3 minute read



Cicero MX, Scherzer D. Mass Shooting Drills Are Not the Best Shield for Our Hospitals or Our Children. Simul Healthc. 2022;17(6):355-356. doi:10.1097/SIH.0000000000000696


Iyer MS, Lo CB, Scherzer D, et al. The COVID-19 Elective for Pediatric Residents: Learning About Systems-Based Practice During a Pandemic. Cureus. 2021;13(2):e13085. Published 2021 Feb 2. doi:10.7759/cureus.13085

Perry MF, Melvin JE, Scherzer D, et al. The Diagnostic Error Index: A Quality Improvement Initiative to Identify and Measure Diagnostic Errors. J Pediatr. 2021;232:257-263. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2020.11.065

Abulebda K, Whitfill T, Scherzer D, et al. Improving Pediatric Readiness in General Emergency Departments: A Prospective Interventional Study. J Pediatr. 2021;230:230-237.e1. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2020.10.040

Chang TP, Elkin R, Boyle TP, Camacho C, et al. Characterizing preferred terms for geographically distant simulations: distance, remote and telesimulation. Int J Healthc Simul. 2022;1(3):55-65. doi:10.54531/dwti2869

Hunt EA, Duval-Arnould JM, Camacho C, et al. Integration of in-hospital cardiac arrest contextual curriculum into a basic life support course: a randomized, controlled simulation study. Resuscitation. 2017;114:127-132. doi:10.1016/j. resuscitation.2017.03.014

Calhoun AW, Gross IT, Maa T, et al. From Concept to Publication: Effectiveness of the International Network for Simulation-Based Pediatric Innovation, Research, and Education Project Development Process at Generating Simulation Scholarship. Simul Healthc. 2022;17(6):385-393. doi:10.1097/SIH.0000000000000628

Poeppelman RS, Coles MT, Heater T, Maa T, et al. Assessing Competence With a Task Trainer: Validity Evidence for Novel Tracheostomy Care Skills Assessment Tool. Simul Healthc. 2022;17(4):220-225. doi:10.1097/SIH.0000000000000597

Virtual and Augmented Reality Implicit Association Training (VARIAT-Sim), Maa, T. Mobile application published in Apple App and Google Play Stores. 2/2020.

Zann A, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Maa T. Incorporating Simulation Into Your Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle. Pediatr Ann. 2021;50(1):e25-e31. doi:10.3928/19382359-20201213-01

Abulebda K, Srinivasan S, Maa T, Stormorken A, Chumpitazi CE. Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Faculty Development Workshop to Enhance Debriefing Skills Among Novice Facilitators. Cureus. 2020;12(2):e6942. Published 2020 Feb 10. doi:10.7759/cureus.6942

Iyer MS, Lo CB, Scherzer D, et al. The COVID-19 Elective for Pediatric Residents: Learning About Systems-Based Practice During a Pandemic. Cureus. 2021;13(2):e13085. Published 2021 Feb 2. doi:10.7759/cureus.13085

Perate A, Rodgers D, Scherzer D, et al. The Use of Simulation in Disaster Medicine Preparedness. 10.1007/978-3-030-72973-8_21.

How to use an EpiPen video http://www.nationwidechildrens.org/epipen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EN83hen4D-Y Written and Narrated by Scherzer DJ, November 2011. 1,824,898 views as of April 2023.


Pian TM, Maa T, Deutsch ES, Kishida M, Je S, Fortunov R, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Nishisaki A. PEAK-II: Multi-site simulations of acute respiratory decompensation to identify latent safety threats. Poster presentation at 14th International Pediatric Simulation Symposia and Workshops, June 2022, St. Petersburg, FL.

Srouji L, Hoffman A, Smith K, Stebler J, Casey FL, Maa T. A Virtual Reality ECMO Simulation Curriculum. Poster presentation at 14th International Pediatric Simulation Symposia and Workshops, June 2022, St. Petersburg, FL.

Wingert L, Stewart C, Pian T, Suttle MA, Maa T. Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Code Team Leadership. Poster presentation at 14th International Pediatric Simulation Symposia and Workshops, June 2022, St. Petersburg, FL.

Coles M, Camacho C, Howorka S, Maa T. Undercover Simulationist: Utilizing Simulation to Identify and Implement Educational needs. Oral presentation at 14th International Pediatric Simulation Symposia and Workshops, June 2022, St. Petersburg, FL.

Maa T. Pediatric Debriefing Faculty Workshop. Invited faculty and course planning committee presented at the Society for Pediatric Sedation; September 2022, virtual.

Maa T. Pro/Con – Tele simulation in Critical Care – Lessons Learned. Faculty and Concurrent Session Moderator presented at the 51st Critical Care Congress, Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM); February 2022, virtual.

Maa T. Using METRICS to Categorize Simulation Research Scholarship in Critical Care Medicine. Workshop Faculty, presented at the 51st Critical Care Congress, Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM); February 2022, virtual.

Maa T. SQUIRE-SIM: Reporting Guidelines for Quality Improvement Simulations Research Methods. Workshop Faculty presented at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare Annual Conference; January 2022, cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions.


PI: Tensing Maa

Project Title: Co-designing cultural humility with LGBTQ+ youth. Addressing provider biases and barriers to healthcare access

Goal of study: Train on culturally competent communication and skill development specific to LGBTQ+ adolescent and emerging adult populations.

Role: Project PI

Funding agency: Ohio Department of Medicaid, Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services

Site total: $296,090

PI: Tensing Maa, Nationwide Children’s Hospital

Project Title: Safety VR: Virtual reality for behavioral health patient and employee safety

Funding agency: Ohio Department of Medicaid, Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services

Site total: $43,200

PI: Kasper Lauridsen

Project Title: Standardized communication during in-hospital resuscitation (SCORE)

Goal of study: To investigate whether use of standardized communication can improve Chest Compression Fraction compared to closed-lop communication during simulated pediatric CPR. Multicenter, randomized, parallel group, single-blind, superiority, simulation study.

Role: Co-Investigator

PI: Tensing Maa and Akira Nishisaki

Project Title: Prevention of errors in acute conditions in kids (PEAK II)

Goal of study: Our objective is to perform a multicenter study of simulation respiratory failure in a pediatric patient in order to characterize the variability between institutions for management of respiratory failure in terms of 1) Time to achieve effective ventilation by applying bag-mask ventilation, performing suction and inserting oral or nasal airway, 2) Types of errors made in relation to bag-mask ventilation for respiratory failure management (in particular, bagmask ventilation). 4) Data regarding system, patient or staff safety issues related to respiratory failure that are discovered during the in-situ simulation

Role: MPI

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