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Financial Overview
The Trust ended the academic year, 1st September 2021 to 31st August 2022, with cumulative free reserves as below During the year, the Trust completed the New College Pontefract LAW block expansion, part-funded by the Post-16 Capacity Fund, as well as purchasing the NCLT headquarters in Normanton, out of reserves.
College/Academy Funds
The chart shows the reserves available by college / academy, for general use, pre-loan repayments, as of 31st August 2022 These funds are used to finance capital projects and to reinvest in to the college/school estates
At NCP, a new car and bus park is planned, as well as a mezzanine floor in the students’ union, whilst at Bradford we are planning to increase the dining room and kitchen space
OtherDonationsandGrants £0.23m
CapitalGrants £1.47m
Funding for the Trust is sourced predominantly from the DfE/ESFA and is classed as restricted income. The remainder of the income comes from smaller grants and donations, and the Trust's trading activities The chart (left) is for the year ended 31st August 2022
The total received income in 21/22 was £35,830k, of which £31,771k was ESFA income The income breakdown is shown in the chart
The main activities of the school and colleges is the provision of education. The major element of Trust cost is staffing, including teaching, educational support and admin staff Total costs for 21/22 were £35,914k (2020/21, £30,943k). Other costs include governance, IT and transport provision