Summer 2016
NCCF’s mission helps to support state’s rural challenges When NCCF founder Lewis R. Holding began to execute on his long-held vision of a community foundation, he incorporated some ideas that made his approach stand out from the norm. While most community foundations were (and are) place-based and built around a somewhat circumspect area, like a city, county or region, Holding’s dream was more expansive. He wanted to bring philanthropy to parts of North Carolina that did not have local access to building and utilizing charitable resources. So from the very beginning, the North Carolina Community Foundation has had a rural focus. As the song goes, we were “country when country wasn’t cool.” While Holding may not have used statistics and quantifiable data to define “rural” in the way it is today, (250 people or fewer per square mile) most of NCCF’s service area fits the rural profile. With 85 NC counties meeting this definition, our state is second only to Texas in its designation as the United States’ most rural population, according to the N.C. Rural Center. And one thing we’ve observed after nearly 30 years serving the philanthropic needs of North Carolina – one size definitely does not fit all. Many
L-R: NCCF team members Katie Crumpler, Dawn Neighbors, Sally Migliore and Kelly Lee (far right) join Harry Mills, Granville County Community Foundation board member at a recent Rural Voices meeting, sponsored by the NC Rural Center. rural communities are categorized as “marginalized,” and some are not. While there are certainly challenges that many rural counties have in common, there are just as many that are unique. We believe that is one reason why NCCF’s affiliate network is effective, according to NCCF CEO and President Jennifer Tolle Whiteside. “Our model is one of serving the state
through affiliates that are led by decision-makers, who are on the ground and familiar with local needs, opportunities and challenges,” she said. “This brand of philanthropy that is based on local knowledge and expertise helps us contribute to the growth and prosperity of rural communities,” she said, adding that the approach also Continued on page 4
Starting here, starting now: Planning together for your nonprofit’s success Many nonprofit organizations are utilizing the philanthropic services of the NCCF, as noted in our publication, entitled Planned Giving Perspectives, available on our website under Creating a fund/Planned giving.
Do either of these songs describe your nonprofit’s planned giving program? Another Cloudy Day or The Long and Winding Road If you answered yes, you are not alone. In a time of rising demands on nonprofits to deliver increased services, work harder and generally do more with less, the task of constructing and sustaining an effective planned giving program is easily delayed. There’s just not enough time in the day, and where would we start, anyway? Maybe we’ll think about that tomorrow… But an organization that neglects to build on the power of planned giving is simply leaving money on the table. The famed intergenerational transfer of wealth (TOW) is happening now, and planned giving is the strategy that may best position your organization to take advantage of the TOW phenomenon before it ends. So if it’s time to get serious about your planned giving strategy, a call to the NCCF may be just the jumpstart you need to begin. Here is some information you may find useful: What exactly is planned giving anyway? Planned giving is charitable giving that often involves non-cash assets, frequently provides tax benefits to the donor and requires a bit more thoughtful consideration than a simple checkbook gift. Planned giving is frequently, though not exclusively, done as part of a donor’s estate planning. What’s the endowment connection? The cornerstone of an effective planned giving program is often endowment. The presence of an endowment signals stability, maturity and a long-term outlook on the part of the organization. For this reason, the endowment offers an appealing giving option to donors who want the satisfaction of providing for the strong future of a beloved organization. Isn’t starting an endowment expensive? An organizational endowment with the NCCF may be started with a minimum gift of only $10,000. With this vehicle in place, an organization may effectively utilize the tools and resources available through the NCCF to build that endowment with the larger gifts usually accomplished through planned giving methods. Endowment and planned giving are terms that are often used interchangeably. Though they are actually different, the association does makes sense: endowments often achieve their largest growth through planned
gifts. And donors may be more comfortable making planned or “lifetime” gifts into endowments that offer sustainability, rather than one-time gifts that achieve only short-term impact.
So how do you know when your organization is ready for an endowment and planned giving program? NCCF can help you determine readiness with a few simple questions. Essentially, these questions will help to gauge the financial stability, long-term vision, community tenure and leadership strength of the organization. To be successful, the organization must demonstrate a commitment to future-focused thinking and the patience for building long-term resources. The NCCF Partnership: Why should my organization place its endowment with the NCCF? Why wouldn’t we just do this all by ourselves? Perhaps you could, but why would you? The NCCF’s expertise and economies of scale provide you all the benefits and resources you need to be successful. You are freed to focus on your core mission and services. An endowment fund at the NCCF enables your organization to build endowment without the burden and expense of developing the in-house expertise needed.
Consider the advantages and services offered by NCCF: • • • • • •
The capacity to accept larger and more complex gifts High accountability and stewardship Professional investment oversight Administration and reporting Philanthropic guidance and support Access to technical expertise
But won’t this take away from our annual giving campaign? Study after study suggests the reverse is true: if properly stewarded, donors rarely make only a single gift. In fact, those donors who are frequent givers to your annual campaign may be your best planned giving prospects as well, since they have demonstrated an interest and loyalty to your organization that may be further fulfilled by a planned gift. Continued on page 6
Creating change We are planning for a big move here at NCCF. Our Raleigh office has operated in the same Midtown Raleigh location for the past ten years. We have outgrown our space, and our work has changed -- or rather how we do our work has changed much over the last decade. We have been planning for this move for more than nine months, and we have partnered with many talented professionals who have expertise in particular areas, including real estate, architecture, project management, technology and furniture just to name a few. We have spent time interviewing staff, visiting other organizations, talking with other community partners and nonprofits, spying on offices and listening to our fundholders to design and plan for a space that will meet our needs now -- and in the future. One particular hallmark of our new office will be the amount of meeting and collaborative space we will have available. Our vision is to provide a great space for our employees, for our fundholders and grantees as well as space to share with our nonprofit partners. The way we approach our work is a bit different from some other organizations, and our focus on collaboration and building relationships should be clear in our new location, with its shared spaces and improved technology. We will be moving in October, and we will keep you updated. We will be using social media to provide updates on our progress (and our new address is on the back page of this newsletter). This experience is a great reflection of our work here -- and how we can support you through philanthropy. We work with you to plan for giving -- and we refine and adjust as we move forward. Our expertise here is designed to support your goals to make an impact. Because of our statewide footprint, we bring lots of knowledge and opportunities to the table. Your philanthropy is often planned to ensure impact, reflect your values and support your interests. But your giving also can be more spontaneous to meet immediate needs or support a new interest. Just like those experts who are guiding our upcoming move: we are here to ensure you have a positive experience, with no surprises. We are so excited about our new planned giving materials, designed to help you plan your philanthropy for now or in the future. These can be found online at under Create a fund/ Planned giving. NCCF can work with you to develop your own tailored plan, designed to eliminate some of the stress and uncertainty of giving, ensure the fruition of your vision and provide inspiration.
Jennifer Tolle Whiteside President and CEO NCCF
Three named to statewide board NCCF’s board has appointed three new directors to the statewide board, according to Board Chair Linda Staunch. Named were Peter M. Bristow, Hilda Pinnix-Ragland and John Willingham. Bristow is president of First Citizens Bank. Pinnix-Ragland is a corporate officer and vice president of public affairs for Duke Energy. Willingham is president of Indera Mills, which produces thermal underwear. In case you missed our announcement earlier this year, we invite you to visit our website at and click on the Meet our board tab to see their complete biographies.
Peter Bristow
Hilda Pinnix-Ragland
John Wilingham
NCCF announces staff updates NCCF is so pleased to welcome two new members to our team! Marirose Steigerwald (left) is our new director of Operations. Sheila Cratch has been hired as the administrative assistant for both the Community Leadership and Development teams. We also recently updated the titles of our regional associates, who are now referred to as regional directors. Titles were expanded to more aptly reflect the scope and depth of this position’s duties in their capacities to facilitate board leadership and the boards’ work to grow philanthropy, build endowments and administer local grantmaking in their communities. NCCF has eight regional directors who oversee affiliate activities across the state.
Women’s giving programs strong and growing at NCCF
Courtesy of The Daily Advance
NCCF is proud to be carving out a strong and growing niche in women’s giving programs across the state. And our pride is not without merit, as grantmaking from regional women’s giving programs and the statewide women’s fund neared $214,000 last fiscal year, which ended March 31, 2016.
Power of the Purse is an annual event that boosts local grantmaking for the Women Givers of Eastern North Carolina.
North Carolina Community Foundation
Three of NCCF’s women’s giving programs achieved laudable milestones last year. The Women’s Giving Network of Wake County reached the $1 million mark in cumulative grantmaking since it began nine years ago, a feat that was celebrated in December. The Women’s Impact Network of New Hanover County has reached and, indeed, exceeded their first $100,000 in cumulative grants in just four short years. And TAG, or The Art of Giving, also reached its first $100,000 in grants since it began seven years ago. (TAG is a Triangle-wide collective that is a partnership between NCCF and the Triangle Community Foundation.) Other local women’s giving circles supported by NCCF include the Bertie-Hertford Women’s Fund; Cary Women’s Giving Network; Currituck-
The Women’s Giving Network of Wake County has exceeded the $1 million mark in grants, and toasted this achievement at year-end. Dare Women’s Fund; Moore Women – A Giving Circle; Women Givers of Nash-Rocky Mount; and Women Givers of Northeast North Carolina (serving Camden, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans counties). “Whether big or small, we can
safely say that all of NCCF’s women’s giving programs are making an impact on their local communities,” said Leslie Ann Jackson, NCCF director of grants and scholarships. “We are so proud to support and partner with each of these strong groups.”
Summer 2016
A sample of Foundation news about people and events across North Carolina NCCF hosts regional meetings As detailed below, our local affiliate boards are busy implementing individualized plans as a part of the Blueprint for Affiliate Success, a roadmap for strategic growth established by the NCCF Affiliate Impact Committee. The NCCF Community Leadership Team also has been facilitating regional meetings with affiliate leaders across the state. Pictured is the gathering in the Coastal Plain South region in New Bern, featuring statewide Board Chair Linda Staunch and Regional Director Kim Ball. The majority of these meetings are spent discussing the Blueprint, with affiliates sharing activities that have been successful and how the process is working with their respective boards.
Western Retired Regional Director Sue LeLievre reported that affiliates in her former region have been working to raise awareness in the community and develop new board leadership. The Haywood County Community Foundation, Swain County Community Foundation, Graham County Community Foundation and Eastern Band of Cherokees Community Foundation each saw a new board chair assume leadership and bring fresh perspectives, energy and ideas to their boards. The Jackson County Community Foundation raised community awareness by producing radio spots featuring prominent local figures, including the sheriff and Western Carolina University chancellor. JCCF also saw the creation of the Balsam Mountain Preserve Fund for Jackson County following meetings with a local homeowners association. The Clay County Community Foundation has increased its community grantmaking fund by $20,000 over the past two years, applying Chairman’s Challenge fundraising momentum by targeting nonresident property owners and local residents. The Madison County Community Foundation will join the CCCF in conducting a special local grants presentation event in an effort to raise awareness among area nonprofits and new donors. Katie Crumpler will transition to the role of western regional director this summer and is excited to be returning to her mountain roots from the northern Piedmont region
The Swain County United Gift Fund recently awarded $46,650 in grants, bringing its grantmaking total to $412,000 over the past ten years. Pictured are grantees, board leaders and donors from the most recent grants ceremony.
NCCF hosted the first ever Pop-Up Philanthropy event in Hickory this year, attracting more than 100 community leaders for a robust discussion of local philanthropy and how to partner with NCCF and the local affiliate. Pictured is Catawba Valley Community Foundation Board President Jamie Treadaway welcoming attendees. Stay tuned for details on our next pop-up event in Rocky Mount. Regional Director Colby Martin has been settling into his new role and reported that the Ashe County Community Foundation has seen the creation of three new endowments, reaching the million dollar milestone as they welcome new fundholders to the local family of funds. The Catawba Valley Community Foundation is working to strengthen its community grantmaking processes, ensuring effective grantmaking and encouraging collaboration among local nonprofits as a part of their Blueprint goals. The Alleghany County Community Foundation is growing its community grantmaking fund and building strong community relationships through the annual pro-am golf tournament. The Watauga-Ashe-Wilkes Scholarship reached the million dollar asset mark, enabling the fund to increase its ability to provide much needed scholarships to students.
Northern Piedmont
Sandhills Regional Director Dawn Neighbors reported that Sandhills affiliates are working to strengthen relationships with local nonprofits. The Hoke County Community Foundation and Moore County Community Foundation collaborated to present a grantseekers workshop to local nonprofits that resulted in an increase in grant applications. The Montgomery County Fund, Lee County Community Foundation and Harnett County Community Foundation are strategically working to engage local leaders and ensure diverse board representation. Both Montgomery and Moore counties are welcoming new board presidents while four of the seven Sandhills counties have conducted grantee site visits recently.
The Rockingham County Community Foundation announced grants from the Water Resources Fund managed by RCCF on behalf of the Duke Energy Foundation to continue environmental enhancements and economic development along the river basin with (L-R) Duke Energy State President David Fountain, Dan River Community Foundation Executive Director Debra Dodson, RCCF Board President Ben Tucker and Duke Energy’s Davis Montgomery.
Coastal Plain North Regional Director Kelly Lee reported that her region’s affiliates are working to strengthen their grantmaking and enhance connections with nonprofits. The Futrell-Mauldin Foundation for Greater Rocky Mount and the Edgecombe Charitable Foundation partnered to host a discussion with community foundation consultant Steve Alley, who helped guide the Blueprint development. They also collaborated to distribute grant awards and host the Leading For Tomorrow Capacity Building Summit in partnership with the United Way of the Tar River Region for nonprofits across the region. The Warren County Community Foundation has been researching and assessing local community needs.
The Franklin County Community Foundation recently awarded education mini-grants to five local schools to support eight programs. Pictured are Bunn Elementary students participating in the At Their Fingertips program. Katie Crumpler, regional director, reported that the affiliates in this region are focusing on leadership development in order to build strong and committed boards that reflect the community. The Johnston County Community Foundation is strategically examining its board operations and processes. The Wake County Community Foundation hosted a friend-raiser to recruit new board members with a variety of skills and backgrounds. The Granville County Community Foundation has formalized its nomination process, creating a statement of interest process for members of the community. The Vance County Community Foundation conducted a storytelling training to aid with board recruitment.
The Wilson County Community Foundation recently hosted orientation of its new board members. Pictured are (L-R) Board Chair Bobby Boykin, Janice Walston, Joanna Ross, Holmes Smoot, Tonya Kessler, Maureen Brown and Judi Thurston.
North Carolina Community Foundation
A sample of Foundation news about people and events across North Carolina Coastal Plain South
level of grant applications and engagement with its grants awards reception. The Pamlico County Community Foundation is welcoming a dynamic new board president and is excited for endowment growth.
The Jones County Community Foundation conducted a storytelling exercise with NCCF Marketing and Communications Director Noel McLaughlin. Pictured are (L-R) Elwood Morris and Elois Body practicing their stories. Kim Ball, regional director, reported that affiliates in her region have been focusing on board participation and leadership in their respective communities. The Carteret Community Foundation has added the J. O. and Ruth Barbour Memorial endowments to the local family of funds and hosted the 30th annual Golfing For Grants tournament to raise funds for their community grantmaking fund. The Jones County Community Foundation has been working to increase visibility through meetings with and presentations to civic organizations. The Craven County Community Foundation has seen their community grantmaking fund grow and has been actively collaborating with local nonprofits on fundraising. The Lenoir County Community Foundation is overseeing its first ever scholarship, created in memory of Kathleen Morrisey Klutey. LCCF also received a robust
State’s rural challenges Continued from page 1 allows us to ensure that our fundholders achieve their giving goals. The place where philanthropy and economic development come together is an important intersection that we need to encourage, said Patrick Woodie, president of the N.C. Rural Center, at a recent gathering in Granville County. This was one of several meetings the Rural Center recently hosted across the state called “Rural Counts,” to get people thinking about economic development issues. In fact, leveraging philanthropy to help build rural development funding is one of the Rural Center’s “10 Strategies for Rural North Carolina’s Future.” (Visit to read about the strategies and how they fit together in a plan to help bolster rural North Carolina’s future.) Woodie then went on to say that the philanthropic climate in North Carolina was something that differentiated us from other rural states. He described the Tar Heel state as one that benefited from a robust nonprofit sector and a strong, active foundation community.
Affiliates Encouraging philanthropy is obviously how NCCF best supports our rural communities and is key to our mission. And it’s our partnership with affiliate foundations across the state that helps us deliver, said Sally Migliore, NCCF director of community leadership. Several aspects of our strategy, which we call the Affiliate Blueprint for Success, are helping us to chart the way. Success indicators include: developing affiliate leadership reflective of the communities we serve; growing local philanthropic assets; and
North Carolina Community Foundation
Regional Director Natalie Jenkins Peel happily reported that the region has tripled Chairman’s Challenge fundraising over the past three years. This success resulted in the Chowan Community Funds Foundation making its first grant from its community grantmaking fund. The Northern Albemarle Community Foundation board recently conducted a storytelling exercise to strengthen their ability to articulate the strategic direction of the affiliate. The Currituck-Dare Community Foundation leadership recently presented at the Outer Banks Collaborative meeting to several nonprofits to highlight funding for operating support. CDCF hosted a grantseekers workshop as a part of Blueprint implementation.
The Beaufort-Hyde Community Foundation hosted NCCF CEO Jennifer Tolle Whiteside for a meeting with a local disaster relief grantee to hear about recovery work and the impact of our Disaster Relief Fund in that community.
serving as catalysts to address local needs. She noted that NCCF’s affiliates are focusing on various aspects of the Blueprint to set goals, depending on their respective communities’ and local boards’ needs and opportunities. “We are now into our second year of using the Blueprint framework, and our boards are actively engaged and focused on the strategies that will have the most impact in their communities,” she said.
Partnerships NCCF is also strong on collaboration. Silos, while important on the farm, don’t work in the life of rural communities. Tolle Whiteside is an active advocate for rural philanthropy throughout the southeastern United States and across North Carolina. She is a member of the Community Foundations National Standards Board, which ensures consistency and excellence among community foundations nationwide. She has been extremely active in leadership positions with the Rural Center, as a board member and on many committees. NCCF also enjoys strong partnerships with many statewide and regional organizations, including but not limited to the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust and currently serves as a fiscal sponsor of one of its Healthy Community initiatives; the North Carolina Network of Grantmakers, which NCCF supports as its fiscal sponsor; and the Triangle Community Foundation, which co-sponsors a regional women’s giving circle with us. We also enjoy strong collaborations with the Emerging Issues Forum, the Golden Leaf Foundation and the Jamie Kirk Hahn Foundation – just to name a few. And the community foundation sector in our state in general enjoys camaraderie, which helps on many fronts, according to Tolle Whiteside. “We work well
Onslow Caring Communities Foundation Board Member Steven Wangerin (left) joins Pete Burgess to discuss rural philanthropy during OCCF board orientation. Wangerin also is a member of NCCF’s statewide board. Regional Director Angie Brewer reported that the Blueprint has re-energized affiliate leaders through focused success indicators and the attraction of new board members. The Duplin County Community Foundation hosted a successful friend-raiser to engage local professional advisors and elected officials and inspire philanthropy. The New Hanover County Community Foundation sponsored a meeting of the New Hanover County Estate Planning Council. The Robeson County Community Foundation is celebrating its tenth anniversary. RCCF is implementing a new grants committee, working to encourage collaboration amongst grantees and convening and connecting nonprofits to sources of funding.
together and understand the strength that comes from collaboration when it can best benefit the state,” she said.
Transfer of wealth Another important area of rural philanthropy that we directly support is the oft-cited “transfer of wealth.” Heralded as the single largest transfer of funds in history, it is estimated that $41 trillion will have transferred via inheritance over the 55-year period that began in 1998 and will end in 2052. There are various estimates about how much of that share will accrue to North Carolina, and many place that sum at about $80 billion over the next decade. But the lesson for our state’s rural communities is not about how much they might attract, but rather, how they can encourage the resources to stay here. With rural communities’ losing younger generations to urban areas and other locations throughout the world, North Carolina’s inherited wealth is not necessarily assured a homecoming. One of the primary roles of a community foundation is to provide people and organizations with the philanthropic resources to realize their giving goals, establish legacies and help communities take responsibility for their own futures. “Community foundations are one of the best ways to shepherd those dollars,” said Beth Boney Jenkins, NCCF’s vice president for development. “For thousands of donors in rural communities, NCCF is a strong conduit between locally derived assets and community impact,” Jenkins said. “Our base of community knowledge and expertise in all forms of charitable giving provides donors with confidence that the NCCF will faithfully deploy their funds for the greatest long-term benefit.” By Noel McLaughlin
Summer 2016
Conetoe Family Life Center sustains a community “I see a community that is beginning to be healthy,” said Rev. Richard Joyner. He was overlooking the expanse of garden that makes up the Conetoe Family Life Center in rural Edgecombe County. He told the story of the Center as the joyful laughter of children carried over the field from the greenhouse. Just three months earlier, Joyner was telling the same story. This time, he was on stage being honored on national television in the annual CNN Heroes tribute. Following a celebrity introduction, he told the world of the Conetoe Family Life Center. In his first year as the pastor of Conetoe Baptist Church, Joyner officiated over 30 funerals. The experience of burying that many community members inspired him to found the Family Life Center. The Center began as a simple community garden initiative. “We started out with what we have,” Joyner said. “We started out with the land.” It now serves as a community approach to fighting disease, food insecurity and the cycle of poverty in the impoverished community where the average household income sits at just $21,000. What began as a simple community garden has blossomed into a force for youth development that is sustenance for the entire community. “Our goal is to serve the whole family,” Joyner said of the unique approach the Center takes to comprehensive community health. “We just want to see a community holistically helped.” That approach is now nationally recognized. “CNN validated that this is significant,” Joyner said. Using the community garden as the centerpiece, the Center teaches generations about sustainability, nutrition and economic development through local vegetable sales, community supported agriculture and the widespread production and sale of their famous honey. The funds generated all return to the local community, funding the program, benefitting scholarships for the students involved and providing organic food for local residents in need.
Rev. Richard Joyner proudly stands on the Conetoe Family Life Center’s first tractor, funded by community grantmaking from the Futrell-Mauldin Foundation for Greater Rocky Mount.
crime and combat the cycle of poverty. “Our goal is human development and selfsustainability,” Joyner said. “Because we’re a food desert, we’re working to get as much locally affordable food in the homes as possible; that means making sure that not only the youth, but even our adult population can go down to the garden and harvest food as much as they want.” Joyner is already beginning to see that goal in reality. “I know young people that started in this program that are in college,” he said. “I know people whose lives have been saved because they changed the way they eat.” The Center is a groundbreaking community resource that the North Carolina Community Foundation has invested in since the beginning. “This partnership is a breath of fresh air,” Joyner said. “It’s not like the Foundation is just giving us money; they’re giving us a relationship and that doesn’t go away.” That bond extends Local students and program participants spend an afternoon working back to the humble roots in the greenhouse under the careful supervision of Joyner and other of the Center, when NCCF program leaders. affiliate leaders from the Futrell-Mauldin Foundation for Greater Rocky Mount partnered with Joyner to Involving parents, grandparents, children, fund the first tractor. “It’s because we have bereligious leaders and many other members of the come family,” he said. community, the Conetoe Family Life Center is The Family Life Center has developed to the expioneering a new kind of local resource. “It does not belong to me,” Joyner said. “This belongs to the tent that Joyner can now focus his work and watch as his prayers are answered. “I think that I’m becommunity.” coming more of a worker now and not a leader,” The Center’s unique approach empowers the he said. “Other people you see, they’re leading, Conetoe community with the knowledge, tools and I’m fading.” Those emerging leaders include and support to take preventative steps to ensure the Center’s new Executive Director Dr. Garrie educational success, prevent disease, reduce
Moore, who’s working to shepherd Joyner’s vision. More information on the Center’s many programs is available at Joyner’s newfound role in the Center is thanks to the involvement of the community. “These leaders live in this community and their kids are in the program,” he said. “It’s not Richard Joyner’s. It’s the Conetoe Community’s.” That development would not have come to fruition without the support of the many community partners supporting the Conetoe Family Life Center. “It’s like pinch hitters,” Joyner said. “You got the bases loaded, but can you get them home?” “That’s what the Foundation has done for us,” he said. “We could get the bases loaded. We just couldn’t get them home. Now we can.” By Louis Duke
Program participants and local students proudly hold Joyner’s CNN Heroes’ plaque. North Carolina Community Foundation
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NCCF expands corporate grantmaking program NCCF’s role in the administration of corporate grantmaking continues to grow. We were so honored to begin administering a program for the Biogen Foundation, which awarded $125,000 in grants this year to support science education programs and projects in public schools across North Carolina. The Foundation’s “Ignite the Power of STEM” program awards teachers, schools and nonprofit STEM education programs that serve K-12 students. Teachers were eligible to apply for grants up to $2,000. Schools and nonprofits could apply for grants up to $5,000. There were 35 deserving schools and programs selected from a wide range of applications. NCCF also administered Biogen Foundation Ignite the Power of STEM grants program for the state of Massachusetts. NCCF also continues to administer grant programs for the Duke Energy Foundation, including the Community College Grant Program, University Grant Program for Workforce Development, Water Resources Fund and Dan River Basin Grant Program for Rockingham County.
Nonprofit’s success
(continued from page 1)
So let’s whistle a new tune for your planned giving program! You’ll Never Walk Alone The NCCF can help you get started on this critical long-term investment for the future of your organization. We’re here with the tools and services you need to position your organization for planned giving success.
Starting Here, Starting Now Starting a planned giving program for your organization doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it’s only a phone call away. (Contact Beth Jenkins at 919-256-6932 if you have any questions about planned giving.) By Beth Boney Jenkins
We are moving in October! NCCF has outgrown our Raleigh office on Six Forks Road, where we have worked for the past 10 years. Our new digs after Oct. 1 will be: 3737 Glenwood Avenue Suite 460 Raleigh, 27612 Don’t worry if you forget; our mail will be forwarded after we relocate. Our phone numbers are expected to remain the same. Please use our current mailing address until October! As NCCF CEO Jennifer Tolle Whiteside noted in her column on page two, we are extremely excited about all the opportunities that the new space will afford, including increased ways for us to collaborate with each other, fundholders, grantees and nonprofit partners across the state. Stay tuned for more details!
Give now: Make a contribution to NCCF or any of our funds! If you would like to make a contribution to the North Carolina Community Foundation or one of our funds, you may make your gift online at, or download a form and mail your check or credit card information -- or submit your credit card information via fax at 919-827-0749. While on our website, we invite you to review our list of funds if you are looking for the right recipient for your charitable objectives, a meaningful tribute, memorial or anniversary or birthday gift.
North Carolina Community Foundation
NCCF Board Executive committee Linda J. Staunch, Chair, New Bern James Bell Black, III, Vice Chair of Board; Chair, Governance, Raleigh Dean E. Painter, Jr., Secretary, Raleigh Robert L. Jones, Assistant Secretary, Raleigh W. Trent Ragland, III, Treasurer, Raleigh Rodney E. Martin, Chair, Grants, Swansboro Kenneth G. Reece, Chair, Resource Development, Raleigh James W. Narron, Chair, Affiliate Impact Committee, Smithfield Stuart B. Dorsett, Immediate Past Chair, Raleigh Board members at large Juan Austin, Jamestown Robert E. Barnhill, Jr., Tarboro Laura Beasley, Colerain Peter M. Bristow, Raleigh Brian C. Crutchfield, Chair, Audit Committee, Boone Alexander Graham Floyd, Granville County and Raleigh Sarah Belk Gambrell, Charlotte Frank B. Gibson, Jr., Wilmington Katharine (Kack) Harrison Hardin, Rock Hill, SC H. Kel Landis, III, Raleigh Hilda Pinnix-Ragland, Raleigh Karen Stiwinter, Franklin Steven Wangerin, Jacksonville Elizabeth Hobgood Wellons, Smithfield John Willingham, Yadkinville Directors emeriti Annabelle L. Fetterman, Clinton Henry E. Frye, Greensboro Charles Gaddy* Martha Guy, Newland Lewis R. Holding* The Honorable James E. Holshouser, Jr.* John R. Jordan, Jr.* W. Trent Ragland, Jr.* The Honorable Robert W. Scott* Sherwood H. Smith, Jr., Raleigh Billy T. Woodard, Fuquay-Varina * Deceased
NCCF Staff Headquarters & Raleigh-based associates 4601 Six Forks Road, Suite 524 Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone: 919-828-4387 Fax number for all: 919-827-0749 Unless noted, all email addresses are first initial last Executive Jennifer Tolle Whiteside, President and CEO Cherry Ballard, Assistant to the President Development Beth Boney Jenkins, Vice President Megan Lynch Ellis, Regional Development Officer (Serving the Western and Northwestern regions) PO Box 524, Boone, NC 28607 Phone: 828-355-4306 Mary Morgan, Philanthropy Counsel Melinda Allen, Gift and Development Specialist Finance David Ryan, Chief Financial Officer John Hartley, Director of Finance & Chief Investment Officer Rhonda Daly, Controller D’Wayne Wilkins, Manager of Information Technology Lisa Meeks, Sr. Accounting Associate Grants and Scholarships Leslie Ann Jackson, Director of Grants and Scholarships
Marketing and Communications Noël McLaughlin, Director of Marketing and Communications Louis Duke, Communications Specialist Lori Johnson, Communications Assistant and Office Manager Operations Marirose K. Steigerwald, Director of Operations Community Leadership Team Sally Migliore, Director of Community Leadership Affiliate Offices Western Office (Cherokee, Clay, Eastern Band of Cherokee, Graham, Haywood, Jackson, Macon, Madison and Swain) Katie Crumpler, Regional Director 4601 Six Forks Road, Suite 524, Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone: 828-538-4299 Northwestern Office (Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Catawba Valley, which includes Alexander, Caldwell and Catawba counties; Mount Airy, Watauga, Wilkes and Yadkin) Colby Martin, Regional Director Lyerly House 310 N. Center Street Hickory, NC 28601 Mailing: P.O. Box 2851, Hickory, NC 28603 Phone: 828-358-0030 Northern Piedmont Office (Cary, Franklin, Granville, Johnston, Person, Vance and Wake) Katie B. Crumpler, Regional Director Raleigh Sandhills Office (Harnett, Hoke, Lee, Montgomery, Moore, Randolph and Rockingham) Dawn Neighbors, Regional Director PO Box 739 Coats, NC 27521 Phone: 910-292-4437 Southeastern Office (Brunswick, Columbus, Duplin, New Hanover, Onslow, Pender, Robeson and Sampson) Angie Brewer, Regional Director 1213 Culbreth Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 Mail: PO Box 991, Wilmington, NC 28402 Phone: 910-202-6727 Coastal Plain North (Edgecombe, Halifax, Nash, Northampton, Rocky Mount, Warren, Wayne and Wilson) Kelly Joyner Lee, Regional Director PO Box 7394 Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Phone: 252-557-0278 Coastal Plain South (Carteret, Craven, Greene, Jones, Lenoir, Pamlico and Pitt) Kim Ball, Regional Director PO Box 3411 New Bern, NC 28564 Phone: 252-288-5706 Northeastern Office Office (BeaufortHyde, Bertie-Hertford, Chowan, CurrituckDare, Martin and Northern Albemarle, which includes Camden, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans) Natalie Jenkins Peel, Regional Director 204 South Poindexter Street Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Phone: 252-562-9824
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