2 minute read
K. “School environment” shall mean within or on school property and/or at schoolsanctioned or supervised activities, including, for example, on school grounds, on school buses, at functions held on school grounds, at extracurricular activities held on and off school grounds, on field trips, and at functions held at the school in the evening. L. “Use” shall mean that a student is reasonably known to have ingested, smoked, or otherwise assimilated alcohol, a drug or a drug-like substance, or is reasonably found to be under the influence of such a substance.
A. Each year all students shall receive an updated Student Handbook that contains the state and district drug and alcohol policies and regulations to be shared with their parents. B. The state and district policies shall apply to all students except that with respect to students with disabilities, the federal law will be followed. A determination of whether the violation of the drug and alcohol policy was due to the student’s handicapping condition will be made prior to any discipline or change of placement in connection with the policy. C. Staff members will report incidents to the student advisor/principal designee who will verify the identity of the student and the probable cause that a policy violation has been committed. The student advisor/principal designee where required will report the incident to the police and will file a report to be sent to the Department of Education. Parents will be notified as quickly as possible via the telephone. If telephone contact cannot be made, a letter will be sent home. Records will be maintained in a separate discipline file, and confidentiality will be followed. Names and details of any particular incident will be revealed only to those staff persons who are required to know the specific information. D. Any physical evidence of a policy violation will be submitted to the student advisor/principal designee. The student advisor/ designee will document the date, time, and description of the evidence and the name(s) of the student(s) involved. Evidence will be locked in a secure area determined by the student advisor/ designee and submitted to the police upon their arrival. E. General searches of the property of a student may be conducted by the student advisor/principal designee at any time upon reasonable suspicion. F. All prescription and over-the-counter non-prescription drugs shall be presented to the school nurse upon entering the school building. The nurse will be responsible for dispensing those drugs to the students until they leave at the end of the school 88