1 minute read
For more information about signing up to become a sponsor, visit NCM.ORG/SPONSOR Have questions? Email cs@ncm.org or call 800.310.6362
I would like to sponsor a child for $30 a month: l Yes
I would like to sponsor: l Greatest Need l Boy l Girl
I would like to sponsor a child from: l Greatest Need l Africa l Eastern Europe l Asia l Asia-Pacific l Caribbean l Latin America l Middle East
Name / Group
Contact Person (if different)
Address / City / State / ZIP
Phone ________________________________________ Email
Church to receive 10% giving credit
You can mail this form to: Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Child Sponsorship 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, KS 66220
No payment is due now. You will receive information by mail about the child you sponsor.