Pride of Newcastle University 2017 brochure

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As Vice-Chancellor of a large and diverse institution, undoubtedly one of the most enjoyable aspects of my role is the opportunity it affords me to congratulate our students and staff on their many achievements and successes throughout the year. The Pride of Newcastle University Awards are no exception. As in previous years, this year, the Pride of Newcastle University Awards have been based around some of the global societal challenge themes that we have focussed on over the past 5 years, ageing, social renewal and sustainability. Through tackling these themes the prize winners exemplify our philosophy of “Excellence with a Purpose� whereby we are committed to ensuring that our academic work contributes either to the generation of new knowledge or to the translation of this knowledge into a real and measurable impact on society. Of course, excellence in teaching and research are a vital part of this impact, but so too are the many and various extra-curricular activities - such as involvement in a club or society, volunteering, fundraising, or starting up a business - through which you make such a tremendous contribution to the life of your University and its community. Each and every one of you has just cause to be very proud of the effort and commitment that have brought you together this evening to celebrate your success. I am personally extremely proud of you and all that you do to make our great University such a dynamic, thriving institution. It therefore gives me the greatest pleasure to extend to you all my thanks and my warmest congratulations on your achievements, and to wish you an enjoyable evening, and continued success in the future.

Professor Chris Day Vice-Chancellor and President Newcastle University

Programme 6:00pm - Drinks reception 6:40pm - Welcome address by Chris Day, Vice-Chancellor and President 7:00pm - Dinner 8:15pm - Presentation of the awards Your hosts for the evening are: Rebecca Walker, Activities Officer, Newcastle University Students’ Union and Marc Lintern, Director, Careers Service Music by: Newcastle University Jazz Band Photography by: Chris Auld Photography

Menu Starter: Salad of bocconcini mozzarella, Parma ham and roast tomatoes with an olive tapenade and basil dressing with warm ciabatta Grilled halloumi, toasted pine nuts, red onion, tomato and rocket salad with warm ciabatta (v) Main: Poached fillet of chicken with a Provencal sauce of slow roast tomatoes, chorizo, parmesan and basil Roast root vegetable and potato wellington served with a caraway and mozzarella sauce (v) Dessert: Chocolate rocky road cheesecake with forest fruit sauce (v)

Social Renewal Awards Newcastle University Institute for Social Renewal operates as a focus for achieving “excellence with a purpose” in Newcastle University and beyond. Our goal is to contribute to the understanding and practice of social renewal – how to thrive during turbulent times. From facing the challenges and opportunities of Brexit to working with diverse communities in the North East, NISR aims to make a difference with world-class research. We’re proud of our students’ and colleagues’ contribution to real change by interacting with policy and practice, by funding interdisciplinary projects and by fostering international perspectives.

The Howarth Litchfield Award for Outstanding Contribution to Arts and Culture This award is for those students who have used their skills and enthusiasm for arts and culture as an expression of their passion or to communicate ideas or ideals. It could be through organising events, exhibitions, or working with groups within the University or the local community. Whether the medium was film, music, photography, fine art, digital or street performance, this award is for students who have used their talents in a positive way.

The Charityworks Award for Outstanding Impact upon the Community This award is for students who have worked with community groups or voluntary organisations to help them achieve their goals. This could include volunteering, fundraising, campaigning, educating or training. It recognises students who actively contribute to their wider community; and through this make a difference. They could have helped a community of people through inspiring or developing their skills to achieve aspirations, make healthy life changes or learn new skills.

The IBM Award for Outstanding Contribution to Media This award recognises dedication to, and innovation within, any form of media, including The Courier, Newcastle Student Radio (NSR), and The Courier TV (TCTV). Those nominated may have explored the possibilities of new media to make sure the student voice is broadcast in inventive and exciting ways, or contributed to national or international media platforms to report on local or world issues.

The Howarth Litchfield Award for Outstanding Contribution to Arts and Culture RAG Society Fashion Show

The RAG fashion show was a collaboration of over 5 societies, organised by RAG (Raising and Giving). By modelling 9 sets of clothes with a diverse group of 32 models, the show helped to raise over £3100 for three local and international charities. The show reached an audience of 250 and received great reviews as a wonderful night of entertainment.

Musical Medics

The society showed tremendous dedication in the 10 week run up to the event. The members, all 4th year medics, spent hours rehearsing, designing set/costumes and organising the three performances. This year the Musical Medics’ Society was able to raise over £3500 for Mind, the mental health charity. This was done through its annual theatre performance at St. Nicholas’ Jubilee Theatre in Gosforth. The musical performed this year was Pippin which received great reviews from attendees and The Courier.

Chinese Students Scholars Association

The 2017 Five-University’s Chinese New Year Gala organised by The Chinese Students Scholars Association had enriched the diverse cultural life in the city while giving students a stage to demonstrate their talents. More than 100 students came together to showcase their talents to an audience of almost 2000.

A Cappella Society

A Capella have grown and developed massively in the past year, increasing the confidence and ability of their members. Membership has grown three-fold, with the number of performances doubling. The improvement of the society is apparent from feedback from members and the success of the society in qualifying for two prestigious competition finals, giving members the opportunity to perform in the West End where they won the Special Recognition Award at the Masters of Show Choir.

Liz Rosling

Liz is without a doubt one of The Courier’s most committed Sub-Editors and all the time and effort she puts into her section is really evident. Liz has regularly come in a day early, and many ridiculously early mornings too, to ensure that her team not only meets her section deadline, but to ensure that their section is to the highest quality.

The Football Tube

The Football Tube is original and innovative. It’s a brand new show to NSR this year and it’s always expertly planned and researched. With a dynamic and always humorous insight, the show is always very coherent and charismatic. Although the show is purely studio based, it features a regular slot for callers to phone in and offer their opinions on their own team of the week or the weekend results, be them domestic, national or international.

Raunaq Cabet - ‘Lost in Liberty’

Raunaq is extremely devoted to NSR. His show, ‘Lost in Liberty’, has introduced people to a vast range of genres which has both informed and entertained listeners. Raunaq has really put the name of NSR into the world of radio and has made a huge difference to NSR. His show has attracted a large cohort of listeners and overall, it is really incredible.

The Charityworks Award for Outstanding Impact upon the Community Street Law

This project has provided high quality information sessions to an array of young people in the Newcastle and Gateshead area. These sessions have enabled local youths to gain training regarding their rights and responsibilities within the law; challenging their previous pre-conceptions and ideas for the better.

Andrew Stark

Andrew works extremely hard in his role as community rep, making leaflets for new residents, negotiating with the community, organising litter picks and helping with local festivals in summer and winter. He really enjoys his role and this is obvious in how much he has achieved.

Speech Society

The Speech society have put tremendous amounts of effort into helping the local community and having a lasting impact. Alongside various fundraisers throughout the year supporting a selection of local charities, the society have also been involved with a number of campaigns, many of which raise awareness of speech and language problems. Most notably, the society hosted a day of events and workshops for children and young adults who require computers to talk. They advertised the event to 200 local speech therapists and received wonderful reviews.

Parkinson’s UK Communication Support Group

A group of Newcastle University’s Speech and Language Sciences students set up a support group for people with Parkinson’s; Parkinson’s UK Communication Support Group. This group facilitates and supports a group of people affected by Parkinson’s to continue valuable speech exercises. The aim is to provide encouragement and a positive environment for people to practice their skills and for attendees to access peer support, thereby keeping communication skills and helping to stay ‘in control’ with Parkinson’s.

The IBM Award for Outstanding Contribution to Media Benjamin Eckford

Benjamin has consistently written for the Comment section all year, using writing as a platform to air his strong interest in politics. He always meets deadlines and his communication with the sub-editorial team is outstanding. The consistency and level of his writing is to a very high standard and his views are always very refreshing and insightful.

Courier Sport Section

The Sport section has been described as the highest quality and most innovative section of The Courier. This section’s successes have improved and increased student representation, with at least two pages every week dedicated to Newcastle students’ achievements. This section brings university sport to the people, raising awareness of clubs, campaigns and sports through interviews, features and reports.

Dan Robertson

Dan has been one of the major creative forces behind The Courier during his time here, with a clear knack for design and incredible technical knowledge. Dan has displayed outstanding commitment and dedication to the paper, and a strong desire to consider its legacy. He’s been involved for three years as a writer, subeditor, and now deputy editor.

Haaris Qureshi

Haaris has been characterised as profoundly changing the way NUTV operates, creating teams and providing the service with new structure. He was involved with securing equipment for the station, fundamentally improving the quality of the output, and even fighting for a brand new name. Haaris has served as a role model of other members of the group, and has been utterly invaluable.

Meg Smith

Meg is described as an asset to the music team, hosting a show with a new concept that Newcastle Student Radio (NSR) has never seen before. She has helped strengthen the music team and held a key presence on the music review show.

Vishnu Natarajan

Vishnu edits not only one, but two shows for NUTV – ‘Bigg Market Banter’ and ‘Make A Guess’. Bigg Market Banter has racked up the most views for NUTV, and in doing so he has really promoted NUTV as a reputable TV station. His involvement with NUTV has aided the growth and awareness of NUTV and he has committed to NUTV when needed most.

Ava Forbes

Before the start of the year, Ava had had minimal producing and leadership experience, however she has excelled in producing one of NUTV’s flagship shows to a high production standard. The quality of the show that Ava has produced was so high that NUTV nominated it for Best Current Affairs show to the National Student Television Association.

Courtney Strait

Courtney is a basketball reporter who, alongside playing basketball, has been a regular contributor of high quality articles this year for The Courier. Two of her match reports were on the back page, including the Stan Calvert Launch fixture and the BUCS Super 8s.

Charlotte Bovill

Charlotte makes an outstanding contribution to the music team. This year Charlotte has gone above and beyond what was expected of her to ensure that NSR continues to grow. She has made a conscious effort to use her own knowledge to help others and this has had a real lasting impact. Charlotte is an asset to the team and she will most definitely leave her own mark on NSR.

Sustainability Awards in association with Nissan The Institute for Sustainability at Newcastle University coordinates research across multiple disciplines to deliver practical, engaged solutions to real-world issues in sustainability, under the banner ‘Enough, for all, forever’. It supports excellent interdisciplinary research at Newcastle University to establish best practice in sustainability through science, innovation, policy and action. Underpinning the Institute’s mission in the world is the concept of justice and governance, and climate change adaptation and mitigation. Newcastle University researchers lead sustainability research and engagement that supports the rights of all people to environmental benefits, and safeguards communities from environmental burdens, including pollution and climate risks. As Britain’s largest car manufacturing plant of all time, and the fastest car plant in UK Automotive history to reach the two million mark with one model, the Qashqai, Nissan Sunderland Plant is a record-breaking facility. Nissan’s continued success in Sunderland is driven by our ability to produce high quality vehicles at a competitive cost. At the foundation of this success is a highly skilled and committed workforce of around 7,000 people. With the ongoing success of current models and future expansion plant we need to increase our team and that’s where you come in. There’s never been a better time to join our team. We’ve just completed our 30th year of manufacturing here in Sunderland where we not only launched the Infiniti Q30 but also announced the arrival of X-Trail and the next generation Qashqai. And this year promises to be another exciting one.

The Nissan Award for Outstanding Impact upon the Environment This award is for students who have made a positive difference to sustainability or the environment. Whether through volunteering, campaigning, running competitions or creating new inventions, they are passionate about the issues currently facing us on a local, national and global scale and their activities will have involved inspiring others to become more environmentally aware, or encouraged behaviour change.

The Northstar Ventures Award for Outstanding Contribution to Global Outlook The Global Outlook award is for individuals or groups who have engaged in international activities which have subsequently increased their global perspective and ethical awareness. This could be through study abroad, global internships, volunteering, case competitions or working with international students to improve inter-cultural relations.

The Teach First Award for Outstanding Contribution to Student Representation This award recognises those who have developed skills whilst working on behalf of the wider student community on issues that matter to students. The award is in recognition of excellence in academic and peer representation where students are often providing a voice and driving change for their peers. This is a major part of student life, including roles such as Course Rep, Hall Rep, Community Rep, Part time Officers (PTOs) and Campaign Volunteers. .

The Nissan Award for Outstanding Impact upon the Environment Bee Society

Bee society has come a long way in the few months that they have been set up. They have engaged in all areas of the Students’ Union with great involvement in GoVolunteer and Give it a Go. The society has contributed hugely to the wider community and has established several links with local associations. They are always busy completing practical activities, educating others, creating community links, and organising trips and meetings where they manage hives and use honey to create their own lip balms and candles.

Rebecca D’Andrea

Rebecca is the President of Renewcastle, and organised this year’s Go Green Week in February. She has campaigned around sustainability issues through various methods, including a food co-op. She has also taken part in national campaigns protesting against the Dakota Access Pipeline and encourages lifestyle choice changes within the student community.

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The Northstar Ventures Award for Outstanding Contribution to Global Outlook CLR19 Bakes

CLR19 Bakes have taken a unique approach to a traditional way of raising money. Six students at Newcastle University have raised money for vulnerable children in Indonesia through their social enterprise. The students bake, plan events and absolutely change the traditional way of bake sales with an injection of creative work for the project. Within 5 months, they’ve sold more than 85 cakes, 350 truffles and raised approximately £1,500.

Newcastle International, Malaysia

Newcastle International strives to create a future where Newcastle University as an entity remains interconnected wherever it is established by connecting ideas across regional, cultural, and other boundaries to better understand each other and achieve common goals amongst students. The society introduced “Newcastle International: Change-makers of Tomorrow (NICOT)” - a four day event during the Easter break that brought 55 students from all three campuses together for an interdisciplinary collaboration that was a massive success.

Entrepreneurs Society – Quarter Finals of the Hult Prize

The Quarter Finals of the Hult Prize is the biggest global business competition for social change at Newcastle University. The one-day intensive bootcamp encouraged students to develop sustainable business ideas that improve the lives of refugees, showing how business can be used as a force for good. The winning team of the event were then invited to pitch their idea at the European Semi-finals, among like-minded students from all over the world.

The Teach First Award for Outstanding Contribution to Student Representation

Wherever you’re heading, become a leader and inspire young people.

Rachel Dry

Rachel has excelled in her role as a PGT student representative. She has managed the role in a highly professional, supportive and engaging manner, demonstrating interpersonal and communication skills which are highly advanced and well beyond her relative inexperience.

Fedor Korablev

This year Fedor has secured a microwave in the common room, organised trips to off-campus facilities for all MAST students and introduced information sessions for Stage 2 students. All of this was achieved by raising student’s enthusiasm at the start of the year.

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Amy Thomson

Amy has had a massive impact upon the organisation, communication and productivity of the SSC in Media, Culture & Heritage. Amy has worked incredibly hard and devoted a large amount of time processing, administering and disseminating information but she has also spearheaded change and enhanced the experiences of MCH students.

Samuel Cross

Samuel has been a driving force in SELLL this year, demonstrating initiative in his launching of an academic journal and providing leadership in a student-led initiative around equality and the student voice. He has been instrumental in facilitating dialogue between students and staff on important issues.

Molly Bell

Molly’s overall aim this year was to raise awareness of the rep system and also form a better relationship with the senior school staff. Molly has worked hard to improve communication channels within the School, has become a familiar face with everybody and has made senior staff take students more seriously.

Psychology UG SSC

The Student Staff Committee is an integral part of Psychology. Due to their professionalism and focus on a productive and collaborative working environment, the group has had a very positive impact on the activities of the School and improved both the student experience as well as the interactions with staff.

Teach First is a registered charity, no. 1098294

Tim Osadchiy

Tim has worked tirelessly this year, giving the opportunity for PGR students to provide feedback on their progression, simplifying attendance evidence for overseas PGR students with visas and helping students with children to be recognised at a University level pushing for childcare provision on campus.

Vanessa McIntosh

Vanessa is an outstanding PGR Course Rep for the School of English, Literature, Language and Linguistics, and through effective communication has achieved above and beyond what could be expected.

Ageing Awards Ageing is one of the largest global challenges facing society. The continued growth of average life expectancy is a triumph, yet such a change in demographic presents us with a challenge. Health systems must change and social care must adapt, but the challenge goes beyond health. It includes education, employment, housing, commerce and much more. Led by Director, Professor Louise Robinson, Newcastle University Institute for Ageing represents academics, clinicians, researchers and students working on all aspects of ageing; from medical and biological, to psychosocial, economic and environmental. Our vision is to understand how we can all Live Better for Longer.

The Accenture Award for Outstanding Contribution to Social Inclusion and Cultural Diversity This award is for those who have encouraged integration of people in the University or wider community who otherwise might have felt or been isolated for reasons such as race, culture, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability or social class. Nominations demonstrate the positive ways in which they have gone out of their way to be inclusive.

The P&G Award for Outstanding Contribution to Sport and Health This award is for those who have actively promoted or encouraged healthy living, which could be through sport. Promoting healthy living could include campaigns or activities to raise awareness of the benefits e.g. stopping smoking or eating healthy food or by widening access to health provisions. Nominations may also demonstrate innovative ways of encouraging healthy living through participation at any level of sport.

The IBM Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Student Community This award recognises those who have dedicated time, energy and commitment to enhancing the student experience be that through a well-run and inclusive student society or independent action. This could include raising funds, organising amazing events, helping others develop new skills, or increasing inclusivity within the student community.

The Accenture Award for Outstanding Contribution to Social Inclusion and Cultural Diversity North East Solidarity and Teaching (NEST)

NEST is a fantastic project that has received some great coverage both internally and within the local media. This project brings together various students and volunteers who are willing to provide some of their time to support refugees who wish to improve their English skills while adapting to the context in the UK.

Safiya Robinson

Safiya is the current Racial Equality Officer at NUSU. From inspiring fortnightly BAME talks, organising Black History month on campus, speaking on a huge array of panels and creating a report on the black student experience at Newcastle, she has made a real impact at Newcastle University.

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Zoe Godden

Zoe is a committee member of three societies representing marginalised groups at Newcastle. She has organised stalls on campus to promote better mental health, facilitated discussions on gender and disability and has an active online presence campaigning for disabled rights.

Beyond the Binary

Beyond the Binary is a campaign raising awareness of genders other than male and female. It is the first campaign in the North-East to do so and has made waves in the local and national media, and even made positive change on university campus. Local achievements have been gained through the introduction of all gender toilets on campus.

Daniel Wood & Errol Kerr

In creating the Disability and Neurodiversity Society, making disability a common discussion at university, expanding Disability Awareness Week, and creating the first Disability Conference at Newcastle University, Daniel and Errol have been incredibly forward thinking and vocal PTOs within the few months they have held the position.

The P&G Award for Outstanding Contribution to Sport and Health Hamza Qureshi

Hamza has transformed his society (Pakistani Society) by pioneering sports as an alternative to the normal cultural events. Over the course of the year, he has introduced several sports opportunities that have brought numerous people together and enjoyed themselves on the way.

Mind The Gap Conference

The Mind the Gap Conference attracts delegates from the student body, the public and medical professionals. The campaign runs year on year and is always a success with comments from attendees including ‘the conference helped to save my life when I was at a low point’ and ‘the conference allowed me to realise and come to terms with the fact that I’ve been suffering from mental illness.’ Last year about 300 delegates attended the conference. It does a great job at raising awareness of mental health illness and the stigma surrounding it and the society deserves recognition.

Megan Lord – Water Polo

In her role as secretary of Newcastle University Water Polo Club, Megan has gone above and beyond her duties. As well as seamlessly organising over twenty home matches, she has taken on additional responsibilities with poise and grace, and is a key part of Water Polo’s success this year.

Claudia Heggie - Badminton Club

Claudia has dedicated the last five years to the Athletic Union (AU) at Newcastle. She is strengthened not only by her vast experience in sport at Newcastle, but also by her incredible commitment to ensure the success of the Badminton Club and the Athletic Union. She has performed a number of committee roles and has been a member of the AU exec, as well as drafting articles for the sports section of the Courier.

Volleyball Club

Volleyball club has achieved a massive progression in performance and organisation with the success in gaining a champion title in the student cup and conference cup, as well as being promoted to 1st division. The club has doubled the amount of members and introduced the sport to wide level of players.

Women’s Badminton 1st team

The W1s badminton team have finished the season top of league 1 for the second year running. This has been achieved through hard work and dedication from the whole squad with the girls being undefeated all season boasting an impressive nine wins and one draw dominating the league.

Natasha Fothergill Misbah - Tennis Club

Natasha’s role in the club as President and Treasurer over four years has led the Tennis club to have a bigger presence within the University and at the Tennis club that they play at. She has organised participation in tournaments and always encourages the club to get involved. The club has flourished under Natasha’s leadership.

Men’s Football

The club has achieved a clean sweep of league titles to round off the most successful year in the club’s history. Both their 1st and 2nd teams won their respective BUCS leagues, collectively picking up 51 points from a possible 60.

The IBM Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Student Community Student Voice

Student Voice is a prime example of professional quality student TV. Student Voice is NUTV’s flagship current affairs show, where students go out on campus and ask students their opinions on topics - ranging from student affairs to politics to seasonal, local, national and international. The show consistently reaches the professional standard the station strives for - such that the show is used as an example when training new crew about how they should conduct themselves.

Suzanne Foster

Suzanne has been an incredibly keen volunteer across a range of different elements. She has been a crucial part of creating Newcastle University Bee Society, attending bee training courses of her own accord and organising trips with Give it a Go to allow a greater number of students to join in with the activities she is a champion for. Suzanne is also a driver of NUSU vehicles, taking students to and from volunteering activities.

Poker Society

The Poker Society has had a phenomenal impact on not only members but also the wider community with nominations coming in from students, local business’ and other Universities. This society, since winning ‘Most Improved’ at the Society Awards last year has continued its transformation from a very much one dimensional society into a society with many different attributes, noticeably extra opportunities, increased diversity, improved social aspect and a charitable society. They successfully organised a large scale inter-university tournament for the first time and have raised a large amount of money for charity.

Andrew Lister

Andrew Lister has not only worked tirelessly this year making an outstanding contribution to his own society but also NUSU as a whole and the overall student experience, through sitting on 9 committees. His unfailing dedication has had massive effects, including developing Mind the Gap into an immensely successful and productive society that is larger, more active and more inclusive than ever. He is truly passionate about mental health and really cares about improving the well-being of students having pushed for (and achieved) making mental health training compulsory for all student mentors.

Architecture Society

The Architecture Society has continued to grow and boost engagement across their School, year on year introducing a successful lecture and workshop series featuring prominent industry leaders and doubling their number of events. Their campaigning has helped to improve students’ safety and welfare and there has been a strong focus on the development of stronger links between stages.

Iona Crichton

Iona Crichton has been an integral part of the Student Advice Centre (SAC). She has not only been a valuable member of the day to day running of the SAC but also has spearheaded marketing campaigns to increase awareness of the service for other students.

Elmira Alimohammadzaden

Elmira has been very vocal at meetings and represented students across the whole of her accommodation. She has ensured accommodation staff look into the issues she has raised.



Rise Up Awards Entrepreneurship is something that we as a University view as really important. The world of work is changing and by 2050 many predict that over half the labour market will be self-employed or working freelance. Here at Newcastle University we have a support programme called Rise Up which is designed to help those wanting to know more about entrepreneurship. Whether you want to develop enterprising skills, discuss an idea, start up or grow your business, Rise Up can offer you expert guidance, training, resources and opportunities to help you explore and develop your entrepreneurial side.

The FDM Group Award for Outstanding Enterprising Spirit This award is for those students who have demonstrated the passion, vision, creativity and drive required to run a business – through activities which haven’t themselves involved setting up a business. This could be through volunteering, fund raising, paid employment, a work placement, or starting or improving a University club and society. The Enterprising Spirit award recognises those who have made a difference because of their enterprising attitude.

The FDM Group Award for Outstanding Entrepreneur This award is for those who have demonstrated an entrepreneurial attitude through setting up a business, or working as self-employed or freelance. It doesn’t matter whether their business is large or small, or has even been a success or not, just so long as they can demonstrate what they have learned through the process. The award recognises how the students tackled the issues, challenges and opportunities that surfaced along the way and how they demonstrated what they learned from this for their future ventures.

FDM is proud to sponsor the Outstanding Enterprising Spirit and the Entrepreneur of the Year Awards Find out more about our career opportunities at


The FDM Group Award for Outstanding Enterprising Spirit Matthew Byrne

Matthew founded Opt In, a volunteer campaign that aims to increase awareness of organ donation by giving talks at schools. He has recruited a total of 48 student volunteers to give the talks and lead a team of 6 committee members. He has also created the talk materials. So far 16 schools have expressed interested in the campaign.

The FDM Group Award for Outstanding Entrepreneur Jonny Mayes

Jonny has worked successfully as part of a team of researchers to innovate, develop and prototype a health product aimed at the NHS alongside studying his final year of MBBS. He has been described as a refreshing individual to work with, support and celebrate.

Matthew Byrne Lisa van Heereveld

Lisa has been proactive in the region, connecting with and championing initiatives such as Newcastle Start-up Week and the ‘If We Can You Can’ competition. She is a great ambassador and has been able to set out a new vision as President of Newcastle Entrepreneurs (Student Society).

Fabian McGibbon

As a virtual-reality consultant for BluBrdVis, Fabian has successfully proved the concept of using virtual-reality to visualise data in a widely accessible manner. This has allowed him to demonstrate and develop a wide range of abilities such as independence, innovation and public-speaking which will be extremely valuable in career progression.

Matthew has been involved in a huge array of activity. He is the trustee of a national charity, has created a national medical journal for students, started a regional organ donation campaign, co-founded a research collaborative, revision textbook, and hand gel prototype, collaborated with over 300 students, and helped secure over £20,000 of funding.

Salha Kaitesi

Salha is an amazing women with a powerful personal story. Whilst in Rwanda, she recognised the beauty of the products being made by local women, she heard and understood their story, and decided to do something about it by setting up her online platforms Beauty of Rwanda and Teakisi.

Shantelle Million, MiCarePlan

Shantelle has produced a very worthwhile product which could improve the standard of elderly healthcare nationwide. She has seen a problem first hand and used her skills and opportunities available to her to try to fix this problem as best she can. MiCarePlan offers change, it aims to improve care standards and provide savings to the NHS by empowering and informing those in care and those caring for them.

Tea Ventures Ltd

Vincent and Lukas successfully applied together as Tea Venture to Newcastle University’s Foundership Programme in June 2016. This funding enabled them to carry out market research and product development and packaging research for their first brand NOVELTEA - a premium alcoholic beverage which differentiates from traditional spirits by incorporating a distinctive tea taste. They have achieved great things and are more than willing to share their journey openly with other students and alumni.

Creatures of XIX

Creatures of XIX have created a truly novel product with no investors, no industry experience and no manufacturing connections. Despite this, they have built a profitable, scalable brand with a captivated audience. These modern day feminists have created a pole dancing/fitness line which is innovative and creative. They are also great role models for women in business and have given back to the university community during their short time on the Foundership programme which only lasts 6 months.

The support that you receive from the University doesn’t end with graduation.

Thank you to all of our sponsors:

If you’re graduating this year, make sure you keep in touch with the Alumni Association who help you make the most of your life after University. Visit:

Need extra support for your project? Apply to the ncl+ Catalyst Fund for funding and access to expertise for one-off, student-led extra-curricular activities.


We would like to thank all of the judges, presenters and award sponsors for their contribution to this year’s Pride of Newcastle University Awards. Congratulations to all of the shortlisted students and graduates too; you are all involved in some fantastic activities!

Thanks to Statex for sponsoring our brochure

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