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Food Preparation and Nutrition

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This is an exciting and creative course which focuses on practical cooking and will ensure you develop a greater understanding of nutrition, food provenance and the working characteristics of food materials, whilst developing a range of complex practical cooking skills.

What you will study

The subject content is divided into the following sections: • Food, nutrition and health – macro and micro nutrients, nutritional needs and health.

• Food science – why food is cooked and how heat is transferred to food. Functional and chemical properties of food.

• Food safety –- how to store, prepare and cook food safely.

Food spoilage and contamination. • Food choice – including factors which affect our food choice.

Food labelling, marketing and sensory evaluation. • Food provenance – environmental issues associated with food and the sustainability of food. Food preparation skills will be taught through a variety of cooking activities, mainly carried out during the first year of the course, including general practical skills, knife skills, cooking methods, sauce making, dough making and use of raising agents.

How you will be assessed

Written examination 50% of GCSE 100 marks - multiple choice questions (20 marks) Five questions, each with a number of sub questions (80 marks) This will assess your theoretical knowledge of food preparation and nutrition.

Non-examination assessment (NEA) 50% of GCSE Task 1: Food investigation (15%) You will show your understanding of the working characteristics, functional and chemical properties of ingredients. Practical experiments are a compulsory element of this NEA task.

Task 2: Food preparation assessment (35%) You will prepare, cook and present a menu of three dishes within a three hour period relating to a chosen task and will plan in advance how this will be achieved.

Task 1 will be carried out at the start of the Autumn Term of Year 11.

Task 2 will be carried out in the Autumn and Spring Term of Year 11.

Both tasks will involve producing a written portfolio with photographic evidence of experiments you have carried out and practical dishes you have created.

Examination Board – AQA

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