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Concept Art and Japanese Number Puzzles Singing for Everyone Character Fundamentals Relaxation and Meditation College Choir Computer Science Techniques College Magazine Masterclass Lock Down Project Battle of the Bands Maths Masterclass NCD Pool League Jazz/ Wind Band 5 Mathematical Curiosities Badminton Instrumental Groups Physics Olympiad Couch to 5K Essential Reads Going Beyond the English Jogging / Running Business Enterprise Curriculum Talented Athlete Psychology Film Club Going Beyond the Scholarship Programme The Christian Union Economics Curriculum Wellbeing Group MFL Film Club Going Beyond the Fitness Club Basic German Business Studies Healthy Minds Italian for Beginners Curriculum Forest School Amnesty International NHS Values – Preparing Yoga Eco Champions for a Career in the Health Community Supported Battle of the Books Service Agricultural Group Premier League Fantasy Going Beyond the Dance Club Football Sociology Curriculum Cricket Nets Volunteering Missing Maps Competitive Sport Hour to Catch a Killer Going Beyond the Recreational Sport Inside the Mind of a Serial Accountancy Curriculum Killer BASE Accounting Biological Sciences Club Going Beyond the Coffee Club History Curriculum Chess Club Mooting Society Student Stocks and Share Investor Jewellery Making and Beading for Beginners
LEADERSHIP & LIFE EXPERIENCES Digital Online Resources Workshop Your Personal Statement B Friend Doncaster (in association with the Red Cross) World Challenge Sports Leadership Sports Ambassadors Duke of Edinburgh Fundraising Group Basic Meals for Uni Cooking for Beginners Financial Management for Beginners Research Skills (Pre EPQ) Become a Student Ambassador Peer Mentoring
ENRICHMENT AT NEW COLLEGE Joining New College Doncaster is not just about achieving outstanding results. Our students are successful because they invest in both their studies and their personal development, actively developing new skills and interests, establishing new friendships, building confidence and widening their horizons. Getting involved in enrichment is about being a part of our community. It’s what sets you apart from other candidates when you’re applying for the very best degree courses and jobs. We are excited to offer you an extensive range of enrichment options for 2020-21. The programme includes a large number of clubs and societies, health and wellbeing activities, opportunities to support others through peer mentoring, the chance to be ambassador for the college, to take part in recreational or competitive sport, and to join subject workshops which explore academic areas of interest beyond what’s in A level or BTEC courses. We have created a programme which is very flexible. You might be interested in signing up for one of the larger programmes that runs for 20 or 30 sessions over the year, or you might just want to sign up for a bite-size programme which lasts for just 5 sessions. There’s nothing to stop you signing up for more than one of these bite-size programmes if you want to. We hope there is something for everyone in our programme, but if you’re interested in setting up your own club or society you’d be welcome to email sharon.west@nclt.ac.uk to discuss your ideas further. You can sign up now using the link at the end of the brochure. Think carefully about which you’d like to commit to. We’ll put together for you a finalised timetable as soon as we can early in the autumn term. We hope you enjoy looking through the options and getting involved. Scott Faulkner - Associate Assistant Principal Katie Jones - President, Student Executive
JAPANESE NUMBER PUZZLES This enrichment is for anyone who when they buy a newspaper jump straight to the puzzle section. You may have all tried Sudoku before but have you tried Hanjie, Nurikabe, Heyawake, Masyu, Shakashaka, O'Ekaki and more. This helps to develop problem solving skills which in turn increase employability, likely to increase abilities in aptitude tests.
RELAXATION & MEDIATION TECHNIQUES Focusing on breathing techniques, gentle movement and meditation to teach methods of relaxation which have been used for centuries in yoga and Eastern cultures. Learning to calm the mind and body can help reduce anxiety, improve sleep, aid focus and contribute to overall happiness and well being. Learning more about well being, how to relax the mind and about other cultures and religions along the way will create well rounded, curious people who are more able to manage their mental well being and face daily challenges.
LOCKDOWN PROJECT Exploring through words and art, students individual experiences of lock down. This will reflect on the key experiences that lock down has taught us all and will help to develop strategies going forward. This will help students to process a very challenging situation at a key transitional point in their lives.
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NCD POOL LEAGUE A student pool league, with matches taking place weekly throughout the year. Bring your skills along and try to become the NCD Pool Champion 2021. The Pool league develops sportsmanship and competitiveness & enjoyment of cue sports, along with the many benefits of participation in sport.
BADMINTON Promoting a relaxed environment to swings some rackets, have fun and keep fit. As the activity develops, we will seek to set up a league and several tournaments throughout the year. This activity will seek to develop communication skills - especially when playing as doubles. Badminton will also look to enhance personal wellbeing and students ability to work well under pressure.
COUCH TO 5K A running group for absolute beginners that gradually progresses towards running non-stop over 5 kilometres over a period of 9 weeks, with a graduation celebration at the end to celebrate your new achievements. Running sharpens your memory and improves earning abilities, as well as reducing anxiety and depression.
JOGGING/RUNNING An opportunity to graduate from the couch to 5k or for those where running is already part of their normal activity already. This will seek to extend Personal Bests for both distance and time.
TALENTED ATHLETE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME The Talented Athlete Scholarship Programme helps support and guide students competing in competitive Sport at an elite level outside of college in a number of disciplines. This will help aid progression into sports programmes for those participants taking part, as well as helping to develop fitness throughout.
WELL-BEING GROUP Each session, students who are interested in offering peer support/mental health advice to each other will get together. You’ll help shape the way in which students are able to support each other at New College Doncaster. This programme will help support positive mental health, reduce stress, and increase signposting to other agencies.
FITNESS CLUB This is an opportunity for students to attend a regular fitness club and experience different ideas around their training or gain support around working towards a specific goal. Come along for a range of activities to help you achieve your training goals. As well as developing fitness, this programme also seeks to enhance your mental and social health.
HEALTHY MIND Over 5 weeks we will cover anxiety, low mood, exam stress, how to get a good night’s sleep and meditation. Each week will have a specific focus with tips and tools for helping to develop a healthy mind. The programme seeks to help students become more selfaware, knowledgeable and gain a better understanding of their wellbeing, aiding their next steps.
YOGA These 30 minute sessions will help with techniques to help you relax the mind, body and soul. Whilst developing your own physical fitness, you will also enrich your own mental health. No previous experience of Yoga is required and all students are welcome.
COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURAL GROUP This activity is for those students who have an interest in growing their own plants and agriculture. As well as learning numerous skills, you will also have the opportunity to develop your enterprise skills by selling your produce in and around the local community.
FOREST SCHOOL This is your opportunity to work alongside a local forest school initiative. In the programme you will volunteer with the forestry school commission visiting local schools and delivering sessions to youngsters about the great outdoors. This is useful to those looking to one day want to work outdoors or in an education setting, throughout you will also gain vital skills in areas such as communication and team building
DANCE CLUB If you have a passion for Dance this is the club for you, meeting on a weekly basis this is your opportunity to develop your Dance skills and compete against other colleges at the national finals of the Big Dance off. All students are welcome and a range of abilities catered for.
CRICKET NETS A weekly activity providing you the opportunity to practise your cricket skills. Throughout the year there will be mini competitions before culminating in a final tournament to crown the ultimate cricket team. The activity will offer teamwork skills as well as offering competitive involvement. The activity will also look to establish links with local cricket clubs to allow students to step in to competitive cricket participation at a higher level.
COMPETITIVE SPORT Here at New College we offer a range of competitive sports that are part of your timetable. Sign up for these activities must be completed on enrolment day. These activities include: Men’s Football (AOC League) Men’s Football (South Yorkshire Flexi League) Girls FootballGirls Netball (AOC League) Girl’s Netball (South Yorkshire Flexi league) Men’s Basketball (AOC league) Mixed Hockey (From October Half Term) Mixed Rugby (from October Half Term)
DANCE CLUB If you have a passion for Dance this is the club for you, meeting on a weekly basis this is your opportunity to develop your Dance skills and compete against other colleges at the national finals of the Big Dance off. All students are welcome and a range of abilities catered for.
RECREATIONAL SPORT We also offer a range of recreational activities through the Colleges sport department. More information about the start dates for each of these will be provided by the sports department in September. Register your interest in the form at the end and keep an eye on the screens around College for more information. Our recreational activities include: Netball Volleyball Futsal Dodgeball Ultimate Frisbee Rounders Softball Rugby
SINGING FOR EVERYONE Singing is a great opportunity for you to gain confidence, meet others and perform in groups. This group welcomes singers of all abilities with the opportunity to take part in college wide performances throughout the year.
COLLEGE CHOIR This is a fun opportunity for both staff and students alike to participate in the New College Choir, performing at numerous college wide events throughout the year. You’ll develop a wide range of transferable skills that are useful at any stage in your career, including teamwork and communication.
COLLEGE MAGAZINE For those who have an interest in working in Media or Journalism, this is the perfect opportunity for you to have a hands experience of running the New College magazine. This will be a great experience to write on your CV/UCAS statements and will help to demonstrate a wide range of transferrable skills for any job role.
BATTLE OF THE BANDS This is for those budding musicians who may already have formed a band to take part in competitions and performances throughout the year in numerous styles including Rock, Pop and Indie. You’ll be given the opportunity to develop your own music skills and compete against other bands/acts within the region.
JAZZ/WIND BAND If you want to play your woodwind, brass, instrument or bass guitar and drum kit in a larger group, join this band. The music played will be a variety of popular music styles.
INSTRUMENTAL GROUP If you play an instrument this is your chance to play with others as you practise your skills with a range of Instruments including the Saxophone, Strings and Piano. You will perform at events throughout the year, helping to develop your confidence and team working skills.
ESSENTIAL READS Want to get to grips with some must-read novels? Want to read some classics but unsure where to start? Want to become a more well-read individual and an inevitably better person? Not a student of English but still love to read? This group will give you the opportunity to read some great 20th and 21st century texts that have all achieved critical acclaim. We will meet every month to discuss our book and eat some cake!
BUSINESS ENTERPRISE Ever wanted to run your own Business? Have a great idea for a product that you want to get to market? This is your opportunity to take part in a nationwide Enterprise programme that will see you compete against other colleges across the country. You will create a Business Plan, research and fund your own start up and get your product to market.
PSYCHOLOGICAL FILM CLUB Each week the group will watch a film associated with the current topic of study, answering key questions and discuss in relations to psychological concepts and theory demonstrated in a range of films over the years.
CHRISTIAN UNION The Christian Union provides an opportunity for individuals to get together and discuss life issues, encourage each other and pray together. Students attend the Christian Union have the chance to develop leadership and pastoral skills. It also helps builds friendships, develops self-confidence and develops strategies for dealing with negativity and low self-esteem.
MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES MFL film club provides a weekly catch up for those hoping to develop their linguistic skills in another language. A mixture of both Spanish and French films will be used to help students expand upon their vocabulary and develop their understanding of another language, as well as developing their awareness of other cultures.
BASIC GERMAN For those wanting to study German outside of the classroom setting, you will have the opportunity to learn the language and practise your skills in small groups on a regular basis to really help immerse yourself in the language. This is a great opportunity for those considering studying a language abroad or even for those that may be considering a year abroad as part of their university choices.
ITALIAN FOR BEGINNERS For those wanting to study Italian outside of the classroom setting, you will have the opportunity to learn the language and practise your skills in small groups on a regular basis to really help immerse yourself in the language. This is a great opportunity for those considering studying a language abroad or even for those that may be considering a year abroad as part of their university choices.
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL In the Amnesty International enrichment group you will have the opportunity to highlight key humanitarian issues prevalent in society across the world. As a member of Amnesty International you will seek to promote human right issues and raise the awareness of injustices not only in your local area but across the globe.
ECO CHAMPIONS Eco Champions is your opportunity to help promote the green credentials of the college and its community. You will explore as a group ways to promote issues such as recycling, energy use and wastage across the college and the local community. This is a fantastic chance to work with other likeminded individuals and make a change for the future.
BATTLE OF THE BOOKS Battle of the Books is a book trivia competition encouraging students to read a range of books from all different genres. In teams, you will compete against others across the college to help develop strategies for reading. This activity will help you to develop a range of skills that can be useful when considering further study including the selection of data and evaluating it sources.
PREMIER LEAGUE FANTASY FOOTBALL In this activity staff and students alike can enter a fantasy football team into the College league and compete for monthly awards and end of season prizes. Bi-weekly meetings will be run to discuss topics such as transfer tips, budget dilemmas, highest scoring players and managers and looking at key rivalries!
VOLUNTEERING This group is for those that have an interest in seeking volunteering opportunities across multiple settings. As part of the group you will also help to promote fundraising for vital causes alongside the student Executive team.
HOUR TO CATCH A KILLER In Hour to Catch a Killer we will be looking at the evidence from famous cases which are unsolved or where there has been a miscarriage of justice. Together you will debate with other members of the group, piecing together the key pieces of the puzzle to figure out if you can solve the case.
INSIDE THE MIND OF A SERIAL KILLER A meeting for likeminded individuals to discuss serial killer cases and share ideas and viewpoints for a range of prolific cases. We will explore behaviours and attitudes of the individual, their potential motives for the crimes and what led to their own downfall. Students hoping to study criminology or psychology will have a deeper understanding of the possible reasons and motives for serious criminal offences and these theories can be applied to other forms of human behaviour.
BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE CLUB The Biological Sciences club includes a range of Biological Science related activities, including careers in Biology, gap year focus, Biological Science degrees and beyond. There will also be visiting speakers to promote careers in Biological Science, ecological field trip, and Biological Science based competitions. This will be a great opportunity to work alongside likeminded individuals and will help strengthen those considering the sciences as part of their next steps.
COFFEE CLUB This is an opportunity for students to develop their social and communication skills in a small group setting on a weekly basis in a relaxed environment . We’ll discuss a range of issues on a weekly basis and this is a great opportunity for you to meet new friends and engage with others.
CHESS CLUB A weekly session where you will get to meet others to play Chess and other well- known strategy games. Each week players will compete against others in the group as well as help develop their own strategy when playing chess.
MOOTING SOCIETY The mooting society looks at some of the key legal issues facing UK courts today. Participants will take part in mock trials, with assigned Barristers from top legal companies to help you with every step throughout the national competition. This project helps you to develop confidence and legal knowledge (no need to study Law) as well as helping you to discuss Law experiences when applying to your next steps
STUDENT STOCKS & SHARES INVESTOR Always fancied yourself as an Investor? This is your opportunity to invest a virtual £100,000 in the stock market. Run in association with Bloomberg, in small teams you will buy and sell a series of shares and stock in competition with other teams across the country with a top prize of an all expenses paid trip to New York. You’ll develop a strong awareness of financial markets as well as develop vital teamwork and communications skills.
JEWELLERY MAKING & BEADING FOR BEGINNERS These will be relaxing classes where students will be able to put their creativity into use by making simple jewellery of their own designs. You will learn skills such as wire wrapping and beading to make your own unique pieces of jewellery.
CONCEPT ART & CHARACTER FUNDAMENTALS This is an opportunity for those who may want to one day pursue a career in games design. The aim of the activity is to allow students to learn some fundamentals of character design in gaming, such as form/colour and lighting. This will aim to provide a wider scope for those considering a career in the creative industries.
COMPUTER SCIENCE MASTER CLASS The Computer Science Masterclass will help prepare students beyond the A level specification, including UCAS statements, interview practice, looking at topics outside of the spec, and Oxbridge preparation. This will help develop student confidence within the subject, their wider knowledge of the subject, and prepare them for interview at work and University.
MATHS MASTERCLASS Preparing students beyond the specification including advice on university admissions, interview practice, problem solving, and preparing for Oxford/Cambridge applications. This programme will help to build confidence and develop problem solving skills, whilst also preparing for university admission (including tests such as TMUA, MAT) and interviews.
FIVE MATHEMATICAL CURIOSITIES A series of 5 mathematical seminars, each introducing an unusual area of mathematics not covered within A level mathematics. Why can you add infinities but not subtract them? Can you construct a graph with infinitely many holes? Suitable for any students studying A level mathematics. Very well suited for any students considering maths at university, or who may have Oxbridge interviews.
PHYSICS OLYMPIAD This is your opportunity to partake in the national British Physics Olympiad competition. As part of the project you will carry out an experimental project and discuss your findings. The project aims to develop a wide range of skills and experiences and is extremely beneficial for those considering a career in the sciences within the future.
GOING BEYOND THE ENGLISH CURRICULUM A weekly lecture series that explores issues such as literary, linguistic, philosophical, social and historical concepts that extend beyond the A level specification and introduce extension ideas for English students and introduction to university level study. As well as gaining a greater understanding of English concepts, this programme will also help to support those candidates looking to apply for English based programmes at university.
GOING BEYOND THE ECONOMICS CURRICULUM What is more dangerous for our future: Cows or Aeroplanes ?; Short termism and the pitfall of decision making, and Brexit: Boom or Bust?; these are all questions we will pose in this small series of Economic sessions designed to prepare students for further studying of Economics. Recommended for a range of students, this will seek to expand upon your knowledge of current affairs as well as taking a different view of some of the key issues of our times.
GOING BEYOND THE BUSINESS STUDIES CURRICULUM The decisions that Businesses make are all around us on a daily basis, and greatly affect the decisions we make. This short masterclass series will seek to expand your knowledge of Business theories and models, with clear application to the Business world around us. You’ll gain a great insight into some of the theories covered at degree level Business and beyond.
NHS VALUES PREPARING FOR A CAREER IN THE HEALTH SERVICE Exploring the NHS Constitution and reviewing the key principles, each session we will explore the key values and how these can be demonstrated. We will also look at the history of the NHS, current issues, Volunteering/work exp and reflecting. For those considering a career in the NHS this is a great opportunity to explore some of the key values, vital when applying for roles within the Health Care service
GOING BEYOND THE SOCIOLOGY CURRICULUM An introduction to studying Sociology at university, contemporary sociological issues and integrating traditional sociological theory. This programme will seek to help prepare students for studying sociology at university, as well as helping to develop your wider reading vital for next steps and UCAS applications.
MISSING MAPS In this activity students will digitally map places in the world via satellite images to create maps in remote places. They are then used by organisations like MSF and the Red Cross for disasters or vaccination planning. This is your opportunity to play a role in helping to map the world. This will help to extend your computer skills beyond the classroom as well as the ethical nature of the enrichment and making a difference.
GOING BEYOND THE ACCOUNTANCY CURRICULUM This will look at bridging activities from A Level to Degree (Level 4 - 6) Accountancy - looking at how topics studied in A Level will translate into degree level study as well as introduction to new topics beyond the curriculum. For those students considering Accounting studies at a higher level this will provide them with links to how the topics studied in A Level may build foundations for degree level study.
BASE ACCOUNTANCY This is your opportunity to take part in the BASE Accounting competition in association with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England (ICAEW). As part of the programme you will explore a number of investment options for firms and present your findings to an expert panel of judges. You’ll develop a number of skills including team, work, communication and presentation skills.
GOING BEYOND THE HISTORY CURRICULUM A short series of masterclasses focussing on some of the key events in History, there will also be an opportunity to explore your own family’s history. This course will deliver many crossover skills including wider reading and research, literature reviews and essay writing.
DIGITAL ONLINE RESOURCES WORKSHOP These will be a series of workshops demonstrating how to use the Learning Resource Centre to its potential. These sessions will focus on how to effectively carry out research and find further reading materials for your courses, vital for reaching those top grades.
YOUR PERSONAL STATEMENT For those struggling with starting their personal statements or for those in need of some further inspiration, these sessions will aim to focus on what makes a great start to your personal statement. The sessions will provide you with an opportunity to share your statements, enabling you to act on advice to form a high quality personal statement.
B FRIEND DONCASTER IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE RED CROSS Over 9 million people in the UK – almost a fifth of the population – say they are always or often lonely (British Red Cross and Co-Op, 2016). This is your chance to volunteer to help support lonely individuals in society, helping to arrange events and activities to support them.
WORLD CHALLENGE World Challenge expeditions have a student led focus and begin between 12 to 18 months prior to embarking on this life enriching experience to far flung destinations such as Nepal or Tanzania. Whilst there, students will learn about and work with communities whilst learning new skills throughout the programme. Helping our students stretch their comfort zones, build the confidence they need to get ahead and helps students develop great working relationships that benefit both classroom and work environments, World Challenge has it all!
SPORT LEADERSHIP Our Sports Leadership qualifications are designed to use sport and physical activity to help young people develop and hone their leadership skills whilst helping themselves and others stay physically active. Students undertaking a qualification in Sports Leadership will learn and demonstrate important life skills such as effective communication and organisation whilst learning to lead physical activities to younger people, their peers, older generations and within the community.
SPORT AMBASSADOR This is for those of you that have a genuine interest in sport and are keen to help organise and promote your own sports clubs. This activity will seek to enhance your leadership skills, experience as part of working as a team, and independence.
DUKE OF EDINBURGH AWARD The Duke of Edinburgh Award is an amazing complement to academic life, helping our students stretch their comfort zones, build the confidence they need to get ahead and gain the skills that employers want in the workplace. It helps students develop great working relationships that benefit classroom dynamics leadership skills. Our students engage in active citizenship, giving back to our community, improve their fitness and learn a skill – all activities that need support. It provides students with a prestigious certificate recognising their achievement and an improved chance of getting into university, college or employment.
FUNDRAISING GROUP Meeting on a regular basis, this group will explore fundraising opportunities within college and the local community. Together we will meet to plan fundraising events and organise them throughout the year. This is a fantastic opportunity to work as part of a team as well as developing your communication and presentations skills.
BASIC MEALS FOR UNI This activity is to help provide inspiration for making delicious meals whilst on a budget. Live demonstrations in each session will go through how to cook a range of budget meals, ready for starting university. No previous cooking knowledge is required and all are welcome.
COOKING FOR BEGINNERS A course aimed at all students who may be new to cooking meals and want to explore the very basics of cooking including methods for food preparation, cooking methods and food storage. No previous experience is required and all students are welcome.
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT FOR BEGINNERS What Tax should I pay? How does a direct debit work? How much will I need to budget for going out? These are all areas that will be explored as part of the financial management for beginners. In these vital sessions you will learn how to manage your finances, with many transferable skills including organisation and planning.
RESEARCH SKILLS (PRE EPQ) For all those wishing to start an EPQ in the Summer term, the research skills project will act as a precursor. You will go through the taught elements of the EPQ specification including how to carry out research; validating sources; how to organise a research project and many more. Towards the end of the programme you will have the opportunity to submit a brief proposal for continuation on to the EPQ.
STUDENT AMBASSADOR What is the role of a Student Ambassador ? Meet and Greet prospective students and parents at open events Provide Guided Walks of the college to groups of prospective students Talk to students about your specific subjects and what it is like to study each Assisting at other external events, helping to promote the college eg School events etc Represent the college at local community events where required How could becoming an ambassador benefit you ? You will be provided with training by a member of staff to help you in your new role A great experience to discuss on your CV or UCAS applications Develop a range of skills such as teamwork, communication and organising events How do I sign up?
PEER MENTORING Our peer mentoring programme is aimed at those students who would like to help others achieve their academic potential. Working in a selected subject, you will be assigned peers to help develop and support. In return you will gain: Specific peer mentoring training The opportunity to develop your own skills Benefit to your own studies as you help to prepare others A fantastic experience to discuss on your CV /UCAS Application To register your interest in the peer mentor group please:
Contact Us New College Doncaster Hurst Lane Auckley DN9 3HG Tel: 01302 976777 Email:info@ncdoncaster.ac.uk