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New Castle County Vocational Technical School District
Board of Education
Yvette Santiago, President
Madeline Johnson, Vice-President
Cheryl Dennis
Robert F. Gilligan
James Johnson
Nello M. Paoli, Jr.
Mark S. Stellini
Joseph M. Jones, Ed.D., Superintendent
The Student/Parent Handbook contains official policy of the Board of Education of the New Castle County Vocational Technical School District. In special situations where the Board approves policy modifications relevant to an individual school project, parents will be notified accordingly by the school administration. The Board of Education approved this handbook in May 2023.
This handbook is also available online at https://www.nccvotech.com/apps/pages/handbook
It is the policy of the New Castle County Vocational Technical School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, or covered veteran status in employment, admission to, or participation in its programs, services, and activities.
Es la política del New Castle County Vocational Technical School District no para distinguir sobre la base de carrera, color, religión, origen nacional, género, orientación sexual, estado civil, edad, la discapacidad, o situación veterana cubierta en empleo, entrada a o la participación en sus programas, servicios y actividades.
Inquiries regarding compliance with the above, and/or Title VI, Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act or Section 504 may be directed to the Director of Personnel Services at 995-8043.
NCCVT School District delivers world-class Career and Technical programs combined with rigorous academic curricula to equip students with the 21st century skills that will best serve the State of Delaware and the global community.
We provide superior Career and Technical Education enabling all students to achieve their aspirations.
NCCVT School District believes:
Core Beliefs
• All students have the ability to learn and the opportunity to succeed.
• Our district community has the highest standards and expectations for instruction.
• Our schools are unique and excel in providing extensive Career and Technical Education opportunities and experiences that prepare students for postsecondary success.
• It is important to respect and value diversity, creating an environment that is inclusive of all.
• Business partnerships, community involvement, and family support are essential to our high-quality schools.
• All students are workforce ready upon graduation.
Commitment To Equity
The New Castle County Vo-Tech School District is committed to proactively building a community that recognizes and respects the needs of all students. We will guide students as they build their self-awareness, become more socially aware, and practice responsible decision-making skills, all while growing their academic and work-based skills to prepare for the futures they want for themselves. We understand that not everyone has the same circumstances or starting points, so we provide students with what they need to learn and the skills they need to establish healthy relationships and make positive decisions. We value our students' well-being and help them engage in dialogues and reflection on their decisions and behaviors to increase personal accountability.