Homemade Bottle Traps Homemade bottle traps
Question: Is it legal to use a homemade plastic bottle trap in lakes and other freshwater bodies? (Anonymous) Answer: The 2020-2021 Freshwater Sport Fishing Regulations state: “Except as otherwise authorized, all fish may be taken only by angling with one closely attended rod and line (or with two rods if the angler is in possession of a valid two-rod stamp).” However, there are two exceptions: 1) Traps can be used to catch bait fish, but only certain kinds of bait fish can be taken or used in particular bodies of water in the different fishing districts (see sections 4.05 – 4.30 of the Freshwater Sport Fishing Regulations for bait fish capture methods and bait fish use). 2) California also allows the taking of crayfish with traps that are not over three feet long. Homemade traps made from soda bottles can be very effective.
Additionally, several closures designed to protect Shasta Crayfish are mentioned in California’s Freshwater Sport Fishing Regulations in Title 14 section 5.35. Fall River upstream of Spring Creek Bridge, Lava Creek, Tule River and all connected waters upstream of Little Tule River, Sucker Springs Creek, Crystal Lake, Rising River and Rising River Lake are closed to take and possession of crayfish. (See Title 14 section 4.30 for prohibition against crayfish use for bait in sections of the Pit River).
Bonito regulations
Question: I have a question regarding Pacific bonito. California Code of Regulations, Title 14, section 28.32 (b) says the minimum size is “24 inches fork length or five pounds except that: Five fish less than 24 inches fork length or weighing less than five pounds may be taken and possessed.” Does that mean I can take and
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possess five Pacific bonito or less if they are any length less than 24 inches fork length? For example, could I legally keep two 12inch Pacific bonito per day? (Arthur) Answer: Your interpretation of Title 14 section 28.32 is correct, so long as you possess five or fewer Pacific bonito less than five pounds or 24 inches fork length. Should you catch six or more bonito, you may only keep five fish under five pounds or 24 inches fork length and you cannot catch or possess more than 10 total. So, assuming you did not already have more than three Pacific bonito shorter than 24 inches in your possession (which includes those at home), your example of two bonito with a length of 12 inches per day would be legal as long as the total number under five pounds or 24 inches in your possession did not exceed five and the total number in your possession did not exceed 10.
Question: What fish are legal to bowfish for in Kern County? (Sam) Answer: Generally speaking, bow and arrow fishing is permitted year-round in Kern County for the following species: carp, goldfish, western sucker, Sacramento blackfish, hardhead, Sacramento pikeminnow and lamprey. However, the regulations differ when bowfishing at Isabella Lake in the Kern River Valley. Bow and arrow fishing is permitted in Lake Isabella for the taking of carp, goldfish, western sucker, Sacramento blackfish, hardhead, Sacramento pikeminnow, lamprey, bullheads and catfish, per California’s Freshwater Sport Fishing Regulations in Title 14 section 2.25.
Bringing a non-hunter along on a hunt
Question: Is it all right for me to bring a companion with me for quail hunting? They would not be assisting me in any way (flushing birds, calling, etc.) and would be merely shadowing me for the experience. (Kraig) Answer: Yes, you’re fine having a com-
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