Invite You To Join Us For
Some Ocean Healing
WHO: Young combat veterans, The Unseen Wound, The Crew of the schooner “Bill of Rights” , CALVET & The American Tall Ship Institute WHAT: An opportunity to serve others and spend time with fellow veterans
Help us crew an amazing yacht down the coast of California for the San Diego Festival of Sail and the Dana Point Toshiba Tall Ships Festival
If you are: WHEN: Many different options between Aug 27 to Sept 15 Contact us for open slots & specific dates WHERE: San Pedro, San Diego, Catalina & Dana Point WHY: Enjoyment Education Engagement Healing
An OIF/OEF/OND Combat Veteran Willing to work hard Willing to have fun Willing to donate some of your time Then please join us: Your Ride Awaits e-Mail us at or call 858.461.4946 for more information Space Is Limited—Volunteers Welcome