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Submittal Requirements for Transmittal to the Division for Certification
The following items are to be submitted to the DCM District Planner after local adoption of the land use plan amendment:
Two (2) color print copies of the locally adopted Land Use Plan as amended. On the cover, include the local adoption date of the amendment and provide a location to insert a CRC certification date.
Two (2) USBs that include a digital copy of the local adopted Land Use Plan as amended. Digital files should be provided in a Word and/or .pdf format and file names should clearly identify file content.
Certified statement of local government adoption action (Resolution of Adoption) with official signature and seal from the local government.
Affidavit of publication - signed and notarized proof that the notification process was followed per G.S. 113A-110 (to include the not less than 10 days nor more than 25 days’ notice in the newspaper and statement of other notices provided) for the local government.
Submittal Requirements for Certified Plan
The following items are to be submitted within 90 calendar days after certification of the Plan amendment:
A color print copy of the entire Plan with the CRC certification date of the plan amendment added to the cover.
A digital copy on USB drive of the entire Plan with the CRC certification date of the plan amendment added to the cover. Digital files should be provided in a Word and/or .pdf format and file names should clearly identify file content.
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