90% Discount on SAT and ACT Test Prep eKnowledge Offers $250 SAT and ACT PowerPrep Programs For Under $20.00 eKnowledge is offering Military families $250 SAT and ACT test prep programs for just the cost of providing the programs (under $20)...the fee covers everything, including: materials, shipping, student support, and streaming. You may request your programs online: www.eknowledge.com/CNIC The Donation Project is in alliance with the Department of Defense and supported by over 100 Partners including NFL and MLB players. In 8 years, eKnowledge has donated over 200,000 SAT/ACT programs valued over $44 million – no profit is created by the donation effort and all proceeds are reinvested to improve the program. We have received hundreds of thank you notes from Military families: “As a veteran I can fully understand the difficulties that face not only us, but the friends and families of veterans in general. The readjustment to civilian life has numerous obstacles and a certain level of uncertainty that make the transition difficult. However, the donations and support of these sponsors can help veterans and their families prepare for the new challenges and tests they may face. Thank you for your generosity and support.” Kevin Dunkerson The SAT and ACT PowerPrep™ Programs are available online or on a single DVD. Programs include more than 11 hours of video instruction and 3000 files of supplemental test prep material, thousands of interactive diagnostic tools, sample questions, and practice tests Students select the training they need and study at their own pace. The programs are available to all Service Members who are active duty, retired, Veterans, Guard, Reserve, DOD employees, Contractors and Civilians performing Military support. Also eligible are relatives and dependants of anyone who otherwise qualifies from the prior list.
Request your Military.com donated programs online:
www.eKnowledge.com/CNIC or call: 951-256-4076 2013/2014 SAT and ACT TEST DATES SAT ACT
November 2
December 7
January 25
March 8
May 3
October 26
December 14
February 8
April 12
June 14
June 7
The SAT/ACT Project waives 100% of the retail cost ($200 to $250) of all STANDARD version programs and up to 93% of all other programs and services (up to $1,575). For Standard Programs there is a nominal per program, student fee of under $20 for materials, shipping or streaming. For further information contact Lori Caputo, 951-256-4076 LoriCaputo@eknowledge.com