NCLR, CNAN SPRING CAUCUS NOTES April 28, 2003 Fred Villasenor called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Introductions were made across the room. Connie Hernandez then opened up the floor to the first item on the agenda. CNAN Business – Elections for a new Affiliate Council Representative were done via mailing/fax from the Los Angeles office to all California affiliates. All had an opportunity to vote before today’s meeting. The new Affiliate Council Representative. to replace Mr. Richard Amador is Mr. Fred Villasenor of the 4C Council. Committees gave their reports for the period following the last caucus in Santa Ana on January 23 and 24 of 2003. Marketing/Public Relations Annette Sanchez of El Concilio presented a brand new website that El Concilio is building which will be able to link all California affiliates. She also mentioned that a newsletter would benefit CNAN. Ideally, CNAN affiliates would send in their pieces for publishing. Another effective tool that Annette brought up was having Tshirts made up with the affiliate’s organization name on one side and the NCLR/CNAN name on the other. Community Development Nelson Oliva of Montebello Housing gave the update stating that economic development and housing are one in the same and people should think of the two as a whole. Their primary concern is the legislation currently in session regarding housing and credit unions. He would like to push for Community Development to have presentations at the NCLR Annual Conference in Austin, Texas. To date
two proposals for workshops have been turned down by NCLR. He also noted that the committee did not meet after the CNAN Caucus in January. Workforce Development Lori Ramos Ehrlich of Center for Careers and Training/WORKNET gave the update for Workforce Development. Lori brought up the fact the there is low participation for workforce development in the committee. She urged that the committee contact fellow affiliates to help boost interest and garner more active support. She also noted that the WIB application with the state for Richard Montanez needs additional support letters. A case management workshop has been submitted to NCLR by Roger Cazares from MAAC Project for the Austin Conference that will focus on the future of CALWorks. David Valladolid of PIQE placed a motion on the floor that a letter be written to Raul Yzaguirre suggesting that there be affiliate representation on the Conference Workshop Selection Committee. Motion was approved Staff Reports Jacqueline Duvivier Castillo of the Los Angeles office stepped up to provide CNAN with updates. Hugo Cardona and Raul Yzaguirre send their greetings. She also announced that NCLR is pushing for dues from affiliates. Disaffiliation will result if no dues are paid within two years. The NCLR Los Angeles office will provide a California affiliate list update in the spring to complement the national office’s fall distribution of the Affiliate Directory. Lisa Ramirez announced that the Annual Conference in taking place is Austin, Texas July 15. This year’s Conference will be four days instead of the usual five. The National Affiliate luncheon will be taking place on July 12 from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m.
The Diabetes Dash will take place on July 12 from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. We are encouraging affiliates to form teams to run or walk in the race. Lot Diaz, Deputy Vice President for Community Development, gave a brief presentation. He passed out handouts with an overview of The Raza Development Fund (RDF). The Community Development component, which works closely with RDF, currently works with 35 affiliates. RDF was created in 1989. He then introduced Vince Orduno who is the new Director of Community Development for the Pacific Coast. Vince joins RDF/NCLR with 25 years of banking experience. New Employee Introductions Jacqueline Duvivier Castillo introduced mew em[ployees.Each gave a bit of background on themselves. Margaret PerezClark Workforce Development Specialist Los Angeles Field Office Antonia Lopez Director of Early Childhood Education Sacramento Field Office
Lisa Ramirez presented Richard Amador with his parting gift and thanked him for his years of service on the NCLR Affiliate Council.
Break for Lunch
Caucus reconvened at 1:10 p.m.
Cristina Huezo and Patricia Diaz presented policybriefing issues.
Invited Speakers Jean Ross State Budget Overview No handouts, but you may visit for more information. Elia Gallardo Healthcare See Attachment Jeanette Zanipatin Drivers License Issue See Attachment Liz Guillen Education Test scores are the only way that can state hold schools accountable High school exit exam is on its way SB 50 creates a twoway accountability system between state and schools Please go to for more information.
Fred Villasenor then thanked everyone for their time and participation. The Sacramento policy staff handed out the folders prepared with the schedules and talking points for the legislative visits of the next day. The rest of the meeting was left for committees to meet and plan their legislative visits. Adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Reception offered by Washington Mutual 68 p.m.