1 minute read
Voter Turnout in New Orleans: 2019-2020
N E W C O M B ' S D I G I T A L R E S E A R C H I N T E R N S H I P
P R O J E C T O W N E R : M I R Y A H O L M A N
F A L L 2 0 1 9 - S P R I N G 2 0 2 0
Interns worked with Dr Holman to help her understand how geography shapes politics, and how failures in service influence citizens to participate in elections.
The team created a "census" of the many geographic data sets on data.nola.gov, so they could be better recognized and accessed. In addition, the census includes quality assessments of each data set. This complete compilation of data sets will empower voters to learn about their local area. This census will also be useful to future research, as Dr. Holman's team can refer to it for information about accessing each file and its possible applications to the project.

NOME VIA 123, STATO, 12345Additionally, we expanded our work to GitHub, an incredibly popular data management tool, where we uploaded all relevant public datasets to a public repository. Finally, in order to make the transition to GitHub more accessible, we created a GitHub Primer Document that explains what GitHub is and how to use it effectively for your needs.