NCAE SBE Review SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: T h e f o l l o w i n g s c h o o l s w i l l r e c e i v e a o n e - y e a r l i c e n s e t o o n l i n e l i t e r a c y p r o g r a m s b a s e d o n t h e a m o u n t o f b o o k s c o l l e c t e d f o r G i v e F i v e – R e a d Five: West Hoke Elem Whitnel Elem in Caldwell
MSL Process 2012-13 Teachers assisted in crea ng the assess-‐ ments
Winterfield Elem in Charlotte
1st Semester 35 MSLs administered in
Recognized the following SBE members with terms ending March of 2013:
Local flexibility created issues ranging from
Shirley Harris, Melissa Bartle , and Chris Greene Recognized Outgoing SBE Advisors: Tyronna Hooker (Teacher of the Year), Patrice Faison (Principal of the Year) and Diane Frost (Superintendent of the Year)
2 0 1 3
grades 4-12 with much flexibility, and changes were made for second semester administra on
how many days were taken to administer MSLs, whether MSLs counted as part of students grade, or replaced teacher made final exams.
Process was rushed and some LEAs did not take process seriously even though part of RT3 grant and teacher impact on student achievement
Not all subjects have a MSL to date
How to improve process Reviewing current assessments and ques-‐ ons. SAS will assist in valida on. If an assessment is not valid or reliable the MSL data will not be used this school year
Review frequency of summa ve and forma ve tests in LEAs that are both Local and State assessments
Require MSLs to be a percentage of students grade and that the MSLs replace teacher made exams to eliminate extra days of tes ng
Ensure all teachers know and understand the standards of the Essen al Standards and/or Common Core Standards
Con nue to work on assessments not yet completed for subjects such as the Arts, Second Languages and PE.
Too much varia on has created concerns on Ask the USDE for a waiver making the 2012 validity of assessment and high stakes issues
NCAE Center for Instruc onal Advocacy, Membership Organizing & Communica on
-13 school year a PILOT year with no nega-‐ ve consequences for staff. The 2013-14 school year would be year one, of three years to collect data on impact on student growth
Summer Edi on 2013
RT3 ISSUES Op ons being considered for change based on MSLs The discussion around the amount of tes ng and the issues surrounding how MSLs were administered this year, the State Board of Educa on has major decisions to make regarding issues connected to Standard VI for teachers and Standard VIII for Administrators. Recommenda ons presented to the SBE: 1. Submit a wavier to the USDE asking that data collected this year on impact of student growth be a pilot year and that next year be year one, of three years for teacher effec veness score. The State will con nue with the MSLs working to improve the process as noted on page one of this edi on of the SBE Review. 2. Op ons on how North Carolina uses MSLs for educator effec veness:
The DPI con nues to support the MSLs but allow LEAs to opt out using the state made MSLs and create their own assessments, or
The DPI stops suppor ng MSLs and LEAs create their own assessments for all subject areas, or
Con nue with current process, making adjustments based on lessons learned and 2012-13 as a pilot year.
3. If the State Board of Educa on decides to stop the current process outlined in the RT3 applica on and makes adjustments the consequences could be one or all of the following:
NC will go back to using the AYP model to hold schools and staff accountable
The Senate Bill calling for Pay for Performance based on Educator Effec veness score will be in jeopardy
The House Bill reforming how one earns career status will be in jeopardy
EVAAS data will not be available for all teachers and school data will be based on the few assessments now mandated by the USDE; which will not be fair to all teachers
The SBE will vote on August 8th. Share your thoughts by July 31st to NCAE.
NCAE Center for Instruc onal Advocacy, Membership Organizing & Communica on
Summer Edi on 2013
Items of interest under discussion
Education Cabinet’s Five Pathways of Education for North Carolina
Theory of Action Globally-Competitive North Carolina Standards
1. Prosperity & Job Creation for Graduates
Community: Teachers Parents Students Businesses Job Creators
Supports, Incentives & Measurement
2. Rewarding Career for Educators Student Achievement
The Five Pathways for NC Education
3. Joy of Reading & Math for every child 4. Excellent innovative learning opportunities for families 5. Cost Effectiveness for tax payers
The discussion centers on what is working in North Carolina and what is needed to continue our state on a path of progress. If you would like the power point that was presented at the SBE meeting by Eric Guckian, Senior Advisor on Education to the Governor, please send me an e/mail to
Other Items: There is discussion on changing the current policy related to non-teaching experience. For exam-
ple if a teacher comes in with twelve years of relevant experience in the CTE field in Business Education and then decides they want to become a EC teacher; the relevant experience is not considered for their new license area. The proposed policy change will allow any relevant nonteaching experience to be counted on any license. Provided an update on the new NC Foundations of Reading, and General Curriculum tests for K-
6. The new assessments are replacing Praxis II for K-6 and General EC beginning July 2014. NCAE has plans to support pre-service teachers during our Regional PD Days this spring. NC DPI will have a website with helpful tools as well. Approved the policy changes for Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities. The
changes can be found here: Asked the SBE to continue the current waiver for the Future-Ready Occupational Course of
Study graduation requirement connected to paid employment. Until the economy improves to where OCS students can find paying internships, the waiver allows for unpaid work to meet the requirement. Provided information on the Common Core State Standards in grades K-3. Shared information
on professional development, tools on line and new resources.
NCAE Center for Instruc onal Advocacy, Membership Organizing & Communica on
Summer Edi on 2013
Karyn Dickerson, NC 2013 Teacher of the Year with Lt. Gov. Forrest, Treasure Cowell, Superintendent Atkinson, SBE Chair Cobey and SBE Co-chair Collins. Karyn Dickerson is a
member of NCAE in Guilford County/GCAE.
Actions by the State Board 1. Approved the standards, rubrics and user guides for evaluation of Allied Health Service Professionals. 2. Approved new areas for innovative Lateral Entry licensure programs for Charlotte (TEACH ESL) and Guilford (Health Occupations). 3. Approved new cut scores in Praxis II areas for Special Education: Behavioral Disorders, ELA: Content knowledge, Math: Content Knowledge, Middle School ELA and Middle School Math, Praxis I Core Skills for Educators: Reading, Writing and Math. 4. Approved a new round of School Improvement Grant funds totaling between $500,000 and $2 Million for Title I schools below 50% proficiency in reading and math or high schools with a graduation rate below 60%. The listing of schools can be found: 5. Approved fees for non-public school students using the NCVPS. 6. Approved listing of State Hearing Officers. 7. Approved Science Safety Checklist and items can be found: 8. Denied new charter schools (not yet opened) to increase enrollment numbers.
For questions on items found in the NCAE SBE Review, please contact Angela Farthing at
NCAE Center for Instruc onal Advocacy, Membership Organizing & Communica on
Summer Edi on 2013