North Coast Trader — Dec. 14 – Dec. 28, 2021

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ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST $2,679 - $3,256/MO Plus Excellent Benefits

**Salary for this position will increase to $2,760 - $3,355 per month in 2022 with a 5% increase in 2023 and again in 2024.

This position maintains the daily financial records for utility accounts, including receiving utility payments, performing data entry and maintaining receipt records. Issues business licenses, dog licenses and processes renewals, assessing penalties, late fees, and recording new license numbers. Any combination of training and experience which would provide the required knowledge, skills and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the required qualifications would be equivalent to the completion of 12th grade and one year of clerical experience is required. You may apply online at Application deadline is 5:00 p.m. Friday, December 17th 2021. EOE


© Mariakray / iStock via Getty Images Plus COMMUNITY SERVICES

COMMUNITY SERVICES COORDINATOR $3,080 – $3,745/MO Plus Excellent Benefits

**Salary for this position will increase to $3,174 - $3,858 in 2022 with a 5% increase in 2023 and again in 2024. Under general supervision, plans, organizes, coordinates, and provides direction and oversight for a community services program; coordinates programs which include youth sports, adult sports, summer programs, special interest classes, special events, and other related community activities; performs a variety of administrative functions in support of assigned programs and performs related work as necessary. Requirements include equivalent to 12th grade plus college-level coursework in recreation, early childhood education and 3 years work experience in community services including 1 year of supervisory experience. For more information and to apply online, go to Application deadline is 5:00pm on Monday, December 27th. EOE


Driving in a Winter Wonderland: 5 Safety Tips (StatePoint) Though the winter season has its joys, it also brings unique challenges — especially when venturing out in hazardous weather. According to the Federal Highway Administration, 24 percent of all weather-related vehicle crashes happen on snowy, slushy and icy pavement, while 15 percent occur during snowfall or sleet. Here are five tips to protect yourself, your loved ones and your vehicle this season. 1. Invest in winter tires. Snow and

ice can turn roads into a slippery nightmare, posing a real threat for drivers. Winter tires, also known as snow tires, are uniquely designed to increase traction in these conditions and can help avoid accidents. 2. Clear snow and ice before hitting the road. Though it can be tempting not to, especially when you’re in a rush, you should always fully scrape your vehicle’s windows and remove snow from its surface before driving. Leaving ice and snow to melt is more dangerous

N O RT H COAST T R A D E R • D EC . 14 - D EC . 2 8 , 2 021

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