Post Convention LINKS

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Southern Links

Volume 53, Issue 1

Volume 66, Issue 1

Spring 2011

President’s Message: Waves of Change, Seize the Opportunity DONNA HESTER If you were in the 2010 Representative Assembly in Myrtle Beach, you heard me talk about the sailing metaphors connected with my Southern District experiences. “Adjusting our Sails” was the theme in 1983 for my first Southern District Convention in Biloxi. “Into the Wind” was the 2010 Myrtle Beach theme where I was elected to serve as President-Elect. Also at that time, change was in the air throughout the Alliance with AAHE proposing to leave the Alliance, NAGWS possibly moving to council status, the BoG searching for a new CEO and the ad hoc Vision Committee was considering how 5 national associations, 1 research consortium and 6 districts might be reorganized into 1 national association. At the time, many of us wondered how unifying the Alliance into one national association would impact the Districts. One year later, that question still exists. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to provide input into what this one unified association will look like and how it will function. During these windy times, we all need to seize the opportunity to shape the future of our Alliance. Change is good – You go first! No one really likes change but change can be good if done for the right reasons. Change, simply for the sake of change, or change for the wrong reason is not productive in the end. We have all witnessed times in the recent past when proposed “changes” were not supported or successfully passed by the Alliance Assembly. We find ourselves at a time of another proposed change. These are critical times for our Alliance. In meeting with many of you at the Southern District convention in Greensboro, and the National convention in San Diego, you have asked “Why should we support this change now, when we have not supported other changes in the past?” That is an excellent question.

What’s Inside President Elect’s Message Page 3 Division Reports

Pages 4-7

Past President’s Message

Page 5

New Officers

Page 7

District Rep’s Report

Page 8

In the past, we have not always supported proposed changes to the Alliance because we felt the change was not in the best interest of the Alliance as a whole.

Officer Nomination Form Page 10 Necrology Report

Page 11


Page 11

So what is different this time?

District Award Winners Pages 12-18 Award Nomination Info. Pages 20-22

(con’t on page 3)


President-Elect: David Fleming It is truly humbling and an honor to have the opportunity to serve as President-Elect for SDAHPERD for this upcoming year. I have spent my entire professional career within the Southern District and look forward to seeing and working with old friends while also meeting many new faces across the region. It will be a tall order to follow in the footsteps of Mike Ballard and Donna Hester among so many others, but I am eager for the challenge. I would also like to recognize the newly elected officers to the board: Angie Smith-Nix, VP-Elect of the Dance Division; JiJi Jonas, VP-Elect for the General Division; Henry Castelvecchi, VP-Elect for the Health Division; Cecil Marett, VP-Elect for the Physical Education Division; and Sandy Kimbrough, VP-Elect for the Sport and Leisure Division. These new members of the board read like an all-star cast. I believe that this position and the other members of the board as well as each state leadership position have a most unique opportunity…to chart the course for the future of AAHPERD. As a strong District and leader within the AAHPERD organization, our association is poised to be a key player in upcoming conversations. The strength of our district is our bond. But, our bond is not determined by our geographic proximity, the various iterations of southern drawl, or that the best college football in America is played within our state lines. Rather, the bond is maintained by our identity as a collegial group that enjoys seeing each other a couple times a year and the fact that we work hard and take our profession very seriously. In addition, this identity inculcates a rich tradition of inspiring leadership, fiduciary responsibility, progressive ideas, and quality outcomes. As AAHPERD reviews its organizational structure, the value that our states and districts have on our profession and our professionals will be consistent in my thoughts and actions. No, I am not afraid of change. Mark Twain once said, “People would rather die than change…and most do.” I will work with this elected leadership at the state, district, and national levels to capitalize on the strength that we have been and can become in whatever structure that might evolve. If you are also excited about the future and want to be part of it, please do not hesitate to contact me at There is much work to do and many voices to be heard. Ensure that you are one of them. I will be visiting several state conventions in the fall and look forward to speaking with you there.

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: (con’t): DONNA HESTER We have new leadership in CEO Paul Roetert, Past President Vicki Worrell, President Brad Strand, and President-Elect Irene Cucina. Our membership demographics have shifted and membership continues to decline. The Alliance is not functioning in the most efficient or effective manner with 5 national associations competing for the same grant dollars. Finally, we have an Organizational Planning Committee (OPC) that is seeking our input for how our Alliance may look in the future. You may have heard, in the past that the issues surrounding the proposed changes were not so much related to the proposed change itself, but to the process by which the change was presented to the membership. I can assure each of you that this is the most transparent change process that the Alliance has undergone in recent decades. That is how this change is different from previous proposed changes. The Organizational Planning Committee (OPC) and the four working groups are soliciting your input. At this point, no decisions have been made regarding structural or functional changes. The OPC will receive input until June 1 and then submit its recommendations to the Board of Governors in September. Be sure to voice your thoughts and opinions by emailing your comments, suggestions and concerns to the OPC at: or Cam Kerst-Davis ( who will forward your message to the OPC. The 2012 Southern District Convention scheduled for February 8-11 is already under construction! Florida AHPERDS President Eric Stern, Convention Co-Managers Hollie Newnam and Karen Dowd and the strong supporting cast of leaders are preparing for our convergence on Orlando in February. Please be sure to submit a session proposal by the June 15 th deadline. The Caribe Royale Hotel in Orlando is an outstanding facility with a waterslide at the pool and a short 5-minute drive from the Disney Theme Parks. This convention will be outstanding and a great time for all of our HPERD professionals and their families. As a continuous member of the Alliance since 1973 and a member of Southern District since 1983, you could say I have an investment in this organization. I am honored to have the opportunity to represent you, Southern District, during these uncertain times. It is up to us to seize the opportunity during these changing times to meet the challenges we face within our District and within our Alliance.


Dance Division: Mary Ann Laverty Wonderful experiences and shared collaborations set the stage for the Dance Section for this 2011 Southern District Convention. The Dance area was off to a leaping start, beginning with two pre-convention programs, presented in partnership with the National Dance Association. “Working Towards Whole Presence through Upper Body Release Techniques,” was presented by Shelly Cushman, and Fran Meyer teamed up with Lori Williams, Liz Gallego and Sandy Bowie to offer quality curriculum ideas derived from the newly published Implementing the National Dance Education Standards in the workshop “Setting the Stage for Quality Dance.” Former National Dance Educators Freddie Lee Heath and Cindy Hoban presented compelling sessions that were very popular. The final culminating workshop featured Deborah Mauldin of the American Dance Guild presenting “Authentic Movement – Tapping into the Creative Resources Within” as a therapeutic approach to dance education. The Dance Luncheon was well attended and highlighted a contact-improvisational performance by Madeleine Reber and partner. A thoughtful reflection on his year as the 2010 National Dance Educator K-12 was offered by Freddie Lee Heath, triggering everyone to reminisce over their own teaching experiences and agree on how important is was for us all to share information and join forces, corresponding with the 2011theme of “Our Collective Strength.” The Kaleidoscope performance hosted City Dance Theatre of Richmond, DH Conley High School, Ligon GT Magnet Middle School, Leesville Road High School, Longwood University, Old Dominion University, Salem College, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, The Dancing Divas and Woodside High School. The material presented was quite diverse with the Dancing Diva’s again being the popular pick of the evening. During the Dance Division meeting, Angie Smith-Nix was elected as the new VP of Dance. All of our Division Councils were filled with excellent, young professionals that will enthusiastically lead us into the future as we make plans for next year’s convention in Orlando, FL. We want to thank Judy Clark for her excellence in leadership as she moves into the position of Past VP for Dance.

Health Division: Kandice Porter The Health Division had another successful convention this year. We had over 28 presentations plus a half day workshop and our first annual “Healthy Connections” health fair. We are looking ahead to next year and hope to have an even better convention. Please submit your Health program proposals online and be part of “Waves of Change” at the 2012 convention in Florida! We would also like to welcome the newest members of the Health Division leadership. Congratulations to the following: VP Elect – Henry Castelvecchi; Community Health Chair Elect – Edie Ellis, Member at Large – Shelly Semko; School Health Chair Elect – Gina Zuganelis, and Member at Large – Misti Wajciechowski. The Health Division is considering some restructuring of its councils and would love to hear your input. The Worksite Health Council has had few program proposals and officers the last few years. We are considering combining the Worksite and Community Health Councils into a new “Health Promotion Council.” In addition, we are thinking of proposing a new council with a focus on College & University Wellness. If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact me at See you next year in Orlando!


Past President’s Message: Michael Ballard Greetings! It was great to see many of you at the 2011 convention in Greensboro, North Carolina. I trust that you were able to participate in many of the diverse activity and content sessions and workshops, and were able to take back new information and strategies to the classroom or work setting. Shellie Pfohl, the Executive Director of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (PCPFS) served as our keynote speaker at the General Session. She gave Southern District AAHPERD the challenge of leading the way in the number of schools that sign on to participate in the Let’s Move in School initiative. I trust our members will accept this challenge and that we will lead the way. Much has been accomplished over the past year. “Our Collective Strength” served us well as we addressed various challenges and created several new initiatives. We now have a Facebook presence, established the SD Leadership Associate Program, Friends of Southern District initiative, and the Past President’s Scholarship to name just a few. It is impossible to thank each person by name, but Southern District AAHPERD is fortunate to have so many members and future professionals willing to accept the torch of service to the profession. The credit for all that has been accomplished goes to those that willingly served on the Southern District AAHPERD Board of Directors, the numerous committees and advisory groups that are vital to the functioning of the district, and the countless volunteers. A special thank you is in order to AAHPERD CEO Paul Roetert and President-Elect Brad Strand for attending the convention and meeting with many of our members, and seeking input. AAHPERD is in great hands as we move forward and face many of the challenges ahead. I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge a few individuals that have given so much of their time, passion, and commitment this past year. Collectively, our Board of Directors was an exemplary group of professionals focused on our profession and moving the district forward. It has been a sincere pleasure to work with the members Board and the Executive Committee. There is not a harder working group. In addition, I would like to express my gratitude to Ron Morrow, Convention Manager, Nathan Acosta for all of his efforts to increase the use of technology and promote membership, Freddie Lee Heath and the entire North Carolina Local Planning committee for their countless hours of service. A special thank you also, to my good friend Bill Dickens for your excellent guidance as Parliamentarian. In closing, I once again would like to extend my sincere gratitude to each of you for affording me this opportunity to serve Southern District AAHPERD. These past two years have been the most professionally rewarding and personally enriching in my career. It has been an honor to work with so many of you to continue to advance our profession forward. I look forward to continuing this work in the coming year. See you at the 2012 convention in Orlando, Florida.


General Division: Jenny Dearden

Physical Education Division: Hollie Newnam

A big “thank you” to all of the presenters, session attendees and supporters who helped make the General Division sessions at the Greensboro convention this past February a success. Under the direction of Jim Stillwell, VP of General last year the 17 presentations, workshop on advocacy, Scholar Lecture, Superstars and poster sessions ran smoothly and were well attended.

The recent 2011 Southern District Convention held in Greensboro was a smashing success. I want to extend a special thank you to all of our outstanding presenters, presiders, council members, and Division leaders. Your dedication, commitment to excellence, and your un-billable hours given to our profession enable Southern District to provide excellent programs and professional development for all of its members.

At the convention we also welcomed JiJi Jonas, who was elected VP-elect of General Division. Sadly, we must bid Sandra Sims goodbye as she rotates off General. Her leadership and passion for advocacy and Southern District is evident in all she does and we will miss her.

Our Physical Education Assembly meeting was held Friday morning and we had more than 30 members attend this informative session to hear about upcoming events, vote for council members, and met new officers. We were thrilled to fill all of our Council positions as these are your future leaders to help with program development for the It is time again to be thinking about your submission for upcoming years. presentations for next year’s convention. Presentations are sought in the following areas: Adult Aging and De- Congratulations to our Award recipients who were recogvelopment, Ethnic Minority, Future professionals, His- nized at the Awards Luncheon. We enthusiastically recognized the following Teachers of the Year: Chad Triolet tory, International Relations, Professional Preparation and Research. We are also looking for ideas for future (Virginia), Elementary; Biki-Ray Mitchell (Alabama), Middle School, Butch Valdes (Florida), Secondary; and workshops. Robert Sinabaldi (Florida), Adapted. It is important to us in the division, that all the councils are represented through presentations and other activities Welcome to Cecil Marrett who was elected Vice Presiat the 2012 Orlando Convention. I believe that with the dent Elect for the Physical Education Division. Cecil joins Bud Reiselt, Past Vice President, and Hollie Newnam, excellent personnel collaborating with us at FAPHERDS, we will have an outstanding program. If Vice President, to serve as your leadership team on the you have some exciting ideas, especially regarding Fu- 2011-2012 Board of Directors. We extend our appreciation to our Past Vice President, Vanessa Anton for all of ture Professionals contact Jenny Dearden her organization, communication, and hard work that she ( I look forward to gave tirelessly to the Physical Education Division the past hearing from you. three years. We look forward to seeing all of you in Orlando next February to rekindle friendships, attend inspiring sessions, and to have some fun in the sun! Please submit your program proposals now so you can be a part of the Waves of Change Seize the Opportunity in 2012!


Sport and Leisure Division: Charlotte Kelso It is our pleasure to announce our new Vice President Elect Sandy Kimbrough and our fist winner for the Sport Professional of the year Dr. James Zhang. Vice President Elect Sandy Kimbrough brings a variety of experience and leadership to our division. Dr. Zhang has a very successful Sport Management area at the University of Florida and adds our award to the many he has already been recognized for in AAHPERD and SDAHPERD as well leadership roles in his area of sport management. Our Recreational Professional of the Year is Dr. Jamey Plunk. Dr. Jamey Plunk recently received the Southern District of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance "Recreation Professional of the Year" award. The southern district was very successful for this division with 16 program sessions, all positions are filled for the coming year and an expansion project in athletic training with a search for more programs for Orlando next year. Tom Coates the Past Vice President proposed developed the proposal format for a SD division to present if it wanted to co host a conference with SD state(s), like the one last year "Adventures on the Bayou". Congratulations to the following nominees who were elected to the Sport and Leisure Division Council positions. COUNCIL




Rose Houk (VA)


Stefanie Latham (OK)


Mike Hall (AL)

Anne Wiggin (NC)


Joanna Faerber (LA)

Joyce McIntosh (AL)


Harry Davakos (SC)

Jim Holbrook (TN)

Sean Niehoff (VA) Michael Phillips (TN)



From left to right: Top Row: David Fleming, President-Elect; Henry Castelvecchi, VP-Elect Health; Cecil Marett, VP-Elect Physical Education; Bottom Row: Sandy Kimbrough, VP-Elect Sport & Leisure; Angie Smith Nix, VP-Elect Dance; JiJi Jonas, VP-Elect General Division 7

District Representative to the Alliance Board of Governors Report: Cam Kerst-Davis ( Another BOG meeting is complete and the 2011 AAHPERD convention is also finished. Both were successful. The BOG meeting started with a 2 hour meeting on Saturday evening prior to the convention. The board members and official observers present were divided into 5 groups and each group discussed issues and solutions related to the OPC (Organizational Planning Committee) based on a topic given each group (leadership, membership, financial issues, structure/governance, or transition issues). We reported back to the total group. Issues and solutions will be shared with Larry Hensely, chair of the OPC. The BOG met Sunday and Monday to continue the board meeting. The meeting moved smoothly and quickly through reports, updates, discussion items and motions. There were appropriately 14 discussion items and 13 final motions. These motions will be on the Extranet later. ( All went smoothly. We spent time discussing the OPC progress and answering questions so that there was clear understanding about the OPC and the motion before the Alliance Assembly. Additional time was spent discussing the AAHE exit plan and why they were not bringing a motion forward to the Alliance Assembly in San Diego but were waiting until Boston in 2012. They want more time to survey all AAHPERD members and to have a clear and sequential plan of exit to present to the Assembly in Boston next year. There were only 6 motions that went forward from the BOG to the Alliance Assembly on Saturday, April 2, 2011 in San Diego. Three dealt with conducting business: approval of the agenda, operating rules, and Credential report. Two motions came from the by laws committee related to clarification of terminology about the District of Columbia. Motion #6 related to the OPC: the Alliance work toward one unified national organization with a focus on comprehensive physical education and physical activity. During the second session of the Assembly a motion for an amendment to add health to Motion #6 was presented and passed. The amended Motion #6 the Alliance Assembly voted on read: the Alliance work toward one unified national organization with a focus on comprehensive physical education, physical activity, and health. A point of clarification, this is not related to a title or name of the unified organization, only that the OPC will consider health in discussions. The motion passed. The Alliance Assembly delegates were well informed, educated about the issues, and prepared to deal with the business at hand. We were actually done 45 minutes early this year. I want to thank all the delegates who served at the Assembly for attending the informational sessions that were available to inform and prepare us for the business at hand, Saturday, April 2, 2011. Additional Assembly business was the election of the new president elect. We had two very qualified presidential candidates, Angela Lumpkin from Kansas and Irene Cucina from Massachusetts, each gave a 15-minute speech to the Assembly. Both were well prepared and had done their homework on the issues facing the Alliance in the near future. The Alliance Assembly elected Irene Cucina as the new president-elect. (continued on next page)


District Representative to the Alliance Board of Governors Report: (continued) OPC update: The OPC will continue to take member questions, comments, and solutions through June 1, 2011. On June 1st the five sub committees will compile the information gathered related to their committee and submit a report to Larry Hensely, OPC chair by August 1. After August 1 the OPC working committee will finalize all the information from the sub committees and prepare a final report that will be presented to the BOG at the September 2011 BOG meeting. To insure that all Southern District members have the opportunity to ask questions, submit comments, and provide solutions I will be sending emails to all Southern District state executive directors and request they send a blast email to their state/AAHPERD memberships. I will also send an email to all members who attended the Southern District 2011 convention in Greensboro, as well as all delegates from Southern District in San Diego. These emails will be sent twice a month, so everyone will have multiple opportunities to provide questions, comments and solutions. Your responses can be sent back to Karen Dowd (fahperd@comcast .net) or myself, Cam Kerst-Davis ( Many of you will get multiple emails monthly and I will apologize now , however, I want Southern District members to make sure all questions have been asked and hopefully answered, comments and solutions shared and considered by the OPC. Please feel free to share these emails with colleagues who are AAHPERD members and I may not have their email address. Whether a member will be a voting delegate in Boston 2012 or not, we want all members informed about why we are moving toward unification of one organization. Next year when a motion comes from the OPC in Boston we want all members prepared to vote from an educated and informed standpoint. I will also keep you informed relative to the progress of the AAHE exit plan and any other issues relevant to the good of the Alliance. If you have questions, comments, concerns related to the Alliance please email anytime or call. As the Southern District BOG representative to AAHPERD I am a 2-way conduit of information to/from the Alliance and Southern District.

Please go ahead and put some important dates on your calendar: 

June 1- deadline for submitting questions, comments and solutions to the OPC through Cam Kerst-Davis and Karen Dowd.

June 15- deadline for submitting program proposals for the 2012 Southern District Convention in Orlando, Florida. (PROGRAM PROPOSALS FOR 2012 SOUTHERN DISTRICT CONVENTION ARE ON LINE AT

August 4-5 – Southern District Board of Directors meeting in Orlando, FL

August 5-6- Southern District Leadership Conference in Orlando, FL

September 23-24- Board of Governor’s Fall meeting

September 29-October 1 Southern District Future Professionals Leadership Conference in Johnson City, TN

February 8-13, 2012- Southern District Annual Convention in Orlando, FL

March 13-17, 2012- AAHPERD Annual Convention in Boston, MA.

Thank you for your continued support, Cam Kerst-Davis ( Southern District BOG to the Alliance 9


CALL FOR OFFICER NOMINATIONS 2011 – 2012 Qualifications: 1.) be a member of AAHPERD and the respective state association, 2.) be active in Southern District AAHPERD, 3.) assume the duties/responsibilities of the office (3-year term for President & Vice President, 2-year term for Council Chair, 1-year term for Member-at-Large), 4.) not simultaneously hold more than one elected office in Southern District. See below for additional qualifications for District Representative to the AAHPERD BoG. Any member of AAHPERD who resides within the Southern District may submit nominees for the following offices by sending the names to the address on the bottom of this form. Reproduce this form or list other nominations on the back. CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOD OFFICE ____ President Elect (Female) ____ Representative to the AAHPERD Board of Governors (Requires experience on SDA Board of Directors and 5 continuous years of membership immediately prior to election) Dance



Physical Education

Sport & Leisure

____ VP Elect

____ VP Elect

____ VP Elect

____ VP Elect

____ VP Elect


_ Chair elect

_ Chair elect

_ Chair elect

_ Chair elect

_ Member-at-Large

_ Member-at-Large

_ Member-at-Large

_ Member-at-Large

_ Member-at-Large

_ Dance Education

_ Adult Dev & Aging

_ Community

_ Adapted Physical Education

_ Athletic Training

_ Dance Performance

_ Ethnic Minority

_ School

_ Physical Education for Children

_Fitness & Leisure

_ Dance Science & Somatics

_ History

_ Worksite

_ Middle/Sec. Physical Education

_Coaching Education

_International Relations

_ College

_Sport Management


_ Joint Projects

_Community Recreation &

_Professional Preparation

I Nominate:

Outdoor Education







Phone: (Home)


(Work) _____________________________

(Email)______________________________________________ (Fax) _______________________________ Nominated By:







Phone: (Home)

______________________ (Work) _____________________________

(Email)_________________________________________________ (Fax) _______________________________ DEADLINE: July 1, 2011

Send to: Dee Castelvecchi, (phone: 804/647-0275) 7812 Falling Hill Terrace, Chesterfield, VA 23832 10

IN MEMORIAM 2010-2011 Southern District AAHPERD Necrology Report Alabama: Herbert Edwin Bruce, Jr.; William Marion Casaday; Miriam Collins; Sharon Murphree Chapple Pierce; Thompson “Mutt” Reynolds; Arkansas: George Moore; Florida: Robert Bell; Kentucky: Tim Cahill, James Swetnam, William Dwayne Wells; Louisiana: Carolyn Stephens; North Carolina: Mary Iris Riley; Oklahoma: William Eick; Lester Metheny, Priscilla Board; Denise Gandee; Nadine Wilson, Mildred Hibbert; South Carolina: Dr. Mary Roland Griffin; Ruth Earls; JoAnn Paulk Kemp; Cecilia Slowinski; Tennessee: Price Edwin Harrison, Jr., Andrew J. Kozar, Sr.; Texas: Dr. Ellen Morrow, Steve Gergeni, William D. “Shorty” Lawson, Dawn Breihan-Hopp

FIND IT ONLINE AT: about/districts/southern/index.cfm 

    

Southern District Directory of Officers and Councils Officer Nomination Information Awards Information Past Issues of Southern Links Previous Award Recipients Convention Program Proposals

ATTENTION AUTHORS Have you published a book or article during the 2010 - 2011 academic year? Strategic Plan Goal # 4 calls for recognition of publications and writings by members. Send your name, the book/article bibliographical information, and a 50 word abstract to: Authors will be featured in future issues of Southern LINKS or on the SDA website. 11






Come to Orlando! February 8-11, 2012 Convention information can be found at: about/districts/southern/ convention.cfm

Caribe Royale Hotel 8101 World Center Dr. Orlando, FL

5 minutes from Disney Theme Parks!


AAHPERD Recognition Awards: Presented at the 2011 Convention in San Diego Southern District AAHEPRD Recipients Luther Halsey Gulick Award: Judith Rink Honor Award: Sharon Shields Charles D. Henry Award: Louis Harrison, Jr. Mabel Lee Award: Russell L. Carson and Rachel Gurvitch E.B. Henderson Award: Beverly J. Allen

NASPE Recognition Awards: Presented at the 2011 Convention in San Diego Southern District AAHEPRD Recipients Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year: Chad Triolet Sport and Exercise Psychology Dissertation Award: Stacey Gaines Sport Management Outstanding Achievement Award: Robert Baker Lolas E. Halverson Motor Development Young Investigator Award: Ting Liu Outstanding Mentor of the Year Award: Susan Lynn Curriculum and Instruction Honor Award: Melinda Solmon National Athletic Director of the Year: Alex “Manny� Barocco Helen M. Heitmann Curriculum and Instruction Young Scholar Award: Haichun Sun


PROCESS TO NOMINATE STATE AWARD WINNERS OCTOBER 15 DEADLINE The nomination process for the Southern District Teachers/Professionals/Educators of the Year is described below. All award recipient materials must be submitted to the AAHPERD Vice President for Programs by October 15, 2011. Send packets to Judy Young, 1900 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191. Awards include the following seven categories: 

NDA Dance Educators of the Year (K-12, College/University)

AAHE Health Education Professional of the Year (K-12 health educator)

AAPAR Adapted Physical Education Teacher of the Year (PK-12)

NASPE Physical Education Teachers of the Year (Elementary, Middle, High)

The nominees for the Southern District Awards are the Teachers/ Educators/ Professionals of the Year in each of the above listed categories, from each state within the Southern District AAHPERD. Nominations may come candidates or nominators, or from state awards chairs. More information on the awards can be found on the respective national association web sites.

To submit a program proposal for the 2012 Southern District convention in Orlando, please go to: southern/convention.cfm Click on: “Program Proposal Form” DEADLINE: JUNE 15, 2011



Fran Meyer, 852 Lincoln Drive, Fredericksburg, VA 22407 The Honor Award recognizes meritorious contributions to the fields of physical education, health education, recreation and/or dance or to the profession through such allied fields as science and education. Qualifications:  Member of AAHPERD for at least 5 continuous years prior to receiving the award and live in Southern District at the time of the award  At least 40 years of age with 10 years of meritorious service in Southern District  Be of high moral character whose contributions have been most fully expressed the spirit of service that the award represents The Ethnic Minority Award honors persons who have made meaningful contributions in support of ethnic minorities in Southern District AAHPERD. Qualifications:  Current member of AAHPERD having held membership for at least 5 years  Professional service in K-12, college/university or community programs in HPERD for a minimum of 5 years prior to nomination  Evidence of successful service in any two of the three following categories:  Record of increasing the involvement of ethnic minorities in SDAAHPERD  Evidence of increasing communication with greater numbers of SDAAHPERD members who are ethnic minorities  Record of extending meaningful professional service to the SDAAHPERD ethnic minority membership The Future Professional Award honors the outstanding future professional member of Southern District majoring in health, physical education, recreation, dance and/or professionally related field who has displayed leadership, scholarship and service during his/her undergraduate professional preparation. Qualifications:  Serves as a positive role model for the profession and his/her peers  Assumes responsibility for his/her professional growth  Shows evidence of professional commitment through membership and involvement in local, state and national organizations  Is enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student at his/her university when declared the state winner and the Southern District winner The W. Clyde Partin Service Award recognizes a non-member or organization that has made a significant contribution to the Southern District AAHPERD. Qualifications:  Person who is not a member of AAHPERD or an organization that is not part of the Alliance structure  Has made a significant contribution to Southern District AAHPERD in some manner (e.g., legislation, media, research, promotion, creative arts, etc.)  Has aided in the development and promotion of Southern District AAHPERD goals and purposes or any of the efforts of the several Divisions in their program planning and/or development The Taylor Dodson Award recognizes a young professional who has met the following qualifications:  Member of AAHPERD for at least 5 consecutive years prior to being nominated for the award and live in the district at the time of the award  Less than 40 years old as of award date  Contributor within the HPERD fields or to the profession through allied fields  Be of high moral character whose contributions have most fully expressed the spirit of service which the award represents  At least 5 years meritorious service in Southern District and have gained prominence through some of the following: Excellence in teaching; Outstanding administrative achievement; Significant contributions in research; Leadership in professional organizations; State and national contributions to professional literature; Outstanding community service 20


Fran Meyer, 852 Lincoln Drive, Fredericksburg, VA 22407

The Southern District Scholar Award promotes and stimulates scholarly productivity among professionals and recognizes senior level scholars who have made and continue to make significant contributions to the profession. Qualifications:  Member of AAHPERD and the respective state association  Commendable record evidenced by scholarly productions and presentations  Currently producing scholarship  Capable of synthesizing phenomena and communicating facts appropriate to the membership  Willing to assume duties and responsibilities as Southern District Scholar The Jump Rope for Heart & Hoops for Heart Recognition Awards honor individuals who have made significant contributions to Jump Rope or Hoops for Heart. Qualifications for Jump Rope for Heart Award:  Minimum of five years experience either as an event coordinator, demonstration team coach, state or district coordinator, former steering committee member, former Joint Task Force member or former Joint Projects Committee member  Serves as a positive role model, epitomizing personal health and fitness, enjoyment of activity, and sportsmanship as well as sensitivity to the needs of the participants  Assumes responsibility for his/her professional growth within AAHPERD related fields  Demonstrates commitment to the Jump Rope for Heart program by having served on a local, state, district or national committee and/or having presented workshops or programs at these levels  Has served as a Jump Rope for Heart event coordinator  Is currently a member of AAHPERD and has been a member for the past three years. Hoops for Heart Coordinator Qualifications:  At least two year of experience with Hoops for Heart  Played an integral role in implementing and shaping the event as an event coordinator, state or district coordinator and/or former Joint Projects Committee member.  Serves as a positive role model epitomizing personal health and fitness, enjoyment of activity, and sportsmanship as well as sensitivity to the needs of the participants  Assumes responsibility for his/her professional growth within AAHPERD related fields  Demonstrates commitment to the Hoops for Heart program by having served on a local, state, district or national committee and/or having presented workshops or programs at one or more of these levels  Is currently a member of AAHPERD and has been a member for the past three years Recreation Professional of the Year  Serves as a positive role model epitomizing the values and desired outcomes of recreation.  Demonstrates enthusiasm for the recreation profession and a personal role in it.  Shows interest in, and sensitivity to, the needs of students, clients, and fellow professionals.  Utilizes various methodologies and implements creative, innovative, safe, and effective courses and recreation programs based on: a. the developmental, social, and psychological needs of participants; and b. the needs, purposes, philosophies, and resources of the sponsoring institution.  Assumes responsibility for professional growth.  Evidences professional commitment through membership and involvement in appropriate professional organizations.



Fran Meyer, 852 Lincoln Drive, Fredericksburg, VA 22407

The Sport Professional of the Year Award promotes and honors outstanding leaders in the professional domain of Sport. A sport professional is defined, as one who conducts sport-related programming, or an administrator in the educational, private, or public sport-related programs. The nominees may come from those working as athletic directors, coaches, athletic trainers, and sport management professionals. Qualifications:  Serves as a positive role model epitomizing the values and desired outcomes of sport.  Demonstrates enthusiasm for the sport profession.  Shows interest in, and sensitivity to, the needs of students, clients, and fellow professionals.  Utilizes various methodologies and implements creative, innovative, safe, and effective sport-related

courses and programs based on: a. the developmental, social, and psychological needs of participants; and b. the needs, purposes, philosophies, and resources of the sponsoring institution sport related programs.  Assumes responsibility for professional growth.  Evidences professional commitment through membership and involvement in appropriate professional organizations.  Must be an AAHPERD member. The Future Professional of the Year Award honors outstanding future professionals majoring in health, physical education, recreation, dance, and/or a related field within Southern District AAHPERD. The individual displays leadership, scholarship and service during his/her undergraduate professional preparation. Qualifications: Must be a major in a health, physical education, recreation, dance and/or related field. Must be a full-time undergraduate student at the time of nomination. Must be a member of his/her institution's majors club (if one exists). Must be a member of the State AAHPERD. Must be a member of AAHPERD.

For information on criteria related to awards that go from the district to the national level, please visit the Web links below: Health Education Professional of the Year K-12 College/University Health Education Professional of the Year K-12 Dance Educator of the Year College Dance Educator of the Year Elementary, Middle, and High School Physical Education Teachers of the Year Adapted Physical Education Teachers of the Year




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