WRBLSA Appointed Position Descriptions 2014 2015

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Per Article III, Section 7 of the National Constitution, NBLSA election procedures are designed to help secure the opportunity for as many members of the Association as possible to participate in governance of the Association.

Job Descriptions for Vacant Offices *Initial in the space provided next to the position that you are applying for. A. The Western Regional Chair will: a. Exercise general authority over the business and activities of WRBLSA; b. Coordinate the activities of the Executive Board to ensure implementation of all internal and external tasks; c. Chair all Regional Executive Board Meetings; d. Present ideas and propose directions for the region; e. Preside over the Regional Assembly; f. Serve as an ex-officio member of all WRBLSA committees; g. Co-sign with the Regional Treasurer and/or regularly review, all checks issued by WRBLSA1; h. Produce a quarterly report to be distributed to the Regional Executive Board that details the status of WRBLSA; i. Attend local chapter events as the Regional Executive Board representative whenever financially and logistically feasible; j. Disseminate National and Regional information throughout the Western Region; k. Ensure the implementation of nationally mandated projects, in accordance with Article XIV of the Constitution, on a Regional level, including conducting a community service project at their respective Regional Conventions; l. Ensure the receipt of funds from the National Executive Board and/or other sources in order to finance Regional programs and operations; m. Organize Regional Conventions pursuant to Article III, Section 3 of the NBLSA Bylaws;

The check co-signature and transaction review options are provided to 1) afford sufficient flexibility to ensure timely payment as the co-signing parties are usually not in the same locale and 2) account for instances, such as electronic payment, where a co-signature is not possible. All spending is governed by an independent financial policy and subject to the review of the entire National Executive Board. 1


n. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Regional Chair, Regional Executive Board, or the Regional General Assembly may assign; o. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the WRBLSA Annual Report; and p. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office. q. WRBLSA will help subsidize the travel costs of the Chair according to the following limitations: i. The total travel reimbursement will be up to 50% of the total cost, excluding all other sources of funding, not to exceed $4,000.00 if such funds are available. ii. All travel costs must be reimbursed pursuant to the WRBLSA reimbursement policy. iii. Travel costs are limited to hotel stay and transportation costs. iv. The Chair shall make diligent efforts to limit expenses. v. The monetary figure is listed in (a) will be reviewed annually by the Regional Executive Board and presented for approval to the plenary body for consistency with current economic needs.

B. The Vice-Chair will: a. Exercise general executive authority over the business and activities of WRBLSA, and chair all Executive Board meetings and other functions in the event of the incapacity or absence of the Chair; b. Serve as an internal manager to the Executive Board and oversee all intraboard relations; c. Serve as an ex-officio member of all WRBLSA committees; d. Attend local chapter events as the Regional Executive Board representative when the Regional Chair is unable to attend, whenever financially and logistically feasible; e. Develop and finalize the Regional Executive Board meeting agendas in accordance with the ideas and input of the Regional Chair; f. Serve as Chair of the Grievance Committee and present periodic reports to the Regional Chair; g. Evaluate Regional projects, programs, and initiatives proposed by Regional Executive Board members; 3

h. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Regional Chair, the Regional Executive Board, or the Regional General Assembly may assign; i. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the NBLSA WRBLSA Annual Report; and j. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office.

C. The Regional Secretary will: a. Maintain and distribute the minutes and agenda for all meetings of the Regional Executive Board and the Regional General Assembly; b. Develop an operational calendar of Regional events; c. Disseminate a copy of the Regional calendar to the Chapter Presidents; d. Maintain adequate distribution of the official WRBLSA stationary and templates to all Regional Executive Board members; e. Coordinate the Regional Executive Board meetings, including the meeting sites and dial in information; f. Collect and maintain the officers’ reports for the Regional Executive Meetings; g. Utilize audio and/or video technology to record Plenary sessions at the Regional Convention; h. Maintain frequent communication with local chapter secretaries; i. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Regional Chair, the Regional Executive Board, or the Regional General Assembly may assign; j. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the WRBLSA National Annual Report; and k. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office.

D. Regional Treasurer will: a. Handle all funds and securities of WRBLSA and ensure that they are deposited in such facility, and in such a manner, as the Regional Executive Board may designate; b. Assure that entries are regularly made in the financial records, accounting for all funds received and disbursed by WRBLSA; 4

c. Submit the financial records of WRBLSA to the National Treasurer. d. Determine, together with the other Regional Executive officers, the allocation of the WRBLSA financial resources to allow for a steady cash flow; e. Provide financial reports at each Regional Executive Board meeting; f. Design, implement, and monitor a financial policy related to expenditures and cash flow for the Association with the approval of the Regional Executive Board; g. Develop an annual Regional Budget and submit it to the Regional Executive Board for approval at the first regularly scheduled Regional Executive Board meeting. This Budget must include: i. statement of accounts; ii. statement of unpaid bills with explanation; iii. statement of transfers between accounts; iv. statement of income; v. detailed account of how all funds were used; vi. detailed account of all anticipated expenses based on future program needs, history, and accounting for emergencies; and vii. all other items the National Treasurer deems necessary h. Present a Regional Financial Report at the last Plenary Session; i. Co-sign, with the Chair and/or provide the Chair with appropriate access and reports to review all checks issued by WRBLSA and all WRBLSA bank account activity on a bi-monthly basis2; j. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Regional Chair, the Regional Executive Board, or the Regional General Assembly may assign; k. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the WRBLSA Annual Report; and l. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office.

The check co-signature and transaction review options are provided to 1) afford sufficient flexibility to ensure timely payment as the co-signing parties are usually not in the same locale and 2) account for instances, such as electronic payment, where a co-signature is not possible. All spending is governed by an independent financial policy and subject to the review of the entire National Executive Board. 2


E. The Regional Director of the Frederic Douglass Moot Court will: a. Appoint a Regional Moot Court Specialist (“RMCS”). The RMCS must be a NBLSA member in good standing to serve, and his/her appointment must be approved by the Regional Executive Board. Whenever possible the RMCS should be a student local to the competition city and/or host school. b. Coordinate the Western Regional Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition according to the direction of the National Director of the Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition. c. Maintain frequent communication with the National Director of FDMCC; d. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the National Chair, the Regional Executive Board, or the General Assembly may assign;Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the WRBLSA Annual Report; e. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office and; f. Attend all days of the regional competition.

F. The Regional Director of the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition (“TMMTC”) will: a. Appoint a Regional Mock Trial Specialist (“RMTS”). The RMTS must be a NBLSA member in good standing to serve; his/her appointment is subject to approval by the Regional Executive Board. Whenever possible the RMTS should be a student local to the competition city and/or host school. b. Coordinate the Annual Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition according to the direction of the National Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Director. c. Maintain frequent communication with National Director of TMMTC; d. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Chair, the Regional Executive Board, or the Regional General Assembly may assign; e. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the WRBLSA Annual Report; f. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office and; 6

g. Attend all days of the regional competition.

The Regional Director of Community Service will: h. Coordinate and execute all community affairs project undertaken on at the Regional level; i. Provide for the recognition of one small, medium, and large chapter within the Western Region who have developed model community service programs; j. Assist in the distribution of the Annual Regional Community Service Handbook or supplement to all WBLSA chapters upon receipt of National membership dues, k. Organize the Regional Community Service project to be conducted during all major regional events including but not limited to Academic Retreat and Regional Convention; l. Maintain frequent communication with Local Chapter Directors of Community Service; m. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Chair, the Regional Executive Board, or the Regional General Assembly may assign; n. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the WRBLSA Annual Report; and o. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office.

G. The Regional Director of Programming will: a. Develop and evaluate Regional programs that are in keeping with the goals and themes established by NBLSA; b. Work with the Local Chapter Presidents to develop and coordinate uniform programs to maintain the goals of NBLSA; c. Ensure that the Regional programming reflects the goals and themes established by NBLSA; d. Oversee any Regional programs (e.g., Academic Retreat); e. Develop methods to facilitate the implementation of National programs at the regional and local level; f. Maintain frequent communication with the presidents of each chapter 7

g. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Regional Chair, the Regional Executive Board, or the Regional General Assembly may assign; h. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the WRBLSA Annual Report; and i. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office.

H. The Regional Attorney General will: a. Research current legal issues facing the African-American Community in Western Region; b. Prepare memoranda to increase awareness of legal issues unique to the Western Region; c. Prepare Amicus Curiae briefs to support cases affecting the AfricanAmerican Community in collaboration with the National Attorney General; d. Coordinate with members of Congress to define issues affecting the African American community within the Western Region; e. Prepare memoranda to be distributed nationally regarding Congressional issues that affect the African American community in collaboration with the National Attorney General; f. Coordinate WRBLSA participation regarding such issues; g. Plan WRBLSA participation in the Congressional Black Caucus Annual Conference; h. Make official statements on behalf of WRBLSA with the joint approval of the Regional Chair and Regional Parliamentarian; i. Maintain frequent communication with liaisons from each local chapter; j. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Regional Chair, the Regional Executive Board, or the Regional General Assembly may assign; k. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the WRBLSA Annual Report; and l. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office.

I. The Regional Director of Communications will: 8

a. Coordinate internal and external communication of information; b. Maintain and disseminate information on the WRBLSA listserv; c. Maintain and facilitate postings on the WRBLSA social media outlets; d. Prepare and review material for the official WRBLSA website as needed; e. Implement national communication policies and procedures and develop region specific policies as needed; f. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Regional Chair, the Regional Executive Board, or the Regional General Assembly may assign; g. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the WRBLSA Annual Report; and h. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office.

J. The Regional Director of Corporate Relations will: a. Solicit funding from corporate and secondary sources in the form of sponsorships and tax deductible gifts to WRBLSA; b. Prepare and finalize the solicitation packets that will be distributed to potential sponsors; c. Design, implement, and monitor a corporate relations policy related to solicitation of sponsorship and tax deductible gifts for WRBLSA and its Chapters in compliance with National Corporate Sponsorship Policies ; d. Assist local chapter directors of corporate relations in developing solicitation strategies; e. Maintain frequent communication with the local chapter directors of corporate relations; f. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Chair, the Regional Executive Board, or the General Assembly may assign; g. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the WRBLSA Annual Report; and h. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office.

K. The Regional Director of Membership will: a. Distribute information regarding the membership process to potential 9

chapters of WRBLSA; b. Compile regional membership statistics and make them available to the Regional Executive Board; c. Maintain updated data regarding regional membership;

d. Work, through local chapter liaisons, to reactivate inactive chapters and establish contact at law schools within the Western Region that do not have NBLSA chapters; e. Serve as the Chair of the Regional Membership Committee; f. Maintain frequent communication with the local chapter liaisons; g. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Regional Chair, the Regional Executive Board, or the Regional Assembly may assign; h. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the WRBLSA Annual Report; and i. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office.

L. The Regional Director of Education & Career Development will: a. Obtain and ensure timely distribution of information about the Sandy Memorial Scholarship to WRBLSA members who write outstanding essays on the National Convention theme; b. Manage and coordinate the activities of Sub-Regional Job Fairs; c. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Regional Chair, the Regional Executive Board, or the Regional General Assembly may assign; d. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the WRBLSA Annual Report; and e. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office.

M. The Regional Financial Secretary will: a. Monitor the financial policies and procedures as set by the Regional Treasurer with the approval of the Regional Executive Board; 10

b. Assist the Regional Treasurers in performing his/her duties on an asneeded basis; c. Complete financial projections for convention travel expenses, Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition expenses, and Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition expenses, as necessary; d. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Regional Treasurer, Regional Chair, the Regional Executive Board, or the Regional General Assembly may assign; e. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the WRBLSA Annual Report; and f. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office.

N. The Regional Convention Coordinator will: a. Confirm a Host Chapter for the Regional Convention, subject to the approval of the Regional Executive Board; b. Be responsible for all aspects of the Regional Convention, subject to the approval of the Regional Executive Board, including, but not limited to: i. Convention Site Selection ii. Convention Theme iii. Develop a Convention agenda iv. Event Scheduling v. Marketing vi. Registration Activities vii. All other duties necessary to execute the Regional Convention viii. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Chair, the Regional Executive Board, or the General Assembly may assign; ix. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the NBLSA National Annual Report; and 11

x. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office.

O. The Regional Parliamentarian will: a. Serve as an advisor and counsel the Regional Chair and WRBLSA on the Parliamentary Procedure; b. Serve as the advisor to the Regional Executive Board on the WRBLSA Constitution and Bylaws, and, in accordance with Article XIII, decide all questions of interpretation and construction of the parliamentary authority and procedural rules of WRBLSA; c. Be responsible for providing all delegates with the current procedural rules; d. Coordinate Regional election procedures at the Regional Plenary Sessions; e. Serve on the National Constitution and Bylaws Committee; f. Maintain frequent communication with the National Parliamentarian; g. Maintain frequent communication with local chapter parliamentarians; h. Serve as an ex-officio member of all Regional committees; i. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the National Parliamentarian, the Chair, the Regional Executive Board, or the Regional General Assembly may assign; j. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the NBLSA National Annual Report; and k. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office.

P. The Regional Historian will: a. Prepare a narrative account of the Region’s activities during the term of office, which when approved by the Regional Executive Board, shall become a permanent part of the Region’s official history; b. Serve as the physical and electronic records custodian; i. The Regional Historian will govern the collection of and maintain 12

affirmative custody of the documents, books, and other written or printed matter (or at least designate a centralized location for the custody of these items) and exercise control over the access of such items to officers of Active Chapters and Active Members of the Association; c. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Regional Chair, The Regional Executive Board, or the Regional General Assembly may assign;

d. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for NBLSA Regional Annual Report; and e. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office.

Q. The Regional Director of the Pre-Law Affairs will: a. Create pre-law collegiate chapters of NBLSA within the Western Region; b. Keep pre-law student and law student members, as well as the Regional Executive Board, informed of the status of the collegiate chapters and general membership; c. Suggest, create, and implement programs, projects, and activities for the development and benefits of Pre-Law Chapters in the Western Region; d. Disseminate information about NBLSA and WRBLSA to Pre-Law members within the Western Region; e. Maintain frequent communication with the National Director of the PreLaw Student Division; f. Maintain frequent communication with Local Chapter Pre-Law Directors and Pre-Law Chapter Presidents within the Western Region; g. Work with the National Director of the Pre-Law Division to develop and maintain a database of Pre-Law advisors and Pre-Law student organizations at undergraduate institutions; h. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Regional Chair, the Regional Executive Board and the Regional General Assembly may assign; i. Compile a synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the WRBLSA Annual Report; and j. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office. 13

R. The Regional Director of Alumni Affairs and Development will: a. Implement programs to foster relationships between NBLSA alumni and current WRBLSA members; b. Serve as the liaison to all Bar Associations and other external organizations within the Western Region; c. Communicate regularly with the National Director of Alumni Affairs; d. Coordinate alumni receptions for Regional events; e. Assist with the coordination of local chapter alumni receptions as necessary; f. Solicit and present nominees for the Alumni Spotlight and Hall Of Fame Induction and submit to the Alumni Affairs Committee; g. Develop and maintain a regional alumni database; h. Share the updated regional alumni database with National Director of Alumni Affairs on a monthly basis; i. Oversee regional distribution of The Alumni Spotlight; j. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Chair, the Regional Executive Board, or the General Assembly may assign.


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