Pre law advisor guide final

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Pre-Law Division Membership Guide

National Black Law

Students Association


Table of Contents ABOUT NBLSA ......................................................................................................... 3 MESSAGE FROM THE NATIONAL CHAIR...................................................... 4 MESSAGE FROM THE PRE-LAW DIVISION LEADERSHIP ........................ 5 PRE-LAW DIVISION BY REGION ....................................................................... 6 NBLSA’S CHAPTER GRANT PROGRAM .......................................................... 7 NBLSA PRE-LAW DIVISION AT A GLANCE ................................................... 8 PRE-LAW FELLOWS VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY GLANCE.................... 9 PRE-LAW MEMBERSHIP & BENFITS ............................................................... 10 NELSON MANDELA SCHOLARSHIP .............................................................. 10 PRE-LAW CHAPTER CHARTER CHECKLIST ................................................ 11 SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES ................................................................................... 12 SAMPLE CALENDAR OF EVENTS .................................................................... 13 SAMPLE PRE-LAW CHAPTER CONSTITUTION .......................................... 14 REGIONAL CONVENTION DATES.................................................................. 15 NBLSA’S 44TH ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION ................................. 16

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About NBLSA The National Black Law Students Association is the nation’s largest student-­‐‑run organization representing nearly 6,000 law students encompassing over 200 chapters and affiliates throughout the United States and six other countries.

History. Algernon Johnson ("AJ") Cooper founded the first Black American Law Students

Association at New York University School of Law in 1968. In 1983, BALSA revised its name and the word "American" was deleted to encompass all blacks, including those not of American nationality. Later, the word "National" was added to reflect the organization's national expansion, which now includes representation in the law schools of 49 states and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

Today, NBLSA continues to articulate and promote the

needs and goals of black law students. NBLSA prides itself on giving students an opportunity to develop their advocacy, writing and business skills as they work to promote diversity in legal education and the legal profession. Each year, the organization holds an annual convention to engage in legal activism and prepare new generations of black lawyers to "effectuate change."

Vision. NBLSA is a global catalyst for the respect, acceptance and engagement of black law students in their law schools, their communities and within the legal profession.

Mission. NBLSA develops talented, involved, diverse attorneys and serves as the leading national advocate for black law students.

NBLSA Structure NBLSA is governed by its National Constitution and Bylaws, which are ratified by the NBLSA membership. The NBLSA Constitution establishes a National Executive Board (NEB).

The NEB is comprised of both elected and appointed officers and is led by an elected National Chair. The National team also includes NBLSA Pre-Law Fellows, who are members of the Pre‐Law Division that have shown incredible leadership potential. Fellows are appointed, non‐ voting members of the National leadership team and are not considered members of the NEB.

Regions. NBLSA is divided into six geographic regions: Mid‐Atlantic, Midwest, Northeast, Rocky Mountain, Southern, and Western. Regions function as the conduit between the national organization and its chapters. Each region has a Regional Exec Board (REB). The REB provides chapters with programmatic direction and supports chapter activities.

Chapters. Chapters are NBLSA’s foundation. They develop creative programming that furthers NBLSA’s strategic goals, and are a critical component of the NBLSA membership experience. They also facilitate the membership dues collection process. Each chapter has an executive board comprised of elected and appointed positions.


Message from the National Chair It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your National Chair this year. As NBLSA enters its 44th year of existence, we remain as relevant today as when we were founded in 1968. Law schools are enrolling fewer and fewer African-­‐‑Americans every year. Black law students are facing one of the worst legal employment markets in decades and the unemployment for our community is at an all-­‐‑time high. In continuing on our Road to Fifty, it is imperative that we aim for new heights and continue distinguishing ourselves as a premier legal organization. For more than forty years, NBLSA has prepared law students for the challenges they may face in the legal profession while reinforcing the importance of remaining committed to our communities. This year is no different, as NBLSA strives to continue Building Pipelines for the Future. Today, we face declining African-­‐‑American law school enrollment; tomorrow, there will be fewer African-­‐‑ American attorneys to serve as advocates and social engineers.

Victoria J. Walker Victoria Walker George Mason University School of Law National Chair, 2013-2014

The Pre-Law Division plays an important role in that pipeline. The future of the black law student depends on our ability to cultivate the next generation of African American law students. NBLSA is in a unique position unlike any other pre-law organization to assist future law students in preparing for the rigors of law school. In order to leverage that ability we have transitioned from the College Student Division to the Pre-Law Division. This provides an opportunity to reach an often over looked segment of pre-law student: college graduates who desire to attend law school. We are excited to steward this incomparable organization and to offer you increased communication, exceptional service, and greater value. As the year continues to progress, we will remain diligent in our efforts and build towards a better future today. We hope to exceed your expectations and if we fall short, we hope that you will provide us with the constructive criticism necessary to improve our efforts. We welcome your feedback throughout the year, and I personally invite you to share your thoughts and ideas with me directly at, or (202) 618-­‐‑2572. As a family, we can all do our part to ensure that NBLSA continues to uphold its mission, purpose and obligation of developing the talented black lawyers of today and being the leading advocate for diversity. Pleasantries.


Message from the National Pre-Law Director Leadership

I am extremely honored to serve as the 2013-2014 National Director of the Pre-Law Division. Pre-law students are the future of the National Black Law Students Association and it is imperative that we are responsive to their needs. It is my goal to ensure that we are providing each member with the tools necessary to not only navigate the law school application process, but to become successful law students and future social engineers. This year I have a very ambitious agenda for the Pre-Law Division, and each of you will play an integral role in ensuring the success of this Division. Some of the programming initiatives that we have planned for this year include the Pre-Law Division Regional & National Law Camps, our Nelson Mandela Pre-Law Scholarships, the Pre-Law Fellows Program, and the Mentorship Program, working closely along with our law student and alumni members. We are eager to work with each of you over the course of this year to expand our membership and increase the opportunities offered to our pre-law members. We hope that you take full advantage of all of the opportunities that the Division has to offer to the students of your institution as we continue to grow the Pre-Law Division and ensure the future of the black law student. I would love to hear your ideas on how we can better serve your students. Please do not hesitate to contact me at

Gobriella M. Davis Gobriella M. Davis William and Mary Law School, Class 0f 2014 National Director of the Pre-Law Division , 2013-2014

Please visit for continued updates regarding all of our exciting programming initiatives.

Best Regards.

Pre-Law Division Vision: The Pre-Law Division is committed to advocating for and cultivating future black law students to transform the legal landscape.


Pre-Law Division at the Regional Level

Regions of NBLSA Regional Directors of the Pre-Law Division

In the fall, many of our regions will host Pre-Law camps in various parts of the country. Law camps consist of various workshops and panel sessions informing pre-law students of the law school application process, financial aid, and the practice of law, among other topics. We will keep you up to date on the registration process as the camps approach. Specific information can be found on our regional pages at

Mid-Atlantic Region: Delaware, Maryland, New

Kenneth Mitchell

Jersey (Southern), Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and District Columbia

Mid-Atlantic Director

Midwest Region: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Kansas, Kentucky, Wisconsin

Northeast Region: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey (Northern), New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont

Rocky Mountain: Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming

Southern Region: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Puerto Rico

Western Region: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington

Dwight Lacy Midwest Director

TBA Northeast Director

Cedrick Forrest Rocky Mountain Director

Tiffany Watkins Southern Director

Alisha Trotter Western Director

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NBLSA’s Chapter Grant Program The Chapter Grant Program was established in 2010 in an effort to give needed additional funding to NBLSA Law School Chapters and Pre‐Law Division Chapters that held events in line with the national objectives and programmatic thrusts. An ad hoc committee comprised of the National Chair, National Director of Programming, National Director of Membership and the National Treasurer approves chapter grant requests. Approval Guidelines A proposed event must be in line with the national objectives found in the NBLSA Constitution and Bylaws. A law school chapter or pre-law division is only eligible for one chapter grant per year. Chapter grants are limited to a maximum request of $500. General Application Information Includes: • Names and Signatures of Executive Board • Name, Location, and Type of Chapter • Number of Financially Active Members • Member Submitting • Date of Submission • Abstract Application Requirements A description of how the event promotes the mission and goals of NBLSA. A detailed description of the event/activity, including origin of program, purpose of program, targeted audience, list of all planned participants/ speakers (including their titles and affiliations). Clear and comprehensive program/event/ activity.






How will this program benefit law students, the legal profession and community? What is the likelihood that this program/activity will continue next year? What level of involvement does your law school/student organizations currently have in NBLSA or other law groups? What support have you received from your chapter towards your program? What involvement does your chapter have on campus? Post Event Requirements Grant recipients are required to submit an After Action Report and a final itemized budget within two weeks of the scheduled event. In addition, the committee requires submission of pictures from the event and electronic copies of any printed materials for records and to highlight programs held by grant recipients. Application Process/Timeline Submit application and supporting documents – 30 days before event Committee Review of Application – Approximately 2 Weeks


Budget request must include a detailed budget of all anticipated expenses and projected revenue/funding. Expenses for food (please specify) and beverage (please specify) should be detailed by per person costs. A list of all sources of funding and the amounts. Please explain if the law school/administration will provide funding and if so, how much. If no funding from the school/administration has been allocated, please explain. An explanation of the necessity of funding for this program/activity. What, if any, expenses can you eliminate if NBLSA funding is not secured?

Notification of Approval, Request for Additional Information or Denial Treasurer Issues Award – Approximately 1 week Mandatory After Action Reports – Due within 2 Weeks of the event Notification of Acceptance of AAR and final budget – Approximately 1 week


NBLSA Pre-Law Division At a Glance Membership in the Pre-Law Division is open to undergraduate students and individuals who have obtained their undergraduate degrees. Individuals may join a Pre-Law Chapter at their undergraduate institution or they may join the Pre-Law Division as AtLarge Members. Dues for At-Large Members are $20. Dues for members of an existing Pre-Law Chapter are $10 if paid before January 1st. If dues are paid on January 1st or thereafter, they are $20.

Membership Dues At a Glance: Pre-Law Chapter Member: $20 At-Large Member: $20 Initial Chapter Charter Fee: $100 Due Date: December 31st Late Registration: $20

Members of newly chartered chapters do not have to submit individual membership dues. The initial chapter charter fee of $100.00 covers all members of that chapter for the 2012-2013 academic year. After the initial charter year, each chapter will be required to submit membership dues of $10 per member in order to keep their chapter active.

Membership Benefits

The leadership of the Pre-Law Division is continuously working to enhance the membership benefits of the Pre-Law Division. Please visit for more information on benefits. If you have any suggestions for benefits that you would like to see the Pre-Law Division seek please let us know here. We are continuously working to enhance the membership benefits of the Pre-Law Division. Please visit for more information. If you have any suggestions for benefits that you would like to see the Pre-Law Division provide, please let us know here. Pre-Law students are also invited to NBLSA’s 46th Annual National Convention. For members, registration is only $100, if you register by February 15th.

Pre-Law Division Members are eligible for the following benefits: The Nelson Mandela Scholarship Pre-Law Member of the Month NBLSA Chapter Grant Program Mentorship Program Discounted Admission to Regional & National Conventions


Pre-Law Fellows Volunteer Opportunity

Applying to the Program

About the Fellowship Program

The application period for next year's Pre-Law Fellows Class is scheduled to open in May of 2012. Please check out the Fellows Program webpage for more information. We look forward to having you join next year's class!

The NBLSA Pre-Law Fellowship is an unpaid, volunteer position designed to help increase NBLSA's impact while offering students pre-law mentorship and an incredible insider experience with the nation's largest student-run organization.

Mission The purpose of the Pre-Law Fellows Program is to provide students with unparalleled law-related, non-profit experience. Now in its second year of existence, the Fellows Program pairs a select number of pre-law students from across the country with key members of NBLSA's National Executive Board to work on cornerstone areas of our organization's operations. This fellowship gives prospective law students the invaluable opportunity to experience NBLSA even before starting their law school careers. Members of the Pre-Law Fellows Class are also invited to attend NBLSA's annual Convention celebration as the capstone event of their fellowship with us.

Qualifications NBLSA is always looking for driven, self-motivated students to join our ranks as NBLSA Pre-Law Fellows. If you know a junior, senior, or recent college graduate who has demonstrated academic excellence and a commitment to service, NBLSA would love to hear from them!

2013-2014 Fellows Each fellow must exemplify excellence in the classroom and a commitment to their respective college communities. As a Pre-Law Fellow, these students will be placed to work with a member of NBLSA's National Executive Team. This year we are developing a new workshop initiative for the Fellows that aims to assist our students with drafting their personal statements, soliciting letters of recommendation, and submitting their law school applications. Because the goal is to provide our Fellows with the tools necessary to gain acceptance to the nation's best law schools, we are constantly looking to expand the breadth of services and experiences that NBLSA can offer.

Pre-Law Membership & Benefits Members of the Month The Pre-Law Division will select six financially active members to become Members of the Month. Members of the Month will be selected based on an essay of no more than 500 words that describes how the nominee has contributed to his/her community, contributed to his/her fellow PreLaw Division members, and implemented this year’s National Theme Road to 50: An Evolving Legacy Pre-Law Division Members of the Month nomination forms must be submitted by the 20th of each month. These forms may be found on our website at All Pre-Law Division members are encouraged to nominate himself or herself, or a fellow PreLaw Division member. The selected members will be recognized on the NBLSA website, via social media, and again in Washington, DC at the National Convention. The selected Members of the Month must submit a professional headshot to accompany the publication.

Nelson Mandela Scholarship The Nelson Mandela Scholarship is awarded to members of the Pre-Law Division who exemplify the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela. This year’s Scholarships will be awarded to deserving members of the Pre-Law Division during the National Convention in Washington, DC.



Pre-Law Chapter Charter Checklist Get Organized Identify Individuals interested in going to Law School Select Pre-Law Chapter Advisor Select/Elect a Chapter President

Get Recognized

Register Online Pay your NBLSA Dues Receive your NBLSA Email account Contact the National Pre-Law Division Director

Get Active

Elect an Executive Board Plan Programs Connect with a local BLSA Chapter Grow Your Membership Attend Law Camps/Regional Conventions Prepare a team for the 2012-2013 National Mock Trial Competition Plan Community Service Events

Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Suggested Activities for Pre-Law Chapters LSAT 101 Chapters are encouraged to host events that assist chapter members in preparing for the Law School Admission Test. These events can include a mock LSAT, LSAT Prep Course, and a guide to registering for the LSAT.

Courthouse/ Law School Tour It is important that pre-law students are exposed to the profession to which they aspire to work in. Chapters are encouraged to schedule tours with their local courthouse. Chapters with attached law schools are also encouraged to schedule a tour of the law schools with the schools admissions department.

Community Service Week Chapters are asked to plan a week of community service. This week provides local chapters an opportunity to integrate the concerns of their communities with at least one of the national or regional initiatives. Community Service Week should consist of at least 3 events and should occur in October.

Founder’s Day of Service In honor of the vision of our founder, all chapters should observe the day by hosting an event on the last Saturday of October; this can be done in conjunction with the National Week of Service. The goal is for 100% participation from chapter members and will promote the focus of NBLSA in serving the community.

MLK Day of Service All chapters should have a service day that is generally committed to service in honor of Dr. King. The intention of this project should be to motivate students to honor the memory of Dr. King by servicing the community.

College 101/ Youth Empowerment This program should target high school students preparing for the next step in their education. Pre-Law Division chapters are encouraged to work with other organizations to assist high school students preparing for college.


Pre-Law Chapter Sample Calendar of Events October Monthly Chapter Meeting 10 - 14 | Community Service Week 26 | Founder’s Day of Service

November Monthly Chapter Meeting 15 -16 | 9th Annual National Black Pre-Law Conference; Houston, TX

December • •

1 | Aids Awareness Program 31 | Deadline to Submit Chapter Dues for $10

January • • •

17 | MLK Day of Service Monthly Chapter Meeting Attend Regional Conventions

February • •

Monthly Chapter Meeting Plan Black History Programs in conjunction with other organizations

March • •

12 - 16 | National Convention Monthly Meeting

April • •

Hold Officer Elections Submit New Leader Information to NBLSA via our online web form


Sample Pre-Law Chapter Constitution Article I: Organization Name The name of the organization shall be the University of Podunk Pre-Law Division of the National Black Law Students Association (“NBLSA”).

Article II: Purpose The purpose of the Pre-Law Division is to articulate and promote the educational, professional, political and social needs and goals of black pre-law students.

Article III: Membership Section 1. Membership in this organization shall be open to all students in good standing currently enrolled at the University, regardless of race, creed, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or physical disability. Section 2. In order to remain an active member of the Pre-Law Division, each member is required to submit dues to NBLSA via their chapter.

Article IV: Officers Section 1. The officers of this group shall consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Section 2. All officers shall be registered undergraduate students at the University. Section 3. These officers shall constitute the executive board. Section 4. The duties of these officers are as follows: The President shall be the chief executive officer of the group and shall have general supervision and control of its activities and programs. They will also set the vision and direction of the chapter. The Vice President shall assist the President and assume his or her duties when the President is unable to serve. The Treasurer shall have general charge of the financial affairs of the group. They shall keep an accurate record of these affairs. The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings of the group and of all activities and programs. He or she will handle all formal correspondence between members and officers of the group. Section 5. The President and Treasurer shall be the only authorized signers on the organization’s bank account.

Article V: Elections Section 1. April. Section 2. Section 3. 1.

Officers shall be elected annually by the membership. Elections shall be held during the month of The Officers’ terms shall begin on June 1. The roster of newly elected officers shall be submitted to NBLSA’s Pre-Law Division no later than July

Article VI: Meetings Section 1. Meetings of the groups shall be held on a regular basis for the purpose of determining policy, activities, programs, and other business. The President, the Secretary, or any member of the executive board may call special meetings. Section 2. A simple majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum. Section 3. The President shall govern all meetings. In the President’s absence, the Vice-President shall govern. Section 4. The Secretary shall communicate notice of regular and special meetings to all members of the organization. Section 5. All dues-paying members shall have one vote with respect to any resolutions put forward during a meeting.

Article VII: Amendments Section 1. The constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the dues-paying membership. Section 2. Any financially active members of the group may propose an amendment. Proposals shall be filed in writing with the Secretary prior to the meeting so that the group may have time to debate the proposal.


Save the Date WRBLSA Regional Convention

January 16 -­‐ 18 , 2014| Sacramento, CA

SRBLSA Regional Convention

February 12 -­‐ 16, 2014 | Jacksonville, FL

NEBLSA Regional Convention

January 22 -­‐ 26, 2014 | Albany, NY

MABLSA Regional Convention

February 5 – 9, 2014| Portsmouth, VA

RMBLSA Regional Convention

February 19 -­‐ 23, 2014 | Austin, TX

MWBLSA Regional Convention

January 29 – February 2, 2014 | Minneapolis, MN

NBLSA National Convention March 12 – 16, 2014 | Milwaukee, WI


If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life, which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.

~ Henry David Thoreau

Contact National Black Law Students Association

Gobriella M. Davis National Director of the Pre-Law Division

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