1 minute read
Best Equestrian Best Spirit Best Vehicle


Parade Road Closure
Listen up, folks! We’ve got some news for ya regarding the Pony Express Days Parade. On Saturday, June 4, Central Avenue between Murray Road and School Road will be TEMPORARILY CLOSED. The parade kicks off at ll a.m. sharp from the mighty Murray, gradually makin’ its way down Central Avenue. Fear not, for the roads shall reopen once the parade passes. But, here’s the deal, pardners: them motorists who failed to plan ahead might find themselves stuck without a way to reach their own humble abodes.

If ya find yourself needin’ to navigate ‘round town durin’ the parade, it might be wise to give some extra thought to where ya park that trusty automobile of yours. Or, better yet, why not saddle up your trusty bicycle or ride your mighty steed? That way, you’ll be granted the right of way and breeze through with ease.
Now, let’s all keep our cool and enjoy the grand spectacle of the Pony Express Days Parade. Remember, it’s a time to embrace the spirit of the Wild West and celebrate our vibrant community. So gather ‘round, prepare yourselves, and revel in the excitement that fills the air. Yeehaw!

the entry radiating the most enthusiasm during the parade), and Best Performance (for the entry that delivers the most entertainment to the crowd). The anticipation builds as the winners are unveiled at 3 p.m. from the festival stage at Pierson Park, sending ripples of joy and pride through our community. It’s moments like these that remind us why we cherish our small town and the incredible people who make it great. Let’s not forget the tremen- dous support from our partners, the Mad River Rotary, who play an integral role in making this event possible.
Join us for a day of pure delight, where families come together, local businesses shine, and the heart of our community beats with excitement. The Pony Express Days Parade is an event that will create treasured memories and inspire you to revel in the rich history and vibrant spirit of our town.