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Incorporating all four spatial layers into one contemporary form. A scheme which appeals to the general public whilst providing all necessary services in the community space. Whether it is for study, playing or casual leisure, its a an ideal public shelter for every one.



A welcoming outdoor space which includes different forms of public furniture, vegetation, a central art piece, seating and the samples of literature.

A soft and natural open space to enter the library and its facilities. A public landmark for the public to gather and socialise. Displaying different types of the activities occurring in the library which can peek the public interest. A wide entrance to the library environment, with an alternative method of directly entering the activity space.

This can include children spaces, co-working spaces, communal activities.

Provoking the interest and opinions of the community to join in and enter the library.


The journey continues from the entrance as the public is introduced to many different discovery pod. Each pod will have different activities such as makerspace, reading or a chess club, as these activities can differ depending on the community’s need and opinion on the current programs.

A cluster of permeable rooms, allowing the public to wonder around the room and discover something new and join to learn about it.

Continuing the idea of learning in a library, not only from books, but a wide range of materials which are endlessly developing. The classic library environment but with a twist of having a oasis in the centre. This serves as the outside community space where people can socialise, study or read. The back of the library will include the staff room, reading, study and technology hubs and with sufficient amount of desk distributed amongst the space.


Library: Originally a stronghold of physical books and physical materials.

Children Space/Centre: A space where children and parents can read and do activities. A space of learning and promoting childhood education.

Community Hub: Community service which holds a various amounts of activities and events which can be participated by the public

Co-working space: A faculty used by solo and group professionals. Contain all basic utensils and equipment for starting and continuing a profession.

Makerspace: A new form of public facility which allows the public to use wood, metal or digital workshop.

Technology Hub: A function usually containing all of the electronic devices the library contain such as computers and printers.

Community/Activity Room: A space for community activity. Introducing a new form of space that promotes community engagement and interaction.

Outdoor Space, Oasis: An outdoor space where people are free to do what ever they want such as reading, studying or other activities. A community space which exist within in the formal library environment.

Meeting room: Often rooms enclosed, usually used by students or teaching purposes. No personal or business related subjects are allowed.


Designing Libraries in 21 st Century: Lessons for the UK, British Council, Winston Churchill Memorial Trust. Gemma John, 2016

The Impact of Libraries as Creative Spaces, State Library of Queensland Research Team, 2015. http://www.plconnect.slq.qld.gov.au/manage/research/libraries-as-creative-spaces

Benefits of Multi-sensory Learning. Ladan Shams and Aaron R. Seitz. Cell Press, 2008. http://www.cell.com/trends/cognitive-sciences/fulltext/S1364-6613(08)00218-0

Australian Libraries: The Digital Economy within Everyone’s Reach. Australian Library and Information Association, Canberra ACT, November 2017 https://www.alia.org.au/

High Quality Design on a Low Budget; New Library Buildings. Dorothea Somme, Janine Schmidt, Stefan Clevastrom (Eds.) IFLA Publications Volume 171, 2016.

Nielson Book Research; Data and Insights for the Book Industry. The Nielson Company (US), 2017 http://www.nielsenbookscan.com.au

Cover to Cover; A Market Analysis of the Australian Book Industry. PWC, Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, May 2011 https://industry.gov.au/industry

Australian Public Libraries Statistical Report 2014-2015. National and State Libraries Australasia, compiled by State Library of Queensland December 2016 http://www.nsla.org.au/publication/australian-public-libraries-statistics-2014-2015


Throughout this research, I find libraries are not easy to identify and what a contemporary library should represent and contain. There are many factors involved in a library; the current community, the future demographic and future developments.

With the help of the following people, I was able to recognise the change needed for current libraries and how to design them for the current and future generations.

Ellen Newcombe State Library of Queensland

Joan Ruthven Woolhara Library

Martin Ellis Stanton Library

Nathaniel Ola-Roberts Blacktown Max Webber Library

Nichole Rae Auburn Library

David Litting University of Technology

Pat Norman University of Sydney

Mark McCrindle McCrindle

Andrew Duffin NBRSARCHITECTURE Director


Andrew Tripet NBRSARCHITECTURE Studio Principal






NBRSARCHITECTURE is committed to innovation in the design of life changing environments. In order to ensure the relevance of the spaces we design, we conduct research into current and projected trends in the way people live and interact with the built environment. We also share our research and experience by hosting & speaking at conferences. Core to our research is the NBRS ENVISION Student Partnership Program. It is an annual partnership with some of the most creative young minds in the design industry. This unique intern program encourages students to investigate collaboratively and provides them with an opportunity to experiment through an interplay of research and design. This exploration promotes team-based problemsolving, forward-thinking concepts and a re-evaluation of our contemporary environments. A studio project is completed over the duration of the internship, providing students with exposure and insight into the architectural design and documentation process, to help form an appreciation for graduate responsibilities within the office environment.

Forward thinking clients are engaging us to realise innovative design concepts. We are not only creative thinkers, but have the experience and capability to bring these research-based ideas from conception to completion. www.nbrsarchitecture.com/research

PUBLICATIONS: BISI Afforbale Habitats, ENVISION 2014 2050 Beyond the Third Workplace, ENVISION 2013 Spaces that Work, 2013 2030 The Cycle of Wellness, ENVISION 2012 2025 The Learning Continuum - Adaptive, 2012 2025 The Learning Continuum, ENVISION 2011

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