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Evaluation Issues The SBE approved Standard VI and VIII rubric rankings;
Needs Improvement, Effective, and Highly Effective.
PLEASE remember that for Standard VI to be valid; the teacher must have three years of rolling data on the subject with a standardized assessment. This new rating will be assigned based on test scores and multiple measures within the school. Teachers who currently who do not have a standardized assessment to gather rolling data will be assessed 100% using whole school data (similar to the old ABCs program). To populate standard VI this year only the State Board of Education listened to the voices, including feedback from our members. We thank you for sharing your thoughts and vote! The SBE approved Option 3: 70% based on student growth value for the individual student taught by educator 30% based on student growth value for the entire school
School Calendar Issue! The SBE discussed the 185 day student calendar passed by the General Assembly in 2011. The SBE has gone on record that they do support a longer school year, but not at the expense of other programs and without proper implementation. Local School Boards can submit 185 day waivers similar to last year, and Superintendent Atkinson has been given the authority to grant waivers for up to five days. The waivers need to demonstrate that the LEA will use the days for items connected to professional development enhancing student learning: using digital tools, Response to Instruction or the common core standards. Local School Boards need to submit waivers by
April 30th.
NCAE Center for Teaching and Learning
NCAE SBE Review March 2012
Charter Schools Approved The Office of Charter Schools received 27 applications for the “fast track” process. Nine charter schools have received the approval to open their school this August:
Bear Grass Charter School
Cornerstone Charter Academy
Corvian Community School
North East Carolina Preparatory
Research Triangle High School
The Howard and Lillian Lee Scholars Charter Academy
The College Preparatory and Leadership Academy of High Point
Triangle Math and Science Academy
Water's Edge Village School
Race to Top Update The State Superintendent is continuing RT3 conversations and updates. Thus far over 800 educators have participated in a RT3 Forum. A teacher representative and principal from EVERY school have been invited to attend a Regional meeting;
March 7 Region 1 Elizabeth City State KE White Center
March 8 Region 2 UNC Wilmington Burney Center
March 9 Region 4 FSU Shaw Auditorium
March 12 Region 3 Raleigh McKimmon Center
March 15 Region 7 Hickory Crowne Plaza
March 22 Region 6 Concord Charlotte Motor Speedway Club
March 23 Region 8 Asheville Crowne Plaza
If you attend a session, please share with Sheri Strickland or Angela Farthing what you heard and how you felt about the session. We are attending the session on March 12th.
Other SBE Actions Approved Innovative Education waivers for the following LEAs: Guilford, The STEM Early College at NC A&T, and for Wake County, The Wake Young Men’s and Young Women’s Leadership Academies at William Peace University. Approved Arts Education courses that are eligible for Honors weight using a high school proficiency level rubric; Beginning, Intermediate, Proficient, Advanced. Informed that over 25,000 middle school students are participating in the Students at Work week. This initiative is led by the First Gentleman, DPI, and business community partners. Approved adjustments to the College and Career Promise by adjusting benchmarks and making sure that all students; traditional public school, private school and homebased school students know how to apply. Discussed state graduation requirements that include revisions with math sequencing and how one can earn math credits.
Discussed the time lines for the 2012-13 school accountability model. NC DPI is still reviewing rules for feedback, having conversations with technical advisors, and plan for deliverables.
Discussed the 2012-13 supplemental budget requests that include funding for mentoring new teachers, textbooks, information technology, new assessments, and the need for professional development resources. Chairman Harrison said the cover letter with the supplemental budget requests should suggest eliminating the state funded liability insurance plan and using that money for professional development.
The SBE discussed the proposed standards for the evaluation of both Instructional Technology Specialists and Library Media Coordinators. The standards have been shared with stakeholders.
Pre K Program Update Received an update on the Legislative Hearing on privatizing the state’s Pre-K program. This plan called for restricting Pre-K enrollment based on 100% poverty rate. Ann McColl said a few Legislators stated that NC had no extreme poverty areas. Based on letters, emails and presentations the plan was revised to include site selection with an exemption based on a variety of sites that would include almost all current sties. It was also shared that the eligibility would be based on targets with greatest needs. It has been proven that the Pre-K programs with licensed teachers, and consistent curriculum does have a positive impact on entering Kindergarten and helps decrease drop out rates. Why then dismantle a program that works?