North Coast Journal 10-22-2020 Edition

Page 4


Terry Torgerson

Editor: I agree with Fhyre Phoenix’s suggestion about offering refuge to people who are living with an intolerable degree of smoke (Mailbox, Oct. 8). We here on the coast are so lucky. Our air quality is much better than the air inland. We should be doing something to help. At the very least we could offer free camping. The large area between U.S. Highway 101 and the ocean just south of Orick used to be available for campers for free. The county should permit that again. Contact your supervisor. Martha Walden, Westhaven

stance inclusive of all, campaign spending requires reform so allegiance lies with the people and not with those intending favors. It’s sinful the amount of money spent on campaigns when the needs are so great. Mr. Rogers said: “There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.” No one is perfect yet our present Commander in Chief fails to embrace this concept at all. His rhetoric has become dangerously toxic. He needs to move on. Let us try to accept each other’s differences and honor them in a way that presents a compromising, peaceful reality of what it means to be united. Mairead Dodd, Eureka

‘Be Kind’


Editor: I am feeling a deep sense of grief for our country (“A Plea for Understanding,” Oct. 15). We should be more civilized and evolved than this. We are living in a realm where there are differences. Differences of beliefs. Differences of cultures. A blend of water and oil living together in one big melting pot. The earth sustains us, deserving our utmost respect and stewardship. Denying this is denying the future of those who will be here long after we have become dust. Extinction of species is a prelude for what will ultimately come. Our waters are becoming a cesspool of plastics and toxins fill the air endangering all the living. When it comes to politics I feel like a child of a bitter divorce, caught in the middle with polarized parents. Lies and power struggles have reached a level of overwhelming discord. A war brews between leaders who have lost sight of their purpose. There is no doubt our government needs a major overhaul. Our constitution necessitates fine tuning to fit these modern times, politicians should take a moderate

Editor: There have been various worries relating to voting but I am concerned about the efficiency of our county elections office (“Pandelection,” Oct. 1). Months before the primary, I went, in person, to the election department’s office, filled out the required paperwork to change from Republican to no party preference, turned it in and was assured that was all I needed to do. However, come the primary, I received only the Republican version. I waited a while to contact the election department. In the past, I had to answer phones for various offices and departments, so I make it a priority to always be friendly to whomever is stuck answering the phone. I posed the lack of my registration not being changed as a puzzle rather than complaint, abruptly I was told I could do it myself on the computer. So I did and it is changed now, but I do wonder why the paperwork I turned in didn’t get processed. Also people should be aware that not everyone has a computer or smartphone and some areas don’t have broadband anyway. Joan Collier, Eureka

‘The Very Least We Could Do’


NORTH COAST JOURNAL • Thursday, Oct. 22, 2020 •

Continued on page 6

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