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Northcoast Children’s Services

ASSISTANT TEACHERS, (Various Programs/Locations)

of the classroom for a preschool program. 6-12 ECE units preferred or enrolled in ECE classes and have 6 months’ exp. working w/ children. P/T 17-27 hrs./wk. $15.88-$17.50/hr. Open Until Filled.


INTERPRETERS, Eureka, Fortuna

Assist in interpreting in class, at parent meetings and on home visits for children and families. Bilingual Spanish required. Must have 6 months’ experience working with children and

Education. P/T 12-20 hrs./wk. $15.88-$17.50/ hr. Open Until Filled.


Lead dishwasher for a preschool kitchen. Additional duties include assisting in food prep (breakfast, lunch & snack), & organizing food


ESSENTIALCAREGIVERS NeededtohelpElderly VisitingAngels 707−442−8001

We have a variety of full and part time positions working with children and families.

 holidays to all employees and an additional  care option to full time employees. All employees may also obtain assistance with education and child development permits.

We are currently looking for people   center directors and home visitors.

  after 2 months of full-time employment.

 for more information on how to join our growing team! https://ncsheadstart. org/employment-opportunities/ up & clean-up of classroom meal service & maintaining a clean kitchen. Req. basic cooking skills. Prior exp. in food handling & service  (M-F) $15.88 per hour. Open Until Filled.

Please note: Per grant requirements, All NCS  COVID -19 vaccination, except those who are 

 for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Please contact 

Submit applications to: Northcoast Children’s Services 1266 9th Street, Arcata, CA 95521 For addtl info & application please call 707-822-7206 or visit our website at www.ncsheadstart.org




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Extremely private ±2.5 acres located behind a locked gate. This two-story home features wide plank hardwood floors on the bottom story with an open concept living and dining room, kitchen, half bathroom and laundry room. Upstairs enjoy a spacious master bedroom and bathroom overlooking the Redwood Forest. Two additional guest bedrooms and a bathroom also boast forest views. The tiered parcel offers a large deck for entertaining while overlooking the bottom meadow portion of the property perfect for horses, farm animals or other activities. Located just 5 minutes from Eureka, take advantage of a rural lifestyle while being close to the conveniences of town.


Three parcels totaling ±90 acres with easy Trinity Lake access! Perfect vacation getaway with privacy and seclusion surrounded by Forest Service and a large timber holding. Take advantage of the existing NTMP with a 20 year old growth projection of 1,500,000 board feet of timber! Parcel also features a spring and deeded right of way. Owner may carry!



Beautiful river view estate on over 4 acres just minutes from Willow Creek! Property boasts a 3/3 3,650 sq. ft. main residence, large in ground pool complete with outdoor kitchen and pool house featuring a full bathroom and kitchenette area, separate barn with a 1/1 apartment above and so much more!



Spacious and open floor plan with an enclosed sun porch on the south side, and a full length carport and storage shed on the other. Separate laundry/utility room has an exterior door opening to the carport with a stair lift for ADA access. All appliances included. There is some deferred maintenance. Senior park has clubhouse with numerous activities, a community computer, and other amenities.


Astonishing business opportunity on Trinity Lake! Become the new owner and steward of The Pinewood Cove Resort featuring cabins, RV camping spaces, tent camping spaces, boat slips, convenience store, recreation pavilion, saltwater pool, and more! Take advantage of the amazing location, the first park coming into Trinity Lake, just 15 minutes from Weaverville!


Rare ±45 acre property with Redwood Creek frontage! Parcel features a huge building site for homesteading & gardening, stunning swimming hole, large utility building with metal roof, and newly drilled well at the top of the property. Bonus 5th wheel trailer with outdoor cooking area, and outdoor shower. Enjoy privacy and seclusion while being just 35 minutes away from Arcata!


±60 Secluded acres just 30 minutes off 101. With a large shop and two story house with surrounding views this property is a diamond in the rough. House will need to be remodeled which is a perfect opportunity to make it into the getaway home of your dreams. Large flats are pushed and cleared giving endless possibilities for gardening or building another home or shop!

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