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State Literacy Plan The State Board of Education (SBE) discussed the proposed State Literacy Plan, a draft of which was presented to the SBE for review and discussion prior to the May meeting (and has been previewed in previous SBE Reviews). Following discussion, and recognition that it will continue to evolve, particular with regards to 3rd grade literacy, the plan was approved.
New Accountability Reporting Site Previewed SBE members and the public were able to see previews of the new site which will provide information regarding assessment and school data. The new site will be implemented in 2013, following feedback from the field (schools, educators, families, etc.). The function of creating this website/dashboard is to merge all existing reporting sites, many of which exist to report only a single component of information. The new dashboard will indicate three components for schools—Status Indicators (which includes (performance composites, ACT, graduation rates, Graduation Project, Future-Ready Core, and Workkeys), Progress Indicators (performance composites, ACT, graduation rates, Graduation Project, Future-Ready Core, and Workkeys) and Growth Indicators (EVAAS data). The new site will be shared with superintendents across the state in May, and additional feedback will be gathered in the following months.
Teacher Preparation Report Card Amended The State Board of Education usually meets on the first Wednesday and Thursday of each month. The next meeting will be June 6-7, 2012.
The Teacher Preparation Report Card, which is a required component of Race to the Top, has been amended to include institutional data averages; no additional feedback (other than positive reception) was given during the public comment period, so no further changes will be made. SBE approved the changes, noting that components could change if necessary. The new TPRC will debut later this year.
NCAE Center for Teaching and Learning
NCAE SBE Review May 2012
The State Board of Education also...
approved changes to the policy regarding School Improvement Grants (not traditional SIG funds), to incorporate federal definitions and guidelines
approved final decisions in several cases, adopting the decisions of the Administrative Law Judge as provided by SBE policy
heard a report from graduate students from the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University regarding strategies implemented by principals at four middle schools across North Carolina, as well as the effectiveness of the North Carolina Virtual Public School.
heard an update from the Director of the NC Virtual Public School; he noted that enrollment continues to increase
approved the draft Preliminary Report to the NC General Assembly - No Cap on the Number of Charter Schools; the report will be sent to the Legislature on May 10 as a preliminary report, and will become finalized in June, when it will be adopted formally by SBE and sent to the General Assembly
bid farewell to Senior Student Advisor Montrey DeLoach, who will attend Hampton University in the fall
Benefits Changes Several changes were approved by the State Board of Education to the Benefits Policy regarding the earning and use of leave. These changes came from the DPI Human Resources Policy Review Board; however, some are also required due to changes in Public School Law and the Office of State Personnel. There remains no provision for public school employees to transfer leave to or from charter schools, due to the lack of a requirement that charter schools participate in the Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System. These changes take effect in 2012-13. The new annual leave (vacation) accrual rates are now: Less than 5 years—1.17 days (14 days per school year (dpsy)) 5-9 years—1.42 days (17 dpsy) 10—14—1.67 days (20 dpsy) 15—19—1.92 days (23 dpsy) 20 + - 2.17 days (26 dpsy) Classroom teachers and media coordinators must now exhaust all available leave (sick, annual and bonus) in order to obtain extended sick leave, which can be provided at up to 20 days annually. Immediate family members may donate sick, vacation and/or bonus leave to other family members who are public school employees. Non-family members may donate vacation or bonus leave to a co-worker in the same or a different school system, state agency or community college, but not more than five days individually, and the recipient cannot receive more than twenty days per year. Donated leave cannot be used for retirement purposes, and donors can’t reduce their own sick leave below 1/2 of what can be earned in a year.
School Based Calendar Waivers Waiver requests were submitted by several school systems regarding their starting dates. The following were approved:
Alleghany—8/3/12 Ashe—8/1/12 Avery—8/6/12 Buncombe—8/16/12 Asheville City—8/13/12 Caldwell—8/13/12 Catawba—8/7/12 Hickory City—8/7/12 Newton-Conover City—8/7/12 Cherokee—8/9/12 Clay—8/13/12 Graham—8/13/12 Haywood—8/16/12 Jackson—8/9/12 Macon—8/13/12
Madison—8/3/12 Mitchell—8/6/12 Person—8/6/12 Randolph—8/22/12 Rockingham—8/13/12 Stokes—8/8/12 Surry—8/8/12 Elkin City—8/13/12 Mt. Airy City—8/7/12 Swain—8/8/12 Transylvania—8/13/12 Watauga—8/8/12 Yadkin—8/6/12 Yancey—8/2/12
Wayne County also requested differentiated calendars for two schools implementing the Transformational Model. Those requests—Goldsboro High and Dillard Middle Schools, starting 8/23/12, ending 7/11/13—were approved for the 2012-13 school year.
Superintendent’s Report Superintendent Atkinson reported that she visited different classes across the state, including those in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County, Guilford, Charlotte-Mecklenburg, and Duplin Counties. She also reported that the ESEA waiver response has been sent back to the federal Department of Education, and that North Carolina had comparatively fewer questions to respond to than other states. She noted that National Nurse Day would be observed in May, and that our state continues to move forward with our goal for an average of 750:1 as a ratio of students to nurses.
Memorandum of Understanding with Hanaban State Board of Education Chair Dr. Bill Harrison was in China during this month’s meeting. The SBE this month approved a Memorandum of Understanding with Hanaban, China to share knowledge, learning and best practices with the North Carolina State Board of Education; Dr. Harrison’s trip is a major part of that process. Learning and findings from his trip will likely be shared at the June SBE Meeting.