4 minute read
Saturday, February 26
11:00a—12:30p EST Professional Seminar Public Writing Workshop: From Academic Scholar to Citizen Scholar/Journalist/Public Writer
PRESENTER Dr. Irma McClaurin
In academia, scholarly writing is the coin of the realm. Often, however, we only reach a small audience of like-minded academic peers. Public writing is an opportunity to reach broader audiences. This workshop will focus on what it takes to make the shift from academic scholar to public writer, the benefits of doing so, and how it impacts you as a scholar in the academy. Participants will have a chance to ask questions about how to get started, print and digital publishing outlets, and the impact of public writing on your academic career. We will also consider the benefits to the Black community when Black scholars write for the public.
Irma’s bio
2:00p—3:30p EST 3 concurrent sessions Session 1 ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION Black Women, Relationships, and Purpose
PRESENTERS Dr. Rondee Gaines - New York City College of Technology Cameo King - Michigan State University Aaliyah Buell - Michigan State University CHAIR: Dr. Kevin Brooks - Michigan State University
Session 2 ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION Title IX at 50: Examining Equity for Black Girls and Women in Sport
PRESENTERS Dr. Courtney Flowers - Texas Sourthern University Dr. Jasmine Hamilton - Prairie View A&M University Dr. Jacqueline McDowell - George Mason University Dr. Akilah Carter-Francique - San José State University Dr. Joyce Olushola-Ogunrinde - University of Houston Dr. F. Michelle Richardson - Coppin State University CHAIR: Dr. Akilah Carter-Francique - San José State University
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Session 3 Africana Womanism: Authenticity & Collectivity (Men/Women/Children—In It Together) for Social Justice
ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION PRESENTERS Dr. Daphne Ntiri - Wayne State University Dr. Mark Christian - Lehman College Graduate Center, CUNY Dr. Pamala D. Reed - Virginia State University Ngeri Nnachi, JD, MPPL - University of Maryland-Baltimore County FEATURED SPEAKER Dr. Clenora Hudson-Weems - University of Missouri RESPONDENTS Olutoyosi “Toyo” Aboderin - Temple University Dr. Sancha Medwinter - University of Massachusetts CHAIR: Dr. Molefi Asante - Temple University
4:00p—5:30p EST 3 concurrent sessions Session 1 See Me!: The Invisibility of Black Women in Intersectional Spaces
(Graduate Student Panel)
PRESENTERS Samantha Horton - Indiana University Bloomington “Black Catholic Women Religious Womanist Theology” Alexus Hunt - Indiana University Bloomington “Black Women Entrepreneurs and the Makeup Industry” Monica Long - University of Louisiana Lafayette
“Sexual Liberation in Toni Morrison’s Sula and Tina McElroy Ansa’s The Hand I Fan With” Nya Anthony - Indiana University Bloomington “Disaster, Black Feminism, and Speculative Life: On Black Women and Ethical Considerations of the Human” Taylor D. Duckett - Indiana University Bloomington “The Black Queer Body as a Site of Contested Space” CHAIR: Dr. Alicia Fontnette - Clark Atlanta University
Session 2 Class Interruptions: Status, Black Women, and Literature
ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION PRESENTERS Dr. Andrea N. Williams - Ohio State University Dr. Kameelah L. Martin - College of Charleston Dr. Isis Semaj-Hall - University of the West Indes, Mona Campus Dr. Robin Brooks - University of Pittsburgh CHAIR: Dr. Kameelah L. Martin - College of Charleston
Session 3 We Are So Much More: Black Women and Girls Shattering the Trick Mirror in Popular Culture, Reality Television, and Literature
ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION PRESENTERS Professor Maya Singleton - California State University Professor Melanie Shaw - California State University Dr. Raquel Kennon - California State University Ms. Shamora Drummond - University of California Los Angeles CHAIR: Dr. Raquel Kennon - California State University
4:00p—5:30p EST
Ankh Matt Wedjau Honor Society Ceremony
By Dr. Maulana Karenga, Department Chair and Advisor, Africana Studies California State University Long Beach
Conference Closing
NCBS President, Amilcar Shabazz
47th Annual National Council for Black Studies Conference
March 22—25, 2023 Hilton University of Florida Conference Center Gainesville, FL
sponsored by
Conference Theme
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Bloomsbury Publishing University of Calgary Press Boydell & Brewer Duke University Press
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