Northeast Black Law Students Association 2014-2015 Candidate Form Please return this application to NEBLSA.VICECHAIR@NBLSA.ORG no later than Friday, January 24, 2014 at 11:59 pm EST. Name: ________ ________________________________________________________________ Office(s) Sought: ___ ____________________________________________________________ Street Address: _____________ ____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _____ ____________________________________________________________ Phone number: __________________________________________________________________ Alternate Number: ( )___ ___________________________________________________________ Law School:_____________________ ________________________________________________ Registrar’s Name & Number: ________________________________________________________ Chapter President: _________________________________________________________________ Email Address:____________________________________________________________________ Law School Classification: ___________________________________________________________ *********************************************************************************************** List NBLSA Office(s) held on a local, regional, or national level: ___________________________________________________________________________________
List membership(s) in and office(s) held with other organizations: ____________________________________________________________________________________ I have read and agree to comply with the Election Policies and Procedures. I understand that I must attend the final plenary session and participate fully in the Candidates Speeches. I acknowledge that my failure to comply with any of the aforementioned obligations may result in my disqualification. Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _________________________________________
Northeast Black Law Students Association 2013-2014 Candidacy Affirmations Please return this application to the Vice Chair no later than the end of the Mandatory Candidates Meeting. Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Office(s) Sought: _______________________________________________________________________________ Part I Statement of Fiduciary Duty of Regional Executive Board Members of NEBLSA: Regional Executive Board (REB) Members agree to be governed by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Northeast Black Law Students Association (NEBLSA). Each REB Member shall act in the best interest of NEBLSA at all times and disclose any information that may be harmful to NEBLSA. I have read and agree to comply with the Statement of Fiduciary Duty of Regional Executive Board Members of NEBLSA. Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ______________________________ Part II Duties as a NEBLSA Officer I understand that as a Regional Executive Board Member, I will be responsible for attending all meetings either on my own or through financial assistance from my law school. I also understand that if I am elected to the offices of Regional Chair or Vice Chair, that I have obligations to attend certain meetings of the Northeast Black Law Students Association Executive Board and/or its committee. Finally, I understand that I may be asked to perform duties other than those of my position in order to further the mission and goals of NEBLSA. Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Part III Election Policy I understand that I must attend the final plenary session and participate fully in Candidate Speeches. I acknowledge that my failure to comply with any of the aforementioned obligations may result in my disqualification. Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Please E-Mail if you have any questions.