadsheet to track this information and building your expenses by event or program. An example is below: Activity Welcome Back Event for Members
Cost $100 $5 $15 $120
Description Pizza Plates Soda
In this example, the total cost of the welcome back event is $120. Determine the estimated costs for all of your programs and then summarize the costs. The total will be the expenses for your chapter’s annual budget. Performing Revenue Projections The next step is to determine whether adequate funding exists to cover planned expenses. The revenue portion of a chapter’s budget will be a combination of your current bank account balance, local dues (if applicable), and the revenue you will receive from fundraising. Below is a straightforward formula for calculating revenue to determine your chapter’s one-‐year fundraising goal. In this example, the chapter’s total expenses are $1,000. Fundraising Goal $1,000 (expenses) -‐ 700 (current funds) $ 300 (fundraising goal)
Revenue Calculation $100 (bank balance) $300 (local dues) $400 (current funds)
Preparing a Budget Chapters that are able to meet their annual expenses, may be ready for advanced budgeting and planning. In addition to covering only specific programming, short-‐term expenses, chapters may want to set a fundraising goal that allows for a financial cushion. You might consider putting these funds in an interest-‐bearing account. Another consideration is chapter growth. Chapters that wish to expand their activities, increase the number of chapter members who attend national meetings or purchase equipment (e.g., cameras, signage, .etc) need to plan for these expenses and identify new sources of funding. Chapters should formulate their budgets after their annual programs have been set to ensure that chapter finances are in line with chapter programs. Please contact your Regional Treasurer for a chapter budget template. Please contact chapters@nblsa.org if you have any other questions.
Corporate Relations
Fundraising Overview As the largest student-‐run nonprofit organization, our success greatly depends on the generosity of corporate sponsors. Monetary support and in-‐ kind donations enable us to execute our yearly programming initiatives throughout the nation and abroad. In turn, sponsorship highlights companies, law firms and other organizations ongoing commitment to diversity in the legal profession while advancing them as industry leaders and agents of positive social change.
Alyssa ‘Lee” Locus National Director of Corporate Relations Loyola Chicago University School of Law, Class of 2013 corporaterelations@nblsa.org
The end goal of corporate relations is to raise funds, and corporate sponsors are most responsive to mutually beneficial partnerships that support their business priorities. Both current and potential sponsors desire to gain meaningful exposure to our stellar law students to increase minority recruitment, build brand awareness and loyalty, introduce products and services, enhance commitments to diversity, promote community advancement and network. To effectively generate corporate funding for your chapter: • Prioritize a list of potential sponsors and research to learn more about the types of organizations that they usually support. • Illicit the sponsor’s primary objectives through introductory emails and/ or telephone calls, and ensure your chapter is able to meet the potential sponsor’s expectations of success. • Present your sponsorship offering in way that illustrates measurable benefits for the sponsor, and follow-‐up to ensure the sponsor receives the most from the benefits offered. • Finally, remain focused on strengthen the relationship with the sponsor throughout the year with ongoing communications. Only chapters who have obtained 501(c)(3) tax-‐exempt status are able to solicit direct sponsorship using tax-‐deductibility as a benefit. Chapters who are not 501(c)(3) chapters but who wish to offer the benefit of tax-‐ deductibility may coordinate a joint-‐fundraising program with NBLSA. If you wish to learn more about this option, please contact your Regional Chair for additional guidance. Chapters with multiple sponsorship opportunities should consider developing a customized sponsor guide that offers a brief description of each opportunity along with the cost of the sponsorship and chapter photography. There are many tools, resources and example sponsor guides available to help you succeed in raising corporate funds. For additional information and questions, please contact the National Director of Corporate Relations at corporaterelations@nblsa.org, a National Corporate Relations Specialist or your Regional Director of Corporate Relations.
Corporate Relations National Corporate Relations Specialists Avalon Paul National Corporate Relations Specialist Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Class of 2014 corporaterelationsspecialistIII@nblsa.org
Tamara Titre National Corporate Relations Specialist Michigan State University School of Law, Class of 2014 corporaterelations.specialistII@nblsa.org
Regional Corporate Relations Directors Ernest Hammond, III
Walter Booth
Joshua Williams
MABLSA Director of Corporate Relations mablsa.corporate@nblsa.org
SRBLSA Director of Corporate Relations srblsa.corporate@nblsa.org
SRBLSA Director of Corporate Relations srblsa.corporate@nblsa.org
Ndidi Okeagu
Chanel Rowe
Dominque Hinson
MWBLSA Director of Corporate Relations mwblsa.corporate@nblsa.org
SRBLSA Director of Corporate Relations srblsa.corporate@nblsa.org
RWBLSA Director of Corporate Relations rmblsa.corporate@nblsa.org
Tiffany Davis
Clementine Uwabera
Warren Henderson
NEBLSA Director of Corporate Relations neblsa.corporate2@nblsa.org
Roosevelt Donat NEBLSA Director of Corporate Relations neblsa.corporate@nblsa.org
SRBLSA Director of Corporate Relations srblsa.corporate@nblsa.org
WRBLSA Director of Corporate Relations wrblsa.corporate@nblsa.org
Sonye’ Randolph SRBLSA Director of Corporate Relations srblsa.corporate@nblsa.org
National  Convention
Type to enter text
Mid-‐Atlantic Region
Mid-‐Atlantic Region The Mid-‐Atlantic Region (MABLSA) is comprised of the chapters in the following states: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey (southern), Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.
Mid-‐Atlantic Region Greetings MABLSA Family! As I extend this warm and heartfelt greeting to you all, it is my sincerest hope that this letter finds each of you at peace, happy and well. I am excited to serve you as the 2012-‐2013 Mid-‐Atlantic Chair and I look forward to working with you to make this year a rousing success. The theme for the region this year is “MABLSA Strong: Excellence in Action.” The MABLSA Executive Board decided on this theme because it neatly encapsulates all that we seek to do for the region this year. To highlight the strong tradition of excellence of the region, we will kick off our “Did You Know?” series which will bring you snapshots of the history of the region and its accomplishments. In order to equip our members with the requisite tools to excel in their academic and professional pursuits, our inaugural professionalism expo and annual Academic Retreats are planned to take place in the fall. Finally, we will demonstrate our commitment to excellence in the communities around us by implementing important and timely community service and advocacy initiatives, including the publication of MABLSA’s guide to advocacy. MABLSA Theme: MABLSA Strong: Excellence in Action MABLSA Vision: To unite the region through vibrant and poignant programming and initiatives in order to serve as advocates of change, foster and encourage competency and excellence, and equip our members with skills that will enhance their professional and personal development.
We hope to excel in all that we do. We also hope that all that we do will contribute to the organization’s longstanding legacy and tradition of excellence. I enjoy receiving emails and love to hear from members. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me, or any of the MABLSA Executive Board members, with any questions, comments, suggestions, concerns or just to say hello. I look forward to meeting you all over the course of the next year!
Wishing you only the best,
Victoria Walker 2012-‐2013 Mid-‐Atlantic Chair National Black Law Students Association George Mason University, JD/MPP Candidate 2014 Mid-‐atlantic@nblsa.org; 202-‐643-‐BLSA
Mid-‐Atlantic Region Executive Board
Victoria Walker
Gobriella Davis
MID-‐ATLANTIC CHAIR George Mason University School of Law
Yvonne Baker VA SUB-‐REGIONAL DIRECTOR William and Mary School of Law
Cameron Williams ATTORNEY GENERAL University of Baltimore School of Law
VICE-‐CHAIR William & Mary School of Law
Naoka Clyburn SECRETARY
Simone DeLerme TREASURER
University of Baltimore School of Duquesne University School of Law Law
Lanre Kukoyi
Tiffany Fountaine
Jazamin Stallings
Duquesne University School of Law UDC David A. Clarke School of Law Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel
Latosha Ellis SOCIAL ACTION University of Richmond School of Law
Difie Osbourne DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMMING William and Mary School of Law
Rosa Parks DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICE Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel
Mid-‐Atlantic Region Executive Board
Stacia Harrison
Preston Smith
DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE RELATIONS University of Maryland Frances King
LieAnn Van-‐Tull
Stephanie Johnson
Heather Bennett
Duquesne University School of Law
Jasmine Williams
Erica DuPree
CHIEF OF STAFF Howard University School of Law
PARLIAMENTARIAN University of District of Columbia David A Clarke School of Law
Antrell Tyson
DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR OF PRE-‐LAW DIVISION Pennsylvania State University University of Richmond School of School of Law Law
Barbara Stansil MOCK TRIAL DIRECTOR William & Mary School of Law
Earnest Hammond CORPORATE RELATIONS SPECIALIST Washington & Lee School of Law
Joshua Cox DIRECTOR OF ALUMNI AFFAIRS University of Pennsylvania
Antwan Williams FINANCIAL SECRETARY Regent University School of Law
Mid-‐Atlantic Region Executive Board
Amaka Okagbue CORPORATE RELATIONS SPECIALIST George Washington University School of Law
Michelle Winter
MOOT COURT SPECIALIST American University Washington College of Law
Lisette Burton
Amanda Baker
Justin Clayton
ADVOCACY SPECIALIST American University Washington College of Law
University of Maryland School of Law
American University Washington College of Law
Dean Christmon JOB FAIR SPECIALIST University of Baltimore
Mid-‐Atlantic Region
Calendar of Events June 2012 15
Mid-‐Atlantic Happy Hours Pittsburgh, PA Philadelphia, PA Washington DC Richmond, VA
February 2013 13-‐17 45th Annual Mid-‐Atlantic Regional
Pittsburgh, PA | Omni William Penn Hotel
July 2012 22
Land the Job: Mock Interviews/ Interview Preparation Session | Washington, DC Mid-‐Atlantic Happy Hours Pittsburgh, PA Philadelphia, PA Washington DC Richmond, VA
August 2012 17-‐19 Mid-‐Atlantic Job Fair & Leadership Retreat
Bethesda, MD | Doubletree Hotel 8120 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, MD
September 2012 8
Mid-‐Atlantic Academic Retreat Washington, DC | Patton Boggs LLP Philadelphia, PA |
October 2012 6
Pre-‐Law Division Law Camp
Pre-‐Law Division Law Camp Pittsburgh, PA Baltimore, MD Richmond, VA
26th Annual AIDS Walk Washington DC
Philadelphia, PA
Please be sure to visit our website www.nblsa.org/ mablsa for the most up to date event calendar. Existing programming will be updated and new programming will be added throughout the year.
Mid-‐Atlantic Region
!"# DATE
February 13-17, 2013
Contact Info: mablsa.convention@nblsa.org Website: nblsa.org/mablsaconvention
Omni William Penn Hotel
Registration Opens September 1st
530 William Penn Place Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Striving to Balance since 1968
Mid-‐Atlantic Region
Mid-‐Atlantic Region
MABLSA Chapters American University Washington College of Law Appalachian School of Law Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law Duquesne University School of Law Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University George Mason University School of Law George Washington University Law School Georgetown University Law Center Howard University School of Law Pennsylvania State University The Dickinson School of Law Regent University School of Law Rutgers University School of Law -‐ Camden Temple University Beasley School of Law University of Baltimore School of Law University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law University of Pennsylvania Law School University of Pittsburgh School of Law University of Richmond School of Law University of District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law University of Virginia School of Law Villanova University School of Law Washington & Lee University School of Law West Virginia University College of Law Widener University School of Law -‐ Delaware Widener University School of Law -‐ Pennsylvania William & Mary Law School
Midwest Region
Midwest Region The Midwest Region (MWBLSA) is comprised of the chapters in the following states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
Midwest Region Greetings to the Mighty, Mighty Midwest Region! I write to you with excitement and gratitude for the opportunity to serve as your Regional Chair. Having served on the MWBLSA Executive Board for the previous two years, I have been blessed to experience the unique educational training, leadership development, and camaraderie that MWBLSA has to offer. My hope is that with the leadership of this year’s Executive Board, your law school experience will be enriched and your memories of this wonderful organization will last a lifetime.
MWBLSA Theme: Combat Complacency. Evoke Excellence. MWBLSA Vision: MWBLSA aspires to provide opportunities for its members to interact with leaders in the legal community and to receive instruction in the areas of academic achievement, financial empowerment, and career advancement in conjunction with work-‐life balance and civic engagement. It is the goal of MWBLSA to provide resources that will enable our members to not just be successful in their professions but also to be successful as people.
The regional theme for this year is “Combat Complacency. Evoke Excellence.” As law students, we have a unique opportunity to significantly impact many lives and many different aspects of society. While it is not necessary that we each be passionate about the same things, we must each make it our responsibility to be passionate about something. Successful academic and extracurricular careers in law school are a part of the journey, not the destination. If you haven’t already, decide this year that you combat complacency within yourself and amongst others. Take the time to carefully envision your lasting impact on this world. Then consistently pursue that vision with excellence! MWBLSA is continually evolving and strengthening its might. I would like to extend a warm welcome to Nebraska, whose BLSA chapters are new to the Midwest region this year. We will also be refining our funding and programming strategies so that membership in NBLSA is more rewarding now than ever before. Chapter leaders can look forward to unprecedented leadership development and assistance with implementing regional and national initiatives. General body members can look forward to new and innovative ways to prepare for their legal careers. All members can look forward to a growing sense of community as we learn new ways to use technology to effectively engage as many of you as possible. The MWBLA Executive Board is an extremely talented group of individuals who are dedicated to producing nothing but the best for the Mighty Midwest Region. They, as well as you, continue to inspire me think big and work tirelessly towards a remarkable year for MWBLSA. We invite you to be in close touch and actively involved in our initiatives this year. In MWBLSA Love, Aisha N. Smith University of Wisconsin Law School Midwest Regional Chair, 2012-‐2013 National Black Law Student Association Midwest@nblsa.org
Midwest Region Executive Board
Aisha Smith MIDWEST CHAIR University of Wisconsin School of Law
Darnell Martemus SUB-‐REGIONAL DIRECTOR Cleveland-‐Marshall College of Law
Dorian George
Jenee Gaskin
Michigan State University College of Law
Loyola University Chicago School of Law
Rasheda Armstrong
SUB-‐REGIONAL DIRECTOR Valparaiso University Law School
Candace Moore
Aminta Moses
Loyola University Chicago School of Law
Indiana University Maurer School of Law
Ogochukwu Anokwute TREASURER University of Wisconsin Law School
William Santilus CHIEF OF STAFF
University ofAkron School of Law
Michigan State University College of Law
Rosanna Cochran
Ndidi Okeagu
DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE RELATIONS Michigan State University College of Law
Midwest Region Executive Board
Olabisi J. Ogboye
Jalyn Parks
Shakiva Wade
Michigan State University College of Law
Dominique Taylor
Cheng Yu-‐Hou
Onyinye Ezeh DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS Michigan State University College of Law
Indiana University Maurer School of Law
Thomas M. Cooley School of Law
University of Cincinnati College of Loyola University Chicago School of Law Law
Marc Davis
Dennis Hickerson-‐Breedon
Samuel Jackson
Ohio Northern School of Law
Hamline University School of Law
DePaul College of Law
Dominique de Vastey CHIEF EDITOR OF MIDWEST LAW JOURNAL Washington University in St. Louis
Midwest Region Executive Board
Kayla Griffin ACADEMIC RETREAT COORDINATOR Valparaiso University Law School
Evangeline White DIRECTOR OF ALUMNI AFFAIRS Indiana University Maurer School of Law
Midwest Region
Calendar of Events June 2012
22-‐24 6th Annual Joint Leadership Retreat
Detroit, MI | Aloft Dallas Downtown
Alumni Reception
6-‐10 MWBLSA Regional Convention
St. Louis, MO | The Hilton St. Louis
September 2012 12
Indianapolis, IN 14-‐16 Academic Retreat Indianapolis, IN
October 2012 5
Alumni Reception
Kansas City, MO
Kansas City, MO
5-‐7 Academic Retreat
February 2013
Please be sure to visit our website www.nblsa.org/mwblsa for the most up to date event calendar. Existing programming will be updated and new programming will be added throughout the year.
Midwest  Region
Midwestern Region
MWBLSA Chapters Capital University Law School Case Western University School of Law Chicago-‐Kent College of Law Cleveland-‐Marshall College of Law Creighton University College of Law DePaul University College of Law Drake University Law School Hamline University School of Law Indiana University School of Law -‐ Indiana University School of Law -‐ Bloomington Indianapolis Loyola University Chicago School of Law Marquette University Law School Michigan State University College of Law University of Nebraska College of Law Northern Illinois University College of Law Northwestern University School of Law Notre Dame Law School Ohio Northern University Pettit College Ohio State University Law School of Law Saint Louis University School of Law Salmon P. Chase College of Law (NKU) Southern Illinois University School of Law The John Marshall Law School -‐ The University of Akron School of Law Chicago The University of Chicago Law School Thomas Cooley Law School-‐-‐Auburn Thomas Cooley Law School-‐-‐Grand Rapids Hills Thomas Cooley Law School-‐Lansing University of Cincinnati College of Law University of Dayton School of Law University of Detroit Mercy School of University of Illinois College of Law Law University of Iowa College of Law University of Kansas School of Law University of Kentucky College of Law University of Louisville Brandeis School University of Michigan Law School of Law University of Minnesota Law School University of Missouri-‐Kansas City University of Missouri-‐Columbia School of Law of Law University of North Dakota School of Law University of South Dakota School of University of St. Thomas School of Law Law University of Wisconsin School of Law Valparaiso University School of Law Washburn University Schol of Law Washington University in St. Louis Wayne State University Law School School of Law
Northeast Region
Northeast Region The Northeast Region (NEBLSA) is comprised of the chapters in the following states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey (northern), New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
Northeast Region Dear NEBLSA, It is truly an honor to be serving as the Regional Chair of the notable Northeast Region! As a member of this illustrious organization, and now a leader, serving on the Regional Board and the National Board for the 2012-‐2013 year, I am looking forward to doing the work of NBLSA. NEBLSA has been at the forefront of all regions developing innovative programming, promoting academic excellence, and fostering community service among all of its members. This year, like the years before, will be no different. NEBLSA is dedicated to continuing to grow and develop in this ever-‐changing organization and world. Building on last year's theme of "NEBLSA: United we Climb," our theme for this year is "Onward, Upward, Progressing Forward!" Our programmatic structure will center on increasing: professionalism, academic preparedness, and fostering community among members of the region. While the region has always been committed to helping to develop social engineers, and will continue to support this, the region also hopes to renew students’ commitment to their community and the greater organization.
NEBLSA Theme: Onward, Upward, Progressing Forward!
Vision: NEBLSA members still
need support in key areas but need to be able to evolve in a forever-‐ changing world. The NEBLSA team hopes to provide programming to strengthen members’ academic and professional preparedness while giving them skills to adapt to changes in the legal community. We also recognize that we have to redefine what it means to be a Black law student and incite community, dedication, and loyalty in all the members of the region.
Mission: We will increase professionalism, academic preparedness, and community among members of the NEBLSA community through insightful and effective programming initiatives.
NBLSA was founded in the Northeast region in 1968 at New York University School of Law. Forty-‐four years later, NEBLSA supports 33 chapters and more than 1,100 members. Former NEBLSA members include countless esteemed attorneys, successful executives, general counsels, senators, congressmen, Supreme Court justices, attorney generals, and a president of the United States. Our events and programming for the year will prove to be beneficial to our members and alumni. We will have professional development events, academic preparation and mentoring, networking opportunities, and new initiatives that will bring our membership together in innovative ways. We will begin with our Summer Happy Hour Series, which promises to be a welcome networking opportunity for all NBLSA members and alumni in the Northeast Region for the summer. Our Annual Job Fair and NEBLSA Leadership Retreat will be held at New York Law School in New York, NY. We will continue the year with alumni receptions, CBC weekend, networking events, community service events, advocacy events, mentoring programs, many sub-‐ region specific events, and the annual regional convention, which will take place in Cambridge, Massachusetts on January 23-‐27, 2013. For updates regarding our region, programming, and events, visit www.nblsa.org/ neblsa. On our website you will find important information such as a link to the Members Google Group, our Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook pages, which will contain additional NEBLSA-‐related information, event specific information, and contact information for the entire NEBLSA Executive Board. Please be sure to check our website throughout the year to stay informed. If at any point you have suggestions, questions, and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at northeast@nblsa.org. Thank you again for electing me to serve as your Chair! BLSA love, Bomopregha A. Julius Northeastern University School of Law Northeast Region Chair, 2012-‐2013 National Black Law Student Association northeast@nblsa.org
Northeast Region Executive Board
Bomopregha Julius NORTHEAST CHAIR
Northeastern University School of Law
Sydelle Exantus CNNE SUB-‐REGIONAL DIRECTOR Boston University School of Law
Brandon Greene ATTORNEY GENERAL Boston University School of Law
Byron Conway VICE-‐CHAIR
Boston University School ofLaw
Catherine Nampewo PARLIAMENTARIAN Boston College of Law
Alicia Tambe DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL ACTION Northeastern University School of Law School
Desiree Murphy SECRETARY/DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS Northeastern University School of Law
Clais Daniels-‐Edwards TREASURER Seton Hall School of Law
Shantal Sparks
Anita Mitchell
UPSTATE NY SUB-‐REGIONAL DIRECTOR Syracuse University College of Law
Morgan Gray DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMMING Suffolk University Law School
L. Alisyn Daniel DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICE Northeastern University School of Law
Northeast Region Executive Board
Tiffany Davis DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE RELATIONS Cornell University Law School
Asia-‐Sierra Millette DIRECTOR OF PRE-‐LAW DIVISION Roger Williams University School of Law
Roosevelt Donat DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE RELATIONS Rutgers University School of Law-‐
Danielle Burckson DIRECTOR OF ALUMNI AFFAIRS Suffolk University Law School
J. Alanna Pittard
Jalese Grays
Chelsea Johnson
Chris Ellis Jr.
CONVENTION COORDINATOR Northeastern University School of Law
Boston University School of Law
Rutgers University School of Law-‐ Newark
James Olaleye HISTORIAN Vermont Law School
Northeast Region
Calendar of Events June 2012 7
Summer Happy Hour Series: NY Metro Sub-‐Region 11 Student Registration Opens for the NEBLSA Job Fair 16 Student Bidding Begins for NEBLSA Job Fair 22-‐24 6th Annual Joint Leadership Retreat Detroit, Michigan| Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center
July 2012 2
NEBLSA Job Fair Bidding and Registration Ends Summer Happy Hour Series: NY Metro Sub-‐Region Summer Happy Hour Series: Combined Northern New-‐England Sub-‐Region Boston, MA | Daryl’s Corner 604 Columbus Avenue, Boston, MA 02118
August 2012 9-‐11 NEBLSA Job Fair/ Leadership Retreat
New York, NY | New York Law School
September 2012 7
Combined Northern New England Welcome Back Social Boston, MA | Red Fez, 222 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02118 NY Upstate Welcome Back Social Event Location TBD NY Metro Welcome Back Social Event Location TBD Academic Retreat 1 Syracuse, NY | Syracuse University School of Law
October 2012 6
NEBLSA Academic Retreat 2 New York, NY | Fordham University School of Law
January 2013
23-‐27 NEBLSA Regional Convention
Cambridge, MA | Hyatt Regency Cambridge, 575 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 02139 NY Upstate Sub-‐Region Alumni Mixer Location TBD
February 2013
NY Metro Speed Networking Event | Location TBD NY Upstate Sub Region Ice Skating Syracuse, NY
March 2013 30
NY Upstate Sub Region Event” Know your Rights Campaign Location TBD
April 2013 6
NY Upstate Sub-‐ Region Social Mixer Albany, NY
Please be sure to visit our website at www.nblsa.org/ neblsa for the most up to date event calendar. Existing programming will be updated and new programming will be added throughout the year.
Visit http://nblsa.org/neblsa for updates
1 2
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Northeast Region
NEBLSA Chapters Albany Law School Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Boston College Law School Boston University School of Law Brooklyn Law School Columbia Law School Cornell University Law School CUNY School of Law at Queens College Fordham University of Law Franklin Pierce Law Center Harvard Law School Hofstra University School of Law Massachusetts School of Law New England School of Law New York Law School New York University School of Law Northeastern University School of Law Pace University School of Law Quinnipiac University School of Law Roger Williams University School of Law Rutgers University School of Law -‐ Newark Saint John's University Seton Hall University School of Law Suffolk University Law School Syracuse University College of Law Touro Law Center University at Buffalo Law School University of Connecticut School of Law University of Massachusetts-‐Dartmouth Vermont Law School Western New England College School of Law Yale University College of Law
Rocky Mountain Region
Rocky Mountain Region The Rocky Mountain Region (RMBLSA) is comprised of the chapters in the following states: Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming.
Rocky Mountatin Region Greetings RMBLSA! I am humbled and honored at the opportunity to lead RMBLSA to strive for balance and change during the upcoming 2012-‐2013 year. The strategic outlook for 2012-‐2013 will focus on the marketability of members to the ever-‐changing legal environment in addition to being advocates for social change. As we approach the 2012-‐2013 year, the RMBLSA board and myself are ecstatic at the endless opportunities that are upon us. The RMBLSA theme for 2012-‐ 2013 is “Purpose, Passion, and Persistence.” Continuing to build on the foundation laid by the tireless efforts of the RMBLSA predecessors, this year’s theme strives to encompass RMBLSA’s commitment to leadership and professional development. Furthermore, RMBLSA will utilize resources to provide extensive opportunities that mold exceptional legal professionals as we continue to strive for balance and diversity in the legal profession.
RMBLSA Theme/Vision:
Purpose, Passion, and Persistence.
RMBLSA will implement programming that will provide members with a competitive advantage among other law students and legal professionals. The annual RMBLSA Recruitment Conference at the University of Houston Law Center will offer members the opportunity to interview and interact with distinguished employers throughout the region. The Academic and Leadership Retreat will focus on providing members programming geared towards professional and leadership development, academic preparation, and networking. In addition, RMBLSA’s passion for social action will be evident in the various advocacy initiatives, community service events, and mentoring programs. Furthermore, this year’s 44th Annual Regional Convention will take place January 15-‐19, 2013 in Dallas, Texas. Effective communication between the RMBLSA executive board and the members will be essential to the progression of the region. For informational updates regarding the region, events, and other various opportunities, please visit www.nblsa.org/ rmblsa, periodically. Additionally, look to the RMBLSA Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages as we disseminate information through social media. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me at rockymountain@nblsa.org. Once more thank you for placing your confidence in me to be your Regional Chair. I look forward to an eventful year and am elated to SERVE!!! In RMBLSA Service, Chukwudi Egbuonu Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Juris Doctorate Candidate 2013 RMBLSA Chair, 2012-‐2013 National Black Law Students Association rockymountain@nblsa.org
Rocky Mountain Executive Board
Chukwudi Egbuonu
Dominique Ross
Johali Muzaliwa
Idris Akinpelu
Thurgood Marshall School of Law
University of Houston
University of Texas at Austin
ROCKY MOUNTAIN CHAIR Thurgood Marshall School of Law
Erick Harris
Jared Gaither
Oklahoma City University
Julia Gandara DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS South Texas College of Law
Shanisha Smith DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICE Thurgood Marshall School of Law
University of Oklahoma
Tiffany Myers DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP South Texas College of Law
Dominique Hinson
Johnathon Jackson DIRECTOR OF ALUMNI AFFAIRS Thurgood Marshall School of Law
South Texas College of Law
Rocky Mountain Executive Board
Dyan Owens
Andrew Wilkerson
Thurgood Marshall School of Law
Thurgood Marshall School of Law
Thurgood Marshall School of Law
Megan Sheffield PARLIAMENTARIAN University of Texas School of Law
Jacques Leeds HISTORIAN Thurgood Marshall School of Law
Rocky Mountain Region
Calendar of Events July 2012 6-‐7
RMBLSA Joint Retreat
August 2012 10-‐11 Recruitment Conference
September 2012 7-‐8
RMBLSA Academic and Leadership Retreat
January 2013 15-‐19 RMBLSA 44th Annual Convention
Please be sure to visit our website at www.nblsa.org/ rmblsa for the most up to date event calendar.
Rocky Mountain Region
Rocky Mountain Region
Rocky Mountain Region of National Black Law Students Association
44th Annual Regional Convention
Crowne Plaza Downtown Dallas January 15-19, 2013 Dallas, Texas
Rocky Mountain Region
RMBLSA Chapters Brigham Young University J. Reuben Clark Law School Oklahoma City University School of Law South Texas College of Law Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law St. Mary's University School of Law Texas Tech University School of Law Texas Wesleyan University School of Law The University of Texas School of Law Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University University of Colorado University of Denver Sturm College of Law University of Houston Law Center University of Montana School of Law University of New Mexico School of Law University of Oklahoma College of Law University of Tulsa College of Law
Southern Region
Southern Region The Southern Region (SRBLSA) is comprised of the chapters in the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Puerto Rico.
Southern Region
Greetings SRBLSA Family! It is a pleasure and honor to serve as Regional Chair of the Sophisticated Southern Region of the National Black Law Students Association. SRBLSA is near and dear to my heart. Through NBLSA and SRBLSA, I have grown as a law student, community advocate, and leader. I’ve learned so much through my service in NBLSA and I am honored to give back to this great organization. This year we have a total of 30 executive board members who are excited to serve our membership. Our main goal this year is to expand SRBLSA’s brand through membership engagement, fundraising efforts, and community outreach. As a region, we want to not only serve as a voice for Black law students, but as a voice for our generation.
SRBLSA Theme: The YBE Movement: Young, Bold, & Empowered.
Our theme this year is “The YBE Movement: Young, Bold, & Empowered.” Come join our movement as we enhance our leadership skills as young and bold leaders of the South. We plan to empower our community in two ways: (1) Educating our Youth, and (2) Educating our Community. We plan to empower our youth by educating them on the importance of civic engagement and assisting in their academic/career planning while encouraging diversity in the legal profession. We will also stay abreast on educational issues affecting us as law students. We plan to empower our community by educating them on the laws impacting the region including voter ID laws, healthcare issues, and environmental justice issues. This year’s programming will also focus on enhancing the academic and professional development of our members. SRBLSA members will be given the opportunity to write-‐on to the SRBLSA Law Journal. This summer we will host our 1st Annual YBE Movement Summer Happy Hour Series in which SRBLSA members will be able to meet other students and attorneys and share stories of their summer experiences. Our Job Fair and Leadership Retreat will be held in Greensboro, NC at Elon University School of Law with the assistance of Charlotte School of Law. We will host five academic retreats through out the region in Columbia, SC, Orlando, FL, Memphis, TN, Baton Rouge, LA, and Atlanta, GA. At the end of the fall semester, we will host our Regional Day of Service in which all SRBLSA chapters will participate in a community service project on October 27th, commemorate World AIDS Day on December 1st, and honor Dr. Martin Luther King on January 21st. SRBLSA’s 45th Regional Convention will be January 30-‐February 3, 2013 in Nashville, TN aka “Music City” at the Doubletree Hilton Nashville Downtown. This year, we look forward to revamping our regional programming to include professional development workshops, panel discussions on the civil rights movement, and a pre-‐ law workshop series for the undergraduates in Nashville, TN while increasing the number of participants in our annual competitions. Thank you for your dedication, support, and investment in SRBLSA. This year is sure to be a monumental and groundbreaking year as we continue to serve you. Feel free to contact me at southern@nblsa.org if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions. In SRBLSA Love, Charlyn M. Stanberry, M.P.A. Florida International University College of Law Southern Regional Chair, 2012-‐2013
Southern Region Executive Board
Charlyn Stanberry SOUTHERN CHAIR Florida International University School of Law
Jayniece Higgins SUB-‐REGION 1 DIRECTOR University of Memphis School of Law
Juanita Holsey
Tamorra Buchanon VICE CHAIR Mercer University School of Law
Dominique Lang Verner SUB-‐REGION 2 DIRECTOR Louisiana State University School of Law
Dorian Woolaston
Mercer University School of Law
Louisiana State University College of Law
Brandon Fisher SECRETARY North Carolina Central University School of Law
Travis Ellis TREASURER North Carolina Central University School of Law
Lamar Fyall SUB-‐REGION 3 DIRECTOR University of South Carolina
SUB-‐REGION 4 DIRECTOR Florida A&M University Law Center
John Marshall Law School-‐ Atlanta
Whitney Baldwin
Ruth Tisdale Wake Forest University School of Law
Southern Region Executive Board
Miaya McCray
DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICE University of Florida Levin College of Law
Sonye’ Randolph
DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE RELATIONS North Carolina Central University School of Law
Veronica Williams
Chanel Rowe
DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE RELATIONS Florida International University
Clementine Uwabera
Walter Booth
Joshua Williams
Lauren Duncan Jasmin Hughes COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALiST DIRECTOR O F C OMMUNICATIONS Southern University Law Center Louisiana State University College of Mercer University School of Law Law
DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP Samford University School of University of South Carolina School of Law Law
Ashely Washington JOB FAIR COORDINATOR Charlotte School of Law
Karima Grady JOB FAIR COORDINATOR Elon University School of Law
Southern Region Executive Board
LaToyia Trotter CONVENTION COORDINATOR University of Tennessee-‐Knoxville College of Law
Courtnee Reid
Stacy Reid-‐Monroe
Sharee Tumbling
LAW JOURNAL EDITOR IN CHIEF MOOT COURT DIRECTOR Vanderbilt University School of Charlotte School of Law John Marshall Law School-‐Atlanta Law
Reshonda Thompson
Ashley Barnett
Breauna Peterson
Tenee Johnson
MOOT COURT DIRECTOR John Marshall Law School-‐ Atlanta
MOOT COURT DIRECTOR Samford University School of Law
HISTORIAN Faulkner University School of Law
Louisiana State University College of Law
Southern Region
Calendar of Events
October Chapter Presidents Conference Call
June 2012
Academic Retreat Atlanta, GA | Sub-‐Region 5
SRBLSA Founder’s Day/Regional Day of Service
SRBLSA Law Journal Application Deadline
July 2012 27
“The YBE Movement” 1st Annual Happy Hour Summer Series Birmingham, AL & Atlanta, GA
August 2012 17
“The YBE Movement” 1st Annual Happy 1st Annual Happy Hour Summer Series Nashville, TN & Miami, FL
Greensboro, NC | Elon School of Law
September 2012 16
September Chapter Presidents Conference Call CBC Weekend Washington, DC
Academic Retreat Columbia, SC | Sub-‐Region 3 USC School of Law
October 2012 5-‐6
Academic Retreat Orlando, FL | Sub-‐Region 4 FAMU College of Law
Academic Retreat Memphis, TN | Sub-‐Region 1 Memphis School of Law
Academic Retreat Baton Rouge, LA | Sub-‐Region 2 LSU College of Law
November 2012 4
SRBLSA Convention Preview Conference Call
Kozyak Minority Mentoring Annual Picnic
24-‐25 SRBLSA Job Fair/Leadership Retreat
December 2012 1
SRBLSA World AIDS Day Commemoration
January Chapter Presidents Conference
SRBLSA MLK Day of Service
30-‐ 3
SRBLSA 45th Regional Convention Nashville, TN
January 2013
February 2013 17
February Chapter Presidents Conference
March 2013 6-‐10
NBLSA 45th National Convention Atlanta, GA
Please be sure to visit our website at www.nblsa.org/ srblsa for the most up to date event calendar.
Southern Region
Regional Community Service Program Initiatives & Regional Attorney General Initiatives This year the Sophisticated Southern Region of the National Black Law Students Association strives to meet the challenges of the African-‐American community by implementing the following initiatives: SRBLSA Education Initiative Through a series of programming initiatives, SRBLSA chapters will educate our youth by creating workshops to teach them about the importance of civic engagement. The workshops will also teach them about their civil rights and help prepare them to become valuable members of their community. SRBLSA chapters will also assist in their academic and career planning through a series of pre-‐law division workshops and law camps that will encourage diversity in the legal profession. Additionally, SRBLSA chapters will stay abreast of educational policies affecting us as law students and participate in town hall discussions. SRBLSA Election Year Initiative SRBLSA seeks to help prepare the community for the upcoming election season by creating workshops to educate the community on the following issues: •
Voter ID Laws
Voting through Absentee Ballots
Legislation affecting the Region
SRBLSA Community Service Program Initiatives This year, SRBLSA will focus on community service projects geared toward a variety of issues, specifically youth empowerment and prison reform/prisoner rehabilitation. SRBLSA chapters will participate in Adopt-‐a-‐School and mentoring programs such as Big Brother/Big Sister and YMCA in which they teach youth about civic engagement and voter awareness, serve as tutors and mentors to students, and inform them on the importance of having self-‐esteem, living a healthy lifestyle, and academic success. SRBLSA chapters will also participate in community service projects geared towards combatting felony disenfranchisement by engaging in prisoner rehabilitation such as the Innocence Project, felony disenfranchisement programs, and juvenile education programs. SRBLSA Community Service Areas of Focus • Youth Empowerment •
Prison Reform/Prisoner Rehabilitation
Human Rights Awareness
Southern Region
Regional Convention Dates, Registration Deadlines and Location SRBLSA’s 45th Regional Convention—SRBLSA Invades Music City! January 30-‐February 3, 2013 Nashville, TN Registration Opens: October 1, 2012
Southern Region
SRBLSA Chapters Ave Maria School of Law Barry University -‐ Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law Belmont University College of Law Birmingham School of Law Campbell University School of Law Charleston School of Law Charlotte School of Law Duke Law School Elon University School of Law Emory University School of Law Faulkner University-‐-‐Thomas Goode Jones School of Law Florida A & M University College of Law Florida Coastal School of Law Florida International University College of Law Florida State University Georgia State University College of Law John Marshall Law School-‐ Atlanta Louisiana State University Law Center Loyola University New Orleans College of Law Mercer University School of Law Miles Law School Mississippi College School of Law Nashville School of Law North Carolina Central University School of Law Nova Southeastern University Law Center Samford University Cumberland School of Law Southern University Law Center St. Thomas University School of Law Stetson University College of Law Tulane University Law School University of Alabama School of Law University of Arkansas at Fayetteville University of Arkansas at Little Rock University of Florida Fredric G. Levin College of Law University of Georgia School of Law University of Memphis University of Miami School of Law University of Mississippi School of Law University of North Carolina School of Law University of South Carolina School of Law University of Tennessee College of Law Vanderbilt University Law School Wake Forest University School of Law
Western Region
Western Region The Western Region (WRBLSA) is comprised of the chapters in the following states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington.
Western Region Dear Mighty WRBLSA! My name is Christopher M. Sanders and I am honored and humbled to serve as your Western Region Chair of the National Black Law Students Association (NBLSA) for the 2012-‐2013 year. This year our theme involves proactively engaging in our members and their diverse communities as we press towards the mark of excellence. From our sub-‐region focused programming and service events to our Regional Job Fair and Convention, our priority will be focused on drawing in our members and their communities while we continue to push WRBLSA upwards and towards excellence. Please join us!
WRBLSA Vision: 1. Increase, support and advance programming on the sub-‐regional level thereby encouraging chapters to work with each other while providing the chapters and communities with locally accessible resources. 2. Engaging with WRBLSA Members in achieving excellence professionally, in the classroom, and in our our lives.
Proactive engagement must include an effective strategy to meet the needs of the Mighty Western Region. WRBLSA plans to meet these needs through sub-‐region focused programming. Additionally, we hope to use this sub-‐regional programming to continue to press towards the mark of excellence in the classroom, in job interviews, with our communities and in competitions. Whether it’s through our pre-‐law or service oriented programming or through WRBLSA’s networking events, WRBLSA hopes to engage with our communities and press towards the mark of excellence through our programs. Proactive engagement and excellence also means a commitment to providing value and opportunities for our WRBLSA members. For example, this year our Annual Job Fair will be located at the UCLA School of Law on August 4, 2012 and will provide members an opportunity to find legal employment. Additionally, our Regional Convention will take place in Los Angeles, California at the Kyoto Grand Hotel from January 11-‐15 and will include networking opportunities and panels on topics like professional development and entertainment law. Perhaps most importantly, WRBLSA will have sub-‐region focused programming in all three sub-‐regions including a WRBLSA Leadership Retreat in the Northern California Sub-‐Region, a board meeting in Las Vegas, and service, networking and pre-‐law events in the Pacific Northwest. Please join us as we proactively engage our communities and press towards the mark of excellence. You can learn more about the upcoming schedule and events by visiting our website at www.nblsa.com/wrblsa. You may also contact me directly at any time with questions, concerns, comments, or ideas at western@nblsa.org. Kind Regards, Christopher M. Sanders Seattle University School of Law Western Region Chair, 2012-‐2013 National Black Law Students Association
Western Region Executive Board
Christopher Sanders WESTERN CHAIR Seattle University School of Law
Irene Williams PARLIAMENTARIAN UC Davis School of Law
Trecinna Lankford-‐Abundis VICE CHAIR/ MOOT COURTDIRECTOR Humphreys College of Law
Anthony Culpepper DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP University of San Francisco School of Law
Adrienne Holland TREASURER Pepperdine School of Law
Lauren Collins DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL ACTION UC Hastings College of Law
Alisha Trotter DIRECTOR OF PRE-‐LAW DIVISION Seattle University School of Law
Ashley Ray NORTHWEST SUB-‐REGIONAL DIRECTOR University of Idaho College of Law
Nicole Bates DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICE UC Hastings College of Law
Beverly Ozowara DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS Loyola Law School Los Angeles
Western Region
WRBLSA Regional Initiatives 1. More of Us in Law School Through a series of special pre-‐law programs, events, and activities, WRBLSA seeks to engage our prospective members to get more of us in law school. This initiative will include programming at the WRBLSA Regional Convention in L.A., programming in conjunction with our regional board retreat in San Francisco, and a stand-‐alone event in Seattle, WA. 2. Engagement in Excellence and Professionalism WRBLSA challenges each member chapter and board member to strive for excellence and professionalism. Stemming from WRBLSA’s theme of “proactively engaging in our communities and pressing towards the mark of excellence,” WRBLSA plans to make this initiative a priority in every bit of WRBLSA’s programming. Specifically, WRBLSA will have programming on professionalism within and around the workplace, academic excellence, and leadership at our regional convention and in conjunction with our two joint board meetings. 3. A More Effective WRBLSA Given the diversity and geographic nature of the Western Region, it is critical that WRBLSA focus its programming through the region’s three sub-‐regions: the Northern California sub-‐ region, the Southern California sub-‐region, and the Northwest sub-‐region. At the two in-‐person board meetings, in Las Vegas and in San Francisco, we will have coordinated programming for our members including networking events with our local chapters in the area, lectures and discussion panels, community service events and events in conjunction with our Pre-‐Law division.
Western  Region
Kyoto Grand Hotel 120 South Los Angeles St, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Southern Region
Calendar of Events July 2012 14-‐15
Regional Board Meeting & Networking Event Las Vegas, NV
August 2012 4
WRBLSA Job Fair Los Angeles, CA
October 2012
Regional Board Retreat and Academic Retreat San Francisco, CA
November 2012
Pre-‐law Day Seattle, WA
January 2013 9-‐13
WRBLSA Regional Convention Los Angeles, CA
March 2013 6-‐10
NBLSA 45th National Convention Atlanta, GA
Please be sure to visit our website at www.nblsa.org/ wrblsa for the most up to date event calendar.
Western Region
WRBLSA Chapters Arizona State University School of Law California Western School of Law Humphreys College Laurence Drivon School of Law JFK School of Law Lewis & Clark Law School Loyola Law School Pepperdine University School of Law Phoenix School of Law San Francisco Law School Santa Clara University School of Law Seattle University School of Law Southwestern School of Law Stanford Law School Thomas Jefferson School of Law Trinity Law School UC Berkeley Boalt Hall School of Law UC Davis School of Law UC Hastings College of Law UCLA School of Law University of Arizona School of Law University of Hawaii William S. Richardson School of Law University of Idaho College of Law University of LaVerne College of Law University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law University of Oregon School of Law University of Pacific-‐-‐McGeorge School of Law University of San Diego School of Law University of San Francisco School of Law University of Southern California Gould School of Law University of Washington School of Law Western State University College of Law Whittier Law School
National Black Law Students Association Striving for Balance Since 1968
Contact Kendra Brown National Chair National Black Law Students Association chair@nblsa.org (202) 618-‐2572 Janea Raines National Director of Membership National Black Law Students Association membership@nblsa.org