1 minute read
from Parents as First Teachers: A resource booklet about providing for a healthy family
Inunnguiniq is leading a child from birth to adulthood – showing and teaching them to be a better person in their everyday life. A child would be taught how to treat others – not only the family members but everyone around them, how to have a good relationship with others and a good attitude toward every situation. They would be shown the right way to live while growing up.
-Jose Angutinngurniq
This is the way I seem to understand Inunnguiniq – it is when a person is capable to look after themselves. They are now able to make a living by following the teachings of their parents. They are able to contribute and serve their family and community. They can share with others and think carefully before doing something. People will know that they can take care of themselves out on the land. They can do things by practicing the things they have learnt. Inuit would know just by watching if the young person is ready to be on their own – making their own decisions. They are now a capable person. Children were made in this way by actually doing things. I’m thankful to my parents. They are long gone now, but they prepared my path in life.
Mark Kalluak