Holiday Programs 2010

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Holiday Programs


FFSC Holiday Workshops Would you like to develop a holiday spending plan, get tips for smart shopping, and avoid post-holiday debt? The Surviving the Holidays Financially workshop is for you! Call 619-545-3645 for class times and registration. All shopped out, attended too many parties, and baked so many cookies you can’t see straight? The Dealing with Holiday Stress workshop provides information on how to effectively deal with the pressures, stress, and blues of the holiday season. Call 619-553-4744 for class times and registration.

USO San Diego Thanksgiving Dinner On Thanksgiving Day, November 25, from 12:00-2:00PM the USO Downtown location will be serving a traditional Thanksgiving Feast with all the trimmings. There will be arts and crafts for the kids, a magician, and give-a-ways throughout the dinner. No need to RSVP. For more information, call 619-235-6503 or visit

USO Annual Holiday Band Concert

This holiday concert takes place on Saturday, November 20 at 2:00PM at the Balboa Theatre. Seating is first come first serve. Admission is free. Donations of new children’s toys will be accepted at this event, and distributed to children of Active Duty. The event is open to the public, no tickets or reservations are required. This year the concert will feature the Navy Band Southwest and Peter Robbins will be there with “Peanuts” characters. The event will be complete with a visit by Santa.

USO Santa Store

The Santa Store is for children ages 4-10 who would like to pick out a gift for mom and dad or guardians, have the gift wrapped, get a photo and gift from Santa, and enjoy a Holiday Feast. Santa Store will take place over three dates, December 7 and 9 from 5:00-8:00PM and December 11 from 11:00-2:00PM. Reservation is required to attend. Register by phone 619-235-6503. An e-blast announcing the start of registration will go out sometime in mid November. You can get on the list by signing up at the website

Armed Services YMCA Super Parent Holiday Shopping Day SuperParents who register for the Program and are selected in our lottery will get to shop for two gifts for each child in their family. Active Duty military families living in our San Diego service area, ranks E-1 to E-5 can sign up for our lottery during the registration week, beginning 9AM on Monday, November 1, and ending at 4PM on Friday, November 5. After the initial registration week, a waitlist of those families not selected in the lottery and families who missed the registration week will be maintained. Please note, this year we are allowing families E-7 and below to sign up for the waitlist. See the Event Calendar section on the website for information and registration at For lottery winners, toy distribution will take place on December 15.

Toys for Tots

Toys for Tots will collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December, and distribute these toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community. To request toys for your children or to donate toys, visit their web site at For additional information about food donation resources or free toy programs, call 2-1-1 (from land line); 858-300-1211 from cell phones or contact Military OneSource at 1-800-342-9647. Both organizations are open 24 hours a day to help connect you to resources!

Dave & Buster’s IA Family Thanksgiving Event

IA Families are invited to enter the lottery to win a FREE Thanksgiving dinner on November 25, with all the trimmings and all the fun that Dave & Buster’s has to offer both adults and kids! Contact Ashleigh at Lincoln Military Housing with any questions about this event 858-505-4136 x 225 or

Military Outreach Ministries (SDMOM)

For assistance with groceries for Thanksgiving dinner, military Service Members can sign up through their Commands to receive assistance. Please contact your Command to sign up for this program. Your Command will coordinate with SDMOM on your behalf. This Christmas SDMOM will set up holiday "stores" at local churches for military parents (ranks E-5 and below) to select new toys and clothing for their children. Stores will be open on select dates during the first two weeks in December. Everything is free, and childcare is provided while parents shop. Parents take the toys in opaque bags so they can wrap the toys for Christmas morning. Register in person (with ID) at the main office or warehouse. For more details, visit their web site or call 619-461-4164.

Operation Homefront

For Thanksgiving, qualifying military families can sign up through their Commands to receive a Thanksgiving meal at participating Albertsons. Please contact your Command to sign up for this program. Holiday Food Baskets: Operation Homefront and Lincoln Military Housing will host its annual “Our Gift to You” event where gift bags laden with all of the trimmings for a holiday dinner are given to military families. Participants must be residents of Lincoln Military Housing and can register for the lottery beginning on November 19 at Gift bag distribution will be at Lincoln Housing sites during a festive event for the entire family, with activities for children, pictures with Santa, and much more! For more information, visit If you would like to donate towards this program, call 1-866-424-5210 for details. Adopt-a-Family: Are you a military family in need of a little extra support this holiday season through our Adopt-a-Family Program? To qualify you must be Active Duty military, activated National Guard or activated Reserve family, E6 and below in considerable financial need. Applications for the Adopt-a-Family Program must be postmarked between October 1 and received by December 3. To view application and get more details, visit If you would like to sponsor a family for the holidays, please complete the Sponsor Registration Form online.

MWR Family Holiday Party

December 4 from 9:00-1:00PM at Admiral Robinson Recreation Center (Naval Base San Diego). Admission and activities are free. Seasonal fun for the whole family! Food vendors will be available. Free LEGOLAND California ticket in Santa’s Village for all kids, while supplies last! Bring your camera to take a photo with Santa. For more information, visit Presented by MWR, SeaWorld and LEGOLAND California

Holiday Workout Challenge

December 16 from 11:00-1:00PM at Fitness Station, Bldg. 3417, Naval Base San Diego. Get yourself ready for the holidays with a 2-hour workout including kickboxing, circuit and strength training. All participants who complete the challenge receive an event t-shirt.

Events Around San Diego for Military

These events in this section are not sponsored or put on by the US Military

Knott’s Berry Farm Military Salute

From November 1 - November 25, present and past military personnel and one guest will be admitted FREE. Eligible personnel may also purchase up to six additional tickets for just $15 each. Combine Knott’s Military Salute with an area hotel voucher available at your MWR ticket office and enjoy a great affordable getaway. Proof of military service (DD214,

Veterans Administration Hospital ID, or Active Military ID) is required.

Julian Events

Check out the many activities happening up in our neighboring city of Julian from November 1 to December 31. For more information visit

Mother Goose Parade

In El Cajon on November 21, the 64th Annual Mother Goose Parade will officially start off the holiday season in San Diego County. The Mother Goose Parade is the largest parade in San Diego County, and the largest of its type west of the Mississippi. Each year the parade attracts thousands of spectators to the streets of El Cajon to view the parade for free on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. For more information visit

Balboa Park December Nights

San Diego’s favorite kick-off to the holiday season will take place for the 33rd consecutive year on December 3, 5:00 to 10:00PM and December 4, noon-10:00PM. In the spirit of the holidays, participating Balboa Park museums open their doors free of charge from 5:00-9:00PM both evenings. This is the largest free community festival in San Diego. For more information, visit

A Night in Bethlehem

On December 10 and 11 from 6:30-9:00PM you can travel back to Bethlehem to the time when Jesus was born. Get the chance to see, smell and taste what it was like. This event is located at Deloro Hills Community Church in Oceanside. For more information, call 760-941-3200 or visit

39th Annual San Diego Bay Parade of Lights

Sponsored by the Port of San Diego, boaters will light up the harbor with festive lights and decorations. Event will last from December 12 to 19, 5:30-9:00PM. This year’s theme is “The Sounds of Christmas”. For more information visit

15th Annual Alpine Village Christmas Parade of Lights & Snow Festival

Event held on December 3 at 6:30PM. Join the 15th Annual Alpine Village Christmas Parade of Lights & Snow Festival for a ride down Alpine Boulevard to the Alpine Community Center to light the Christmas tree. Enjoy the free mountain of snow. Visit for more information.

Spirit of Christmas Get in the Christmas spirit at this special event on Saturday, December 4 from 1:00-6:00PM on Maine Avenue between Lakeshore and Parkside. Hay rides, visit with Santa, entertainment from Lakeside school children, games and food. The Community Tree Lighting will take place at 5:30PM. This year we will have a toy and food drive. Bring a toy and or food and drop it off at the event. Your donations will benefit those in Lakeside who need help from Santa. For more information please contact the Chamber of Commerce at 619-445-2722 or visit

Free Websites for Military Operation Uplink

This great program is run through Veterans of Foreign Wars and provides “Free Call Days” to deployed troops. The call days are two designated days each month during which deployed Service Members can make free phone calls from their overseas MWR center to the U.S. They also accept requests to have virtual PINS emailed to deployed military personnel outside Iraq/Afghanistan/Kuwait for free phone call minutes. For more information, visit

Treat the Troops

Send free cookies to deployed Service Members! Treat the Troops takes orders for cookies to be sent out to the troops. Troops are also welcome to request cookies. Find more details about ordering or requesting cookies on their website at


Families of deployed Service Members can receive FREE packaging materials from the US Post Office. For more details visit'MIL Kit' or call 1-800-610-8734.

Free Events for Single Service Members Christmas Eve with the San Diego Fire Department

The ASYMCA Active Duty Program Department facilitates a Christmas Eve event where junior, single Service Members get to spend a relaxing evening with members of the San Diego Fire Department. Rather than spend the holidays separated from family and friends, this program provides the opportunity to socialize and enjoy a family style meal. For more information, call 619-232-0984.

Liberty Holiday Shuttle FREE shuttle rides for Active Duty Single Service Members from November 22 until December 23, Monday-Friday, 8AM8PM. Shuttles leave from each Liberty Center every two hours. 24-hour advanced reservations required. Stop by or call your base Liberty Center today. Liberty Hall (NMAWC) 619-524-6587, Liberty Rec (NASNI) 619-545-2878, Q-Zone (NAB) 619-437-3190, RECYARD (NBSD) 619-556-5085, The HUB (SUBASE) 619-553-9138

Thanksgiving and Christmas Buffets

There will be holiday buffet meals from November 25-26 and December 25-26. Free to Active Duty only. Looking for a place to enjoy a free holiday meal? Stop by your base Liberty Center for buffet dates and times.

Presented by MWR and USAA, North Island Credit Union (for NASNI & NAB)

Free Holiday Gift Wrapping at Your Liberty Center

Between December 1-24, Active Duty Single Service Members can wrap gifts for FREE at any Liberty Center. Supplies include paper, tape and bows.

Holiday Gift Bags Calling all Command Recreation Reps! Don’t forget about your Service Members standing watch or working on Christmas Day. Let them know you remembered them! MWR and your local Liberty Center have Holiday Gift Bags stuffed with useful, fun and tasty treats available to those working on Christmas Day. If you are interested in reserving bags for your Command, please complete the request form at and submit it by Friday, December 10. Requests are taken on a first-come, first-serve basis and we try to honor each and every request. Presented by MWR and SeaWorld

Sponsored by Naval Officers’ Spouses’ Club, Navy League, North Island Credit Union and USA Fed

Breakfast with Liberty

Happy Holidays from Liberty! Stop by your base Liberty Center between December 13 - January 1 for FREE hot cocoa and a variety of fresh pastries. Get there early - freshness goes fast!

Holiday Childcare

Reservations required one week in advance. Families are asked to bring a current shot record and to complete an emergency card on arrival. Participants do not need to have children currently enrolled in CYP.

Facility Contact Information: Child Development Centers: Murphy Canyon CDC Ph: 556-0031, Bldg. 3295

Naval Medical Center SD CDC Ph: 532-7977, Bldg. 15

Hartman Ph: 553-5145

Point Loma (SUBASE) CDC Ph: 553-0765, Bldg. 377

Chollas Heights CDC Ph: 556-0540

Murphy Canyon Ph: 556-6165

MIRAMAR CDC Ph: 858-577-4144, Bldg. 2740

North Island CDC Ph: 545-0259, Bldg. 605

Silver Strand Ph: 435-5056

Miramar Infant & Toddler Center MIRAMAR – Ph: 858-577-7891 Bldg. 2741 & 2742

Youth Centers: Bayview Ph: 556-0771

Village at Serra Mesa Ph: 858-571-3853

Naval Base San Diego CDC Ph: 556-3522, Bldg. 3653

Chesterton Ph: 556-5045

MCRD CDC Ph: 524-4430, Bldg. 638

Gateway Village Ph: 225-5628

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