Mighty Mighty Midwest Advocacy Guide I N I T I A T I V E
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Initiative I: VOTER PROTECTION WHAT IS VOTER PROTECTION? Voter Protection is a collective effort to safeguard voters’ rights before, during, and after Election Day. These efforts aim to give voters the necessary information and resources to cast a meaningful ballot.
WHAT RESOURCES ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU? This year MWBLSA is partnering with the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights under Law which spearheads the nation’s largest non-partisan voter protection coalition which includes:
Voter Registration
Early and Absentee Voting
Proof of Citizenship and Voting Identification
Residency Requirements
Voting Restrictions for People with Felonies
Deceptive Practices and
866-OUR-VOTE hotline which voters can call and report problems and receive assistance from trained legal volunteers
www.866ourvote.com website that the provides state-by-state information on voting laws and election administration
Election day field programs in which trained volunteers monitor poll activities
Voter Intimidation
Wisconsin - changed residency requirements without a voter education campaign; new government photo ID laws; deceptive phone calls; polling places running out of registration forms
Ohio– suppressive voting laws
Michigan– suppressive voting laws
How to Get Involved
Organize Know Your Rights presentations in your community.* Raise awareness for undergraduate and graduate students about absentee and early voting requirements. Disseminate Voter Guides/Checklist*
Attend an Election Protection workshop at this year’s Academic Retreats. Volunteer for the Election Protection’s Voter Hotline** Sign up on to be an election-day monitor in your city.**
GET CREATIVE! These are some suggestions, but feel free to find creative ways to address your community’s needs. IMPORTANT! No NBLSA affiliate is to host voter registration drives or endorse candidates.
Resources can be found on the www.866ourvote.com
** Contact MWBLSA Attorney General at mwblsa.ag@nblsa.org for more information