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Throughout your time at New College you’ll know exactly how you are progressing. We use lots of assessment, including traditional exams, but also small, informal knowledge checks during lessons and via your homework (directed independent learning). You’ll be receiving lots of regular feedback, reflecting on the areas you need to target, and addressing any weaknesses really quickly. This helps you to feel confident and in control, and it means you’ll be very wellprepared for your final exams or assignments. After each assessment your teacher will review any extra support you need and agree with you your next steps. You and your parents/carers can check all of your assessment grades and a summary of agreed support and next steps through Cedar, our online portal. Each student will also have a progress tutor who will have the helicopter view of how you are getting on across all of your subjects.

Parents and carers will need to be recorded as a contact to be able to access Cedar. This information is collected during the application and enrolment process.

If you have any problems accessing Cedar, please email: studentservices@nclt.ac.uk

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