PH Historical Timeline

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TIMELINE by Jesus T. Peralta June 2005 Š

Phili ppine Events

Dates 4.4 m.y 4.2-1.8 m.yrs. 2 m.yrs.

Espinosa Ranch Site, Cagayan Province. Evidence for the presence of Man in the form of two flake stone tools in situ in the mid-Pleistocene Awidon Mesa Formation - the oldest man-made object associated with fossils of elephas. Stegodon, Elephas, deer, pig, tortoise also in the general area. Middle of the Ice Age. Land bridges to mainland Asia. Paleolithic Culture. Cabatuan, Iloilo. Flake tools, elephas fossils; fossils also in Agusan Valley; Rizal, Quezon City, and Pangasinan.

World Events Ardipitheus- early fossil hominid, Myanmar Different Australopithecines in Africa Homo habilis in Africa

1.5 m.yrs. to 27000 yrs.

Homo erectus, Java Man,in Indonesia

.9+-.17 m.yrs.

Homo erectus, Peking Man, in China. Stone tools; use of fire.


100000 BC 75000-35000 BC

Homo sapiens sapiens Homo sapiens neanderthalensis in Europe

Tibia in Tabon Cave

47,000 BC

Earliest H.sapiens sapiens in the Philippines and Southeast Asia

Appearance of the Mamanua in the country, a population now limited about Lake Mainit in Agusan del Norte, Mindanao, identified as a Proto-Malay population.

60,000 BC

Homo sapiens neanderthalensis burial -50,000 of the dead with flowers. Crossing of the Bering Straits from Asia to the American continent

Tabon Cave, Lipuun Point, Palawan. Earliest occupation. Flake stone tool assemblage.

50000-45000 BC

Negrito Populations with eastern and western branches on both sides of the Philippines Beginning of sea level rise at the end of Ice Age as earth temperatures rise. Polar Ice begins to melt.

30000-20000 BC

Tabon Cave, Lipuun Point, Quezon, Palawan - Tabon Woman - earliest fossil evidence of H.sapiens sapiens in the Philippines. Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) fossil in Tabon Cave

Cro-Magnon man Altamira Rock paintings

16,700 BC

Laurente Cave, Penablanca, Cagayan, N. Luzon inhabited with flake stone tools of chert,andesite, opalines; burnt bones.

16000-8000 BC

Guri Cave. Lipuun Point, Palawan. Flake stone tools, marine shells. Sea about the present level. Land bridges, loast coastal areas inundated.

13000 BC 12220-9780 BC

Pottery in Padah-Lin Cave in Myanmar.

10000 BC

Food plants grown in the fertile crescent; beans, peas, water chestnuts grown in Thailand.

9750 BC

Cultivation in Thailand, peas, beans, etc.

Phili ppine Events

Laurente Cave, Penablanca, Cagayan. Flake stone tools.

Dates 9000 BC

First settlement of islands in the Meditarranean. Stones used to remove husks from grain in Egypt.

8500 BC

Plant domestication in the Andes. Sheep domesticated in the fertile crescent.


8000 BC Musang Cave, Penablanca, Cagayan. Bone, chert flakes tools, jasper, jade, freshwater shells

Bolobok Cave, Sanga- Sanga, Tawi-Tawi, Tridacna shell tools, stone tools Early Neolithic Age Culture. Austronesian population movements into the Philippines and the Pacific

World Events

Jericho, already with fortification

7880-7560 BC

7000 BC

Domestication of cattle, pigs lin Middle East; Pottery, spinning, weaving, copper use in the Near East; Plaster human statues in Jordan; squash, beans, pepper in Mexico; manioc, root crops in Andes; pastoral farming in Libya and Algeria.

6500 BC

Cultivation spreads in Southeast Europe.

6185 BC

6000-2000 BC

6000 BC

Laurente Cave, Cagayan. Pottery, flake stone tools

5880 BC

Bolobok Cave,Sanga-Sanga, Tawi-Tawi. Pottery, shell and stone tools

5745 BC

Arku Cave, Penablanca,Cagayan. Pottery, adzes, shell beads, stone flakes, bones.

5730 BC

Bolobok Cave, Sanga-Sanga, Tawi-Tawi Pottery, midden, flake stone and shell tools bones, red hematite slip in pottery

5680-5520 BC

Laurente Cave. Flake tools, bones, plain pottery shards

5580 BC

Earliest Potteryin Europe. Irrigation in Tigris and Euphrates; rock painting in Central Sahara; First farming in India; domestication of plants and animals in China; Earliest pottery in China; beans and peanuts in Peru.

5200 BC

Farming spreads in Europe

5000 BC

Wet rice farming in China; Corn grown in Tehuacan, Mexico; Cattle herding in Egypt; Pottery and linen in Egypt; first ships appear in the Mediteranean; plow first used in Southeast Europe; chamber tombs in France.

Phili ppine Events


Guri Cave, Chamber A, Lipuun Point, Palawan. Flake tools, blade-like stone tools, marine marine shells.

5000-2000 BC

Duyung Cave, Palawan, ground shell tools trapezoidal stone adzes, side and center perforated shell disks, shell lime container Late Neolithic Age culture.

4850-4400 BC

Bagumbayan, Masbate. Pottery

4700-4140 BC

Pilanduk Cave, Iwaig, Palawan. Edge-ground tools, flake tools, jar burial.

4500-3500 BC

Musang Cave, Penablanca. Pottery, flake tools, human bones, earthenware beads

4340-2530 BC

Dimolit, Isabela. House floor, jadeite beads pottery Earliest evidence for house.

4120-3755 BC

Musang Cave, Penablanca, Cagayan. Shell, flake tools, pottery

3810-3650 BC

Duyung Cave, Palawan. Edge-ground stone and Tridacna shell tools.

3675-3015 BC

Rabel Cave, Panablanca, Cagayan.Flake tools, pottery.

3545-2190 BC 3500 BC

3500-3200 BC

3400 BC

Dimolit, Isabela. House floor, jadeit beads, pottery, mortars, whetstone, adzes.

Bolobok Cave, Sanga-Sanga, Tawi-Tawi bronze celt, red glass bead, pottery Early Metal Age Culture.

Talikod Island, Samal, Davao. Occupation debris.

Amazon pottery, earliest in the Americas

3890 BC

Duyung Cave, Iwahig, Palawan. probable jar burial

Pilanduk Cave, Iwaig, Palawan. Edge-ground tools, flakes, jar burial

Domistication of Bovines in Thailand

4095 BC

4000 BC Callao Cave, Penablanca,Cagayan. Flake tools.

World Events

Towns in Egypt, Memphis, Central Egypt Wheeled vehicles in Central Europe Peru grows cotton and corn Wheel and potters wheel in Sumer, Indus Valley.

3370 BC

3300 BC

Cuneiform writing in Sumer

3200 BC

Standing Stones in Britain and France

3190 BC

3100 BC

Hieroglyphic writing in Egypt

3000 BC

Olives, vines, cereals grown in the Aegean area; rye and oats grown in Europe. Pottery in Ecuador, Columbia.

2930 BC

Phili ppine Events


Guri Cave, Lipuun Point, Palawan. Flake tools.

2880 BC

Dimolit, Isabela. Flakes, jasper blades with silica gloss, pottery Evidence for reaping.

2865 BC

2700 BC Duyung Cave, Iwaig, Palawan. Flexed burial, tridacna adzes, shell lime container, shell disk ornaments, habitation.

2655-2120 BC

Dimolit, Isabela. House floor. House floor, flake tools, small jasper blades, silica gloss

2650-2710 BC

Talikod, Samal Is., Davao. Flake shell and stone tools, midden.

2650-2315 BC

2600-2550 BC

2500-2100 BC

2500 BC Lallo, Cagayan. Fresh water shell midden, pottery, bones, trapezoidal stone adzes

2395-1735 BC

Bagumbayan, Masbate. Buff colored pottery

2310-1735 BC

Edjek, Negros. Pottery, fired clay lumps

2305-1410 BC 2300 BC

Binangonan, Rizal. Angono Petroglyphs

Great Pyramid at Giza. Flutes, clarinets in Egypt, Bronze Age in Europe, First Minoan palaces in Crete, Stone Henge reaches final form in England. Epic of Gilgamesh. Weaving in Mexico

Pottery in Mexico.

2125-1745 BC

c.2000 BC

Dimolit, Isabela. Flake tools, blades with silica gloss

1860 BC

Rabel Cave, Penablanca, Cagayan. Flake tools, pottery.

1855 BC

Lemery. Batangas. Pottery

1850 BC

Arku Cave, Penablanca, Cagayan. Footed pottery,bones, shell beads, baked clay bead.

Step pyramid, Sphinx in Egypt,

2610-2130 BC

2550 BC

Magapit Bridge, Cagayan. Shell, polished stone tools, plain red-slipped pottery

Corn grown in Argentina.

2680 BC

Pintu Cave, Isabela. Core tools, flake tools, small blade-like tools.

Manga Site, Andarayan, Cagayan. Rice husk embedded in pottery, polished adzes, spindle whorl. Earliest evidence for rice. Evidence for weaving.

World Events

Chopsticks in use in China

1814 BC

First Assyrian Empire

1766 BC

Shang Dynasty in Northern China

1660-890 BC


Shang Dynasty in China. Bronze pots

Phili ppine Events


Rabel Cave, Penablanca, Cagayan. Flake tool, pottery.

1570 BC

Banaue, Ifugao. Dates occupation in a house platform presumably. Terracing probably present/root cropping

1545-825 BC

Ngipe’t Duldog Cave, Lipuun Point, Palawan. Jar burial, stepped adze, stone and shell beads.

1500-1000 BC

1470 BC Lanna, Cagayan. Stone adzes, spindle whorls.

1380 BC

Manunggul Cave, Lipuun Point, Palawan. Jar burial, elaborate pottery, jade beads.

1330 BC

Manunggul Cave, Lipuun Point, Palawan. Jar burial, elaborate pottery, jade beads.

1255-605 BC

1005-1250 BC

Batungan Cave, Masbate. Kalanay-type pottery. Bato Caves, Sorsogon. Jar burials with shells, adzes, shell beads and bracelets.

World Events

Santorini destroyed in the Meditarranean

David unites the Jews. Capital at Jerusalem

1445 BC

Hebrew Exodus

1220 BC

Destruction of Troy by the Myceneans

1165 BC 1000-225 BC

1000 BC

972-953 BC

900 BC 900-801 BC Manunggul Cave, Lipuun Pt.,Palawan. Late Neolithic burial, elaborate pottery, jade beads. “Manunggul Jar”.

895-775 BC

Arku Cave, Cagayan. Red-slipped pottery, ochre covered bones, bone points.

805-390 BC

801-701 BC

The Rig Veda of India is written down. Astronomical laboratory, maps dictionaries in China Copper smelting in the Andes Solomon becomes King of Israel, begins to build temple. Etruscans appear in Italy Carthage is founded by the Phoenicians

Iliad and Odyssey are composed.

800 BC

“Age of Prophesy” among the Hebrew

770 BC

Eastern Chou Dynasty in China

Pintu Cave, Isabela. Pottery, glass beads, stone tools.

765 BC

Batungan Cave 2, Masbate. Stone adzes Kalanay- type pottery.

756 BC 750 BC

Odyssey and Iliad, poetry in Greek

Phili ppine Events

Dates 700 BC

Bato Caves, Sorosogon. Pottery, quadrangular adzes, jar burial, shell beads and bracelets

Taoism in China

587 BC

Nebuchadnessar destroys Jerusalem. Israel banished to Babylon

538 BC

End of Israel captivity in Babylon under Cyrus who founds first Persian Empire

528 BC

Birth of Buddhism

509 BC

Foundation of the Roman Empire

c.500 BC-500 AD 500-300 BC

Pintu Cave, Isabela. Pottery, Glass beads, stone tools

435-165 BC

Rito-Fabian Cave, Lipuun Point, Palawan. jar burial, iron, copper, bronze, glass and jade ear pendants, shell, jade beads and bracelets. Binisitahan, Sorsogon. Jar burial V.Pagayona Sr. Cave, Lipuun Point, Palawan. Jar burials with trunconical covers, iron, copper, bronze, glass beads.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

600 BC

Duyung Cave, Iwaig, Palawan. Jar burial, stone adzes, bronze and iron tools, jade ornaments. Uyaw Cave, Lipuun Point, Palawan. Jar burial, bronze adz and spear, stone adz, iron (?), jade ornaments, glass beads and bracelets.

Guri Cave, Lipuun Point, Palawan. Jar burial, bronze, glass and gold beads, jade ear pendants.

Pyramic tombs of Nubian kings. Sheep in East Africa. Iron tools and weapons in North Africa

690-635 BC

601-501 BC

Cortez Site, Cagayan. Burial site. Metal site.

World Events

The Persian Wars China produces cast iron. Bronze Dongson drums. First Suez Canal. Camels replace horses in the Sahara. Terra-Cotta heads of the Nok culture in Nigeria.

430 BC

Attila, the Hun ravages Europe

425 BC

Hindu Ramayana Epic

399 BC

Trial and death of Socrates

332 BC

Alexander the Great starts Greek rule from the East to India

307 BC

Great Library in Alexandria

300-100 BC

Taoism based on “Tao-te Ching”, attributed to Lao Tse. Yayoi Culture in Japan.

282 BC

The Colossus of Rhodes

280 BC

Pharos, lighthouse in Alexandria

210 BC

7000 Terra-cotta warriors guard Emperor Shih’s tomb in China

204 BC

Great Wall of China completed

200-100 BC

c.200 BC 200 BC-200 AD

Phili ppine Events

Dates 197 BC

Manunggul Cave, Chamber B, Lipuun Point, Palawan. Jar burial, iron, glass and stone, glass bracelets. Earliest date for iron. Developed Metal Age culture.

Maitum Cave, Sarangani. Anthropomorphic burial jars, glass beads, bracelets. Kalanay-type pottery.

Rosetta Stone inscribed in Egypt

190 BC

112 BC Tadyaw Cave, Lipuun Point, Palawan. Jar burial, trunconical covers, iron, bronze, glass, gold, carnelian, glass and jade bracelets.

World Events

Silk Road opens between China and the West

100 BC-300 AD

79 BC

Mt. Vesuvius, destruction of Pompeii

49 BC

Caesar crosses the Rubicon

47 BC

Great Library of Alexandria destroyed

13 BC

Hebrews occupy Canaan

8-5 BC

Birth of Christ

5 BC-225 AD


Gun powder is invented in China

26-36 AD

Passion of Christ (14th-15th of Nisan)

43 AD

London is established by the Romans

64 AD

Great Fire in Rome

70 AD

Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans

c.100 AD

Porcelain first made in China

105 AD

Ts’ai Lun makes paper in China

150 AD

Earliest Sanskrit inscription. Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon at Teotihuacan, Valley of Mexico.

200 AD

Ramayana and Bhagavad Gita in India

202-220 AD

Han Dynasty reunites China

271 AD

Magnetic compass in China

279 AD

Talmud is issued by Jewish scholars

285 AD

Confucianism introduced in Japan

300 AD

Mass production of iron in Europe

313 AD

Constantine’s vision of the cross. Christianity becomes official religion of the Roman Empire

Phili ppine Events Libertad, Butuan City. Large edge-pegged plank boats - Earliest dated boat.

Sasak Shelter, Kalatagbak, Palawan. Pottery,iron, glass beads.

Dates 320 AD

330 AD

Byzantine Empire in Constantinopole

360 AD

Books start to replace scrolls in Europe

400-600 AD

Writing begins in Japan with Chinese ideographs

479-502 AD

Chi Dynasty in China

500 AD Kulaman Plateau,Cotabato, Mindanao. Stone urn burial, pottery jar burial.

Bunghalian, Ifugao. Terrace dating

Lungun Cave, Kalatagbak, Palawan. Wood coffin burials, iron, pottery.

World Events

Decimal system devised in India

500-670 AD

535 AD

Decimal system devised in India

570 AD

Birth of Mohammad (-632)

593 AD

Printing press is invented in China using wooden blocks

594 AD

Buddhism becomes official religion of Japan

610 AD 618-960 AD

Tang Dynasty with Chang-an as capital

622 AD

Hegira- Flight of Mohammad to Medina

625 AD

Mecca is conquered and becomes center of Islam

641 AD

Persian Empire falls to the Muslims

700-900 AD

Golden Age of Chinese poetry

750 AD

Maori arrives in New Zealand

760 AD

Arabs develop numerals system

763 AD

Baghdad becomes center of Muslim culture

800 AD

Charlemagne becomes first Holy Roman emperor

802 AD

Angkor Kingdon in Cambodia

939 AD

Vietnam becomes independent of China

960-1270 AD Sinoloan Copper plate: earliest evidence of writing in the Philippines - a legal quit-claim.

c.1000 AD

Laurel, Batangas. Polychrome jar with manganese glaze from Fayum, Egypt Earliest evidence of high-fired ceramics. Butuan City, Mindanao. Persian glass, shell midden, Chinese Yueh-type wares, large edge-pegged plank boat.

c.1000 AD

Song Dynasty in China

Phili ppine Events Bubulungun Cave I-B, Lipuun Point, Palawan. Secondary jar burial, iron, Indo-Roman beads, Song dynasty trade ceramics.

Dates 1000-1100 AD

500-1010 AD Magmisi Shelf, Iwaig, Palawan. Secondary burial in jars, Song Dynasty trade ceramics. Limao-Limao Cave, Ransang, Palawan. cave burial

Buad Island, Samar. Small blade and flake, silica gloss

Sta. Ana, Manila. Early Blue and White Chinese trade ceramics. Islamic burials ? Nabyun, Ifugao. Terrace dating.

Ugpay Cave, Ransang, Palawan. Habitation

1040 AD

1115 AD 1126 AD

Song Dynasty rules only in South China

1150 AD

Hindu Angkor Vat in Cambodia

1156 AD

Founding of Moscow

1166 AD

Saladin builds Cairo in Egypt

1175 AD

1195-1380 AD 1200 AD

Aztecs occupy Mexico

1206 AD

Genghis Khan begins Asian conquest

1220 AD

First Thai kingdom appears

1230 AD Mongols destroy Ch’in Empire

1250 AD 1251 AD 1260-1380 AD

Khublai Khan governs China Mongol Genghis Khan. Yuan Dynasty in China.

1275 AD

Marco Polo reaches China

1300 AD

Gunpowder produced in Europe

Kuruswanan Ledge, Palawan. Primary coffin burial. Yuan Dynasty ceramics.

c.1300-1400 AD

Balingasay, Pangasinan. Pottery, monochome Chinese tradeware.

c.1300-1500 AD

Kuruswanan Ledge, Kuruswanan, Palawan. Primary burial in log coffin, Yuan Dynasty ceramics.

Magnetic compass invented in China. First movable type printing in China


1234 AD Batuan City. Large edge-pegged boat.

Chess is developed in India

1100-1200 AD

1050 AD Tausug moves from NE Mindanao to SW to the Sulu archipelago

World Events

1300-1400 AD

1320 AD

cannon first used in Europe at Metz.

1350 AD

Height of Madjapahit Empire in Java Aztec capital, Tinochtitlan, founded.

Phili ppine Events

Dates 1368-1644 AD

Introduction of Islam into the Philippines Calatagan, Batangas. Pottery, blue and white Chinese, Thai ceramics.

Cotta Wayngan, Jolo. Tausug Fort. With no European ceramics.

Bocos, Banaue rapid rice terraces expansion (302 yrs. From valley to mountain top)

Ferdinand Magellan lands in Philippines. Lapu-Lapu resists Spanish incursion. Magellan dies in Mactan Is. Battle.

Ming Dynasty in China established

c.1400 AD c.1400-1500 AD

Chinese encyclopedia, Yung Lo Ta Tien

1405 AD

Chen Ho’s Voyages from China to Africa

1420 AD

Beijing, the Forbidden City, established

1440-1660 AD

1450 AD Bungiao Cave, Zamboanga. Thai, Vietnamese Chinese tradeware.

World Events

Gutenberg introduces the printing press

1460-1915 AD


1492 AD

Columbus lands at San Salvador

1493 AD

Papal Bull placing the “East Indies” under Spain.

1498 AD

Vasco de Gama reaches India via the Cape of Good Hope

1517 AD

Martin Luther starts church reformation

1521 AD

Spanish Hernan Cortes razes Aztec city, Tinochtitlan (today Mexico City)

1532 AD

Francisco Pizarro arrives in Peru

1534 AD

Henry VIII establishes Church of England

1543 AD

Copernicus suggests earth rotates around the sun

1544 AD

Council of Trent to reform Catholic Church

1545 AD

Gregorian calendar is introduced

Legaspi arrives in Cebu. First Philippine Spanish Treaty of Peace is drawn where Filipinos recognized Spanish sovereignty and gets protection in return. Christianity is introduced.

1565 AD

Battle of Manila between Goiti / Salcedo, and Rajah Sulayman.

1570 AD

Founding of the village of Cebu by Legaspi Legaspi arrives in Manila.

1571 AD

City of Manila founded.

1572 AD

Rajah Lakandula revolts against the Spaniards. Chinese pirate, Limahong, attacks Manila.

1574 AD

Big Fire razes Manila

1583 AD

The Real Audencia is organized in Manila. Sto. Domingo Church inaugurated

1584 AD

Phili ppine Events

Dates 1588 AD

Spanish Armada is destroyed by the British.

1589 AD

Shakespeare begins to write his plays

Pope Gregory XIV frees all Philippine slaves.

1591 AD

Manila declared capital City.

1595 AD

Cagayan. Magalat Revolt.

1596 AD

Naval encounter btween the Dutch and the Spaniards under Morga.

1600 AD

Maguindanao. Datus Sirungan and Buisan Uprising.

c.1600-1800 AD

Mt.Province. Bontoc Revolt.

1601 AD

Great fire in Manila. First Chinese revolt is suppressed.

1603 AD

University of Sto. Tomas founded in Manila

1611 AD 1616 AD

Defeat of Dutch fleet in the Manila Bay

Isabela. Iraya Revolt. Bohol. Tamblot Revolt.

Dutch founds Batavia (Jakarta)

1620 AD

Landing of the Mayflower

1621 AD 1621-1622 AD

Caraga Revolt.

1629 AD

Maguindanao. Datu Dipatuan Uprising.

1633 BC 1637 AD

Korea becomes Manchu vassal state

1641 AD

Dutch capture Malacca from Portuguese

1643 AD 1644-1911 AD

The Dutch attack Jolo. Earthquake levels Manila.

1645 AD

The Dutch attack is defeated off Corregidor.

1646 AD 1648 AD 1649-1650 AD

Pampanga. Francisco Maniago Revolt.

1660 AD

Ilocos. Pedro Almazan Revolt.

1661 AD

Panay. Tapar Revolt.

1663 AD

Zambales. Francisco Maniego Revolt.

Manchus invade China

1619 AD

1627 AD

Samar. Sumuroy Revolt.

Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

1617 AD

Sulu. Datu Ache Uprising.

Bulacan. Malolos Revolt.

World Events

1681-1683 AD

Manchu Dynasty in China

Taj Mahal by Shah Jehan

Phili ppine Events

Taal Volcano erupts.

Dates 1683 AD

China conquers Formosa

1720 BC

Tibet becomes tributary of China.

1730 AD

Height of Rococo period in art and architecture

1754 AD

Bohol. Francisco Dagohoy Revolt. Successful Filpino rebellion that formed a local enclave within the Spanish colonial regime.

1744-1829 AD

Taguig, Rizal. Tagalog Agrarian Revolt. Balayan, Batangas. Agrarian Rebolt.

1745-1746 AD

Jolo, Sulu. Datu Salicaya Uprising.

1757 AD

The British under Cornish and Draker attacks Manila.

1762 AD

Pangasinan. De la Cruz, Palaris, Diego and Gabriela Silang, Andres Malong Revolts. Treaty between Spain and England returns the Philippines to Spain.

1762-1764 AD

1763 AD

1775-1783 AD

Batanes. Aman Dagat Revolt.

Siam gains independence from Burma

1786 AD

British East Indies Company base at Penang, Malaysia

1788 AD

Fleet of convicts establilshes British penal colony in Australia

1789 AD

Washington, first president of US. Outbreak of the French Revolution

1791 AD 1792 AD

France declared a Republic Dollar official currency of the US

1799 AD

British takes control of South India

1804 AD

Napoleon Bonaparte becomes emperor of France

1801 AD

Del Superior Gobierno, earliest newspaper in the Philippines is published

1811 AD

Galleon Trade ends.

1815 AD

Nautical School in Manila is established

1820 AD

Manila. Novales Mutiny

1823 AD

Tayabas. Hermano Pule Uprising.

American War of Independence

1776 AD

The Basi Revolt.

Abolition of Philippine representation in the Spanish Cortes.

World Events

Battle of Waterloo

1825 AD

Indonesians revolt against the Dutch.

1835 AD

Melbourne is founded.

1837 AD

1840-1841 AD

Phili ppine Events

Dates 1842 AD

Seminario Filipino, weekly newspaper founded Manila. Samaniego Uprising.

1843 AD

La Estrella de Manila, 2nd daily is published

1847 AD

Diario de Manila, 3rd weekly is published

1848 AD

El Comercio, starts publication

1852 AD

World Events Opium War Britain annexes Hongkong.

Communist Manifesto, Marx, Engels

1858 AD

Miracle at Lourdes

1861 AD

American Civil War

El Catolico Filipino, is published

1862 AD

Earthquake reduces Manila to rubble. Isabela. Baladon and Labutawi Revolt.

1863 AD

Indochina becomes French protectorate.

1864 AD

Red Cross is founded in Switzerland.

Secondary education in the Philippines is organized divided into private and public.

1865 AD

Revista de Administracion, is published

1866 AD

Cavite Mutiny. Execution of Fathers Gomez, Burgos and Zamora.

1868 AD

Meiji Restoration in Japan, modernization of Japan

1869 AD

Opening of the Suez Canal

1872 AD

1874 AD Maguindanao. Datu Utto Revolt.

1876-1887 AD

Diario de Filipinas, is founded. Cable communication between the Philippines and Hongkong.

1880 AD

Monthly,Revista Agustiniana,is published

1881 AD

Cholera epidemic ravages in Manila.

1882 AD

La Oceania Espanola is published

1883 AD

First weekly, La Semana Elegante, is published

1884 AD

Sulu. Pangiyan Inchi Jamila Revolt. Kalayaan of Emilio Jacinto is published. Debate in the Spanish Senate on Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere. The Spanish Civil Code is introduced into the Philippines. La Solidaridad is published. Lanao. Datu Akadar (Amai Pakpak) Revolt.

Impressionists first exhibition in Paris

Krakatoa Volcano in Java erupts.

1884-1893 AD 1886 AD 1889 AD

1889 AD 1890-1893 AD

Upper Burma is annexed by the British.

Phili ppine Events


World Events The Trans-Siberian railway.

El Filibusterismo is printed in Belgium. El Resumen of Isabelo de los Reyes published.

1891 AD

Liga Filipina established by Dr. Jose Rizal The Katipunan founded by Andres Bonifacio

1892 AD

Revista Farmaceutica de Filipinas is published The Maura Law for Philippine local government reform is passed.

1893 AD

New Zealand gives women the right to vote - first country to do so. French protectorate over Laos.

First Encounter between the Katipunan and the Spaniards in the Philippine Revolution. Katipunan Flag is unfurled in Balintawak. Ang Kalayaan, Katipunan paper is published Eight provinces revolt. Rizal is executed.

1896 AD

First Modern Olympics.

Execution of the 13 Martyrs of Bagumbayan. The Tejeros Convention proclaims the independence of the Philippines Trial and execution of Bonifacio. Pact of Biac na Bato stops hostilities between the Filipinos and Spaniards.

1897 AD

First hoisting of the Filipino flag, and Battle of Imus beginning the successful series of battles against Spanish soverreingty. Philippine Independence is declared in Kawit. Philippine National Anthem played for the first time. Mabini issues his “True Decalogue” on man’s conduct. Batanes. Reafael Perea Uprising. La Independencia of Antonio Luna is published.

1898 AD

Zamboanga. Vicente Alvarez Revolt. The Philippine Republic established, the Malolos Constitution is in effect. The Supreme Court supercedes the old Real de Audencia. Battle of Tirad Pass. Misamis. Nicolas Capistrano Revolt.

Spanish-American War. Cuba gains independence. Treaty of Paris between US and Spain.

1898-1900 AD 1899 AD

1899-1900 AD

Philippines declares state of war with the United States Treaty of Paris is ratified by US congress ceding the Philippines to the US by Spain. The Manila Daily Bulletin is founded. Magna Carta of the Philippines.

1900 AD

Russia occupies Manchuria Boxer Rebellion in China.

The Department of Public Instuction is formed. Aguinaldo surrenders to the Americans in Palanan, Isabela. 600 trained teachers arrive in US ShipThomas. The Philippine Normal College is established.

1901 AD

First Nobel Prize.

First labor union is organized. Philippine Assembly is established. Termination of the Philippine-American War. Iglesia Filipina Independiente is proclaimed by Isalelo delos Reyes with Gregorio Aglipay as bishop

1902 AD

Sulu. Panglima Hassan Revolt.

1903-1905 AD

Phili ppine Events The Philippine Postal Savings Bank is formed.

Dates 1905 AD

Albert Einstein’s theory of Relativity

1906 AD

Mahatma Gandhi campaign of non- violences begins in Africa

1907 AD

Cubist painting in Paris.

Act 1870 creates the University of the Philippines. Philippines Free Press issues 1st number

1908 AD

City of Baguio is founded.

1909 AD

Taal Volcano erupts.

Rizal monument is inaugurated. Sulu. Nakib Amil Uprising.

1910 AD

Japan annexes Korea. Abstract painting in Europe

1911 AD

Chinese Revolution. Manchu Dynasty overthrown.

1912 AD

Kuomintang, Chinese nationalist party founded under Sun Yat Sen

1913 AD

1914-1918 AD Mayon Volcano erupts.

1914 AD

Jones Law is approved which provides autonomy for Filipinos and their independence.

1916 AD

First poetic debate, “Balagtasan” held in Manila between Jose Corazon de Jesus and Florentino Collantes.

World Events

First World War. Emperor of Japan declares war on Germany.

1917 AD

Bolshevik Revolution in Russia

1919 AD

Gandhi begins civil disobedience in India.

1921 AD

Communist party founded in China.

1924 AD

1925 AD

Chiang Kai Shek takes over Kuomintang

1926 AD

Hirohito becomes emperor of Japan.

1930 AD

Japan occupies Manchuria.

Passage of Philippine Independence Bill by the US for independence in eight years.

1932 AD

Tydings-Macduffie Law is signed by Roosevelt to give Philippine independence after 10 years.

1934 AD

Long March by Chinese communists.

The Philippine Constittuion is adopted. The Philippine Air Force is organized. The Sakdalista Uprising for agrarian reform. Commonwealth of the Philippines inaugurated. Manuel L. Quezon, President.

1935 AD

Persia becomes Iran

The Court of Appeals is created

1936 AD

Filipino women vote for the first time in a plebiscite on women’s suffrage.

1937 AD

War between China and Japan

Phili ppine Events


World Events

1939 AD

Second World War

1940 AD

Japan occupies Indochina Battle of Britain.

The National Assembly nationalizes labor in the Philippines. Japan invades the Philippines. 2nd Commonwealth inaugurated in Corregidor with Manuel L. Quezon as President.

1941 AD

Japan bombs Pearl Harbor. Pacific War starts.

Japanese occupy City of Manila. The Hukbalahap is established. Fall of Bataan to the Japanese forces. Surrender of Corregidor. Jose Laurel President under the Japanese regime.

1942 AD

Japan occupies Singapore

Battle of the Philippine Sea. US Congress authorizes US President to declare Philippine Independence on July 4,1946 McArthur and Osmena land in Leyte

1944 AD

Liberation of the Philippines from Japanese forces. Pacific War ends.

1945 AD

Reparations Agreement is signed between Japan and the Philippines. Manuel Roxas elected President. American proclamation of Philippines Independence.

1946 AD

“Parity Rights” amendment to the constitution. Military Assistance Pact between the Philippines and the United States.

1947 AD

India and Pakistan become states.

1948 AD

Gandhdi assassinated. Israel becomes a state.

Elpidio Quirino elected President.

1949 AD

The communist Manila Politburo is smashed

1950 AD

Ramon Magsaysay elected President.

1953 AD

Atom bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Constitution of the United Nations.

Korean War. China invades Tibet.

1957 AD

Launching of the Sputnik by Russia Malaya becomes independent.

Diosdado Macapagal elected President.

1961 AD

Yuri Gagarin, first man in space.

President Macapagal moves Independence Day celebration from July 4 to June 12.

1962 AD

Taal Volcano erupts. Ferdinand E. Marcos elected President.

1965 AD

Cultural Revolution in China.

1966 AD

Mao Tse Tung’s Cultural Revolution

1969 AD

Man walks on the moon

Declaration of Martial Law Parliamentary Government is established

1972 AD

1975 AD Ninoy Aquino is assassinated.

1983 AD

Vietnam War ends.

Phili ppine Events


World Events

1984 AD

Brunei becomes independent

Ferdinand E. Marcos re-elected President.

1989 AD

Communist regimes fall in Eastern Europe Fall of the Berlin Wall.

“People Power revolution”. Marcos is deposed. Corazon Aquino is elected President. Return to Presidential form of Government

1986 AD

1990 AD

Iraq invades Kuwait.

Mt. Pinatubo volcano erupts.

1991 AD

Civil War in Yoguslavia. The Gulf War

Fidel Ramos is elected President. National Commission for Culture and the Arts is established. Manlilikha ng Bayan Act is approved recognizing national “Living Treasures”

1992 AD

Philippine Independence Centennial Celebration Joseph Ejercito Estrada elected President.

1998 AD

1999 AD

War in Kosovo. Ethnic Cleansing.

The Millennium Computer Bug

2000 AD

The Millennium Computer Bug

The New Millennium People Power II. Estrada is deposed. Arroyo ascends to presidency.

2001 AD

The New Millenium

Arroyo is re-elected/VP de Castro

2004 AD

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