May 2011 NCAE State Board Review

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Ready Set Go! Race to the Top Update Good news presentation was made by students

LEA budgets and Detailed Scopes of Work: 

Charter Schools have decided not to participate in RT3.

from Granville County high schools.

41 LEAs have not yet submitted any budget or Detailed Scope of Work. Two

A Zoomerang survey has been created to gather data on the common core standards and Summer Institute modules to ensure the professional develop-

The students

ment training is geared toward the needs of the teacher leaders who will be

shared information

attending the institutes.

on classes from the Virtual Enterprise

schools within the State Detailed Scope of Work.

courses. The students at the 2 schools have

the businesses and learning skills

The USDOE is conducting a site visit in NC on May 12th.

The Governor's Education Transformation Commission continues to work with NC DPI staff on research to create options for the 6th and 8th standards on the

that will assist

evaluation process connected to student growth.

them in getting jobs. Each “firm” has a CEO, CFO, HR

Completed Comprehensive Needs Assessments for 51 schools and one LEA. Held a transitional meeting with Thomasville City Schools and Greene County.

created 4 “firms” and are running

NCVPS and STEM projects and contracts are underway to assist targeted

Summer Institutes for Professional Development have been confirmed to support teacher leaders with skills/strategies to implement the common core standards within the NC Essential Standards.

Director, Marking Director, etc. It was a joy to see

K-12 Guidance Essential Standards

their excitement and composure as they made their presentation.

Counselors who have not yet reviewed and provided feedback on the new NC Essential Guidance Standards, please check out this link: http:// gcs/05gcs03.pdf Your feedback is needed and you have until

May 27th to provide your input.

NCAE Center for Teaching and Learning

NCAE SBE Review May 2011


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NC Proposed New Accountability Model The SBE received information on the absolute performance index based on several “simulation� models to determine how best to award points for the core areas of the high school model. The Performance Index includes: Student Achievement 50%, Post-Secondary Readiness 15%, Graduation Rates 25%, and Math Rigor 10%, with the weighted percentages noted after each index. Since newly passed legislation has changed the number of EOCs for high school from 7 to 3 there is the possibility the index item percentages will change. Point models used to run simulations included the number 475 based on traditional high schools, charter high schools and Early Colleges, but not alternative high schools. The models used were: a Continuous indicator with a point line from 0 to 475, where high schools would be placed along the line based on points per index item. Discrete indicator which groups schools with similar points into categories and the Hybrid indicator model which would create a cut-off point at a specific level and then schools would fall along the continuum line with a few schools falling below the cut score. They Hybrid Model seems to allow for a value judgment for each index and is the model NC DPI staff prefer. Data sets for the simulation were not complete and there will be no listing of high schools from 0 to 475. The main take away from this demonstration is that the top schools and bottom schools always fell into the top 25 or bottom 25 schools and therefore the new model includes the correct measurements.

2011-13 State Technology Plan Approved the State Technology Plan that includes: 1. A Statewide Shared Services Model: Education Cloud, School Connectivity, maximize the E-rate to ensure equity. 2. Universal Access to Personal Teaching and Learning Devices. 3. Statewide Access to Digital Teaching and Learning Resources; beyond an etext book. 4. A Statewide Model of Technology-embedded Professional Development; this includes revising the standards and job description as well as evaluation tools for NC School Media Coordinators and Instructional Technology Facilitators.

NCAE Center for Teaching and Learning

May 2011


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Other Actions Taken four methods to create

1. Discussed new Fitness Testing Guidelines for K-8 schools. The guidelines are not mandates nor are they to be used for student grades or teacher evaluation. The guidelines are to support enhanced fitness for both students and teachers. 2. Approved the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Grant Program that will impact 19 LEAs and provide $5 million over the next five years to 30 sites. To date there are 500,000 students in NC that are FRL status, up from 1,800 last year.

cluster curriculum tracks.

Charlotte Innovative Lat-

Adopted from a service pro-

eral Entry Plan created by

vider, Adapted using multi-

Session Law in 2007-376, by

media and webpage design

SB 1115.

(half of the NC courses),

a lateral entry program pro-

Developed using assess-

posed by The New Teacher

ments, materials and essen-

Project (TNTP) founded by

tial standards, and Locally

Michelle Rhee. TNTP’s mission

Developed models created

is to close “the achievement

to meet needs of the student

gap by ensuring that high-

population interests. Exam-

need students get out-

ples of Locally Developed

standing teachers.” The plan

models include Aquaculture,

is to recruit and train new

Film Production Studio and

teachers for high needs areas

Motorsports Technology. This

in CMS. A candidate must

link provides the draft essen-

already have a four year de-

tial standards for review.

gree. The application process

includes an interview, a port-


folio, and a demonstration. If


selected the candidate is


5. Discussed an alternative 3. Approved grants for the Math and Science Partnerships; providing nine new grants and renewing 4 grants,

Career and Technology Education Essential Standards.

the Praxis II in subject area

Nash Rocky Mount System. A

and if successful; earns a

tool that will integrate GPS

SP1L in one year!

vide training to the bus

4. Discussed revisions to the

drivers using the new system. 6. Approved the new Wake

There are 16 Clusters within the CTE curriculum and NC has 14 complete cluster tracks. To ensure that the clusters are solid, relevant,

over the school year (paying

management system for the

that NC DPI would not pro-


mentored, takes courses for the course work), takes

to this alternative system is

support math and science

TEACH Charlotte is

transformation information

with TMS. The only drawback

totaling 13 sites with funds to

7. Approved the CMS TEACH

STEM Early College being

8. Discussed the current Legislative climate and budget woes. SBE and NC DPI have major concerns over More At Four, Charter Schools, and Tax Credit Voucher bills that are coming down the pike.

housed on NCSU Centennial Campus. This school targets students who would not normally attend college.

and rigorous; the state has

NCAE Center for Teaching and Learning

SBE Review May 2011

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