October 2012 NCAE State Board of Review

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NCAE SBE Review NCAE Congratulations to a former NCAE local leader from Pitt County, NCAE Kay Trull Outstanding Educator Award winner, and NC Teacher Academy trainer -

Jackie Wooten! Jackie is now Governor Perdue’s Teacher Advisor.


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Teacher Effectiveness Update: Information Connected to Standard VI

The State Board approved the following policy change for teacher evaluation. A teacher’s rating on the sixth standard is determined by a student growth value as calculated by the statewide growth model for educator effectiveness. The End-of-Course assessments, End-of-Grade assessments, Career and Technical Education postassessments, and the Measures of Student Learning provide the student data used to calculate the growth value. Standard VI data on impacting student achievement is a growth model, not a proficiency model. The teacher effectiveness rating will be based on three (3) years of data plus other multiple measures (not yet determined). This 2012-13 school year will be year one for all teachers impacted by state assessments and MSL (common exams) as they are now being called. Next year will be year one for teachers in the arts, PE/Health, Second Languages and K-2, who are not yet impacted with a MSL/Common exam. Therefore, it

NCDPI & NCAE are hosting an informational webinar on MSL/ Common Exams

October 24th at 4:30 PM Please register! https:// www1.gotomeeting.com /register/217537432.


will be three to four years for teachers to have an overall teacher effectiveness rating. NCDPI has created a library of common exams based on the work of 800 teachers who assisted in making decisions on what essential standards needed to be assessed. There are more than 6,000 items; enough for three years of MSL/Common exams. Most exams are multiple choice, with few of the questions being recalling facts, and there are constructed response questions as well. LEAs will be responsible for scoring the exams as well as deciding on the format the exams will be given. There is much local flexibility in how the exams will be given, when they will be given and what percentage the exams will count for a student’s final grade. NCDPI encourages LEAs to use these MSL/ Common exams in place of the former teacher made exams. Need more information http://www.ncpublicschools.org/educatoreffect/measures/specifications/

NCAE SBE Review October 2012



The NC WISE student information

The State Board of Education

system is in the last year of operation.

Budget Discussion

Next year North Carolina will use a

A frustrating discussion took place on the

The SBE adopted a


expansion budget requests for the 2013-

new Vision of Public


2015 Biennium that is due to the Office of

Education in NC: A

System called

State Budget and Management on Novem-

Great Public

Power School that

ber 9, 2012. Priority items for the SBE in-

was created by

clude, salary for educators, discretionary

Pearson. The pro-

The main points of the vision include the

budget items, & professional development as

gram will be more

following, that are based on conversations

well as numerous other items that impact

user friendly and

and meetings with more than 100

the safety of schools and the academic

allow teachers to

stakeholder groups around the state over

achievement of students. Over the years the

generate all types

the last year and a half. The NCAE Board

following areas/programs have been cut or

of reports.

of Directors was one of the groups who

eliminated due to budget shortages: ABC in-

provided input.

Education System for a Great State

centive bonus, child obesity pilot program, drop out prevention programs, critical foreign language pilots, improving student accountability, literacy coaches, mentor pay, supplemental bonus for math and science teachers, school technology items, staff development, textbooks, central office positions, non-instructional support personnel, transportation, classroom materials/supplies and

Major concerns over the budget issues also centered on the mandates of the Excellent Public School Act; in year one 10 mandates are unfunded and three are funded at the cost of $26,608,363. The SBE will have a conference call to continue the discussion in order to have the budget prepared so Governor Perdue can craft her final budget.




2. Ambitious and evolving educational standards 3. Public and individual benefits 4. The importance of diversity and equal opportunity

items based on local decisions.


1. Public Education is the foundation for democratic institutions and economic prosperity


5. A coherent and flexible system



The State Board of Education also...

Congratulated to the 2012 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Math and Science finalists. Member Georgina Ray from Buncombe is standing by Superintendent Atkinson, and members Tonya Keply from Rowan-Salisbury and Kayonna Pitchford of Cumberland are to the left of Lt. Governor Dalton.  Received data from the NC Teacher Turnover Report for the 2011-12 school year. A surprising fact to some was that 2,505 teachers left teaching by retiring with full and/or partial benefits. There were 2,131 teachers who left to teach elsewhere, while 1,239 left due to family relocations. Overall 11,791 teachers left the profession and of that total, 339 were non-renewals and 172 were a reduction in force.  Received information on the report going to the General Assembly on how LEAs are in compliance with SB 738 and SB 911 on Caring for Children with Diabetes. There are four guiding questions LEAs provide data on in regards to how they support students. In 2011-12 there were 4,803 students with diabetes. Of the 115 LEAs, 110 offer annual generalized training about how staff support the students, while 114 LEAs have at least two persons intensely trained to help care for the students. There are 3,990 students whose parents completed necessary paper work to alert teachers to their child’s needs.  Discussed the new graduation requirement that impacts the current 10th graders; successfully completing CPR instruction. Students have been instructed on CPR for years in NC based on the Standard Course of Study in Health/PE. The new benchmark calls for an assessment that is evidence-based to ensure students have knowledge needed to provide CPR. Once a student has met this requirement, it does not expire like a CPR certification does; therefore it does not matter when the student has been instructed in CPR.  Provided information on the new CTE courses being offered: Public Safety II, Emergency Medical Technology I and II, Introduction to Trade & Industrial Education, Adobe Visual Design, Virtual Enterprises International and Microsoft SharePoint.  Received 37 testing appeals from LEAs regarding field tests and/or online assessments. All appeals were denied.






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