Sunday, September 11
7am Field (Main Street) opens for entrant parking
10am Field closes for entrant parking
Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem
Introduction of honorary judges Judging begins
Noon Judging ends
~2:30pm Awards ceremony begins
~4pm Best-of-Show awarded
5pm Dinner at Firemens’ Hall
Photo by m ark mCk ennaWelcome to the Ferndale c oncours on m ain se P tem B er 8-12, 2022
Presented by theFerndale Chamber of Commerce & Humboldt Lodging Alliance Concours d’Elegance literally means a ‘competition of elegance’ and refers to gatherings that date back to 17th century France when French aristocracy paraded their horse-drawn carriages in the parks of Paris. Over time, carriages became horseless, and the gatherings became a competition among motorcar owners to be judged by the appearance of their automobiles.
A modern day Concours is a competition for pre-1998 cars presented in showroom condition, the same as when they left the factory. Trained judges examine the vehicles thoroughly and rate each and every component. Only those vehicles that are judged perfect (or nearly so) in every way are considered eligible for trophy class.
The Sports Car Club of America (SCCA), the entity that sanctions and judges Concours events, has approved a special category for the Victorian Village of Ferndale. This new class of Concours is called Concours on the Avenue. It allows the car judging on Ferndale’s historic Main Street rather than on lawn, as prescribed for traditional Concours events such as Pebble Beach and Hillsborough. We anticipate 100 vehicles and 20-24 judges for this prestigious event.
sPoRTs caR cluB oF aMeRica (scca ) was founded in 1944 and now has membership of 67,500. SCCA’s San Francisco Region (SFR) followed in 1948, boasts about 3,400 members, and encompasses the geographic area from and including Fresno to the Oregon border. Although SCCA’s focus has always been on racing, sanctioning road races throughout the country, SFR has also sanctioned Concours d’Elegance - competitions of elegance – since 1952. Concours are exhibits of collector automobiles judged on their quality of restoration to original and authentic, as well as their condition, preparation and operation.
SCCA provides judges, field crew and scorers at each SCCA-sanctioned concours. All judges are volunteers and deemed expert on specific marques (manufacturers).
All judged automobiles should be, essentially, as they appeared on the showroom floor. Each auto is judged beginning with 100 points. Points are then deducted for deviations from original, imperfections, poor preparation, etc. The highest three pointfinishers in each class are awarded trophies. But, for an automobile to win its class, it must score at least 80 points; second place requires at least 70 points; third place at least 60 points. SCCA only judges vehicles at least 25-years old.
SFR-SCCA is actively seeking new judges, field crew and scoring assistants. If you are interested, please contact Chief-of-Concours Jim Perell at: japerell@icloud.com.
Jim Perell: Chief-of-Concours
Ron Von Tersch: ........................................... Chief Judge
Beckie Perell: ....................................... Chief-of-Scoring
Darren Townsley: Chief-of-Field
Morris Lum: ........................ Photographer/Webmaster
Dr. Shannon Davidson: .....................Member-at-Large
Ed Therrien: Chief-of-Concours (emeritus)
Pat Wille: Secretary/Treasurer
2022 scca-sancTioneD concouRs D’eleGance
sunday, June 26
hillsborough ConCours d’eleganCe
Crystal Springs Golf Course, Burlingame, CA www.hillsboroughconcours.org (650) 619-6186
Registration cut-off date: April 30th
sunday, sePtember 11
ferndale ConCours on main Main Street, Ferndale, CA www.ferndaleconcours.org (707 )786-7150
Celebrating Jaguar
Registration cut-off date: August 13th
sunday, oCtober 2
niello ConCours at serrano Serrano, El Dorado Hills, CA www.theconcours.net (916) 635-2445
Celebrating British Marques
Registration cut-off date: August 28th
t he Ferndale c ommunity c enter Ferndale s enior r esource agency
Mission of the Ferndale Community Center: To promote community participation by providing a sound facility for arts, education, recreation, celebration and local ly based human services in order to increase the opportuni ty for personal and collective growth in our community.
Mission Goals:
• Human Service - To nourish the senior citizens / others by providing food programs and by promoting a safe and sanitary environment for all ages and cultures
• Cultural Service - By offering a place to promote community enrichment through intercultural events, music, theatre, dance, literary, media and visual.
• Partnership - Work with Ferndale non-profits, organi zations and schools to provide opportunities for fund raising, community building, community service and education at a reasonable cost.
• Community building - Hosting town meetings, family gatherings, individual recognition and memorials.
Sustainability - Using our mission statement and goals to achieve our financial needs and future aims. Providing care, restoration and improvement of the facilities. »
r ed W ood m emorial h os P ital Foundation
The mission of Redwood Memorial Hospital Foundation is to develop and manage all resources and assets of the Foundation in support of Redwood Memorial Hospital’s
health care mission and goals. The Foundation promotes participation in developing and maintaining a positive relationship between our community, health care providers and Redwood Memorial Hospital.
The Redwood Memorial Foundation would like to thank the Ferndale Concours on Main and their sponsors, The Ferndale Chamber of Commerce and the Humboldt Lodg ing Alliance, for designating a portion of their proceeds from their event to the hospital foundation.
The Redwood Memorial Foundation (RMF) was estab lished in 1981 after a group of Eel River community resi dents joined together to establish a philanthropic organiza tion benefiting Redwood Memorial Hospital.
The Redwood Memorial Foundation is committed to ensuring that Eel River Valley residents continue to have access to the best available health care services. The founda tion works to support the development of contributions and increase the community’s awareness of opportunities for involvement with the hospital. Funds raised are dedicated to primary and core program needs, health education, and support for new programs.
In recent years, donations have helped fund the purchase of digital mammography equipment, digital X-ray equip ment, a state-of-the-art 32-slice CT Scanner, Surgical Suite upgrades, cutting-edge orthopedic surgical equipment, and more.
Thank you for supporting better health in the Eel River Valley.
Supervisor Rex Bohn was raised in Eureka from the age of 5. There is no doubt that Hum boldt County is home. Supervisor Bohn won the election in the primary of June 2012 against his opponents by an overwhelming majority. He was then appointed by the Governor Jerry Brown in July 2012 to fill the seat of former Supervisor Jimmy Smith who retired early because of ongoing health issues. Supervisor Bohn recently won his second term for the First District. He was also recently elected 2nd Vice Chair to the Rural Counties Representatives of Califor nia which is an organization that champions policies on behalf of California’s rural counties
Supervisor Bohn’s qualifications for being an honorary judge for the Ferndale Concourse on Main include projects such as restoring a 1959 MGA, a 1956 Chevy Bel Air, a 1949 Willy’s jeep, and a 1972 Ford Bronco.
Dave Buchanan , a retired business CEO, former President of The Candy Store car club in Burlingame, and a serious ‘car guy,’ spends as much time racing, collecting, and restoring vintage cars as time in the day permits. Dave recently helped form and run the successful debut of the first annual Alameda Concours. Dave’s collectible cars have appeared at Villa D’Este Concorso in Lake Como, Italy, the Hillsborough Concours, and won Best in Show at the origi nal Palo Alto Concours, among other awards. Dave usually races at Sonoma Raceway, Laguna Seca, and Thunderhill, and has raced at Circuit of the Americas in Austin, Road America, Wisconsin, Mexico’s La Carrera Panamericana, in the Virginia City Hill Climb, and Circuit Mont Treblanc in Quebec. Whether racing his ’56 Alfa Romeo Spider, his ’96 Ferrari Chal lenge car, or his ’58 Chrysler New Yorker, Dave loves the challenge of mastering the turns and corners of each track or road.
lowell Daniels and his wife, Jenny Oaks, purchased the Victorian Inn in 1999, and created the boutique bed and breakfast hotel it is now, in Ferndale, California. He is a Certified Gem ologist Appraiser and owner of Silva’s Fine Jewelry in Ferndale, located in the lobby area of the Victorian Inn. The VI Restaurant, offering fine dining and a full bar within the Victorian Inn, and Redwood Suites, also in Ferndale, are two more of Lowell and Jenny’s current enterprises.
Lowell is currently a member and past Chairman of the Board of Directors of the California Association of Bed & Breakfast Inns; a former member of the Board of Directors of the California Hotel & Lodging Association; a member and former President of the Board of Directors of the Humboldt County Convention & Visitors Bureau; a member of the Board of Directors of the Humboldt Lodging Alliance; past President of the Ingomar Club (Carson Mansion), Eureka.
While living in Sutter Creek, Lowell was a Shriner and volunteered at the Shriners Con cours d’Elegance in the Sacramento area. He is also the past proud owner of a 1927 Marmon.
A native Ferndalean, Don h in D ley is a retired financial advisor and he puts this experience to work for Ferndale through his involvement in many community projects. Currently serving as Mayor, Don has previously served on the Ferndale City Council and is honored to welcome you to his home town for the inaugural Ferndale Concours on Main.
Class A – Imported Pre-1945
1935 BMW 315/1 Sports Roadster
Karra Canum San Jose
1929 Austin Seven Tourer Craig Titchener Eureka
Class B – Imported Sports Cars 1945-1955
1952 Siata 208/CS 2+2 Berlinetta Dave Buchanan Menlo Park
1951 Sunbeam Talbot Don Ingram Fortuna
Class C – Imported Sports Cars <$5,000msrp 1956 –present
1968 Volkswagon Karmann Ghia Jere Cox Hydesville
1957 Triumph TR-3 Dr. Randy Lacy Arcata
1961 Austin Healey 3000 Paul Maggetti Ferndale
Class D – Imported Sports Cars $5,000-$10,000msrp 1956-present
1971 Alfa Romeo 1750 GTV George Putnam Alamo
1964 Porsche 356C Tom Roderick Sonoma
Class E – Imported Sports Cars >$10,000 1956-present
1984 BMW 635MCSi Coupe Jeff Beyer Eureka
2016 Aston Martin V8 Vantage GT Coupe Tim & Donna Brown Sunnyvale
2018 Lamborghini Huracan Performante
Dr. Jeff Jarvis El Dorado Hills
1982 DeLorean DMC 12 Rich Wipfler & Kathy Newman Menlo Park
1972 Mercedes 450SL Sports Coupe Bob Yeager Gualala
Class F – Imported Passenger & Touring Cars 1945-1955
Class 1950 Bentley Mark VI Sedan Don Garrison Eureka
Class G – Imported Passenger & Touring Cars <$7,000msrp 1956-present
1963 Volvo PV544 Ellis Cleaver Fortuna
Class H – Imported Passenger & Touring Cars $7,000-$14,000msrp 1956-present
1988 Reliant Rialto LSG Stephen Cooper Scotts Valley
Class I – Imported Passenger & Touring Cars >$14,000msrp 1956-present
2006 Rolls-Royce Phantom Class K – Working Class
1955 Willys Tow-truck Paul Berry Cazadero
1956 Case 100 Tractor Francis Enos Ferndale
1926 Seagrave 6BT Fire Engine Humboldt Bay Fire Eureka
1923 American La France Fire Engine Ferndale Volunteer Fire Department Ferndale
1944 John Deere Model LA Tractor John Maxwell Ferndale
1946 Chevrolet 1-1/2 Ton Truck Shawn Stoops Ferndale
Class L – American 1928 – 1934
1933 Chrysler Imperial CL Sedan Lorenzo Nannini Pine Grove
1930 Ford Model A Scott Robbins Eureka
Class M – American 1935 – 1942
1937 Chevrolet Master 2-Door Coupe Macie Boughton Eureka
1940 Packard 1803 Coupe/Convertible
Dr. John Van Speybroeck Arcata
1940 American Bantam Roadster Peggy Douglas Roseville
Class O – American 1945 – 1949
1948 Willys CJ2A Jeep John & Linda Burg Oroville
1945 Willys MB Jeep Brian Morrison Ferndale
Class O1 – American 1950-1954
1954 Studebaker Commander Doug Hadley Ferndale
Class P – American 1955 – present
1961 Chevrolet Corvette Randy Cady Ferndale
1956 Ford Thunderbird Sharon DiCarli Ferndale
1958 Chevrolet Impala Hardtop Dennis DiCarli Ferndale
1962 Studebaker GT Hawk Doug Hadley Ferndale
1963 Studebaker GT Hawk Doug Hadley Ferndale
1964-1/2 Ford Mustang Rick Hohas El Dorado Hills Class Q – Retired Race Cars
1950 Allard J2SL Roadster Anthony Martinis Sacramento Class S – Muscle Cars 1963-present
1973 Chevrolet Corvette Todd Dunaway Fortuna
1970 Chevrolet Camaro Coupe
Rick & Susan Gautier Elk Grove
2020 Chevrolet Corvette Gary Phillips San Rafael
1969 Chevrolet Camaro Convertible Iver & Cindy Skavdal Ferndale
Class JA – Jaguar Saloon
1995 Jaguar XJ6 Vanden Plas
Albert Boasberg Daly City
1966 Jaguar Mark X Phil Endliss Menlo Park
1995 Jaguar XJ6 Jim Perell Loomis Class JS – Jaguar Sport
1974 Jaguar Series III E-Type Open Two-Seater Les Hamilton Del Rey Oaks
1956 Jaguar XK140 Special Equipment Fixed-Head Coupe Gary & Francine Marquis Chico
1969 Jaguar E-Type Coupe Andy Preston Rohnert Park
1971 Jaguar Series 3 E-Type V12 Ron Seiler Chico
1966 Jaguar Series 1 E-Type Coupe
Class FF – Ferrari
1985 Ferrari 308 GTS QV
Dave & Donna White Arcata
Tim Dermody Danville
2006 Ferrari F430 Kevin Enderby Redwood City
1999 Ferrari 550 Maranello Robert Forbes Emerald Hills
Class MC – Motorcycle
2002 Boss Hoss Richard Crowston Ferndale
1943 BMW R75/275
Stefan & Becky Fisher Blue Lake
1953 Ariel Tom Moore Eureka
Although it’s been suggested that the Victorian village is a fairytale setting, Ferndale is a working, all-American town that takes pride in its beautiful community and cultural heritage. You will find a town where the old way of life has not been compromised. The splendid buildings have been carefully restored, embellished with lovingly tended gardens, and people take the time to smile a friendly greeting.
In the late 1800s Ferndale was an agricultural and transportation center, a melting pot for Scandinavian, Swiss-Italian, and Portuguese immigrants. The Main Street Historic District is on the National Register and the entire village is California Historical Landmark No. 883.
There’s nothing stodgy in this small town, though; Ferndale loves to have fun! The cradle of the wild and wacky Kinetic Sculpture Race, Ferndale continues to host the finish of this off-beat art event, now a three-day contest. The village is home to many colorful events and festivals, including the Foggy Bottom Milk Run, Tour of the Unknown Coast bicycle run, Portuguese Holy Ghost Celebration, the Humboldt County Fair, Bargain Lovers’ Weekend, Christmas Lighted Tractor Parade, and now Ferndale Concours on Main!
Explore the old-fashioned mercantiles, antique stores, art galleries, and specialty shops, hear the ringing of the blacksmith’s hammer, and talk with the friendly people. Watch fresh candy being dipped by hand to whet your appetite for a fine dinner and an evening of theatre. Resting by the fire in your elegant bed and breakfast inn, think about tomorrow: a walk along nearby coastline, a nature hike in Russ Park (the 110-acre forest bird sanctuary), a boat tour of the Eel River Delta, a visit to the museum, a tour of Fern Cottage, a drive to the Lost Coast, a visit to the redwoods, a leisurely day filled with old-fashioned service and friendly faces.
Nestled between the two redwood forests in a thriving dairy community, you may discover Northern California’s best-kept secret, The Victorian Village of Ferndale. Sunsetmagazine confirms, “you can immerse yourself in Ferndale’s Victorian spirit.”
Ka Rao K e (Thirsty Bear Lounge). 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Bear River Casino Resort, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. Come get your sing on. Free. bearrivercasino.com.
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3-4 p.m. Help fight hunger and improve nu trition in the community. Visit the website to be invited to a Zoom orientation. Free. volunteer@foodforpeople.org. foodforpeo ple.org/volunteering. (707) 445-3166 ext. 310.
Fo RT una’s Fi RsT F R i Days . 6 p.m. City of Fortuna, Various city locations. A monthly event for all ages through September. Art, music, food, friends, fun. facebook.com/ FortunasFirstFridays.
Music in T he Ga RD en. First Sunday of every month, 1-3 p.m. Humboldt Botanical
Garden, 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, College of the Redwoods campus, north entrance, Eureka. Enjoy live music in the garden. hbgf.org.
se PT. 5 Mon Day
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3:30-4:30 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
se PT. 6 Tues Day
Bear River Casino Resort (707) 733-9644, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. you Guesse D iT ! 7-9 p.m. Free. Gather your crew to compete against other teams. The team with the most correct answers wins prizes like free play, free fuel, dining credits and Bear River swag.
se PT. 8 Thu Rs Day
Ka Rao K e (Thirsty Bear Lounge). 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Bear River Casino Resort, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. See Sep. 1 listing.
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3-4 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
se PT. 9 F R i Day
John Jo RG enson BlueGRass Ban D . 7:30 p.m. The Old Steeple, 246 Berding St., Ferndale. All-star bluegrass supergroup. $26.50.
se PT. 10 saT u RDay
F Rolic i n The Glen - BBQ Potluck Picnic. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Rohner Park, 5 Park St., For tuna. A full day’s schedule of games, raffles and entertainment featuring The Academy Of Irish Dance. Potluck luncheon from 11:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m. Bring a dish to share, place settings and utensils for your party. Presented by the North Coast Scottish Society. friendlyfortuna.com.
se PT. 11 s un Day
Fe R n Dale concou Rs on Main Car Show. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Ferndale Main Street, Fern
t hings to d o continued »
Photo by n orth Coast Journaldale. See up to 100 collectible vehicles on historic Main Street in this SCCA-sanc tioned event.
se PT. 12 Mon Day
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for Peo ple. 3:30-4:30 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
F R ee D o M MaTT e Rs. Second Tuesday of every month, 7 p.m. Fortuna River Lodge, 1800 Riverwalk Drive. Meets every second Tuesday of the month.
Bea R Rive R casino Reso RT (707) 733-9644, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. You Guessed It!. 7-9 p.m. Free. Gather your crew to compete against other teams. The team with the most correct answers wins prizes like free play, free fuel, dining credits and Bear River swag.
se PT. 15 Thu Rs Day
Ka Rao K e (Thirsty Bear Lounge). 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Bear River Casino Resort, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. See Sep. 1 listing.
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3-4 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
se PT. 16 F R i Day
Ba RGain love Rs’ w ee K en D . . City of Fern dale, Ferndale. From Main Street to side streets, the whole town offers everything from antiques and collectibles to house hold items, tools, toys, clothing and more.
se PT. 17 saT u RDay
Ba RGain love Rs’ w ee K en D . City of Fern dale, Ferndale. See Sep. 16 listing.
Tou R o F T he u n K nown coasT . 7 a.m. Humboldt County Fairgrounds, 1250 Fifth St., Ferndale. A “skinny” version of the traditional event that offers two routes:
the classic Tour of the Unknown Coast Century ride, and the Avenue of the Giants 100K ride. Register at tuccycle.org. Varies by course. tourunknowncoast@gmail.com. tuccycle.org. 845-6117.
se PT. 18 s un Day
Music in T he Ga RD en. Third Sunday of every month, 1-3 p.m. Humboldt Botanical Garden, 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, College of the Redwoods campus, north entrance, Eureka. See Sep. 4 listing.
Ba RGain love Rs’ w ee K en D. City of Fern dale, Ferndale. See Sep. 16 listing.
se PT. 19 Mon Day
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3:30-4:30 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
se PT. 20 Tues Day
you Guesse D iT ! Bear River Casino Resort (707) 733-9644, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. .
7-9 p.m. Free. Gather your crew to compete against other teams. The team with the most correct answers wins prizes like free play, free fuel, dining credits and Bear River swag.
se PT. 22 Thu Rs Day
Ka Rao K e (Thirsty Bear Lounge). 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Bear River Casino Resort, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. See Sep. 1 listing.
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3-4 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
se PT. 24 saT u RDay
a las Dai R F Rase R an D n aTalie h aas 7:30 p.m. The Old Steeple, 246 Berding St., Ferndale. Performing fiddle and cello in traditional music for 20 years. Vaccination and masks are strongly encouraged. $30, $25 advance.
s i P o F s u MM e R : Hard Cider Festival. 1-5 p.m. Rohner Park, 5 Park St., Fortuna. Food trucks, lawn games, musical acts, unlim ited cider tasting, commemorative glass. Presented by Wild Souls Ranch. www. facebook.com/sipofsummer.
aD ulT sK aT e n i G h T . Last Saturday of ev ery month, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Fortuna Skating Rink, Rohner Park. 18 and older only. IDs checked at door. Alcohol and drug-free event. $5.50, includes skate rental.
se PT. 25 s un Day
s unny wa R . 7:30 p.m. The Old Steeple, 246 Berding St., Ferndale. Singer/songwriter. $25.50.
se PT. 26 Mon Day
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3:30-4:30 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
se PT. 27 Tues Day
you Guesse D iT ! Bear River Casino Resort (707) 733-9644, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. . 7-9 p.m. Free. Gather your crew to compete against other teams. The team with the most correct answers wins prizes like free play, free fuel, dining credits and Bear River swag.
se PT. 28 w e D nes Day
T R é Bu RT . 7:30 p.m. The Old Steeple, 246 Berding St., Ferndale. Folk singer/songwrit er. $26.50.
Foo D Fo R Peo P le’s F R ee P Ro D uce Ma RK e T - Fortuna. 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Fortuna Community Services, 2331 Rohnerville Road. *Drive-thru & walk-up. Walk-ups en ter from David Way. For more information, go to www.foodforpeople.org or call (707) 445-3166.
se PT. 29 Thu Rs Day
Ka Rao K e (Thirsty Bear Lounge). 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Bear River Casino Resort, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. See Sep. 1 listing.
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3-4 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
ocT. 2 s un Day
Music in T he Ga RD en . First Sunday of every month, 1-3 p.m. Humboldt Botanical Garden, 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, College of the Redwoods campus, north entrance, Eureka. See Sep. 4 listing.
ocT. 3 Mon Day
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Foo D for Peo ple. 3:30-4:30 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
ocT. 4 Tues Day
you Guesse D iT ! Bear River Casino Resort (707) 733-9644, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. . 7-9 p.m. Free. Gather your crew to compete against other teams. The team with the most correct answers wins prizes like free play, free fuel, dining credits and Bear River swag.
ocT. 6 Thu Rs Day
Ka Rao K e (Thirsty Bear Lounge). 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Bear River Casino Resort, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. See Sep. 1 listing.
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3-4 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
ocT. 7 F R i Day
8 T h G Ra D e ca R nival . 5:30-8:30 p.m. Hum boldt County Fairgrounds, 1250 Fifth St., Ferndale. Haunted house, carnival games, silent auction and food. Fundraiser for the Ferndale 8th Grade class trip. In Belotti Hall. Free. 786-5300.
ocT. 10 Mon Day
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3:30-4:30 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
ocT. 11 Tues Day
F R ee D o M MaTT e Rs. Second Tuesday of every month, 7 p.m. Fortuna River Lodge, 1800 Riverwalk Drive. See Sep. 13 listing.
you Guesse D iT ! Bear River Casino Resort (707) 733-9644, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. . 7-9 p.m. Free. Gather your crew to compete against other teams. The team with the most correct answers wins prizes like free play, free fuel, dining credits and Bear River swag.
ocT. 13 Thu Rs Day
Ka Rao K e (Thirsty Bear Lounge). 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Bear River Casino Resort, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. See Sep. 1 listing.
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3-4 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
ocT. 14 F R i Day
l e D Kaa Pana. 7:30 p.m. The Old Stee ple, 246 Berding St., Ferndale. Master of stringed instruments, particularly slack key guitar, whose baritone and leo ki`eki`e (falsetto) made him a legend. Vaccination and masks are strongly encouraged. $35, $30 advance.
a nnual assu MPT ion Pa R ish Bazaa R . 6-9 p.m. Ferndale Portuguese Hall, Fifth Street and Ocean Avenue. Fun for the whole family with games, silent auction and pasta dinner. Dinner at 6 p.m., games at 7 p.m.
t hings to d o continued »
ocT. 15 saT u RDay
a nnual assu MPT ion Pa R ish Bazaa R . 6-9 p.m. Ferndale Portuguese Hall, Fifth Street and Ocean Avenue. See Oct. 14 listing.
ocT. 16 s un Day
Music in T he Ga RD en. Third Sunday of every month, 1-3 p.m. Humboldt Botanical Garden, 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, College of the Redwoods campus, north entrance, Eureka. See Sep. 4 listing.
ocT. 17 Mon Day
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3:30-4:30 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
ocT. 18 Tues Day
you Guesse D iT ! Bear River Casino Resort (707) 733-9644, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. . 7-9 p.m. Free. Gather your crew to compete against other teams. The team with the most correct answers wins prizes like free play, free fuel, dining credits and Bear River swag.
ocT. 20 Thu Rs Day
Ka Rao K e (Thirsty Bear Lounge). 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Bear River Casino Resort, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. See Sep. 1 listing.
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3-4 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
ocT. 24 Mon Day
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3:30-4:30 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
ocT. 25 Tues Day
you Guesse D iT ! Bear River Casino Resort (707) 733-9644, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. . 7-9 p.m. Free. Gather your crew to compete against other teams. The team with the most correct answers wins prizes like free play, free fuel, dining credits and Bear River swag.
ocT. 26 w e D nes Day
Foo D Fo R Peo P le’s F R ee P Ro D uce Ma RK e T - Fortuna. 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Fortuna
Community Services, 2331 Rohnerville Road. See Sep. 28 listing.
ocT. 27 Thu Rs Day
Ka Rao K e (Thirsty Bear Lounge). 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Bear River Casino Resort, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. See Sep. 1 listing.
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3-4 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
ocT. 29 saT u RDay
aD ulT sK aT e n i G h T . Last Saturday of ev ery month, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Fortuna Skating Rink, Rohner Park. See Sep. 24 listing.
ocT. 31 Mon Day
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3:30-4:30 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
nov. 1 Tues Day
you Guesse D iT ! Bear River Casino Resort (707) 733-9644, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. . 7-9 p.m. Free. Gather your crew to compete against other teams. The team with the most correct answers wins prizes like free play, free fuel, dining credits and Bear River swag.
nov. 3 Thu Rs Day
Ka Rao K e (Thirsty Bear Lounge). 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Bear River Casino Resort, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. See Sep. 1 listing.
Volunteer Orientation Food for People. 3-4 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
nov. 4 F R i Day
l au R ie l ewis & The Ri G h T h an Ds. 7:30 p.m. The Old Steeple, 246 Berding St., Ferndale. Bluegrass singer, songwriter, fiddler, guitarist. $21.50.
nov. 6 s un Day
Ben s ollee. 7:30 p.m. The Old Steeple, 246 Berding St., Ferndale. Cellist/songwrit er. $26.50.
nov. 7 Mon Day
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3:30-4:30 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing. NOV.
nov. 8 Tues Day
F R ee D o M MaTT e Rs. Second Tuesday of every month, 7 p.m. Fortuna River Lodge, 1800 Riverwalk Drive. See Sep. 13 listing.
you Guesse D iT ! Bear River Casino Resort (707) 733-9644, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. . 7-9 p.m. Free. Gather your crew to compete against other teams. The team with the most correct answers wins prizes like free play, free fuel, dining credits and Bear River swag.
nov. 10 Thu Rs Day
Ka Rao K e (Thirsty Bear Lounge). 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Bear River Casino Resort, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. See Sep. 1 listing.
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3-4 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
nov. 11 F R i Day
Pa RT icle Ki D w/The sTa R ho PP e Rs. 7:30 p.m. The Old Steeple, 246 Berding St., Ferndale. Experimental future-folk project from Los Angeles-based musician and visu al artist Micah Nelson, son of Willie. Local space-surf band, The Starhoppers, open. $30 at door, $25 advance, $26.50 online.
nov. 14 Mon Day
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3:30-4:30 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
nov. 15 Tues Day
you Guesse D iT ! Bear River Casino Resort (707) 733-9644, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. . 7-9 p.m. Free. Gather your crew to compete against other teams. The team with the most correct answers wins prizes like free play, free fuel, dining credits and Bear River swag.
nov. 17 Thu Rs Day
Ka Rao K e (Thirsty Bear Lounge). 9 p.m.-1
a.m. Bear River Casino Resort, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. See Sep. 1 listing.
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3-4 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
nov. 21 Mon Day
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3:30-4:30 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
nov. 22 Tues Day
you Guesse D iT ! Bear River Casino Resort (707) 733-9644, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. . 7-9 p.m. Free. Gather your crew to compete against other teams. The team with the most correct answers wins prizes like free play, free fuel, dining credits and Bear River swag.
nov. 24 Thu Rs Day
Ka Rao K e (Thirsty Bear Lounge). 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Bear River Casino Resort, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. See Sep. 1 listing.
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3-4 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
nov. 25 F R i Day
v e T e Ran’s cRa FT Bazaa R . 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Ferndale Veterans Memorial Building, 1100 Main St. Peruse the many local craft booths and do some holiday shopping. Refresh ments available. Free admission.
nov. 26 saT u RDay
Veteran’s Craft Bazaar. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Ferndale Veterans Memorial Building, 1100 Main St. See Nov. 25 listing.
aD ulT sK aT e n i G h T. Last Saturday of ev ery month, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Fortuna Skating Rink, Rohner Park. See Sep. 24 listing.
nov. 28 Mon Day
Volunteer Orientation Food for People. 3:30-4:30 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
nov. 29 Tues Day
you Guesse D iT ! Bear River Casino Resort (707) 733-9644, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. . 7-9 p.m. Free. Gather your crew to compete against other teams. The team with the most correct answers wins prizes like free play, free fuel, dining credits and Bear River swag.
D ec . 1 Thu Rs Day
Ka Rao K e (Thirsty Bear Lounge). 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Bear River Casino Resort, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. See Sep. 1 listing.
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3-4 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
D ec . 2 F R i Day
h os P i Tali T y n i G h T oP en h ouse. 6-9 p.m. Ferndale Main Street, Ferndale. The Vic torian Village welcomes friends to a lively evening block party. Merchants stay open until 9 p.m. to serve up cheer along with free beverages and goodies. Free.
D ec . 4 s un Day
l i G h T in G o F aM e R ica’s TallesT l ivin G ch R isTM as T R ee . 5:30 p.m. Ferndale Main Street, Ferndale. Ferndale’s volunteer firefighters deck the tallest living lighted Christmas tree. Free hot cocoa and home made cookies. A tradition since 1934.
Po RT u G uese l in G uiça & Beans Dinne R 4-7 p.m. Ferndale Portuguese Hall, Fifth Street and Ocean Avenue. Food and friendliness on tree-lighting night. Benefits Portuguese Hall repairs.
D ec . 5 Mon Day
volun T ee R oR ien TaT ion Food for People. 3:30-4:30 p.m. See Sep. 1 listing.
D ec . 6 Tues Day
you Guesse D iT ! Bear River Casino Resort (707) 733-9644, 11 Bear Paws Way, Loleta. 7-9 p.m. Free. Gather your crew to compete against other teams. The team with the
most correct answers wins prizes like free play, free fuel, dining credits and Bear River swag.
D ec . 10 saT u RDay
san Ta claus aRR ives in Fe R n Dale. 10:30 a.m. Ferndale Main Street, Ferndale. Santa bring bags of goodies for youngsters on Main Street. Take a pic with old Saint Nick! Free.
D ec . 13 Tues Day
F R ee D o M MaTT e Rs. Second Tuesday of every month, 7 p.m. Fortuna River Lodge, 1800 Riverwalk Drive. See Sep. 13 listing.
D ec . 18 s un Day
ch R isTM as l i G h T e D T RacTo R Pa Ra D e . 5-7 p.m. Ferndale Main Street, Ferndale. Local farmers and ranchers parade decorated tractors and wagons down Main Street. Free. info@visitferndale.com. 786-4477.
D ec . 31 saT u RDay
aD ulT sK aT e n i G h T. Last Saturday of ev ery month, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Fortuna Skating Rink, Rohner Park. See Sep. 24 listing.
Photo by m ark mCk enna