NCAE Support Empower Organize
Professional Resource Guide www.ncae.org
Table of Contents From the President...............................................................................................3 NCAE Core Values & Mission...........................................................................4 NCAE – One Voice for Public Education!........................................................5 Instructional and Professional Advocacy..........................................................6 NCAE Advocacy Center....................................................................................7 NEA/NCAE Employment Liability Insurance....................................................8 Thing to Know and Have Ready........................................................................9 Your Professional Papers.................................................................................. 10 Policies That Impact School Communities.......................................................11 Healthy Active Children Policy.........................................................................11 School Improvement Teams..............................................................................11 School Violence Prevention Act...................................................................... 12 Teacher Evaluation Process............................................................................. 13 FAQ - NC Educator Evaluation System.......................................................... 15 Suggestions for the Classroom Success......................................................... 19 Tips for Working with English Language Learners........................................ 20 Helpful Websites............................................................................................... 22 Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy in Planning.......................................................... 23 Divisions of NCAE............................................................................................ 24 Get Involved!.................................................................................................... 29 Membership Pays!.............................................................................................31 NEA Complimentary Life Insurance................................................................ 33 NCAE Awards.................................................................................................. 34 NCAE Awards Nomination Form................................................................... 36 NCAE Regional Map....................................................................................... 37 NCAE Board of Directors................................................................................ 38 Horace Mann................................................................................................... 39
www.ncae.org 2
YOU ARE NCAE! On behalf of the thousands of educators across this state who are members of the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE), I would like to invite you to join this extraordinary organization. As a member of NCAE, you are also a member of our parent organization, the National Education Association (NEA), as well as your local Association. We are proud to be the only professional organization whose membership includes everyone who works in public schools, as well as those who aspire to be educators and those who have retired from service in public education. We want to partner with you to ensure your experience as a professional educator is as rewarding for you as it is for the students you serve. Understanding the ‘ins and outs’ of your school community, as well as the policies that impact you and your students, is one of many areas in which an education professional must be well versed. This resource guide was created to help do just that – provide a one-stop guide and a gathering-place for the information you need on a regular basis. The NCAE Professional Resource Guide is but one of many resources available to you as a member of NCAE. I encourage you to refer to this resource throughout the year as needed; as well as our web page www.ncae.org. Always keep in mind that the greatest resource we have is each other! NCAE is your professional organization and I encourage you to be informed, engaged and actively involved in fulfilling our mission - to be the voice of educators in North Carolina that unites, organizes, and empowers members to be advocates for education professionals, children and public education. United, Organized, Empowered – We are NCAE! If I can be of support to you don’t hesitate to contact me at 800-662-7924, x200 or rodney.ellis@ncae.org Best wishes for a successful school year,
Rodney Ellis, Sr. NCAE President 3
NCAE Core Values & Mission Our Mission, Our Vision NCAE’s mission is to be the voice of educators in North Carolina that unites, organizes and empowers members to be advocates for education professionals, public education and students. Our vision is an equitable quality public education for every child. Our core values include: • Equal Access: We value equal access to a quality education that is adequately and equitably funded. • Diversity: We value a just society that respects the worth, dignity, and equality of every child. • Collective Action: We value an informed membership that works collaboratively to advance and protect the rights, benefits, and interests of education professionals. • Professionalism: We value the expertise and judgment of education professionals and believe it is critical for student success. We maintain the highest professional standards and expect the status, compensation and respect due all professionals. • Shared Responsibility: We value a collaborative community of members and staff who share the responsibility of achieving NCAE’s goals. NCAE is governed by its members. All elections are based on the one-person, one-vote principle. Nominations are open to all members, elections are by secret ballot, and ethnic-minority representation is guaranteed. Local Associations and the NEA, “the world’s largest democratic, deliberative body,” are similarly governed.
Wherever you see this symbol, you will find legislative victories NCAE has fought for and won for you 4
NCAE – One Voice for Public Education! Organizing for Education You may ask, why should an educator care about politics? Much of what has a direct impact on you or your school community - including class size, salary schedules, licensure requirements, textbooks or technology tools used in a classroom, nutritional value of the food served in the cafeteria, how educators are evaluated, who cleans the schools and who drives the buses - is determined by those elected to public office. NCAE believes that items connected to your working environment are issues about which you should be informed in order to make decisions about which candidates support public education. NCAE works to ensure that our members are a part of the process of crafting policies that impact public education in North Carolina. That includes vetting candidates for office, educating our members about candidates for office, and helping candidates understand the issues central to fostering great public schools for every North Carolina student. Your dues dollars do not go to political candidates! NCAE staff and governance monitor policy meetings (such as the State Board of Education, the General Assembly, etc.) so the voice of educators can be heard. The more aware you as an educator become of who makes the decisions that impact your work environment, the more connected you will be to those decisions. Interested in being more involved? There are many ways you can be engaged in organizing activities to make a difference on what impacts your work environment! Join us for NCAE Education Wednesdays. Get involved in local school board races. Attend (and speak at) local school board meetings. Attend legislative events (such as breakfasts) hosted by your local Association. Volunteer for an endorsed candidate - particularly local candidates - to ensure that some who understands issues facing educators is elected and can serve as a voice for your school community.
Gained five days’ sick leave per year for teachers (1963) 5
Instructional and Professional Advocacy NCAE has long been a resource for high quality professional development for members and their school communities. NCAE assists local Associations, school systems, and individual schools with professional development opportunities in response to their targeted needs, such as team building, cultural competency, school improvement planning, and the NC Educator Evaluation System. There is generally no fee for professional development opportunities in schools if the principal is member. Workshops and trainings offered by NCAE meets the High Quality professional development criteria required by the NC Department of Public Instruction. These sessions: • are grounded in scientifically based research and focused on improving student academic achievement • include activities that are high quality, sustained, intensive, and classroom-focused • meet the North Carolina State Board of Education’s strategic objectives – supporting issues surrounding globally competitive students, addressing the 21st century professional, helping promote healthy and responsible school environments, and are innovative in practice with rigor, relevance and building relationships • provide feedback and follow-up as our members’ time allows • connect members via Wikis, GroupSites and/or webinars – all FREE to NCAE members! NEA also has quality courses online at the NEA Academy, that are free, or at a reduced cost to NCAE members. Visit www.neaacademy.org for information and to browse course listings! Additionally, NCAE provides policy updates via the NCAE Daily Political Briefing, and the NCAE SBE Review, a monthly update on the work of the State Board of Education which can be found at www.ncae.org. Members also connect to best practices or events going on within NCAE Locals statewide via several communication pieces; NCAE News Bulletin, Member Matters, Learning Curve and various policy briefs and white papers. Visit www.ncae.org for resources that you can use today. If NCAE does not have your current e-mail address that you use REGULARLY, please share that with us soon for access to these and other communications. Contact christi.broadway@ncae.org.
Assisted in passing the Fair Employment & Dismissal Act as well as a Kindergarten pilot program (1971) 6
NCAE Advocacy Center www.askncae.org • 855-ASK-NCAE The Advocacy Center is a new resource to provide fast, easy and expert assistance to members with questions about employment concerns. The NCAE Advocacy Center will answer questions about a wide variety of advocacy issues, including discipline, criminal accusations, evaluations, discrimination, action/growth plans, wage & hour matters, grievances, and other workplace rights. Our goal is to respond within one business day. Who will help me when I contact the Advocacy Center? Attorneys with years of educational experience, experienced organizational consultants, and trained legal assistants will answer your questions. Research has determined that an advocacy center provides excellent and efficient assistance to members in a timely manner. In addition, our advocacy center permits Local UniServ Directors to devote more time to working directly and proactively with local associations, helping them organize more effectively and addressing working conditions and helping to brand your Local.
How do I use the Advocacy Center?
Submit your inquiry to the Advocacy Center by going to www.askncae.org and completing an easy online form. You can also call 1-855-ASK-NCAE (1-855-275-6223). Submit your inquiry anytime, 24 hours a day. Please note that the Advocacy Center is staffed from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
NCAE is here for YOU! Cases Handled by the NCAE Advocacy Center February - June 2012 131 Evaluation/Improvement Plans Support 25 Grievances 31 Non-renewal Issues 35 Dismissal Issues 17 Transfers 27 Inappropriate Conduct 135 Other Employment Issues Passage of specific class size law (1973) 7
NEA/NCAE Employment Liability Insurance Certificate of Insurance North Carolina Association of Educators • National Education Association Educators Employment Liability Insurance Insured: All Unified Members and All Student Members COVERAGES AND LIMITS OF LIABILITY: Coverage A – Educators Liability $1,000,000 per member per occurrence not to include any civil right issues or civil rights claims $300,000 per member per occurrence for civil rights issues or civil rights claims and not to include any other claims $3,000,000 per occurrence aggregate for all claims, including civil rights and civil rights claims Coverage A – Legal Defense Cost Limits $3,000,000 per member per occurrence not to include any civil right issues or civil rights claims $9,000,000 per occurrence aggregate for all claims, not to include any civil right issues or civil rights claims Coverage B – Reimbursement of Attorney Fees for Defense of a Criminal Proceeding $35,000 per criminal proceeding Coverage C – Bail Bond $1,000 per bond Coverage D – Assault-Related Personal Property Damage $500 per assault CLAIMS PROCEDURE The following occurrences should be reported immediately to Jonel Riley, NCAE Field & Legal Services, 700 S. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27601: 1. any incident involving the death or injury requiring medical attention to a student arising out of a school activity; 2. the receipt by the insured of a notice of claim, lien letter from an attorney, or service of summons or law suit; or 3. any situation the insured believes to be covered by the policy. Do not contact an attorney to represent you before contacting Jonel Riley at NCAE at 919-832-3000 x 220 or 800-662-7924 x 220. When making contact the insured should be prepared to present a brief description of the occurrence and copies of any legal documents. Encouraged that sick leave for teachers be increased to same rate (1 day per month) as state employees (1976) 8
Things to Know and Have Ready Found your parking space? Have your NCWISE password? You’re on your way! Here are a few other things you might want to add to the ‘Need to Know’ list: • School hours (especially on workdays and inclement weather days) • Your classroom and curriculum duties and responsibilities • Additional duties and responsibilities such as bus, hall, and lunch duties • Times and locations for whole faculty, team, professional learning community or other meetings • Where and how to obtain classroom supplies • District and/or school policies and plans regarding: 3 Homework 3 Dispensing medication 3 Referrals to special programs 3 E-mail and Internet usage 3 Grading 3 Physical Activity Requirements for K-8 3 Fire drills and lockdowns 3 Field trips 3 Parent communication 3 Open House (including dates and times) • Handling a sick day, personal leave day, or an emergency for you • Who to contact in case of a classroom or school emergency • How and when you are paid, and your insurance coverage(s)
Also, you’ll want to have on hand: • Your contract and North Carolina teaching license • Your Self-Assessment using the NC Educator Evaluation System • Grade book and/or other student record forms • IEP data - Student IEP data • Calendar – Your School Calendar • Student and teacher handbooks • Forms you will need during the first week, including: 3 Accident reports 3 Absence reports 3 Hall passes 3 Free and Reduced Lunch forms 3 Discipline referral forms Gained longevity pay after 15 years of service (1977) 9
Your Professional Papers Checklist The Professional Educator should have files on hand containing the following documents: p Teaching license(s) p Transcripts of undergraduate and graduate credits, dates of college attendance and degrees p Letters of appointment, teaching contracts, supplemental contracts and yearly salary notice p Minutes of all local School Board of Education (LSB) action affecting your contract status and duties p Personal record of used sick leave, personal leave days, and vacation leave p Records pertaining to retirement p Copy of annual performance evaluations(s) and any responses submitted p Professional growth plans(s) and performance improvement plan(s) p Documentation of commendations, awards and honors p News clippings or commendation letters resulting from personally sponsored student programs, extracurricular projects, etc. p Record of service on curriculum development committees, special projects such as accreditation and staff development activities. p Record of non-college job-related seminars, workshops and conferences and continuing education units (CEUs) p Record of disciplinary techniques and methods used in handling classroom problems (note date and person involved) p Record of assaults, violence or classroom thefts p Log of tax deductible job-related expenses p Letters from parents, principals, etc. p Log of parent contacts p Copy of syllabus or semester agendas p Agendas or other proof of how you serve on committees or in professional organization(s) Won the right for teachers to be allowed to stay home when weather is hazardous and make up time later (1981) 10
Policies That Impact School Communities If you have issues related to time, activity, being evaluated properly and making sure you are improving your practice: these policy overviews will be helpful:
Healthy Active Children • • • • •
Requires establishment of local school health advisory councils Recommends a minimum of 225 minutes per week of Healthful Living education (middle schools) Recommends a minimum of 150 minutes per week of physical education (elementary school) Requires that recess and other physical activity not be taken away or used as punishment Requires a minimum of 30 minutes of vigorous physical activity in all K-8 schools daily (can be all at once or broken into 10 minute segments, and physical education classes can be used to achieve the 30 minute requirement)
The “Energizers” are available on the following websites free in PDF format for easy download at www.fitkidsnc.com: NC Healthy Schools: www.nchealthyschools.org Be Active North Carolina, Inc.: www.beactivenc.org NC Physical Education for Me: www.ncpe4me.com
School Improvement Teams • • • •
Requires local Boards of Education to allow maximum flexibility to schools in use of funds Allows requests of waivers for state laws pertaining to class size and teacher certification, as well as state salary schedules and other employee benefits Representatives to the School Improvement Team of assistant principals, instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, and teacher assistants shall be elected by their representative groups by secret ballot Unless the local Board of Education has adopted an election policy, parent representatives shall be elected by parents of children enrolled in the school in an election by the parent and teacher organization of the school, or, if none exists, by the largest organization of parents formed for this purpose Fought and prevented an increase in health insurance premiums and won an additional state-paid holiday for all educators (1991) 11
Policies That Impact School Communities • The plan shall include a plan for the use of staff development funds, and may provide that a portion of these funds is used for mentor training and for release time and substitutes while mentors and teacher being mentored are meeting • Shall include a plan to address school safety and discipline concerns • Shall include a plan to provide a duty-free lunch period for every teacher on a daily basis, or as otherwise approved by the SIT • Shall include a plan to provide a duty free instructional planning time for every teacher under GS 115C-301.1, with the goal of providing an average of at least five hours of planning time per week • The principal shall present the proposed school improvement plan to all of the principals, assistant principals, instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, and teacher assistants assigned to the school building for their review and vote; the vote shall be by secret ballot • A school improvement plan shall remain in effect for no more than three (3) years; however, the SIT may amend the plan as often as necessary or appropriate • Parent involvement programs and conflict resolution programs are to be included as part of a school improvement plan • Meetings are subject to North Carolina Open Meetings laws, which includes having meetings open to the public at large, and making minutes a matter of public record; committees of the School Improvement Team are also subject to this provision
School Violence Prevention Act Defines bullying and harassing behavior as any pattern of gestures or written, electronic or verbal communications or any physical act or threatening communication that takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function, or on a school bus that: • Places a student or school employee in actual and reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or damage to his or her property • Creates or is certain to create a hostile environment by substantially interfering with or impairing a student’s educational performance opportunities or benefits.
Assisted in writing policy to establish the NC Teacher Academy (1993) 12
Policies That Impact School Communities • Bullying or harassing behavior includes, but is not limited to, acts reasonably perceived as being motivated by any actual or perceived differentiating characteristic, such as: •Race •Color •Religion •Ancestry •National origin •Gender •Socioeconomic status •Academic status •Gender identity •Physical appearance •Sexual orientation •Association with such •Mental, physical or developmental disability • Each LEA shall adopt a policy prohibiting bullying or harassing behavior. The policy shall contain: • A statement prohibiting bullying or harassing behavior • A definition of no less than what is in the law • A description of expected behavior • Consequences and appropriate remedial action for violators • A reporting procedure (including a provision for anonymity) • An investigation procedure (identifying the principal or designee as responsible party) • A statement that prohibits reprisal or retaliation against any person who reports a bullying or harassing act, and consequences for such reprisal • A statement of how policy is to be publicized, including notice that the policy is in effect at school sponsored functions
Teacher Evaluation • All teachers, principals and peer evaluators must complete training on the evaluation process • Within two weeks of a teacher’s first day of work in any school year, the principal will provide the teacher with a copy of or directions for obtaining access to a copy of the rubric for evaluating North Carolina teachers, the full teacher evaluation policy, and a schedule for completing all components of the evaluation process • Using the Rubric for Evaluating North Carolina Teachers, each teacher shall rate his or her own performance at the beginning of the year and reflect on his or her performance throughout the year • Before the first formal observation, the principal shall meet with the teacher to discuss the teacher’s self-assessment, most recent professional growth plan, and the lesson(s) to be observed; pre-observation conferences aren’t required for subsequent observations Supported policy for K-3 teacher assistants who substitute for a day to be paid salary equal to first year teacher with an A certificate (1995)
Policies That Impact School Communities • A formal observation shall last at least 45 minutes or an entire class period • An informal observation shall last at least 20 minutes • ‘Snapshots’ or ‘walkthroughs’ cannot be used as formal or informal observations, but can be used as ‘data’ or ‘evidence’ on the final Summary Evaluation Rating • Career teachers must be evaluated annually, unless the LEA creates a different schedule for evaluating career teachers • During the Summary Evaluation year, the principal shall conduct at least three observations, including one formal. • The principal shall conduct a post-observation conference no later than ten school days after each formal observation • Prior to the end of the school year, and in accordance with LEA timelines, the principal shall conduct a summary evaluation conference with the teacher; during which, the teacher and principal shall discuss the self assessment, the most recent PGP, the components of the NC TEP completed throughout the year, observations, artifacts, and other evidence collected
At the conclusion of the process, the principal shall give a rating for each element on the rubric, make a written comment on any element marked ‘Not Demonstrated’, provide an overall rating on each standard, provide the teacher with the ability to add comments to the Summary Rating Form, review the Summary Rating form with the teacher, and have the teacher sign the record of activities and Summary Rating Form. Advocated for and won National Board Certification funding to cover application fees and 12% salary differential (1996) 14
FAQ - NC Educator Evaluation System Why has North Carolina changed the way teachers are evaluated? The instrument used by most LEAs, the TPAI-R, was not rooted in the 21st Century goals and objectives adopted by the State Board of Education. Teachers are teaching differently, and students are learning differently and need to be more engaged. The new evaluation instrument motivates teachers to become more of a ‘facilitator in the classroom’ instead of a ‘sage on the stage’. Can the NCEES be completed all at once or all at the end of the year, and who will evaluate me? No, it can’t! The evaluation instrument is a rubric based evaluation process, and it cannot be done all at once, nor can it be done in one visit to a classroom. The process is a year-long conversation/ observation based process, which includes a self-assessment, several classroom observations followed by post-observation conferences. There is also one final summative evaluation conference at the end of the year. Your principal and/or her/his designee such as an assistant principal that has been trained in the new evaluation process will help by conducting the observations. Am I to be evaluated every year? Yes. All educators are to be evaluated every year. The State Board of Education approved an abbreviated evaluation process due to the fact the NCEES is time consuming. New teachers and teachers renewing their license must be evaluated using the full evaluation process; while veteran teachers can have the abbreviated process implemented if all is going well. The abbreviated process includes self-assessment, at least two informal observations, a summative based on Standards I, IV and VI. What role will I play in my evaluation? As the teacher being evaluated, you will complete a self- assessment about your classroom practice, etc. using the McREL rubric. The rubric will assist you in creating your Professional Growth Plan (PGP), where you and your principal will agree on goals. You will have a pre-observation conference with your evaluator in which you will be able to provide specific information regarding what will be occurring in the classroom. Following each observation, you will have a post-observation conference within ten school days that will provide opportunity for conversation about the classroom practices observed. At the end of the year, you will have a summary Supported the Excellent Schools Act that provided professional development for teachers and increased Master’s pay to a 10% differential (1997)
FAQ - NC Educator Evaluation System evaluation conference where you will have the opportunity to discuss with your administrator the level of performance you have achieved for each element of the five standards and your overall rating for each standard. At this time you may use evidence (artifacts) to further demonstrate your skills. Protocols suggest this final evaluation conference be held in the teacher’s classroom. The State has moved to an online data tool, and teachers are strongly encouraged to provide comments in the comments box after both you and the principal sign the summative. Who ultimately determines the final ratings on the Summary Rating Form? If the teacher and principal do not agree on the rating of an element or standard, who decides what goes on the final rating form? If the teacher and principal do not agree on the ratings, the teacher will have the opportunity to present evidence (artifacts) to support a different rating. The final rating form is completed by the principal and signed by both the principal and teacher. The teacher may choose to write additional comments on the form. What if my Summary Rating Form has me marked as ‘Developing’? If you are rated developing, your PGP should reflect strategies that will help you move from Developing to Proficient. This evaluation instrument is a growth model and therefore, you will be assessed on your ability to make growth over time. The policy outlines the types of “plans.”
Supported A+ Schools to receive additional funding (1999 & 2001) 16
FAQ - NC Educator Evaluation System • Teachers rated at least ‘Proficient’ on all standards shall develop an Individual Growth Plan designed to improve performance on specifically identified Standards and Elements • Teachers that are rated ‘Developing’ on one or more Standards on the Summary Rating Form and not recommended for dismissal, demotion or non-renewal will be placed on a Monitored Growth Plan. The MGP shall include, at a minimum: •Standards and Elements to be improved •Goals to be accomplished and activities to do so to achieve Proficiency •A timeline which allows one school year to achieve Proficiency • Teachers rated ‘Not Demonstrated’ on any standard OR rated ‘Developing’ on one or more Standards two or more years in a row, AND not recommended for dismissal, demotion or non-renewal will be placed on a Directed Growth Plan. A DGP shall, at a minimum: •Standards and Elements to be improved •Goals to be accomplished and activities to do so to achieve Proficiency •A timeline which allows one school year (or such shorter timeline as determined by the school system) to achieve Proficiency • Plans that meet these criteria shall be deemed to meet NCG §S 115C-333(b). If I’m an ILT, what do I have to do to get an SP2L? To move from a Standard Professional 1 License (SP1L) to a Standard Professional 2 License (SP2L), a teacher must have an overall rating of Proficient in each of the five standards, however this does not necessarily mean each element must be proficient. The SP1L is good for three years and to move forward one must be proficient by the end of the third year. To whom will I give my artifacts/evidence? Teachers should keep various artifacts, documentation in a secure place so that they may use them as evidence during their post-observation conferences and their Summary Evaluation Conference. The Summary Evaluation Conference should take place in your classroom so that you have easy access to your materials. You are not being required to create a portfolio. Your artifacts should be natural products from your work as a teacher.
Fought to prevent a State Health Plan premium increase for state employees (2003) 17
FAQ - NC Educator Evaluation System How does Standard VI impact me? Standard VI: Teachers Contribute to the Academic Success of Students. The work of the teacher results in acceptable, measurable progress for students based on established performance expectations using appropriate data to demonstrate growth. This standard was added in connection to the Race to the Top funds being granted to North Carolina, requiring student growth as a more pronounced aspect of the evaluation process. All standards are considered equal. Teachers who have valid EOG/EOC standardized test scores over a three year period will have an EVAAS growth score, based on a 30% school-wide score and a 70% individual teacher score on Standard VI. Teachers in non-tested grades and subjects will only have a school-wide based growth score and other multiple measures for Standard VI. For this year, educators will receive a holistic score for “teacher effectiveness.” The definition of holistic for the effective rating component includes the use of one’s rating on each of the other five standards, plus the data average of the three years of rolling data on Standard VI. The rating on Standard VI is based on growth of students, not the level of student performance. The State Board of Education has not put in place any consequences that are specifically tied to the sixth standard, or to effective rating status. The NC Race to the Top application focuses on consequences for overall status, not an individual rating. Of course, LEAs and principals have discretion in personnel decisions, but there is no policy mandating dismissal based Standard VI (alone) rating for any educator.
Assisted in establishing the NC Teacher Working Conditions Survey as a permanent part of the state budget – valuing working and learning conditions (2005)
Suggestions for the Classroom Success Discipline with Dignity!
Minimize the behavior Keep the child’s self-esteem intact Keep the lessons flowing If a student is misbehaving, ask, “Is this a one-time incident or is this persistent?” The responsibility for good student discipline rests primarily with the classroom teacher. Most authorities agree that without a comfortable disciplinary situation, the teacher’s job becomes frustrating and often unbearable, and as a result, little teaching or learning takes place. It is very important that educators establish clearly and immediately the behavior pattern to be followed by the students in their classes. Actually, students welcome reasonable discipline and have respect for teachers who follow a consistent policy. • Get class input developing classroom rules. • Review and post rules on day one. Revisit as necessary. • Be consistent in application of discipline and fair in your requirements and assignments. • Show courtesy to every student, and display trust and confidence in them all. • Let students tell you their side of the situation. Be willing to consider mitigating circumstances. • Talk about the student problems only to those who have a right and need to know. Avoid openly comparing one student to another. • Admit you’ve made a mistake and apologize if you’ve treated a student unjustly. • Make sure punishments are appropriate for the misbehavior and explain to the student why he or she is being punished.
Educators need to: 1. Clarify what they expect 2. Communicate expectations simply and directly 3. Let students know what consequences will occur if they chose to act irresponsibly 4. Inform the students that a consequence is not necessarily a punishment – but the outcome of their choices
Need support? Contact NCAE Center for Instructional Advocacy – 800-662-7924, x229 Won passage of HB 1151 that directed SIT to include as part of plan – duty free lunch and at least five hours of planning per week for all K-12 teachers (2006)
Tips for Working with English Language Learners Body Language SMILE and Speak Softly - There is no need to shout, although you should think about the speed of your speech and using simple grammar and vocabulary for beginners. Also avoid idioms at first, and then teach them to intermediate learners. Seating and Safety Seat new students close to you to keep them on task, and close to a buddy. This buddy can be a native speaker or just someone who is sympathetic and friendly. Also write the student’s name, teacher and classroom on a card they can keep with them. On the back write the home address, telephone number and parent name, instruct the student to keep this card in a pocket. Use manuscript writing Some newcomers are not familiar with cursive. Be sensitive to this with notes, etc. Try to provide study guides where students just fill in important words, or copy overheads and provide a highlighter so the student can remember the most important information. Foster pride in culture Help all your students to be proud of their roots. Display pictures from different places, read books and listen to music celebrating the cultures of your students. Tie culture to your curriculum. Encourage social interaction Provide a variety of activities for newcomers that foster their interaction with native speakers of English. Social acceptance is very important at all ages. Cooperative groups can be very helpful to students. Many feel more comfortable with peers than adults. It is important to train the group how to help the newcomer. (Sometimes their idea of “help” is not very helpful.) Don’t assume they know about common US school customs Common practices like fire drills, changing classes, lunch, absences, and buses might all be new to your student. Always take time to explain using pictures, gestures, words and modeling.
Supported SB 571 directing the State Board of Education to report on the role that school counselors play in dropout prevention and spending no more than 20% of their time on non-counseling duties (2007)
Tips for Working with English Language Learners Help ELLs negotiate meaning These students need comprehensible input, and they need to respond with some type of output. At first this could be a shake of the head, or pointing to an answer. Progress to answering with yes/ no and then giving them a choice of one-word answers (is this Mars or Venus?) Then move from concrete to abstract answers. Examples are “What is this?” then “Why is this?” Build on Native Language Literacy Students will have varying levels of native language literacy. These skills will transfer and it is important to assess their competency in their first language if possible. Students who are literate will be more successful in their second language. Makes lessons visual and kinesthetic Visual clues and hands-on tasks will help your ELL students acquire content knowledge more quickly and at a deeper level. Give simple directions, broken down into steps. They will understand little of what you say, some of what they see and more of what they do!! Be creative and step outside your comfort zone. They certainly are!! NEA Online Professional Development for Educators of English Language Learners: www.neaacademy.org
Fought for converting excess personal leave to sick leave; allowing personal leave to be taken if 5 days’ notice is given and a substitute can be found. (2007)
Helpful Websites Partnership for 21st Century Skills The Teacher Working Conditions Survey NCAE Center for Instructional Advocacy EdConsulting Firm (former trainers of the NC TA) NC DPI Professional Development
www.21stcenturyskills.org www.northcarolinatwc.org/ www.ncae.org www.educonsultingfirm.com/#!services www.ncpublicschools.org/profdev/
Blocked the implementation of tax credits for private schools as well as the immediate implementation of increases in co-pays for health insurance (2008)
Don’t Forget to Use Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy When Planning! Cognitive Process
Verbs in the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
Remember: Recognizing Recalling Understand: Interpreting Classifying Explaining Inferring Exemplifying Summarizing Comparing
Apply: Executing Implementing
Evaluate: Checking Critiquing
Analyze: Differentiating Attributing Organizing
Create: Generating Producing Planning
Types of Knowledge in Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Factual Knowledge Conceptual Knowledge Procedural Knowledge Meta-Cognitive Knowledge
•Terminology •Specific Details & Elements •Classifications & Categories •Principles and Generalizations •Theories, Models and Structures •Subject-specific Skills and Algorithms •Subject-specific Techniques and Methods •Criteria for Determining When to Use Appropriate Procedures •Strategic Knowledge •Knowledge about Cognitive Tasks •Self-Knowledge
Supported the continued funding of professional leave days and payment of fees for candidates for National Board Certification (2009) 23
Divisions of NCAE Principals/Administrators Division NCAE provides schools with professional development support through the NCAE Center for Instructional Advocacy. There is little or no cost for professional development sessions if the administrator is a NCAE member. Topics are aligned to the NC Educator Evaluation System to assist school leaders in providing support to teachers who need to enhance skill sets. Contact the NCAE CIA at 800.662.7924 x229. The Principals/Administrators Division recognizes outstanding members through an annual awards program for Assistant Principals, Principals, Central Office Personnel and Superintendents. Nomination forms can be found at www.ncae.org under Awards. The Principals/Administrators Division also sponsors a statewide conference providing an opportunity for members to come together and share best practices, collaborate, network and have some fun. Previous statewide conferences focused on how to use the NC Teacher Working Conditions Survey and embed the data into school improvement plans. The Principals/Administrators Division is here to help you with your work! Please contact the Division President if you need information or have ideas on what the Division can do for you and/or your school community.
NCAE Education Support Professionals Division These STAR ESP members participated in a Leadership Academy to become better mentors to new staff in their Exceptional Children Program. The session was possible based on an NEA ESP grant to empower ESP members in the school communities. More than four out of every ten public school employees are education support professionals (ESPs) who work together with teachers and administrators to help ensure the basic right of every child to attend great public schools. Won removal of deduction for a substitute for personal leave taken on non-protected teacher workday (2009) 24
Divisions of NCAE Education support professionals perform a variety of jobs that promote quality education, foster positive learning environments, provide nutritious meals, and maintain safe and clean schools for all students
How NCAE Membership Supports Education Support Professionals NCAE helps Education Support Professionals to: • organize to win better pay benefits, and working conditions • earn no less than a living wage • have effective employment-related Representation • ensure safe and clean schools • advocate for quality professional development Opportunities • develop effective local, state, and national Leadership • promote quality public education and public school employees at the state legislature • defend against privatization and subcontracting of work to private, for-profit companies • gain access to exclusive member-only financial service and insurance benefits • receive on-the-job liability insurance Caldwell County Caldwell County Schools’ custodians, through information and support from the Caldwell County Association of Educators, NCAE, and NEA were able to successfully prevent their positions from being privatized and contracted out to several second party vendors who were in the bidding process with the school district. The Caldwell County Association’s Local President organized association members and stood with ESP members to express their support during their School Board meeting to convince the Caldwell County school board that privatizing ESP positions was not good for Caldwell County Schools! Gaston County In 2010, Gaston County NCAE prevented Gaston County Schools from taking away 10 workdays from all teacher assistants (TAs) which would have resulted in less pay. Gaston County NCAE Teacher Assistant members organized and were placed accurately on the salary schedule. NCAE successfully orchestrated Teacher Assistants to work hours assigned by the school district and not two additional hours as assigned by “other” interested parties. Fought to protect health benefits for any employee furloughed due to budgetary reasons or RIF (2009) 25
Divisions of NCAE Guilford County The Guilford County Association of Educators successfully convinced the school board to not renew their contract with Sodexo, Inc. preventing the continued privatization of their child nutrition and custodial positions in Guilford County Schools. ESP members protested, rallied, and equipped themselves with relevant information and data in order to present their concerns to their local school board and defeat the privatization effort in the school district. Forsyth County The Forsyth County Association of Educators (FCAE) discovered that some TAs were not placed on the salary schedule correctly. After bringing this discovery to the attention of School District Administrators, the school district paid an approximate total of $500,000 to 170 TAs in order to correct the school district’s error and placed EVERY Teacher Assistant on their correct salary step! FCAE sent the Chief Financial Officer of the Winston-Salem Forsythe County Schools a copy of the district’s bonus policy, and expressed to school district administrators that it was against their policy to cut the perfect attendance bonus from $250 to $200. As a result, school bus drivers received their full bonus. Wake County Because of the multiple and varying employment schedules of ESP members, the Wake NCAE leadership scheduled meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month dubbed “Second Time Around” from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Members discussed and addressed specific concerns that impacted classified employees. Topics such as bus discipline, safety, and issues regarding training for bus and cab monitors were also discussed which resulted in the direct involvement of Wake County Schools Transportation Officials and the Superintendent of schools. As a result of this collaboration, members were educated on school board policies and procedures, able to ask questions and receive answers that impacted their job security, and informed on how to address concerns with their immediate supervisors.
Lobbied successfully for the NC Teacher Cadet Program (2009) 26
Divisions of NCAE Student Services Division - Serving Your Special Needs ]School Counselor ]Media Specialist/Librarian ]Technology Facilitator ]School Curriculum Facilitator ]School Social Worker ]School Nurse ]School Psychologist ]Speech Pathologist Leadership Retreat! ]Occupational Therapist Join us today by checking us out at www.ncae.org
SNCAE What is it? The Student North Carolina Association of Educators Program (SNCAE) is here to help you make a smooth transition from the campus to the classroom – giving you the edge as a teacher in those first years! SNCAE is an organization for students in undergraduate or graduate education programs. We are affiliated with the North Carolina Association of Educators and the National Education Association. How much does it cost? NEA dues are $15 and NCAE dues are $12. Local dues are set by the individual chapters at each college or university. When you join NCAE as a first-year teacher, you will receive a $20 rebate from NEA and a $10 rebate from NCAE for every year you were a student member. Just request a rebate form from your school’s Association Representative or contact NCAE Membership Department at 800-662-7924, x228.
NCRSP NCAE North Carolina Retired School Personnel is an active aspect of the NCAE family. Retired NCAE members can continue to receive NEA/ NCAE benefits, stay connected within their community with an Active Retired Group that often works with members in their school community. NCRSP is a non-profit organization dedicated to working on behalf of retired education personnel. Benefits of membership include: $7,500 Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance, Hearing and Vision Discount Plans, membership card discounts, newsletters and action alerts and leadership opportunities. Questions? Contact the NCRSP Division at 800.662.7924.
Initiated, drafted and won a new law passed assuring probationary teachers the right to appeal to the local school board, any “non-renewed” during their career status year (2009)
National Board Certified Teachers NCAE NBCT Caucus-Network The NCAE NBCT Caucus-Network fulfills two roles within the Association. As a caucus, members of the NCAE NBCT Caucus-Network participate in debate at the NCAE Convention, with special focus and attention to issues surrounding National Board Certification and NBCTs. As a network, members work with the NCAE Center for Instructional Advocacy to build and maintain a support program for candidates pursuing initial or renewed National Board Certification. The NCAE NBCT Caucus-Network was created in the early 2000’s as an effort to galvanize NBCTs and candidates around the Association’s support of National Board Certification. Since then, the members of the CaucusNetwork have endeavored to be leaders within the Association regarding candidate support, teacher leadership, and instructional issues. In the past several years, the Caucus-Network has hosted a NBCT Leadership Conference, a National Board Certification Advocacy Conference, and NBC Candidate Support Provider Training. As part of the work of the NCAE Center for Instructional Advocacy, members of the Caucus-Network also work to support candidates. Through e-support, meeting with candidates at face-to-face events such as Fall Basic Training and Spring Boot Camp, Caucus-Network members connect with candidates in order to advance the profession. By growing candidates and NBCTs, the Caucus-Network is taking a leadership role in moving education – and educators – forward. Interested? Join us! Visit www.ncaenbctcaucus.com!
Drafted and won legislation to allow sick leave earned by 10-month employees leaving at the end of a year, and subsequently reemployed, to have sick leave reinstated (2009)
Get Involved! Be Active with NCAE! Each Local Association strives to Unite, Organize, and Empower our members. Locally and statewide there are numerous ways to become more engaged and maintain our ONE VOICE for PUBLIC EDUCATION! 3 Summer Leaders Conference occurs in July of each year. This multi-day training session is geared toward local Leaders and Association Representatives to gain insight into new strategies and understand how new legislation will impact the classroom. 3 Emerging Leaders is a three year commitment for rising leaders within NCAE. Over the course of training sessions, new and young leaders develop leadership skills, become part of a network, and learn communication skills to assist within their school community. If you are interested in participating in this series of sessions, contact your local NCAE President, NCAE Cluster/District, or NCAE Regional Uniserv Director.
3 NCAE has numerous political action groups where one can find their niche. Republican Caucus, Democratic Caucus, Black Caucus, Hispanic Caucus, Young Educator Caucus; and soon an Exceptional Children Teachers Caucus. These groups meet at least twice a year to discuss issues relevant to their community and introduce new business items for NCAE membership to engage in for public education.
Lobbied for state funding to support NC Teacher Cadet Program (2009)
Get Involved! Be Active with NCAE! 3 There are NCAE Divisions that afford members a connection to educators that have similar concerns and issues. The Education Support Professionals plans events for ESP members across the state and provides a quarterly newsletter for members. The Student Services Division works with counselors, social workers, and media coordinators to address issues of concern and provide mini grants to members. The Principals and Administrators Division plans a statewide conference to address issues and provides a newsletter for administrators. 3 Locally, Associations have groups such as 35 Plus 5, Young Educators Alive After 5, and Local PLCs to meet both academic and social needs.
Supported and helped amend law to eliminate administering corporal punishment on students with disabilities, if parent/guardian agrees (2010)
Membership Pays! Check these items out NCAE Members Does your school need extra $upport with at-risk-students, community partnerships, or the improvement of school climate? Your Association is offering competitive mini-grants ranging from $250 to $500 to schools. To be considered your completed grant proposal must be received no later than November 1 annually. Visit www.ncae.org and click on Instructional Advocacy.
Are you a first year teacher? For each year you were an SNCAE (or other NEA Student Program) member you will receive $30 through the NEA student rebate. Please check out the rebate forms at www.ncae.org under Divisions and Programs then click on SNCAE and the forms will be available for you, or ask your NCAE Education Advocate for a form.
Employment Discrimination General Information for Education Employees is a booklet on the NCAE Members Only section of www.ncae.org. All you need is your NCAE Membership Number to log in connect to this and other numerous other member benefits and resources.
NCAE Awards and Scholarships NCAE has a variety of awards and recognitions for outstanding educational professionals. Most of these awards are presented annually. One can selfnominate, or be nominated for awards recognizing creativity in teaching, education advocacy, supporting those pursuing a degree, fighting for human and civil rights, and scholarships for SNCAE members. If you are an ESP, Teacher, Student Services, Administrator or SNCAE member, click the Awards Button at www.ncae.org for deadlines and forms.
Member Benefits Consumers are more savvy and demanding than ever. Members are looking for perks—an extra benefit. Put simply, NCAE members are afforded valueadded member benefits that are relevant to their lives. We offer real value, so members welcome our continued efforts in making their lives better. To get more information about NCAE Member Benefits, visit www.ncae.org or for NEA Member Benefits, visit www.neamb.com.
Shared Sick Leave: Allowing shared sick leave from non family members (2010) 31
Membership Pays! The NEA Attorney Referral Program For over 150 years, NEA members have come to rely on their Association for support and service in a wide variety of areas. That commitment to service continues today. NEA’s Attorney Referral Program provides members with legal advice on personal matters. Each eligible member is entitled to two 30-minute consultation sessions free during each membership year. And if you need additional legal help, NEA’s Attorney Referral Program lets you get that help at rates below participating attorneys’ usual fees. That’s why NEA created the NEA Attorney Referral Program. This unique program is designed to make sure that every NEA member in participating states has access to affordable legal advice. NEA’s Attorney Referral Program is open to all active, life, support, or retired NEA members and to members’ spouses and dependent children. Your national and state Associations have identified attorneys throughout the state who have agreed to handle certain personal legal matters at a substantially reduced rate. During any membership year [from September 1 to August 31], eligible members are entitled to two, free 30-minute consultation sessions with any of these Association-approved attorneys. During the two free sessions, you may discuss any legal matter except income tax preparation. In addition to free consultations, members may have specific legal work performed in five “core” areas at a 30 percent reduction of participating attorney’s normal fees. The core areas: ]Wills and Estates ]Domestic Relations ]Traffic Violations
]Real Estate ]Consumer Protection
For more information regarding this benefit contact your NCAE Regional UniServ Director or Jonel Riley at 800.662.7924 x220.
Follow Us On
Advocated for Residential Schools and assisted in keeping them open! (Restored $4.7 million) (2011) 32
NEA Complimentary Life Insurance (formerly known as NEA DUES-TAB) Complimentary, automatic coverage for all eligible members All eligible members can take advantage of the valuable, automatic term life insurance coverage provided by NEA Complimentary Life Insurance.* Although you are automatically covered by being an eligible member, please take a moment to register a beneficiary of your choice. • A guaranteed benefit • Provided at no cost to Active, Staff, Reserve and Life† members • Up to $1,000 of term life insurance • Up to $5,000 of accidental death and dismemberment coverage • Up to $50,000 of AD&D insurance for any covered accident that occurs while on the job or serving as an Association Leader‡ • $150,000 of life insurance for unlawful homicide while on the job www.neamb.com/insurance/nea-complimentary-life-insurance.htm
Fought and preserved all advance degree pay during budget debates (2011) 33
NCAE Awards Student Services Division Outstanding Leadership Award (Monetary Award - $100 – and finalist $25) The Student Services Division Outstanding Leadership Award was created in 2007 to recognize an educational specialist who is a member of the division and who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in the services provided to the students, faculty, staff and community. All nominations must include a completed nomination form which will show justification for inclusion in the Student Services OL Award. This information must be typed and double-spaced, before sending it to the Student Service Scholarship and Awards Committee; and it must be postmarked no later than January 30 annually. Any person or group belonging to the NCAE Student Services Divisions may submit a nomination form to Lena Murrill-Chapman at murrill2001@yahoo.com. Information can be found on the NCAE web page under the Awards button.
NCAE Principals and Administrator Awards Members can nominate outstanding leaders within your school community for Assistant Principal of the Year, Principal of the Year, Central Office Administrator of the Year or Superintendent of the Year. Nominations are due the first Monday in February. Applications can be found on the NCAE website under Awards. The following information should be typewritten and using a standard font and size of 12 on a separate sheet of paper: ]Education ]Experience ]What active role have you played in professional organizations? ]How did you become an educator and what motivates you to continue? ]Why did you choose to become a member of NCAE?
ESP of the Year Please visit www.ncae.org to find relevant information on how to nominate or recognize an outstanding ESP of the year.
Worked to make sure School Improvement Teams and Plans remain in the budget (2011) 34
NCAE Awards
Nominations are due December 10 annually.
Instructional & Professional Development Awards
The NEA Foundation Award for Teaching Excellence
(Monetary Award - $10,000 - $25,000) All active, certified NCAE members are eligible. Nationally, ten semifinalists will be invited for a personal interview. Five finalists will be selected, receiving $10,000. The winner will receive an additional $25,000. Nominees need to be able to demonstrate professional practice, advocacy for the profession, engagement in their school community, leadership in the profession and attention to diversity within the classroom.
Linda Rader Professional Development Opportunity Award
(Monetary Award - $1,500 - $3,000) The selection committee will look for members that are lifelong learners, public education advocates, and active NEA/NCAE members. Any NCAE member is eligible for nomination. Two awards are given: an Active ESP Member meeting the criteria in the award will receive up to $1,500.00. An Active Certified Member meeting the criteria will receive up to $3,000.00.
The Terry Sanford Award for Creativity and Innovation in Teaching and Administration
(Monetary Award - $100 - $1,000) Any (certified) NCAE member is eligible for consideration for the Terry Sanford Award for Creativity and Innovation in Teaching and Administration. �Inquiring Inspiring Minds,� the 2013-14 theme, allows members to showcase their creativity in teaching. This award is designed for educators who maintain high academic standards, and whose classrooms are engaging. A plaque and $1,000 will be awarded to the state Terry Sanford winner annually. Each finalist receives $100 and a framed certificate.
Kay Trull Outstanding Professional Educator Award
(Monetary Award - $500 - $2,000) Established in 1998, this award is presented in honor of an outstanding NCAE member who was the first teacher to chair the North Carolina Professional Practices Commission, which later became the NC Professional Teaching Standards Commission. Nominees should be accomplished educators who are active with regards to educational policy and practice, with at least 10 years of membership within the Association. Assisted with coalition groups to ensure educator pre-pay continued as long as calendar is set as is (2012) 35
NCAE Awards Nomination Form Nominee___________________________________________________ Local ______________________________________________________ E-mail _____________________________________________________ (Don’t forget to include the server – i.e., elic.senter@ncae.org)
Phone (_________) ___________________________________________ Nominee___________________________________________________ Local ______________________________________________________ E-mail _____________________________________________________ (Don’t forget to include the server – i.e., elic.senter@ncae.org)
Phone (_________) __________________________________________ Nominator Signature__________________________________________ Even if self-nomination
Date_______________________________________________________ I am or I have confirmed that this nominee is a member in good standing with their NCAE Local Association, and believe s/he (or I) meets the criteria described above regarding the specific award selected. I understand that the nominee will be responsible for completing the remainder of the awards submission. Nominations must be postmarked by December 10, annually, and mailed to Awards Nominations, Attn: Cathy Barnes, NCAE Center for Teaching and Learning, 700 S. Salisbury St., Raleigh, NC 27601 or e/mailed to Cathy.Barnes@ncae.org.
Fought to ensure that educators received a pay increase for the 2012-13 school year (2012) 36
Fought to maintain due process and fair labor practices for teachers (2012)
Avery Ashe
Alleghany Surry Caldwell Alexander
Stokes Davie
Surry Rockingham Caswell
Person Vance
Hertford PasquotankPerquimans Currituck Camden Chowan Bertie Gates
Iredell Yadkin Catawba
New Hanover
July 2012
July 2012
Southeast Region – Fayetteville 800-635-9153
July 2012
Southeast Region – Fayetteville 800-635-9153
Halifax Wilson
Triangle Region – Raleigh 800-650-5034
Triangle Region – Raleigh 800-650-5034
South Central Region – Charlotte 800-635-3387
South Central Region – Charlotte 800-635-3387
Burke Wilkes
Advocacy Center – Raleigh 855-275-6223 www.askncae.org Advocacy Center – Raleigh 855-275-6223 www.askncae.org
Western Region Gaston - 800-822-9287 Asheville - 800-635-3371 Western Region Gaston - 800-822-9287 Asheville - 800-635-3371
Northeast Region – Greenville Pasquotank Currituck Camden 800-635-3371 Northampton
Northeast Region – Greenville 800-635-3371
Northampton Nash
Franklin Guilford AlamanceOrange Durham Warren Rockingham Caswell Person Vance
Central Region – Greensboro 800-635-9148 Stokes
Central Region – Greensboro 800-635-9148
Edgecombe Hertford Martin Washington Perquimans Granville Chatham Randolph Tyrrell Forsyth Franklin Rowan Mitchell Chowan Buncombe* McDowell Guilford AlamanceOrange Avery Bertie Pitt Beaufort Haywood Nash Durham Caldwell Alexander Johnston Davie Yancey Swain Lee Greene Rutherford Lincoln Hyde Madison Edgecombe Cabarrus Henderson Harnett Graham Iredell Martin Wake Washington Wayne Davidson Stanly Moore Burke Jackson Polk Chatham Cleveland Gaston Randolph Dare Tyrrell Montgomery Catawba Wilson Lenoir Rowan Mecklenburg Buncombe* McDowell Craven Macon Transylvania Cherokee Pitt Beaufort Pamlico Haywood Cumberland Johnston Clay Swain Hoke Lee Greene Rutherford Lincoln Hyde Richmond Jones Sampson Cabarrus Union Henderson Anson Harnett Graham Wayne Duplin Moore Stanly Jackson Polk Cleveland Gaston Montgomery Scotland Lenoir Mecklenburg Carteret Onslow Macon Craven Transylvania Cherokee Pamlico Cumberland Robeson Clay Bladen Hoke Richmond Jones Sampson Union Pender Anson Duplin Scotland Carteret Onslow New Columbus Robeson Hanover Bladen Pender Brunswick
Northwest Region – Winston-Salem 800-635-3386 Ashe
Northwest Region – Winston-Salem 800-635-3386
NCAE Headquarters – 800-662-7924
NCAE Regional Offices Map NCAE Headquarters – 800-662-7924 NCAE Regional Offices Map
NCAE Board of Directors President: Rodney Ellis (919) 832-3000, ext. 200 rodney.ellis@ncae.org Term: 2012-2014
District 5-B: Wanda Kindell (910) 257-4289 kingor61@gmail.com Term: 2011-2013
Past President: Sheri Strickland (252) 917-2388 sstrickland514@gmail.com
Cluster 6: James Shaw (919) 539-4732 shaw302@aol.com Term: 2010-2013
Vice President: Mark Jewell (919) 832-3000, ext. 206 mark.jewell@ncae.org Term: 2012-2014 District 1-A: Rena Sutton (828) 342-6227 rosutton@frontier.com Term: 2012-2015 District 1-B: Larry Ball (828) 264-1558 ball.jamesl@gmail.com Term: 2011-2014 Cluster 2: David Beaver (704) 213-3530 ddcbeaver@msn.com Term: 2010-2013 District 3-A: Donna Hayes (704) 214-2460 donnahayes@carolina.rr.com Term: 2012-2015 District 3-B: Randolph Frierson (704) 830-8250 rfrierson1@bellsouth.net Term: 2011-2014 District 4-A: Jennifer Lenk (336) 932-0282 Jlenk4A@gmail.com Term: 2011-2014 District 4B: Andrew Corbin (704) 996-4251 wacorbin1@gmail.com Term: 2010-2013 District 5-A: Patricia Ann Regan (919) 548-0242 pralston@embarqmail.com Term: 2011-2014
Cluster 6: Rich Nixon (919) 369-0752 rnixon.jcae@gmail.com Term: 2012-2015 District 7-A and NEA Director At Large: Jameel Williams (252) 432-9235 jam82565@yahoo.com Term: 2011-2014 District 7-B: Joyce O’Neal (252) 717-1410 jjoneal@hotmail.com Term: 2009-2013 District 8-A: Emma Shaw (910) 840-9205 esha1719@bellsouth.net Term: 2008-2014
ESP Division President: Chris Bridges (919) 395-8845 cdbridges1964@yahoo.com Term: 2012-2014 Student Services Division President: Lena Murrill-Chapman (336) 337-0686 murrill2001@yahoo.com Term: 2007-2014 Principal/Administrators Division President: Tiffany Smith (910) 604-2619 tds73@hotmail.com Term: 2011-2013 NC Retired School Personnel President: John Hoffman (704) 433-0327 hoffmanjohnd@bellsouth.net Term: 2012-2014 NC Retired School Personnel AtLarge: Terry Mitchell (336) 431-9858 mitchtgm@aol.com Term: 2012-2014
District 8-B: Kathy Canuette (252) 521-6315 kcanuette@suddenlink.net Term: 2010-2013
Student NCAE President: Donavon Harbison (828) 205-0412 dharbiso@eagles.nccu.edu Term: 2012-2013
NEA Director: Dawn Shephard Pope (571) 228-5901 dawnshephardpope@yahoo.com Term: 2007-2013
Honorary NEA/NCAE Director: John H. Lucas (919) 682-0660 jlucas59@nc.rr.com Term: Lifetime
NEA Director: Tripp Jeffers (336) 403-1261 trippjeffers@gmail.com Term: 2011-2014
NCAE Executive Director: Scott Anderson (919) 832-3000, ext. 202 scott.anderson@ncae.org
NEA Director: Kristy Moore (effective 9/1/12) (919) 697-0330 kdmoore51@yahoo.com Term: 2012-2015
NCAE Associate Executive Director: Joyce Jarrett (919) 832-3000, ext. 204 joyce.jarrett@ncae.org
NEA Alternate Director: Brian Freeman (910) 258-3006 schooldaddyteaches@yahoo.com Term: 2010-2013
North Carolina Association Of Educators 700 South Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27611
www.ncae.org 800.662.7924
Professional Resource Guide