1 minute read


Metropolitan Chapter, NCBW

Executive Director, Recruiting Division


Department of Human Resources, State of Tennessee

Ylonda Banister, Executive Director, Recruiting Division, Department of Human Resources for the State of Tennessee. She has more than 15 years of experience in recruiting and has emerged as a top performer in State Government. She provides enterprise-wide talent acquisition assistance to agencies with a focus on collaboration, customer service and process improvement. Accomplished measurable results while leading a team of fourteen in a dynamic, fast - paced environment. Possess extensive knowledge in recruiting, retention, and office management.

Ylonda served in the United States Army as a Recruiting and Retention Program Manager and at Fort Campbell, Kentucky as a Reserves Component Career Counselor. She served in various roles such as human resources, recruiter, and program manager. As a dedicated member of the Active Guard Reserve and Army Reserve she retired from military service in 2017 after 27 years. Master Sergeant Banister is an alumna of Trident University with a B.S. in Business Administration. She is a member of DOHR’s D&E Council, Middle Tennessee Society for Human Resource Management (MTSHRM), holds a Professional in Human Resources® (PHR®) certification and is a member of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, 2 Vice President of Finance and Fund Development.

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