February 2013 State Board of Education Review

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SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: The State Board of Education passed a resolution opposing corporal punishment with a vote of 11-1. The SBE does not have the authority to end corporal punishment based on NC PSL: 115C. 390.4, but wanted to go on record that corporal punishment is not an appropriate form of discipline.


Report on the Implementation of the NC General Assembly’s Read to Achieve Program The 2012 General Assembly budget included a specific mandated framework for the NC Read to Achieve Program that will be implemented in the 2013-14 school year. The goal, a good one, is to ensure every student reads at or above grade level by the end of the third grade and continues to make progress. The seven major components of the program:  Comprehensive plan for reading achievement,

Guilford County Superintendent, Dr. Moe Green , challenged students to Read to Succeed. Three years ago his challenge was 1 million books, then 2 million books and this past year the challenge was 3 million books. The students met the challenge and read 3.3 million books! WFMY TV created a “super bowl” commercial to recognize the accomplishment.

Person County Child Nutrition Director, Lyn Holt, was named the 2012 Subway School Health Champion.

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 Developmental screening & K assessment,  Facilitation of early-grade reading proficiency,  Elimination of social promotion,  Successful reading programs for retained students,  Notification requirements to parents/guardians, and  Strong accountability measures. NC DPI has created a new division to address this mandate; K3 Literacy with two staff at DPI and eight regional literacy consultants. The plan’s components were

discussed at length on Wednesday, February 6, and is to be voted on in March. One area that will enhance the teaching of reading/literacy is the new licensure requirements and pre-service assessments impacting the graduating class of 2014.


Alternate Assessment


Demonstration proficiency via a reading portfolio.


Received intervention in other grades and has been retained prior to 3rd grade.

The “flow chart” of how the program might be implemented includes these steps: 3rd grade student completes 3rd grade and EOG for reading; if Proficient—Promoted to grade 4. 3rd grade student NOT Proficient must re-take the EOG or an alternate assessment; if Proficient—Promoted to 4th grade. 3rd grade student NOT Proficient and qualifies for a “good cause exemption” is promoted to grade 4. 3rd grade student still NOT Proficient must either enroll in Summer Reading Camp (funded by the LEA) and successfully complete and pass EOG to be promoted to grade 4 or DOES not attend Summer Camp and will be retained in grade 3.

Concerns raised by the SBE members on this program included; lack of research-based information on retention, the state had social promotion gateways a decade ago and they were not effective, ESL students having to take the EOG before they are proficient in the English language, and the label the student must keep until they are proficient in literacy/reading. If you would like the 34page program report, send Carolyn Guthrie an e/m

Good Cause Exemptions



Limited English Proficiency


Students with Disabilities

Or you can contact Angela Farthing at NCAE and a copy will be sent to you via e/mail.

NCAE Center for Instructional Advocacy, Membership Organizing & Communication

February 2013

The 411 on ACT Scores—Standards & Comparisons of the 11th Grade Co-hort

92,152 eleventh graders took the ACT in the Spring of 2012. The ACT is now a component for both the College Readiness and Performance goals for high schools.


NC Student Mean Score

Percentage of students who met benchmark





















Assessments within the ACT


Benchmark is set for grade 12 not grade 11

* Writing is scaled on 2-12 points and the other four assessments are scaled on 1– 36

ACT Benchmarks denote that 75% of the students would be C students in college and 50% would be B students.

Link to NC DPI ACT Resources http://www.act.org/stateservices/northcarolina/

NCAE Center for Instructional Advocacy, Membership Organizing & Communication

February 2013



Charter School News 1. Approved renewals for several charters, approved the amendment of Cornerstone Academy in Rocky Mount, and approved the amended charter for Uwharrie to be located in Asheboro City and not Randolph County.

and detailed. The SBE also approved to move toward having charter school applications posted online using an automated system instead of paper. 3. Discussed the “fast-track” charters for final approval. Twenty – five new charter schools will open in 2013-14. In April of 2012 there were 63 applications and 25 are being voted on in March.

2. Approved the requested extension for the Charter School Advisory Council to have two additional months to screen the applications that are due in March. There are 156 letters of intent to open a new charter. The applications are long

Cooperative Innovative High Schools


There were three requests for new innovative high school approaches from Anson, Iredell Statesville, and Northampton. The requests were denied due to the duplicity of the requests based on programs already in place within the systems that could be used. The LEAs are being asked to use the Career College Promise program instead to

Success is not reached by chance—it is reached by choice.

implement the STEM, Advanced Manufacturing CTE Program and online college partnership with ECSU. The SBE noted they are not opposed to innovative approaches but the LEAs need to use resources already in place instead of asking for new funding streams.

Woolard representing District 1 of the NE The State Board passed two resolutions honoring the service of outgoing SBE members, Jean NCAE


and Bill Harrison, SBE chair and member at-large. These two members brought common sense approaches to the educational issues and

policies, spoke out on behalf of educators and students and were collaborative with NCAE. They will be missed!


NCAE Center for Instructional Advocacy, Membership Organizing & Communication

February 2013



Oak Hill Elementary, Guilford County Schools: Recognized as the National Title I School for Closing Achievement Gaps. NCAE Members Travis Benson and Sabrina Peacock accepting the award. Chairman Harrison, Board Member Green, Treasurer Cowell, Superintendent Atkinson, Lt. Governor Forest and Board Co-chair McDevitt.

Haywood County Schools—Bethel Elementary was recognized as the National Title I School for Sustained High Performance. Jill Barker the principal beside Superintendent Atkinson and Lt. Governor Forest and local superintendent, Dr. Garrett, on the other side of June Atkinson.

Common success strategies shared from these schools: High Expectations, working as a family, controlling what they can control, celebrating small steps, engaging parents/guardians, not allowing the high poverty rate to be a barrier for student success, and partnering with community for resources.




NCAE Center for Instructional Advocacy, Membership Organizing & Communication

February 2013

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