WRBLSA Constitution & Bylaws

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National Black Law Students Association, Western Region

CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS PREAMBLE We the National Black Law Students Association of the Western Region, descendants of kings and queens, slaves, immigrants and pioneers, daughters and sons of the survivors of the Black experience, come together within the National Black Law Students Association bound by the common thread of having made it thus far under the watchful eyes of the Creator. We will succeed in law school and we will remain true to our calling - to give back to the communities that have influenced our lives and supported our endeavors. The circumstances we have come from - the ebb and flow of struggle and hope and setback and triumph are as real as the distance we have yet to go. We will stand by each other through the lessons of law and the lessons of life. Though small in numbers, we will continue to be encouraged, for our strength lies in our unity. In order to promote the general welfare of Black law students, to celebrate our oneness, to sustain and govern ourselves, and to shape the future of Black; law students with our own hands, we do ordain and honorably uphold this Constitution for the Black Law Students Association Western Region. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE I: NAME AND AUTHORITY SECTION 1 NAME: This association shall be known as the Western Region of the National Black Law Students Association, Inc. (Hereinafter referred to as the Region). AUTHORITY: The bylaws regulate the chapters in the Region, Regional Staff and the Regional Board. It is the intent of this instrument to guide the Region and to supplement the purpose, duties and rights stated in the National Constitution. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE II: PURPOSE The purpose of the Region shall be to provide Black law students a forum for expressing their unique needs and concerns; to provide a regional support mechanism for local chapter problems; to provide a Black united front; to develop future Black leadership; to keep the lines of communication between Black law students and the Black community open; and to utilize the collective resources of the member chapters to effectuate the goals of the National Black Law Students Association BLSA as expressed in Article II of the National Constitution. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE III: MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1 COMPOSITION: The Region shall be composed of the following states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, the state of Washington and any other state so designated by the National body.


The Region shall have the following Sub-Regions: a. Sub-Region No. 1: Alaska, Washington and Oregon b. Sub-Region No. 2: Reno, Nevada, Northern California and Hawaii c. Sub-Region No. 3: Southern California, Arizona, and Las Vegas, Nevada. SECTION 2 MEMBERSHIP: SUBSECTION 1: Eligibility for Membership General Membership shall consist of all matriculated Black law students at an American member law school or of an at large chapter. SUBSECTION 2: Classification of Membership a. Active membership shall consist of all member chapters that have fulfilled the payment of dues for that fiscal year, which entitles them to all rights and privileges of the Association defined herein. b. Inactive membership shall consist of any chapter that does not fulfill the dues requirement. c. Associate membership of this Association shall be limited to Black law graduates and designed members of associated organizations. d. Honorary membership may be extended to any person nominated by the General membership and approved by majority vote of the general assembly. e. Individual membership: For the purpose of voting, running for office and participation in the Frederick Douglas Moot Court competition, an individual member is any Black law student matriculating at a law school in the Region, and who is in good standing with his or her active chapter. SECTION 3 RIGHTS: a. Active membership: Active chapters shall have the right to vote, and have their eligible members run for national or regional offices. b. Honorary members may attend BLSA meetings and participate in all BLSA programs. c. Inactive members may attend meetings and programs of the Region, but may not vote. SECTION 4 DUTIES: a. Each chapter must regularly participate in the activities of the Region. b. Each chapter must pay regional dues. c. Each chapter must send a representative to all sub-regional meetings. d. Each chapter must provide a liaison with the Regional Newsletter Editor. e. Each chapter must send a delegate to participate in the Plenary Sessions at the Regional Convention. f. Failure to carry out chapter duties will result in members loss of privilege to participate in the Frederick Douglas Moot Court Competition, and loss of members privilege of free participation in any NBLSA sponsored Job Fairs. g. Failure of a chapter to send a delegate to the Regional convention and to the first Sub-Regional round-table of each semester will result in loss of member’s privilege of free participation in any NBLSA sponsored Job Fairs, for the calendar year. h. Each chapter must participate in a recognized community service activity in the 12 months preceding the regional job fair. Failure of a chapter to do so will result in loss of member’s privilege of participation in the job fair. Chapters chartered within the 12 months preceding the job fair are exempted from this requirement.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE IV: REGIONAL CONVENTION SECTION 1 TIME AND MANNER OF OPERATION: The Regional Convention shall be the only mandatory convention. This convention shall occur no sooner than February 1 and no later than the first weekend in March, excluding holidays. a. The following shall be mandatory programs for the Regional Convention: Frederick Douglas Moot Court competition, the Regional Business Meeting, and Community Service Project. b. Elections shall occur at the Regional Convention. SECTION 2 ROTATION OF THE CONVENTION: The location of the Regional Convention will be based on the following rotation schedule: (a) Northwestern (b) Northern (c) Southern and, if due to extremely extenuating circumstances, a sub-region is unable to host the Convention at its prescribed time, the choice of Regional Convention site shall be made by the Regional Executive Board. Date of implementation effective immediately. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE V: REGIONAL BOARD ARTICLE I: OFFICERS SECTION 1 COMPOSITION: The board shall be composed of the following: one (1) Regional Director, one (1) Executive Director, five (5) Sub-Regional Directors, one (1) Treasurer, one (1) Secretary, one (1) Academic Retreat Coordinator, one (1) Convention Coordinator, one (1) Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition Coordinator, one (1) Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition Coordinator, one (1) Community Service Director, two (2) Corporate Relations Co-Directors, one (1) Attorney General, and one (1) Parliamentarian a. Sub-Region No. 1 should consist of one (1) Sub-Regional Director. Sub-Region No. 2 should consist of two (2) Sub-Regional Directors. Sub-Region No. 3 should consist of two (2) Sub-Regional Directors. b. The Regional Director may appoint


SECTION 2 DUTIES: a. DIRECTOR: The Regional Director shall be responsible for: 1. Disseminating national and regional information throughout the Region 2. Assisting the National Board with implementing projects on a regional level 3. Representing the Region at relevant conventions and meetings that occur within the Region, or outside of the Region if the conventions or meeting will benefit the Region, 4. Attending the National Board meetings, and 5. Exercising general executive authority over the business and activities of the Region. b.


EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: The Executive Director shall be responsible for: 1. Serving as Vice-Director of the Region, 2. Assisting the Regional Director in carrying out the management of the board and the Region, 3. Assisting the rest of the Regional Executive Board members in carrying out their jobs, 4. Maintaining a regional webpage to be updated as needed, and 5. Publishing a regional newsletter concerning the activities of the Region two times per semester: in Fall Semester two before December; in the Spring Semester two before May.


SUB-REGIONAL DIRECTORS: The Sub-Regional Directors shall be responsible for: 1. Coordinating Job Fairs and Recruitment programs in their Sub-Region, 2. Maintaining contact with chapters in their Sub-Region, 3. Doing other assignments reasonably requested by the Regional Board, 4. Organizing Round Table meetings consisting of a representative of every chapter in the Sub-Region. Such Round Table meetings shall be conducted at least twice per semester year, once in early Fall and once in early Spring, 5. Organizing an annual statistical report of the Regional Job Faire inclusive of but not limited to: a) call backs b) number of offers made c) number of positions accepted d) number of times firm/organizations have participated in BLSA job fairs, and 6. Disseminating the report to all Regional Chapters in the Region prior to the first job faire of the year.

d. TREASURER: The Treasurer shall be responsible for: 1. Collecting regional dues, 2. Collecting registration fees at the spring Convention, 3. Submitting Regional budget for the year at the first regularly scheduled Board meeting, to include: a. statement of account balances b. statement of unpaid bills with explanation c. statement of transfers between accounts d. detailed account of how all funds were used, and, e. detailed account of all anticipated expenses based on future program needs, history, and accounting for emergencies 4. Disseminating a full financial report to the Board and the Body twice a semester. At least one report shall be distributed following the job fairs and one following the Regional Convention, and 5. a financial report of the money in the Regional Treasury shall be made by the Treasurer to the Assembly at the Regional Convention. e.

SECRETARY: The Secretary shall be responsible for: 1. maintaining a current list of chapter chairpersons in the Region, 2. maintaining a list of law schools in the Region,


3. 4. 5.


taking minutes at the Business Meetings, doing any correspondence reasonably requested by the Director, and disseminating full and complete copy of the revised Constitution and By-Laws, including an attachment of any and all proposed amendments and resolutions made during the Western Region convention, to all the Western Regional law schools no later than September 15 of the new academic year, and disseminate a summary of business meeting minutes as approved by the Board to Sub- Regional Directors for further dissemination.


COMMUNITY SERVICE DIRECTOR: The Community Services Director shall be responsible for: 1. developing and implementing community projects consistent with Regional and National resolutions, 2. coordinating and executing the Regional Convention Community Service Project, and 3. designating and coordinating one community service project in each sub-region each academic year


FREDERICK DOUGLASS MOOT COURT COMPETITION COORDINATOR: The Moot Court Coordinator shall be responsible for: 1. administering the Regional level of the National Frederick Douglas Moot Court Competition (specifically): a. receiving team entry forms and forwarding to the National BLSA Vice-Chairperson entry fees; b. sending to teams confirmation of entry into the competition, the problem, team side assignment and FDMCC Rules and Procedures; c. preparing an Organizational Plan; d. coordinating with the on-site Moot Court Committee the acquisition of brief graders and oral argument judges; e. pairing of teams for the preliminary rounds, both on and off brief; f. send opposing sides brief to paired teams; g. communicating with the National BLSA Vice Chairperson, Regional Director, on-site; h. Moot Court Committee and teams regarding moot court activities; and tabulation of brief scores and oral argument scores, posting of same; i. if unable to adequately settle a conflict, forward the conflict to the Grievance Committee; j. present awards at the awards dinner; and k. handle any other matters pertaining to the competition. h.


FREDERICK DOUGLASS MOOT COURT COMPETITION COORDINATOR: The Moot Court Coordinator shall be responsible for: 1. administering the Regional level of the National Frederick Douglas Moot Court Competition (specifically): a. receiving team entry forms and forwarding to the National BLSA Vice-Chairperson entry fees; b. sending to teams confirmation of entry into the competition, the problem, team side assignment and FDMCC Rules and Procedures; c. preparing an Organizational Plan; d. coordinating with the on-site Moot Court Committee the acquisition of brief graders and oral argument judges; e. pairing of teams for the preliminary rounds, both on and off brief; f. send opposing sides brief to paired teams; g. communicating with the National BLSA Vice Chairperson, Regional Director, on-site Moot Court Committee and teams regarding moot court activities; h. tabulation of brief scores and oral argument scores, posting of same; i. if unable to adequately settle a conflict, forward the conflict to the Grievance Committee; j. present awards at the awards dinner; and k. handle any other matters pertaining to the competition. ACADEMIC COORDINATOR: The Academic Director shall be responsible for: a. Coordinating the Regional Academic Retreat during the Fall Semester.



CONVENTION COORDINATOR: The Convention Coordinator, in conjunction with the entire Western Regional Executive Board, shall be responsible for all facets of convention coordination including, but not limited to: a. convention site selection; b. event scheduling; c. panel and guest speaker acquisition; d. hotel and travel arrangements; and e. all other duties necessary to execute the regional convention.


CORPORATE RELATIONS CO-DIRECTORS: The Director of Funding shall be responsible for: a. Soliciting funding from corporate and other secondary sources in the form of sponsorship and tax deductible gifts to BLSA including, but not limited to mass mailing; and b. Organizing a fundraising event to be approved by the board.


ATTORNEY GENERAL: The Attorney General shall be responsible for: a. research current legal issues facing the African-American Community; b. prepare memoranda to increase WRBLSA awareness of legal issues; c. prepare Amicus Curiae briefs to support cases affecting the African-American Community; d. coordinate with members of Congress to define issues affecting the African American community; e. prepare memoranda to be distributed region-wide regarding Congressional issues that affect the African American community; f. coordinate WRBLSA participation regarding such issues; g. assist the National Attorney General in the planning of NBLSA’s participation in the Congressional Black Caucus Annual Conference; h. make official statements on behalf of WRBLSA with the approval of the Regional Chair; i. maintain frequent communication with liaisons from each Chapter; j. perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the National Chair, Regional Chair, National Attorney General, the Board, or the Assembly may assign; k. compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the WRBLSA Annual Report; and l. produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office.

SECTION 3 SUCCESSION: In the event that the Regional Director is unable to complete a term of office, the Executive Director will complete the term. If the Executive Director is unable to complete the term, the Regional Board shall elect a new Director from the three Sub-Regional Directors. SECTION 4 POWERS OF THE BOARD: The Board shall have the power to administer any and all programs, business, projects, and matters pertaining to or concerning the Region. a. The Board shall have the power to create such staff positions and such committees as it deems necessary to carry out the business of the Region. Such staff persons and committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the Regional Chairperson from the active membership subject to the approval of the Board. b. Any decision of the Board shall be made at a duly called meeting at which there is a quorum.

SECTION 5 MEETING ATTENDANCE: Regional Board Members must attend each Regional Board Meeting. If a member is unable to attend, he or she must submit a typewritten report to be received 48 hours before the meeting and submit a typewritten report to each Regional Board member.


SECTION 6 ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Regional Board Members shall be elected by a majority of the voting delegates at the Regional convention. Such election will be coordinated by a Regional Elections Committee, and must occur at the Regional Convention. SECTION 7 TERM: The officer shall serve in office for a term of one (1) year commencing May 1 and terminating April 30 of the following year. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE VI: VOTING SECTION 1 APPORTIONMENT: Each chapter in active standing shall have votes in accordance with the National Black Law Students Association Constitution. Therefore, the number of votes a chapter has in regional matters will be the same as the number of votes that chapter receives at national convention. SECTION 2 PROXY: Each chapter giving its proxy must comply with the following provisions: a. The chapter must have previously registered for the Regional Convention. b. The chapter must present a written proxy to be certified by the Regional Secretary.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE VII: AMENDMENTS SECTION 1 ADOPTION: The Constitution and By-Laws of this Region shall be adopted by a simple majority of the active chapter delegates present at the plenary sessions during the Regional Convention and shall be effective immediately SECTION 2 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS: Additions and/or repeals to this constitution require a three- fourth (3/4) vote of the active chapter delegates present at the plenary session during the Regional Convention, and becomes effective immediately. SECTION 3 BY-LAW AMENDMENTS: Additions and/or repeals to these by-laws may be made by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active chapter delegates present effective immediately. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE VIII: RESIGNATION AND IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDINGS SECTION 1 RESIGNATION PROCEDURE: A Board member may resign from the Regional Board by submitting a formal letter of resignation to the Regional Director. The letter of the resignation must be presented at the subsequent Board Meeting, and


accepted by the entire Board by a majority vote. SECTION 2 IMPEACHMENT GROUNDS: Failure to perform the duties of office as prescribed in this Constitution and By-Laws or conduct detrimental to the well-being of the Region shall constitute grounds for impeachment. Any voting Board member may initiate proceedings. SECTION 3 IMPEACHMENT NOTIFICATION: Any Board member subject to impeachment shall be notified by certified letter, at least two weeks prior to the subsequent Regional Board meeting. a. The reasons for the dismissal from the Board must be set out in the letter. b. All voting Board members and active chapters must receive a copy of the letter. SECTION 4 IMPEACHMENT HEARING: Any Board member subject to impeachment is allowed a full hearing before the entire Regional Board and the representatives of active chapters, in an open meeting, wherein: a. The matter is to be discussed between that member and the remaining Board members and the representative of the active chapters that choose to attend the discussion, prior to any impeachment vote by the remaining Board members. SECTION 5 IMPEACHMENT VOTE: A Board member can only be removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the eligible voting members of the Regional Board. SECTION 6 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IMPEACHMENT: The Regional Director may be impeached by the Western Regional Executive Board in accordance with Sections 1-5 of this Article V. The Regional Director may also be impeached according to the National BLSA Constitution and Bylaws. If the Regional Director is impeached from the National Executive Board, the Regional Director is also thereby immediately removed from the Western Region Executive Board and the Executive Director shall become the Regional Director. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE II: MEETINGS SECTION 1 REGIONAL BOARD MEETINGS: There shall be at least three (3) Regional Board meetings per year. There must be one (1) Regional Board meeting in each Sub-Region. SECTION 2 SUB-REGIONAL MEETING: Each Sub-Region must have at least two Round tables per semester. At least one round table must occur in Fall, and early Spring. SECTION 3


REGIONAL CONVENTION: At the beginning of the convention, the Regional Director shall have a roll-call of delegates. At the conclusion of the convention, a list of names of those in attendance shall be circulated to the chapters in the Region; this must be done within ten (10) days. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE III: DUES SECTION 1 ASSESSMENT: Each chapter must pay regional and national dues to the National Treasurer in accordance with NBLSA Constitution to be in good standing. The Regional Director and Treasurer shall determine the regional dues amount to be charged the Western Region Chapters. SECTION 2 DEADLINES: Dues for the academic year shall be payable in accordance with deadlines of the National Constitution. SECTION 3 CORRESPONDENCE WITH CHAPTERS: The Board shall distribute a letter to every chapter in the region, providing the Chapters with a general statement of how the regional dues are allocated. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE IV: FINANCIAL AFFAIRS SECTION 1

EXPENSES: The Region shall be responsible for covering the expenses (including travel as defined in Section 2, paragraph of this article) reasonably incurred by the Director in representing the Region, provided: a. expenses cannot amount to over one-third (1/3) of the total budget; b. alternative forms of support must have been sought; and c. the Regional Board must approve (simple majority).

SECTION 2 TRAVEL: a. The Region shall pay reasonable airfare and hotel for attendance at mandatory national board meetings for the Regional Director. b. The regional travel expenses of the Board may be reimbursed pro-rata upon determination of the regional convention delegates after review of the Treasurers report. SECTION 3 BANK ACCOUNT: The treasurer and the director must maintain a dual signature account. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE V: AWARDS


SECTION 1 NOMINATIONS: At the Regional Convention, the Director shall nominate members to receive Regional awards. Individuals receiving awards must have shown a commitment to advancing the interests of the Region. SECTION 2 RECIPIENTS: A Chapter member shall receive an award, providing the individual has shown an interest in advancing the interests of the Region. This award shall be called the Member of the Year Award. The chapter that has been most active in completing the National Community Service Initiatives shall receive the Chapter of the Year Award.


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