Call for Appointed Officers and National Specialists
LEADERSHIP Opportunities
“True leadership emerges from those whose primary motivation is a deep desire to help others. Servant leadership is a very moral position, putting the w ell being o f the [membership] before other goals.”
~ Robert Greenleaf
Serve Your Community. Advocate for Y our Peers. Change Y our P rofession. Join the NBLSA Board Today!
Apply at by 3.28.2011.
for Appointed Officers and National Specialists Call
Articulate and promote the needs and goals of Black law students • Foster professional competence • Improve the relationship between Black law students, Black attorneys, and the American legal structure • Instill in the Black attorney and law student commitment to the needs of the Black community • Bring about meaningful legal and political change in the Black community • Adopt and implement policies of economic independence • E ncourage B lack law students to pursue careers in the j udiciary
NBLSA: Driving Change Since 1968
Since 1968, t he National Black Law Students A ssociation (NBLSA) has been committed t o developing t alented, involved Black attorneys. NBLSA continues to be a leading advocate for increased representation of t he Black students in law school and Black attorneys in t he legal profession.
2011-‐2012 Call for Applications Table of Contents Available Leadership Opportunities
2011-‐2012 National Team
2011-‐2012 Board Meeting Schedule
Submission Guidelines & Disclaimers
Position Descriptions
Appointed Officer Positions
• • • • • • • • • •
Chief of Staff Convention Coordinator Director of Alumni Affairs & Development Director of the College Student Division Director of Communications Director of Corporate Relations Director of Education & Career Development Director of International Negotiations Competition Director of International Relations Director of Membership (3L Only)
• • • • •
Director of Public Relations Director of Social Action Financial Secretary Parliamentarian Historian
National Specialist Positions • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Advocacy Training Specialist Congressional Liaison Specialist Elections Specialist Deputy Chief of S taff Chapter Relations Specialist Financial Specialist Corporate Relations Specialist Convention Specialist Website Specialist Career Fair Specialist (3L Only) Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition Specialist Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition Specialist International Negotiations Competition Specialist
Application Checklist
for Appointed Officers and National Specialists Call
Available NBLSA National Leadership Opportunities 2011-‐2012 Term 2011-‐2012 Term The National Black Law Students Association (NBLSA) provides a number of opportunities to shape the agenda for social a wareness a nd m eaningful change. We encourage you to consider the following leadership opportunities:
National Appointed Officers The following officers are considered m embers of the National Board and are required to travel to six (6) executive board m eetings during their t erms and participate in all National Board conference calls.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Chief of Staff Convention Coordinator Director of A lumni Affairs & Development Director of the College Student Division Director of Communications Director of Corporate Relations Director of Education & Career Development Director of International Negotiations Competition Director of International Relations Director of Membership (3L Only) Director of Public Relations Director of Social A ction Financial Secretary Parliamentarian Historian
National Specialists The following positions a re m embers of the National Staff.
Thus, attendance at executive board m eetings is encouraged, but not required.
“Ultimately, a genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus, but a molder of consensus.”
-‐Martin Luther King, Jr.
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Judicial Advocacy Specialist Legislative Advocacy Specialist Elections Specialist Deputy Chief of Staff Convention Specialist Financial Specialist Corporate Relations Specialist Chapter Relations Specialist Web Content Specialist Career Fair Specialist (3L Only) Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition Specialist Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition Specialist International Negotiations Competition (INC) Specialist*
*Applications for this position will be held until after the a ppointment of the INC Director.
for Appointed Officers and National Specialists Call
2011-‐2012 National Team
Chibundu Nnake Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law NATIONAL CHAIR
Chioma C hukwu University of Virginia School of Law NATIONAL TMTTC DIRECTOR
Antoine Floyd Southern University Law C enter NATIONAL VICE CHAIR
Sheila Isong Howard University School of Law MID-‐ATLANTIC REGION CHAIR
Alisha Burgin University of California – Los Angeles School of Law NATIONAL SECRETARY
Rodney Robbins Indiana University Maurer School of Law MIDWEST REGION CHAIR
Erica Johnson Capital University Law School NATIONAL TREASURER
Kendra Brown Vermont Law School NORTHEAST REGION CHAIR
Abre’ Conner American University – Washington College of Law NATIONAL ATTORNEY GENERAL
Elizabeth Humphrey University of Texas School of Law ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION CHAIR
Keven Leveille Florida State University School of Law NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICE
Jamie Davis North Carolina C entral University School of Law SOUTHERN REGION CHAIR
Athena Hemphill George Washington University Law School NATIONAL FDMCC D IRECTOR
Antonio Raymo Santa Clara University School of Law WESTERN REGION CHAIR
2011-‐2012 Board Meeting Schedule June 2011 Joint National and Regional Board Retreat Dallas, TX (RMBLSA) August 2011 National Bar Association National Convention Baltimore, MD (MABLSA) September 2011 CBC Weekend & CHH Leadership Retreat Washington D.C. (MABLSA)
November 2011 Executive Board Meeting (WRBLSA) January 2012 Executive Board Meeting Birmingham, AL (SRBLSA) March 2012 NBLSA’s 44th Annual National Convention Washington D.C. (MABLSA)
The NBLSA Executive Board meets six t imes a y ear, once in every region*. Locations and dates above are tentative and subject to change. *With three mandatory events taking place in MABLSA this y ear, we, unfortunately, will not be able to host a meeting in every region.
for Appointed Officers and National Specialists Call
Application Guidelines Eligibility Any member of an a ctive NBLSA chapter may apply for an appointed position. The chapter must remain active throughout the appointed p erson’s t erm in office. Members who will serve on a NBLSA regional board for the 2011-‐2012 t erm may not apply for any national position.
Submission Guidelines Deadline: A ll application materials must be submitted by 11:59PM PST on Monday, March 28, 2011. Online Submission: All items should b e submitted online at Please do not submit materials d irectly to a member of the National Board. References: Applicants must submit a list of references containing t wo past or present chapter officers.
Selection Process The selection process involves: (1) a review of applications, (2) applicant interviews and confidential chapter reference calls, and (3) final board recommendations. Application Review: All applications will be reviewed immediately after the submission d eadline. Applicant Interviews & Chapter Reference Calls: Interviews and confidential reference calls will be conducted March 30-‐April 2. A ll applicants will be e-‐mailed regarding an interview time. Board Recommendation: Final recommendations to the board will be made on April 4. Selection is based on a 100-‐ point m etric. Points are allocated as follows: Application 45 points Applicant Interview 35 points Chapter Reference 20 points Total 100 points Appointed Officers and National Specialists will be announced on Tuesday, April 5, 2011 after 5pm PST. Please note INC Specialist applications will be held until the appointment of the INC Director. INC Specialists will be announced on April 12, 2011.
• Immediately after the application deadline, all applications will be reviewed and applicants will b e contacted in order of submission regarding interviews. Thus, early application is encouraged to maximize the convenience of your interview time.
• There are no automatic appointments for any person. This
includes prior national or regional board m embers, p rior applicants for office, and applicants endorsed by current or past officers.
• There is no preference for applicants from any particular
region or chapter. The national board encourages all members who a re interested in serving NBLSA to apply.
• While applicants with past or current local leadership
experience are strongly encouraged to apply, there is no preference with respect to which office the applicant h eld. (e.g. a chapter president is not n ecessarily more meritorious than a committee chairperson).
• All materials should be submitted at If anyone solicits your information, even to speak on your behalf, p lease contact u s, immediately at
• Applicants are encouraged to apply for the position that
most interests them. However, applicants may indicate interest in up to three positions on the application.
• All new Appointed Officers and National Specialists will be notified on Tuesday, April 5, 2011, except for the INC Specialist, who will b e notified by April 12, 2011.
• National Board Members and Specialists are expressly
barred from any m embership-‐wide NBLSA scholarships o r participating in any NBLSA competitions.
If you have any questions, please email
for Appointed Officers and National Specialists Call
Position Descriptions | Appointed Officers
Please note that all appointed officers are required to prepare a transition report and a brief synopsis for the NBLSA Annual Report to b e presented at Plenary. Officers are also required to a ttend a ll Board Meetings.
Chief of Staff
Convention Coordinator
The C hief of Staff briefs the National Chair o n the internal matters of the organization and coordinates the activities o f NBLSA with other organizations. The C hief of Staff provides professional support to the National Chair and performs o ther duties a nd special projects a s a ssigned by the National Chair. This position requires extensive experience with NBLSA programming a s well as exceptional organizational, a nalytical, and communication skills. • Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of o ffice. The Convention Coordinator, using an event planning resource, is responsible for a ll facets of the National Convention including, but not limited to: (1) Convention Site Selection; (2) Convention Theme; (3) Convention Agenda; (4) Event Scheduling; (5) Marketing; (6) Registration Activities; (7) Social Events; (8) Chair, Host C hapter Confirmation; (9) Regional Convention guidance, a nd (10) all o ther duties necessary to execute the National Convention. This position chairs the National Convention Committee a nd uses attendee feedback to improve the quality o f the 44th Annual Convention. This position a lso helps secure a location a nd host hotel for 46th Annual Convention.
Director of Alumni Affairs & Development
The D irector of Alumni Affairs & D evelopment is responsible for growing a nd improving o ur a lumni database while developing new techniques to maintain relationships with c urrent a ttorneys who were members of BLSA while in law school. The position will a lso be tasked with the creation of three alumni newsletters a s well a s a lumni networking receptions during the course of the year. Finally, this role is tasked with developing strategies to conduct a comprehensive fundraising campaign for NBLSA that includes identification of a lumni a nd o ther gift prospects, development of marketing materials, personal solicitation of donors, a nd directing the solicitation of prospective donors. This position requires innovative thinking to implement many new ideas.
Director of the College Student Division
The D irector of the College Student D ivision is responsible for all pipeline programming a imed a t encouraging students to consider the legal profession. This role works to promote interest in the legal career field in high school a nd undergraduate students, partners with the National Black Pre-‐Law Admissions & Preparation Conference to help recruit Black students to law school, a nd develops programs and initiatives to increase the proficiency o f Black undergraduate students on law school entrance exams. This position also fosters the development of undergraduate a ffiliate NBLSA C hapters a t the various institutions of higher learning, provides status reports on the division, disseminates NBLSA information to CSD members, a nd exercises general executive authority over the business and function o f the CSD.
Director of Communications
The D irector of Communications oversees all internal (member) communications. This position works to publish a nd circulate a national newsletter, The Legal Pad, twice during the term o f office. This position a lso partners with the D irector of Public Relations a nd Regional liaisons to develop the communications strategy. The Communications D irector prepares, reviews, a nd helps distribute a ll material intended for dissemination to m embership including e-‐mails and NBLSA m ember-‐only web postings. This role a lso manages the D irector of Public Relations, D irector o f M embership, and Historian positions. Prior writing or editorial experience is strongly preferred. Applicants must submit a writing sample or other work product sample using the online application form.
for Appointed Officers and National Specialists Call
Position Descriptions | Appointed Officers
Please note that all appointed officers are required to prepare a transition report and a brief synopsis for the NBLSA Annual Report to b e presented at Plenary. Officers are also required to a ttend a ll Board Meetings.
Director of Corporate Relations
The D irector of Corporate Relations solicits funding from institutional sponsors (e.g., law firms, government employers, corporations, etc.) in the form o f sponsorships a nd tax-‐deductible gifts to NBLSA. This position works with the National Treasurer to develop a realistic fundraising target. This role works with the National Chair and National Director of Public Relations to prepare a nd finalize sponsorship solicitation packets; helps Regional Directors o f Corporate Relations develop Regional solicitation strategies; and maintains frequent communication with the Regional Directors of Corporate Relations. Prior fundraising and/or relationship management experience is strongly preferred.
Director of Education & Career Development Director of International Negotiations Competition Director of International Relations Director of Membership
The D irector of Education & Career Development develops a nd implements programs a imed at academic success and professional competence. This position is responsible for creating a n E-‐professional development series, maintaining the o nline NBLSA job bank, and a ssisting in the execution of regional academic retreats. This position partners with the D irector of Alumni Affairs & D evelopment to develop programs that foster connections between members a nd NBLSA a lumni. This position a lso works with the Career Fair Specialist a nd Regional liaisons to execute the Regional Job Fairs. Last, this role administers NBLSA’s annual scholarships.
The International Negotiations Competition D irector coordinates the International Negotiations Competition (INC). Further, the National D irector o f INC is charged with preparation, dissemination, a nd operation of the INC; determining the INC registration fee subject to National Executive Board a pproval; and actively seeking accreditation a nd recognition for the INC among legal institutions, organizations, a nd the legal community. He/she has the ultimate decision-‐making a uthority over solicitation, purchase or creation of the problem, a nd the official rules subject to ultimate a pproval by the National Executive Board. They must a lso appoint Specialist(s) subject to a pproval by the National Executive Board. An interest in international law and prior negotiations or alternative dispute resolution (ADR) experience is required. The D irector of International Relations works with the Attorney General a nd the Director of Community Service to coordinate international a dvocacy and service initiatives on behalf of the organization. This position coordinates NBLSA’s WORLD AIDS day program a nd the NBLSA C.A.R.E.S. for Haiti Project; ensures NBLSA support o f the Black Law Students Association o f Canada; a nd supports, manages, a nd coordinates the activities of the International Law Student D ivision chapters. This role a lso represents NBLSA a t international events and conferences a s needed and a dministers grants a nd fellowships designed to foster interest in international relations.
The D irector of M embership oversees all a spects of the m ember enrollment process. This role develops materials and programs to market m embership a nd directs online membership enrollment. The Director of Membership a lso presents membership statistics to the National Executive Board; works, through Regional liaisons, to reactivate inactive chapters a nd establish new NBLSA c hapters; and ensures events, news, a nd programs are properly communicated to the m embership. This position will oversee the C hapter Relations Specialist, a nd work c losely with the Parliamentarian and Director of the College Student D ivision. This position is limited to 3Ls.
for Appointed Officers and National Specialists Call
Position Descriptions | Appointed Officers
Please note that all appointed officers are required to prepare a transition report and a brief synopsis for the NBLSA Annual Report to b e presented at Plenary. Officers are also required to a ttend a ll Board Meetings.
Director of Public Relations
The D irector of Public Relations is responsible for the development and execution of NBLSA’s public relations strategy. This position develops press k its; prepares press releases, presentations, a nd talking points for external a udiences; a nd c ultivates and maintains media contact and distribution lists specific to NBLSA’s advocacy a nd branding objectives. The PR D irector is a lso responsible for coordinating with the National D irector of Communications a nd the Web Content Specialist to expand NBLSA’s presence via the website, social m edia (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, .etc), a nd other m edia o utlets. Prior public relations and/or marketing experience is strongly preferred. Applicants must submit a writing sample or other work product sample using the online application form.
Director of Social Action
The D irector of Social Action executes grassroots initiatives that support the Attorney General’s legislative and litigation-‐based a dvocacy and works to link NBLSA’s national, regional, and local social justice initiatives. In particular, this role coordinates with the Elections Specialist, D irector o f Programming, and o ther Board members to raise a wareness a bout voter rights a nd restoration, youth empowerment, criminal justice, or other pressing legal-‐based issues. This position is responsible for finding creative ways to execute NBLSA’s constitutionally denoted projects within this framework.
Financial Secretary
The National Financial Secretary monitors the National Board’s financial policies a nd procedures a nd deposits all funds received by the organization (must have access to Bank of America). This role a ssists the Regional Treasurers in performing their duties o n a n a s-‐needed basis; updates a nd maintains the national banking relationship database; and completes financial projections as needed by the National Treasurer and National Chair. Prior accounting or bookkeeping experience is required.
The National Parliamentarian serves a s a n advisor to NBLSA o n parliamentary procedure and decides all questions o f interpretation and construction of the parliamentary authority a nd procedural rules of NBLSA. The Parliamentarian works with Regional Parliamentarians, provides delegates with the current procedural rules, and coordinates the National election procedures. The Parliamentarian also works closely with the Director of M embership to ensure that the c hapters have constitutions that a re in compliance with the National Constitution. Wide-‐ranging knowledge of p arliamentary procedure is required.
The National Historian prepares a narrative account of NBLSA’s activities for the 2011-‐2012 term. The Historian also serves a s the custodian of documents, books, or other materials pertaining to NBLSA’s history. This role, in conjunction with the National D irector o f Programming, compiles the NBLSA L egal Pad Magazine, which contains Regional updates, governance updates, and information o n special projects or initiatives. This role is a lso responsible for coordinating photography and o ther multimedia resources at National Board M eetings a nd the National Convention.
for Appointed Officers and National Specialists Call
Position Descriptions | National Specialists
Please note that Specialists are considered Members of the National S taff as opposed to members of the National Executive Board. As such, they are not required to travel to Board Meetings. Travel requirements, if they exist, are denoted in the position d escription.
Judicial Advocacy Specialist Legislative Advocacy Specialist Elections Specialist Deputy Chief of Staff Convention Specialist Financial Specialist Corporate Relations Specialist
The J udicial Advocacy Specialist serves as the liaison between the National Attorney General a nd attorneys, firms, a nd partner organizations that will be working with the Amicus Brief program. The Judicial Advocacy Specialist will be responsible for contacting those groups regularly a nd a ssisting the Attorney General in finding new attorneys, if necessary, for the j udicial-‐a dvocacy training program. This role may also be required to work with the Regional Attorney Generals in coordinating the training programs. The L egislative Advocacy Specialist a ssists the Attorney General with the legislative advocacy work of NBLSA. As a part of the Advocacy Team, the Specialist monitors legislation in Congress, maintains scheduling a ppointments a nd m eetings with Congressional o ffices, conducts follow up with Congressional offices, and a ssists with the planning of the Annual C BC Conference and NBLSA Lobby Day. This role may a lso require a ssistance in Congressional m eetings, including attendance if necessary. Preference will be given to individuals located in the DMV area or with strong connections to the Capitol. The Elections Specialist works c losely with the Attorney General, Director o f Social Action, and community partners to develop initiatives a imed a t voter education a nd turnout, voter registration, voter protection, and voter rights restoration. Programs focus o n communities with historically low voter turnout a nd/or underrepresented populations. The Election Specialist also works with Regional Attorney Generals and Regional Community Service D irectors to implement voter programming. Prior experience managing compliance w ith laws regulating the political involvement of a 501(c)(3) is preferred. The D eputy C hief of Staff helps brief the National C hair on the internal matters of the organization a nd helps coordinate the activities of NBLSA with o ther organizations. The D eputy C hief of Staff is focused on forming new partnerships and will serve a s the liaison to the National Advisory Board. This position will a lso coordinate the appearance of dignitaries a t the National Convention. The Deputy C hief of Staff performs other duties and special projects as assigned by the National C hair. This position requires exceptional organizational, analytical, and communication skills. The Convention Specialist a ssists the Convention Coordinator in their execution of the 44th Annual Convention. This position will coordinate with the Convention Coordinator a nd Event Planner to ensure that the printing, gifts, a nd logistics are finalized. If there are volunteers, then they will also act as the volunteer coordinator. This position is limited to 3Ls.
The Financial Specialist serves as a resource to regions and local chapters regarding financial
best practices a nd will help implement uniform financial policies a nd procedures. The Finance Specialist works with the National Treasurer to issue quarterly financial statements and the annual report to m embership. This role a lso assists with the coordination and completion of all government, compliance, and regulatory documents. P rior accounting or bookkeeping education or experience is preferred.
The Corporate Relations Specialist helps solicit funding from institutional sponsors (e.g., law firms, government employers, corporations, etc.) in the form of sponsorships a nd tax-‐deductible gifts to NBLSA. The Corporate Relations Specialist helps Regions develop sponsor solicitation strategies a nd may organize contacts between Regions and potential sponsors. This position a lso handles a ll National sponsor correspondence post-‐deal, drafts sponsorship a greements, and maintains sponsor records. Prior fundraising, relationship management, and sales experience are preferred, but not required.
for Appointed Officers and National Specialists Call
Position Descriptions | National Specialists
Please note that Specialists are considered Members of the National S taff as opposed to members of the National Executive Board. As such, they are not required to travel to Board Meetings. Travel requirements, if they exist, are denoted in the position d escription.
Chapter Relations Specialist Web Content Specialist
The C hapter Relations Specialist a ssists the National D irector of M embership with managing NBLSA chapter relations a nd serves a s a resource for Regional D irectors of Membership. Additionally, they are responsible for a ssisting the National Parliamentarian with the collection of c hapter constitutions a nd ensuring that c hapters are in compliance with the NBLSA constitution. The C hapter Relations Specialist also serves as a liaison between chapters a nd the NBLSA National Finance Team in order to (1) maintain a record of chapters’ FEIN, (2) coordinate the delivery of chapter restricted donations from donors a nd (3) supply c hapters with chapter budget templates. This position is limited to 3Ls. The Web Content Specialist is responsible for managing content updates for the NBLSA website. They will report to the Director of Communications and work closely with the Director of Public Relations. The Web Content Specialist will also perform regular reviews o f the website to ensure content accuracy, timeliness, a nd relevance. They will also monitor web usage and provide v isitation stats, while developing a nd exploring cross-‐promotional o pportunities to drive traffic to the website. Experience in website development and maintenance is preferred, and the individual must be able to work under pressure. In a ddition to the aforementioned duties, they will perform related duties and responsibilities as a ssigned including designing a nd conducting training sessions for users.
Career Fair Specialist
TMMTC Specialist
The Career Fair Specialist is a resource to the Regional Job Fair Coordinators. This role serves a s the planning leader for Symplicity, the system that powers the job fairs. Specifically, this position helps setup Symplicity for each regional job fair, including user access setup for Regional Chairs a nd Regional Job Fair Coordinators; helps administer NBLSA’s membership verification for Job Fairs; and provides system administration for Symplicity including but not limited to a pproving student registrations and employer interview schedules, creating reports, developing system-‐generated a nnouncements, m anaging session open/close logistics, a nd generating employer resume packets and interview schedules. This position is limited to 3Ls. The Mock Trial Specialist supports administration o f the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition (TMMTC). The Specialist helps oversee TMMTC problem development a nd distribution. The Specialist a lso serves a s a resource for Regional TMMTC D irectors, competitors, a nd j udges. The Specialist helps provide onsite direction during the national competition a nd select regional competitions. Previous mock trial experience is preferred.
FDMCC Specialist
The Moot Court Specialist helps a dminister the Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition (FDMCC). The Specialist helps advise Regional FDMCC D irectors, serves as a point of contact for teams a nd judges, a nd helps interpret competition rules a nd procedures. As a result, the Specialist must be onsite during the national competition and select regional competitions. Prior moot court experience is preferred.
INC Specialist
The International Negotiations Competition Specialist helps oversee the International Negotiations Competition (INC). The Specialist helps oversee INC problem development and dissemination. The Specialist also works to secure j udges, increase team participation, a nd interpret competition rules a nd procedures. This is a national competition, so regional travel is not required. Instead, the Specialist m ust to be onsite during the National Convention. An interest in international law a nd prior negotiations or alternative dispute resolution (ADR) experience is preferred. Please note applications for INC Specialist will be held until appointment of the I NC Director. You will receive further communication about selection and timing no later than April 7th. Selections will be made by April 12th.
for Appointed Officers and National Specialists Call
National Appointed Officer & National Specialist Application Checklist Apply online at Please ensure you have the following materials to complete your application: Completed Online Questionnaire including Applicant Acknowledgement and Pledge and Consent to Contact Chapter Members.
Applications are due Monday, March 28, 2011 at 11:59PM PST. To apply visit
One 8.5 x 11 page Resume.
A Statement of Intent with photo in the top left corner.
A list of references containing Two chapter officers (e.g., President, Treasurer) must be submitted.
Letter from your law school registrar or dean certifying your enrollment and good academic standing.
For Director of Communications and Director of Public Relations applicants only: A sample of your written work product.
Appointment Timeline March 28
Applications Due
March 30-‐ April 2
Interviews & Confidential Reference Calls
April 4
Final Recommendations Made to Board
April 5
Applicants Notified*
*The INC Specialist will be notified o n April 12th.
Call for Appointed Officers and National Specialists
ʺ″Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” -‐Harriet Tubman
Serve Your Community. Advocate for Y our P eers. Change Y our P rofession. Join the NBLSA Board Today!
Apply online at
Questions? Email