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Code of Conduct
All schools in the New Castle County Vocational Technical School District are members of the Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association (DIAA) and therefore must/will abide by all rules regulations, policies, and procedures established by that organization. No policy of the New Castle County Vocational-Technical School District is meant to, or can, change or replace any D.I.A.A. policies. The New Castle County Vocational Technical School District Athletic Code of Conduct has been designed to ensure equity, due process, and consistency in disciplining our student-athletes.
Although misconduct is usually limited to a small percentage of student-athletes on any one team, the aim of the coach is to promote self-discipline in each athlete. The studentathlete who practices self-discipline will be least affected by this policy.
It is essential for the district to initiate this code in order for all coaches, student-athletes, and parents to be aware of a code of conduct that is the same at each vocational technical district school. This code does not replace or diminish the responsibilities of the student advisors (disciplinarians) in their respective schools, but reinforces their efforts to promote self-discipline among the students in the New Castle County Vocational Technical School District.
The building Athletic Director is responsible for enforcing the discipline policy in a manner that is consistent, fair, and firm, treating each case on an individual basis and taking into consideration the overall school record of the student-athlete. All coaches are required to effect discipline or assist in discipline situations by maintaining written communication of action taken by them when dealing with student-athlete infractions as spelled out below. As violations are confirmed, coaches must not only make parental contact, but also send a copy of the written communication of action to the building Athletic Director and to the student advisor immediately.
The principal/designee may conduct an investigation to confirm that the charged offense has, in fact, been committed and select the appropriate disciplinary action.