our mission
Child-centred, progress-focused allowing our young people to grow and thrive.
All students making at least good progress. All students respectful, responsible and resilient.
welcome I am proud to be the Headteacher of Wingfield Academy and would like to welcome you to our school. We pride ourselves on the unparalleled levels of care, guidance and support we provide for our young people and this was recognised as an outstanding feature at our most recent Ofsted in 2022. Having spent half my career at Wingfield Academy I have watched with excitement as it’s grown from strength to strength. My immovable belief that Wingfield Academy could be one of the best schools in Rotherham has been realised in recent years following four years of outstanding GCSE results. Student numbers in lower school have reached a record high and more families from outside of our catchment area are choosing Wingfield as their preferred secondary school. We are now significantly over subscribed. This is testament to the hard work of my staff and the exemplary behaviour and attitude of our young people.
PHIL DAVIS Headteacher - Wingfield Academy
Wingfield Academy is a very special place. My staff are child-centred, progress-focused and everything we do allows our young people to grow and thrive. Our relentless pursuit of a child’s best is at the heart of every decision we make and we believe that going the extra mile is necessary in achieving that goal. Our students are the hardest working children in Rotherham and our core values of respect, responsibility and resilience are characteristics we nurture from Year 7. The high expectations for student progress and conduct are integral to day to day life at Wingfield. We recognise the enormous contributions and support that you as parents can offer us and we will embrace the opportunity to work in true partnership to support your child’s learning. Together we will aspire to provide a secure, safe and caring learning environment at the Academy and at home, where every child matters, achieves their potential and where no child is left behind. I look forward to working with you and your child to ensure they can grow and thrive in a school that provides an exceptional educational experience.
students SUPPORT & WELFARE We are a ‘listening school’. At Wingfield Academy we pride ourselves on creating relationships that exist based on mutual trust and respect. We aim to engender a sense of belonging and this was recognised during our most recent Ofsted Inspection in 2017 when care, guidance and support was deemed to be outstanding. We are particularly proud that positive relationships between staff and students was a strong feature of our latest report. Students play a pivotal role in supporting the welfare of the student population and there is a thriving Wellbeing Ambassador programme that exists in order to signpost students to the most appropriate successful support and guidance, should they require it. Supporting students with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) We wholeheartedly believe in creating an inclusive environment. Inclusion lies at the centre of practice at Wingfield Academy. Students with specific needs are integrated into mainstream classes and are provided with support on an individual basis or in a small group. Students with special talents and aptitudes are encouraged and challenged to develop at a pace appropriate to their ability. We strongly believe in working in partnership with parents and carers and we foster a close working relationship with all our primary school partners. Every single student at Wingfield Academy regardless of aptitude and/or starting point, will achieve their full potential. We pride ourselves on this mission.
“Relationships are harmonious and underpin positive behaviour.” “Pupils describe their school as amazing.” “The majority of parents say they would recommend the school, saying how their child has flourished as a result of the care and support they receive.” “Leaders have high aspirations for pupils.”
academy life Daily life at Wingfield Academy is well-organised, professional and vibrant. Impeccably high standards of conduct, demeanour and personal appearance, alongside an excellent attitude to learning, are the norm. Staff and students integrate, and the ‘Wingfield Family’ makes the most of each and every moment and learning opportunity. The Academy prides itself on its equitable relationship with parents and carers. We recognise that true partnership, working with families and the wider community, can only strengthen the opportunities that students receive. The Academy continues to go from strength to strength. With the full support of parents and carers the Academy has adopted a rigorous policy regarding our student code of conduct. Our students pride themselves on being the very best that they can be. Nothing short of this will do. A wide range of exciting opportunities are available for all students to access regardless of ability. The Academy is proud of our inclusive nature and all students are encouraged to experience new challenges and first hand opportunities. We believe ‘the sky is the limit’ for all. We welcome all prospective parents, carers and students to visit the Academy during learning time to experience daily life at Wingfield Academy first hand. If you would like to come and see us and experience the best secondary education that Rotherham has to offer, then please get in touch. We would love to see you.
high expectations Wingfield Academy has built its success upon the highest of expectations. We expect all students to: • Make outstanding progress. • Make learning a priority. • Be respectful, responsible and resilient. • Be punctual and attend every day. STUDENT CONDUCT AND BEHAVIOUR It is important when choosing Wingfield Academy that parents are fully supportive of our behaviour for learning policy. At this Academy, students are expected to demonstrate the highest standards of behaviour at all times. We believe that learning is our number one priority so low level disruption is not tolerated. Our system of behaviour consequences is designed to give students choices. Its principle role is to support learning by tackling and dealing with low level disruptive behaviour, i.e. behaviour that undermines the student’s own learning or that of others. If unchecked this sort of behaviour disrupts lessons and undermines the authority of the teacher. ‘Consequences’ work in conjunction with the Behaviour Support programme, a progressive system of structured intervention designed to address underlying causes of poor behaviour and disengagement wherever possible.
Ultimately, students who cannot or will not adhere to our expectations will be excluded as we firmly believe that the learning and progress of our school community is our top priority. The Academy is keen to ensure a fine balance is met between the use of sanctions to deal with persistent disruption and the use of praise and reward to ensure that the very best conduct is celebrated. Students will have plenty of opportunity to earn achievement points in every area of Academy life, inside and outside of the classroom. From outstanding efforts in learning to showing resilience in overcoming challenges to showing kindness to others. The opportunities are endless for them to shine! These achievement points will translate into short, medium and long term rewards on an individual basis and, where appropriate, collectively.
ATTENDANCE To achieve their best, students must be on time and in school every day. Children should only be absent if they have a really good reason for being away. The Academy makes first day contact with all absent children and follows up with extra vigilance where absence causes us concern. The Academy does not authorise holidays in term time. Any holidays taken will be classed as unauthorised absence from school.
WHO WE ARE We are a multi-academy trust comprising of three sixth form colleges, a secondary academy and three primary schools. We have a strong track record of improving the quality of eduction, raising aspirations and helping young people progress to higher education, apprenticeshiops and careers.
OUR VISION Our colleges and schools will make a significant difference to the lives of young people. As a result, together we will make a positive contribution to social mobility.
OUR COMMITMENT To provide an outstanding, consistent student experience through collaboration.
OUR 4 PRIORITIES Student Achievement
Student Personal Development
Contribution to Social Mobility
Student and Staff Well-being
OUR VALUES: THE 5 CS Candour To be open, honest and fair to everyone.
To be dedicated, resilient and strive for continuous improvement.
To have high expectations of ourselves and each other.
Collaboration To learn from each other for the benefit of all.
To be considerate of others and their needs.
opening doors to a brighter future
curriculum offer At Wingfield, we pride ourselves on our curriculum. Our intent is simple and clear. Our students will follow a broad and balanced curriculum that: •W ill be child-centred, progress-focused, allowing young people to grow and thrive. •W ill provide inspirational and memorable learning experiences, that will be delivered by passionate subject specialists. •W ill empower our young people to have the highest aspirations of themselves, enabling them to become socially mobile. •W ill provide a range of rich experiences, developing the cultural capital of our students, ensuring they experience things outside of their everyday. •W ill develop character and nurture responsible citizens who are respectful and resilient preparing them for life beyond Wingfield. We work very hard every day to ensure that all of our students experience this every day. We offer a broad range of subjects, ensuring that all of our young people leave KS3 having experience a wide range of subjects and experiences and can then make informed choices about their options at KS4 and beyond. OUR KS3 OFFER INCLUDES: English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, PE, Geography, History, RE, Drama, Dance, Music, Computing, Art, Photography, Textiles, Technology, Engineering, Food and PSHE. At KS4, we offer a wide range of GCSE courses that match the interests and ambitions of our students, and we provide excellent guidance to help them make the very best choices for them, preparing them for the next stages in their education and future careers.
Enrichment At Wingfield Academy, we believe that education involves not only academic progress, but also the experience of developing students’ character by building their cultural capital. Our successful enrichment programme – designed from our core values – provides our students with opportunities they may not otherwise receive, or be able to develop fully. The enrichment programme we offer enables our students to explore their study beyond the curriculum, and pursue their personal areas of strength and interest. We are passionate that curriculum extends way beyond the classroom and we pride ourselves on the opportunities that we offer.
CURRICULUM ENRICHMENT Our curriculum enrichment offer enhances the curriculum offer in each subject area. We ensure that our students are exposed to the very best that is on offer in each and every curriculum area. We plan and undertake a wide range of trips and visits in each year group and invite a wide range of external speakers into school.
EXTRA-CURRICULAR There is a broad range of extracurricular activities after school for all year groups. These range from Japanese and Latin to Football and Netball and from Choir to Chess! In Y7 & 8 all students stay for period 6 to enjoy an enrichment activity of their choice and all other year groups have the option to sign up to any activity that is on offer for them.
THE PLEDGE Our Pledge is designed to give students the opportunity to develop their independence, resilience and understanding of the world around them.We have spent time developing our Pledge so it complements our enrichment offer and is at the heart of our drive to develop students’ cultural capital by providing them with memorable learning experiences to help them succeed in the wider world. Students complete a Pledge in KS3 and one in KS4 and can achieve bronze, silver and gold standards in each strand. Our Pledge is split into 4 strands that each give students the opportunity to develop their character and understanding of themselves and others in different ways; 1. Active Citizens 2. Wingfield Values 3. Life Beyond Wingfield 4. Cultural Experiences
Active Citizens
Wingfield Values
• Volunteer 15 hours of your time to help others • Lead a fundraising initiative • Pitch to an adult in school a campaign for change
• Be in the top 30 for ATL in each PU in Y7, 8 or 9 • Research British Role models • Complete 3 Wingfield Community Challenges
• Volunteer 10 hours of your time to help others • Write a letter to Wingfield Future Leaders to campaign for change • Contribute to an activity to improve school
• Be in the top 50 for ATL in each PU in Y7, 8 or 9 • Represent the school in a fixture, production or event • Write a reflection of where you have shown tolerance towards others
• Volunteer 5 hours of your time to help others • Contribute to a fundraising initiative • Research a local organization who support a group e.g. foodbanks or homeless charities
• Complete a random act of kindness in school • Identify 3 achievements that you are proud of and share them with your tutor group • Take part in an extracurricular club for at least a term
Life Beyond Wingfield
Cultural Experiences
• Lead an assembly to your or another year group • Evaluate a careers experience • Earn an accreditation e.g. Crest Award or Arts Award
• Complete the Around the World in 5 meals challenge • Visit a museum • Research an historical figure
• Apply to become a future leader • Take part in a hobby outside of school • Participate in a debate
• Write a reflection on a piece of Art • Research an historical artefact • Write a book review for the library
• Take part in a well-being event • Complete a household chore regularly for a 6 week period • Attend a University experience
• Attend a production • Research Fundamental British Values and write about how they apply to you • Take part in a well-being activity
working together We recognise that you are the most important people in your child’s life and choosing the Academy means we both become responsible for the future successful progress of your child. As such we value your support of our expectations to ensure the best educational experience for your child. Working together means we can achieve much more, so developing positive and strong links between you and the Academy are vital.
• M y Child At School (MCAS) is how we communicate to you as parents/carers. Most general or bespoke information comes via the app. It is important that you ensure you can download the app once your child arrives at the Academy. This will help you keep track of their attendance, behaviour and progress. • Parentpay: We are a cashless school. This means we use the Parentpay online system which allows you to credit your child’s account so that meals, equipment, trips, etc. can be paid for. • Family Dining: We are very much a ‘family’ orientated school and as such our younger year groups experience lunchtime together, being designated a table and responsibilities. School meals, if you require them, are ordered by students online a week in advance and charged to your Parentpay account where appropriate.
All items of the Wingfield Academy uniform are compulsory.
•F ormal plain black, flat shoes with a solid sole. Trainers and boots are not permitted. • White shirt/blouse. • Wingfield jumper/cardigan with logo. • Academy tie. •P lain black tailored trousers, with no ankles showing. Trousers must not be tight around the calf or ankle. They must not be a skinny fit. • Plain black full size socks, not trainer socks. • Colour coded year group lanyard including timetable The only items of jewellery permitted to be worn are one pair of small stud earrings that are no bigger than a 5p coin, one signet ring and a watch. The list below are examples of attire that go against the Academy uniform code and must not be worn. This list is not exhaustive;
• Skirts/shorts. • Leggings/trousers of a tight fitting style. • Headbands that are not plain black. • T raining shoes, sandals, flip flops, canvas, plimsolls, ballet style shoes, high heeled shoes or boots. • Shoe laces other than black. • Body, facial or tongue piercings including retainers. • I n Years 7 and 8 students are not permitted to wear make-up. •S tudents in Years 9, 10 and 11 are allowed to wear make-up however it must be minimal and discreet, looking entirely natural. Excessive make-up will have to be removed. Eyeshadow, false lashes, heavy mascara, heavy eyebrows and brightly coloured lipstick would not be acceptable for any student. False nails, such as acrylic/gel and any coloured nail varnish are not regarded as acceptable. Brightly coloured dyed hair which is not natural looking, hair that has patterns shaved into it or other types of extreme hairstyles will not be accepted.
COMPULSORY EQUIPMENT • Black pen. • Green pen. • Whiteboard pen. • Pencil. • Ruler. • Mathematical calculator.
COMPULSORY ACADEMY PE KIT The PE kit consists of a sports polo shirt, shorts, and black socks: Uniform, including PE kit, can be purchased from Pinders Schoolwear, 16 College Walk, Rotherham, S60 1QB. They also have a store at Crystal Peaks Shopping Centre (S20 7PJ).
CHOOSE THE RIGHT SCHOOL CHOOSE WINGFIELD ACADEMY Top 6% of schools nationally for student progress. One of the highest performing schools in Rotherham. A warm, caring and happy school that is supportive of each and every student. We pride ourselves on the outstanding level of care we provide for our students. We are a listening school. Outcomes go from strength to strength with year on year results above national averages.
WHAT OUR STUDENTS SAY “Wingfield has allowed me to have so many opportunities and new experiences. I think this school is fantastic. I can’t imagine being anywhere else.” Rebecca
“I love Wingfield because staff are supportive and will help you with any issues you may have.” Josh
“I’m glad I chose Wingfield Academy because I’ve been here for three years and it feels like my second home . I get along with all the teachers and I can talk to them about anything. I think it’s the best school in Rotherham.” Jorja
“The relationships shared between students and teachers feel special. It’s this that makes Wingfield different from anywhere else.” Alena
Wingfield Road, Rotherham S61 4AU Phone: 01709 513002 E-mail: @wingfieldacad