Thisdocumentprovidesusbothwithasharedrecordofourlonger-termgoalsasaTrust,andalsowithanopportunityforreflection.Since wewroteourlastStrategicPlanattheendof2020,wehaveseenaperiodofsignificantchange,substantialgrowthandimproving outcomesforouryoungpeople.Wehavebeenjoinedbyourthreeprimaryschools,havewonapprovaltoopenNewCollegeKeighley,and haveengagedinanambitiousservicelevelagreementwiththeLEAPTrust.Wenowhaveover7,500youngpeopleinourcare,acrossseven schoolsandcolleges.WehaveseenacknowledgementfromOfstedandothersoftheexceptionalqualityofwhatwedo,andofthe positiveimpactwehavemadeinthelivesofsomanyyoungpeople.
Allofthishasbeenpossiblebecauseoftheteamofoutstanding,talented,hard-workingindividualswhomakeupourTrust,allofwhom arecommittedtoasinglevision:tomakeapositivecontributiontosocialmobilitybyimprovingthelivesofouryoungpeople. Itisthedepthofourjointcommitmenttothisvisionthathasledtooursharedsuccess:itisthedepthofourjointcommitmenttothis visionthatmarksNCLToutasanexceptionalorganisationandanexceptionalplacetowork.
OurStrategicPlanfor2023-2026isaroadmapforthecontinuationofthisjourney.Inside,youwillfinddetailsofhowwewillbuildonthe progresswehavealreadyachieved,withanoverviewoffivekeyareas:education,finance&business,growth,peopleandgovernance.In eachoftheseweoutlineourpriorities,alongwithourstrategiesforbuildingfurtherontheprogresswehavemadethusfar,bethat throughourfocusoncollaborationtocontinueimprovingoutcomesinschoolsandcolleges,orthroughourcarefulreviewofsystems, financesandestatesacrosstheTrust.OurStrategicPlanprovidestheframeworkforthejourneyahead,forourfutureexpansion,for ensuringeffectivegovernance,andforrenewing,developingandretainingthatmostimportantresourceofall:ourstaff.
Iamimmenselyproudtobechairofatrustthatissodedicatedtomakingapositivedifferencetothelivesofchildrenandyoungpeople. NewCollaborativeTrustwasformedin2015withacommitmenttomakeacollaborativecontributiontosocialmobility. Sincethattimethe Trusthasstayedtruetoourpurposeandsharedvaluesofcandour,challenge,collaboration,commitmentandcare.TheTrusthasgrown carefullywhilstalsoimprovinguponstudentachievement.Thissuccessisfoundedonthebeliefininvestingheavilyinourpeoplethrough professionaldevelopment,talentmanagementandsuccessionplanning. StaffenjoyworkingfortheTrust,theyremainloyalandenjoythe manycareeropportunitiesofferedtothem.
ThisStrategicPlanhasbeendevelopedinconsultationwithgovernors,staffandstudents.Itoutlinestheprioritiesandaspirationsforthe nextthreeyearsandclarifiestheserviceweprovidetoourfamilyofschoolsandcolleges.Thankyoufortakingthetimetolookthroughthe StrategicPlan,IhopeitgivesyouacompellingintroductiontowhatweasaTrustaredoingtoensurethechildrenandyoungpeopleinour caredeveloppersonally,achievewellandhaveastrongsenseofwellbeing.
NewCollaborativeLearningTrust(NCLT)isquicklybecoming recognisedasoneoftheleadingMATsintheYorkshireregion Our TrustcurrentlyconsistsofsevenacademieswithNewCollege KeighleyconfirmedbytheDfEasournextpost-16college Thiswill takeourtotaltoeight,withtheagesrangingfromtwotonineteen yearsold Wehaveadistinctivefocusonstaffandstudent wellbeing andhavebeenrecognisedbytheMATExcellenceAwards astheEmployeroftheYear
A ourstaff,whatevertheirrole,knowthattheircentralfocusison oursharedvision:tohaveapositiveimpactonthelivesofouryoung people,andtherebymakeapositivecontributiontosocialmobility
17%ofthestudentscomefromthelowest20%basedontheIncomeDeprivationAffecting ChildrenIndex.
10%ofstudentswerereceivingadditionalpupilpremiumfundinginYear11whentheyjoined thecollege.
21%ofthestudentscomefromthelowest20%basedontheIncomeDeprivationAffecting ChildrenIndex.
13%ofstudentswerereceivingadditionalpupilpremiumfundinginYear11whentheyjoined thecollege.
60%ofthestudentscomefromthelowest20%basedontheIncomeDeprivationAffecting ChildrenIndex.
29%ofstudentswerereceivingadditionalpupilpremiumfundinginYear11whentheyjoined thecollege.
Thepercentageofstudentsstayingineducationoremploymentinthelocalareaisbelowthe nationalaverage.
Thepercentageofstudentswhichatnotinemployment,educationortraininginthelocal areaisabovenationalaverage.
30%ofstudentsinthelocalareaareclassedaspersistentlyabsent(whichmeanstheymiss morethan10%ofschooltimeeachyear)whichisabovenational.
11%ofthestudentscomefromthelowest20%basedontheindexdeprivationaffecting children.
16%ofthestudentscomefromthelowest30%basedontheindexdeprivationaffecting children.
61%ofstudentsinthelocalareameettheexpectedstandardinreading,writingandmaths whichislowerthannational.
8%ofstudentsinthelocalareameetthehigherstandardinreading,writingandmathswhich islowerthannational.
21%ofstudentsinthelocalareaareclassedasPersistentlyabsent(whichmeanstheymiss morethan10%ofschooltimeeachyear)whichisabovenational.
52%ofthestudentscomefromthelowest20%basedontheindexdeprivationaffecting children.
85%ofthestudentscomefromthelowest30%basedontheindexdeprivationaffecting children.
61%ofstudentsinthelocalareameettheexpectedstandardinreading,writingandmaths whichislowerthannational.
8%ofstudentsinthelocalareameetthehigherstandardinreading,writingandmathswhich islowerthannational.
21%ofstudentsinthelocalareaareclassedasPersistentlyabsent(whichmeanstheymiss morethan10%ofschooltimeeachyear)whichisabovenational.
11%ofthestudentscomefromthelowest20%basedontheindexdeprivationaffecting children.
14%ofthestudentscomefromthelowest30%basedontheindexdeprivationaffecting children.
61%ofstudentsinthelocalareameettheexpectedstandardinreading,writingandmaths whichislowerthannational.
8%ofstudentsinthelocalareameetthehigherstandardinreading,writingandmathswhich islowerthannational.
21%ofstudentsinthelocalareaareclassedasPersistentlyabsent(whichmeanstheymiss morethan10%ofschooltimeeachyear)whichisabovenational.
AttheheartofourTrust,metaphoricallyandgeographically,isourTrustHQ.Withina40-minutes' driveofallofouracademies,TrustHQisthebaseforourcentralservicesstaff,wherecolleaguesrun thesystemsandprovidetheservicesthatkeepourschoolsandcollegesgoing.Thisiswhereyouwill findtheteamsinvolvedinHR,finance,IT,studentservices,MIS,marketing,estates,healthand safety,GDPR,complianceandgovernance,atotalofover50colleagueswhomaintaintheTrust’s resources,infrastructureandsystems.
Thecreationofasharedservicesmodel,whereNCLTfreesupschoolsandcollegesfromasmuchof theday-to-daybusinessaspossibletoallowthemtofocusondeliveringhighqualityeducation,isa keypartofourdistinctiveofferasaMAT.Takingthisstrategicdecisionhasallowedheadteachers, principalsandseniorleaderstobeliberatedfromtheadministrativeworkthatoftenabsorbsalotof theirtime.Thedevelopmentofoursharedservicesteamiscentraltothecontinuedsuccessofour Trust,andispartofthereasonwhyfouroutofoursevenacademiesarecurrentlygraded outstandingbyOfsted.
TrustHQalsohousesourC-suiteofexecutivestaff,RichardFletcher(CEO),JoanneVickers(CFO), AndyWoodcock(COO)andLaurenWalker(CPO),allowingforsmoothintegrationofNCLT's executivewiththeTrust’sdifferentteams.OnlyafewhundredyardsfromtheM62,itisalsothebase forNCLT’sArtFoundationcourse,completedby60studentsayear.
StatusSecure Ofsted outstanding status for New College Bradford’s first full inspection,ensure that Thorpe Hesley Primary School retains outstanding status under the new framework, as does NCD when it is inspected for the second time.
Continue to work with the NCB Principal to ensure the college, staff and students are fully prepared for its first inspection.
CEO and Director of Primary Education to continue to work with THP Headteacher to ensure the school, staff and students are fully prepared for Ofsted.
CEO/ NCB Principal Sept – Dec 2023
New College Bradford is awarded Outstanding status by Ofsted.
2) Applied General
Qualifications review and reform
Prepare fully for all eventualities of the Applied General Qualifications review, whilst continuing to explore T-Levels.
Ensure NCD is on track to retain its outstanding status.
Ensure this remains on the colleges’ TET agenda throughout the review process.
CEO/ DoPE Sept – Dec 2023
Thorpe Hesley Primary School retains its Outstanding status by Ofsted under the current Education Inspection framework.
CEO/BFL Sept 24 onwards Retain NCD's outstanding status
On-going 2024 2025 2026
Allocate a Trust Director to lead on both AGQs and T-Levels.
Sept 2023On-going
CEO ensures this remains a regular agenda item and we continue to be well informed at TET.
Pilot Childcare T-Level at NCP and NCB.
DWO/ NCP Principal/ NCB
Principal Sept 2024 (Review Sept 2025)
Dan Wood (appointed as Trust Director) ensures all college and Trust leaders are kept well informed of developments associated with both the AGQ review and T-Level developments.
Successfully recruit for, plan and deliver Childcare T-Level at both NCB and NCP 2024.
Introduction of new qualifications when appropriate and dependant on AGQ review.
3) Consistency in the curriculum model across all phases
Ensure Trust curriculum models are ambitious, well sequenced and knowledge rich.
Appointed Trust subject Directors in English, Maths and Science (secondary phase) to work across all 3 schools.
CEO/DWO 2025/26
CEO May 2024
Successful implementation of new qualifications.
Appoint Trust Director Teaching and Learning across the secondary phase of the Trust.
Work with school leaders to ensure there is a clear plan with timelines in order to align exam board's, programme of study and assessments across the secondary phase.
Primary Maths Lead and Director of Primary Education to review Maths curriculum and work with primary Headteachers to align all aspects of the Maths curriculum ready for delivery in Sept 24.
CEO May 2024
Trust Director appointed, started prep work May - August, officially start in posts September 24.
4) Exploration of a Trust Alternative Provision
To reduce permanent exclusions and suspensions, potentially reduce financial costs and improve both behaviour and student outcomes
Task GR with the responsibility to explore introducing a Trust on-site provision.
GR to propose both a short term and long term strategy to deliver AP on site. Commencing in Sept 24.
CEO/ PD/GR Sept 2024
(Revised deadline of Nov 24)
TT/BL Sept 2024
Trust Director appointed, further develop CPD provision already started.
By the end of the summer term PD/GR to produce a timeline of when subjects across the 3 schools will align in terms of exam board, PoS and assessments.
Phase 2 of AP provision planned and delivered, involving a one-site provision.
GR April 2024
Agreement reached and Maths curriculum fully aligned from September 2024.
Initial on-site Trust AP in place for Sept 24. Utilising all 3 sites.
GR July 24 - Sept 24Short term and long term plans agreed for on-site AP.
GR/PD Sept 25 or 26 AP Provision in place ready for academic year located at DHS.
5) Significantly Improve Attendance
Improve attendance across the secondary phase to at least national averages in the first instance.
Allocate CW with the responsibility to lead Behaviour and Attendance across the secondary phase. Working closely with the Executive Principal.
Consideration of an aligned B&A policy for the secondary phase of the Trust.
Establishment of a cross school attendance group.
6) Reduce Suspensions
Significantly reduce suspensions and permanent exclusions at WFA and DHS
Establish a Trust approach to suspensions including involvement from Governor representatives and external expertise.
CW/PD May 24
PD/CW to agree exactly what each will lead on with regards to cross-Trust attendance.
7) Establish high quality first wave teaching
High quality first wave teaching across all Trusts schools/colleges ensuring all teachers are committed to improving their own practice.
Review B&A policy and current practices to ensure practices remain fit for purpose and are inclusive.
Review the curriculum offer for our most challenging students to ensure they have a curriculum pathway suitable for their individual needs.
Further develop and implement the annual performance review process across all Trust schools/colleges to ensure all teachers within the Trust have a personal learning plan, focusing on aspects of teaching they have identified needs improving.
PD/CW/ GR Sept 25
Aligned B&A Policy in place across the 3 secondaries - Sept 24.
PD April 2024
CEO/DH/ GR/PD July 24 / Sept 24
In place and involving primary and secondary leads.
Production of a new suspensions and permanent exclusions policy to be adopted Trust wide ready for September 2024.
CEO July 24
CEO/GR May - Sept 24
B&A policies both secondary and primary phases and a decision made with regards to alignment.
Full curriculum review across all 3 secondary schools to ensure our most challenging students have a suitable pathway.
CEO/SN Sept 24 - Sept 25
Working party (set up to develop APR documentation) proposed a new process and documentation for TET approval.
Principals, Headteachers and senior leaders to identify all teachers where performance is a concern and ensure the necessary supportive measures are put in place to improve their practice. (Parental test).
All On-going
8) Ensure each school effectively uses its pupil premium additional funding to target and support the needs of PP students, ensuring they make exceptional progress and any gaps are narrowed.
Aligned subject CPD - Ensure that the 3 secondaries introduce the weekly aligned CPD period (like the colleges) to enhance the subject CPD offer and time allocated to specific subject collaboration.
Continue to provide high quality CPD and improve all teachers.
- Implementation of the disadvantaged first strategy within wave 1 teaching.
- Development of an inclusive pastoral support package ensuring all PP students are ready to learn.
- Ensure PP students are offered the most suitable curriculum pathway for them to succeed.
PD/GR/AW Sept 24
Identified teachers discussed at the summer term Performance and Outcomes meeting with Principals outlining their plans for next steps regarding support/further actions.
AVI Sept 25 Sept 26
PDA/TTO Sept 25
An aligned CPD time agreed and in place for September 24.
All teachers providing high quality teaching. All teachers pass the parental test.
Pupil premium students are performing well and any gaps have been narrowed.
Further develop school improvement systems which make best use of strengths to support capacity and improvement in others through Trust collaboration, paying particular attention to any new schools/colleges in the Trust.
Embed school improvement systems utilised across the three age phases with the key ingredients focus on the sharing of best practice.
Maximise collaborative opportunities through connecting subject staff across the Trust to work together and learn from each other in scheduled time slots.
CEO On-going Trust school improvement systems will be clear, concise and articulated to leaders, the Board of Directors and Advisors.
CEO/ Leaders
Half-termly collaborative subject meetings will be timetabled utilising the opportunity to share best practice.
Continue to develop systems that focus on disadvantaged students (PP) which both close the gap and enable our disadvantaged students to thrive.
CEO/ Leaders On-going Review Sept 25
School/college case-studies will show the positive impact of the actions taken to raise aspirations of our disadvantaged students, but also to close the gap, and raise attainment.
Ensure the smooth integration of new schools/colleges into the Trust ensuring they are easily able to access support from experts across the Trust.
CEO/ Leaders April 2024 (LEAP)
Effective induction process where any new schools/colleges benefit instantly from the collaborative school improvement systems in place.
2) Primary Alignment
Where there are clear benefits for children, continue to embed and further develop educational systems that align and promote collaboration.
Continue to work with primary headteachers and the Maths lead to review current practices and assessments in Maths in order to consider further alignment.
Sept 2023July 2024
The Maths curriculum and assessments are reviewed and decisions made in the best interests of the children.
3) Increase student outcomes
Significantly improve GCSE outcomes across DHS and BA (New schools to the Trust, April 1st 2024)
Ensure assessments are consistent and aligned where previously agreed.
Review EYFS procedures across the primary schools and explore alignment.
DoPE/ COO On-going
All assessments agreed to be aligned.
Jan 2024 (Review Sept 24)
Align all Maths practices. DoPE Sept 2024
Appointment of Executive Headteacher and Headteacher for DHS,WFA.
Establishment of Trust subject Directors working across all 3 schools.
Introduced regular opportunities for subject leaders/teachers to work collaboratively in order to share good practice.
Appointment of a Trust Director (secondary) to lead all aspects of Teaching and Learning.
Regular monitoring and review of school QUIPs holding headteachers to account on their impact via Performance and Outcomes meetings.
Development of secondary phase specific educational systems and procedures to ensure high quality teaching and learning.
Full review of BA to confirm educational priorities.
CEO April 2024
PD May 2024
PD/GR Sept 2024
EYFS provision reviewed and aligned where agreed.
CEO April 2024
All Maths PoS /Assessments aligned and outcomes improved, workload reduced.
Executive Headteacher successfully appointed after transfer of LEAP to NCLT.
Trust subject leads appointed in English, Maths and Science.
Aligned CPD lot in place for Sept 24.
Trust Director for Teaching and Learning successfully appointed.
CEO On-going Regular agenda item at termly P&O meetings.
CEO Apr 24 - Sept 25
Regular agenda item at the fortnightly secondary team planning meetings. Relevant systems in place ready for September.
CEO Academic year 24/25
Date of school review agreed, scheduled then taken place.
4)Whole Trust School Improvement
Develop and embed whole Trust approach to school improvement
Create a 6 tiered approach to effective school improvement, designed and implemented by a range of senior leaders across all phases of the Trust.
Ensure the current Trust school improvement model is included and fully utilised within the new approach to school improvement.
5)Continuous Improvement
Further develop the culture of continuous improvement across all phases of education.
CEO to work alongside Principals/Headteachers to develop the culture via:
>Self evaluation
>Challenge (P&O meetings)
>Support (collaborative approaches)
6)Trust Leader Research
Explore the benefits of appointing a Trust leader for reading (with a specific focus on primary and secondary weak/non-readers).
Establish the extent of the problems relating to the number of non-readers.
CEO Oct 24
CEO Sept 2024
6 Pillars of effective school improvement shared with Trust staff. Embedded into all future educational decisions.
As part of the QUIP process ensure the current Trust school improvement procedures are fully embedded.
Culture of high expectations and high levels of challenge and accountability embedded into everyday Trust life, particularlyat DHS and BA.
On-going (Review Sept 25)
Ashleigh Blakemore (Primary English Lead) carried out audit of secondary provision and levels of reading.
CEO/AB/PD July 2024
Consider the financial implications and the likely impact of this post.
CEO/JF/PD Autumn Term 24
Review findings, consider appointment, dependant on available funds.
Funding possibilities to be considered.
1) Recruit, Develop and Retain Talented Staff (including ECTs and ITT students)
Continue to deliver, embed and iterate the Trusts ‘People Strategy’ which focuses on strategies to recruit and retain the best teachers and support staff.
Become the employer of choice by further enhancing the Trust’s reputation.
Continue to actively promote key documents, including the People Strategy, Trust Wellbeing Charter and staff survey results.
Further develop the employer of choice section on the Trust website.
Ensure the vacancy section of the website provides relevant and useful information for applicants.
CEO/CPO Sept 2024 Sept 2025 Sept 2026
Increased number of applicants applying for vacancies across all institutions.
Staff retention rates improve further.
Further develop the evaluation survey for candidates postinterview to ensure our recruitment process is as strong as it can be.
CPO July 2024
All possible vacancies filled.
Prospective and existing staff view NCLT as the employer of choice. Positive feedback via survey on the recruitment process.
Improved and consistent Trust-wide APR process implemented ready for Sept 24.
A strong first impression presented to new staff where key Trust values and messages are clearly shared.
Review our approach to staff reward, recognition and benefits. CPO June 2024
Staff rewards and recognition policy reviewed, amended and approved.
Review and further develop our Annual Performance Review (APR) model and related policies to ensure they are fit for purpose across all phases and staff across the Trust, putting professional development at the heart.
CPO Apr 2024 (ready for implementation Sept 24/25)
APR model reviewed and approved by a working party with cross-phase representation.
Provide opportunities for varied professional development through regular organised internal CPD sessions, informal internal coaching, collaboration opportunities, external training courses and access to professional qualifications.
Review the Trust induction process to ensure a consistent approach to the induction of new staff.
Appoint lead mentors to focus on the Primary phase and Secondary/post 16 phase to lead all ITT & ECT programmes. Leads should provide regular data on ECT retention.
Fully engage with the Exchange Teaching Hub, ensuring ITT students receive quality mentoring whilst at one of the Trusts schools and colleges.
CPO/ Principals /Heads
Sept 2024
NOK/ LFO/ CBO Sept 24
All staff have access to high quality CPD and the opportunity to take-up external professional qualifications.
Sept 24
Induction review completed.
Successfully appointed phase leads and retention of ECTs is high.
Evaluations and Feedback from ECTs and ITTs is strong.
2) Employee Engagement
Ensure all employees and stakeholders are aligned with the leadership of the Trust and they are clear about the purpose, vision and values.
Ensure the vision and values of the Trust are embedded into the day-to-day culture via newsletters, staff briefings, signage, presentations and most importantly actions. CEO Sept 2023
Ensure termly staff voice and E&D meetings are consistently implemented across all NCLT institutions, increasing the number of volunteers, ensuring all employees have the opportunity to have their say and influence decisions. CPO Sept 2023
Following the annual staff survey, each school/college to set areas of focus/development for the forthcoming year.
CPO Oct 2023 Oct 2024 Oct 2025
All staff are able to articulate the vision and values of the Trust.
Staff voice meetings are well embedded and seen as the go-to place for staff to engage in consultation with leaders and contribute to overall decision-making.
Improved staff survey results on the previous academic year.
Continue to carry out the annual staff survey, reviewing the questions to ensure appropriate for each educational phase, the Trust as a whole and fully inclusive for all staff roles.
Continue working with trade unions through our Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) on policy developments and key staffing matters.
CPO June 2024 June 2025 June 2026
Staff survey questions reviewed and approved.
CPO On-going 2025/26
Relationships with unions further developed.
Identify succession candidates as part of a wider plan, creating clear pathways for both professional and career development.
Devise a plan which focuses on replacing key roles in the organisation if they were to leave.
CEO/ CPO Oct 2023 and ongoing Identification of talented staff and the necessary development plans put in place.
Hold high-quality conversations as part of the APR process, investing significant time in prioritising individual career development needs.
Continue to identify talented staff for professional development such as the NPQs.
CPO/ CEO Oct 2023
CPO/CEO/ COO Sept 2023 Sept 2024 Sept 2025
Where possible, provide identified candidates with authentic opportunities to experience elements of future roles.
Further define our approach to the Apprenticeship Levy to ensure it supports career development and succession planning.
Consideration given to introducing training and development pathways for roles across the Trust.
Internal staff identified and in a strong position to apply for promoted roles/future leadership roles successful filled internally.
Increased opportunities provided for identified staff to further develop their skills and experience in the specified area.
CEO/COO On-going Create working list of our most talented staff ensuring they have been given the opportunity to experience potential future roles.
CPO/CFO July 2024 Apprenticeship Levy take up.
CPO/CEO Sept 2024 This approach discussed at TET and considered.
4) Further Develop Collaborative Trust Culture
Further develop a rich, collaborative culture, where learning from each other becomes the norm.
Ensure time is built in to the timetable to allow subject collaboration meetings to take place on a regular basis.
CEO+C103:C103:G111+C103:G108 Sept 2023
Sept 2024
Sept 2025
Facilitate links between subject staff pre-16 and post-16 to aid students’ transitions.
CEO On-going
Staff to utilise allocated CPD time successfully to collaborate, plan Programmes of Study and assessments, and share resources and expertise.
Encourage staff to regularly observe each other through learning walks and the Trust’s open-door policy.
HJA/CBW On-going
Improved staff engagement and buy-in to all subject collaboration meetings.
Principals/ Heads On-going
Foster a continuous improvement environment to help staff develop via instructional coaching. SNA Sept 2024
Implement a central services Trust newsletter as a key communication document, reducing emails, workload and improving communication and informal learning opportunities.
Continue to promote Trust magpie Days as an opportunity for professional learning across both teaching and non-teaching staff.
Actively seek opportunities to continue to raise awareness of and promote the initiatives and key activities within the Staff Wellbeing Charter.
Continue to promote our EAP services, launching the new ‘Wisdom’ programme to support staff wellbeing.
COO Jan 2024
Improved staff engagement and buy-in to all subject collaboration meetings.
CEO/ ALL On-going
Increased number of cross-phase meetings take place, building on last academic year.
An increased number of cross-phrase teaching observations take place.
An increased number of cross-phrase teaching observations take place.
An increased number of staff requests to have an instructional coach are generated.
An increased number of staff taking part in magpie days.
CEO/All On-going Staff are well aware of the Staff Wellbeing Charter and key policy documents.
CPO On-going
An increased take up of the EAP and health services of offer.
5) Health and Wellbeing Charter
Effectively deliver the Trust Wellbeing Charter, allowing all employees to flourish and achieve their full potential, for the benefit of themselves and the organisation.
Give staff the support they need to take responsibility for their own and other peoples’ wellbeing, promoting work-life balance.
On-going Staff’s work-life balance improved and reflected in pulse survey.
CPO Sept 2023
Roll out and train managers on the new Attendance Management Policy and Special Leave Policy to manage staff absence in a supportive way.
Managers increase in confidence with, and lead on, staff absence issues in a sensitive and effective way.
Identify and address where systems can be improved centrally across the Trust to support staff workload and enhance current processes. COO Jul 2024 Ongoing System improvements reduce staff workload, improved efficiency and reduce emails.
Continue to review and consider ways to reduce unnecessary staff workload, considering suggestions from staff voice and including further development of SharePoint.
COO Jan 2025 Increased staff involvement in decision making.
Further develop our Staff Health and Wellbeing Policy and ensure this is consistency implemented across the Trust. CPO Nov 2023 Staff recognise the Trust’s effort to reduce workload.
Identify a nominated individual at each site to lead on organising optional staff wellbeing activities.
CPO Sept 2023 onwards An increased number of wellbeing activities available at each site.
Continue to offer an open-door policy for staff to meet with SLT/Trust leaders to discuss any concerns or share ideas they may have. All Leaders Sept 2023 Improved staff survey results.
Continue to fully consider all requests for flexible working, including advertising flexible working in relevant job adverts where appropriate, endeavouring to seek workable solutions wherever possible.
Sept 2023
An increased number of flexible working requests are considered and approved where appropriate.
Continue to champion diversity, ensuring our policies are effectively implemented, the benefits of diversity are regularly communicated and action is taken to address any underrepresentation.
CPO/ All Sept 2023 - Ongoing
A staff body representative of the external communities we service, reaping the benefits of diversity.
1)School Improvement Fund
Creation of school improvement fund for CEO to divert where required.
Work with the Board of Directors to decide on the most appropriate way to create a central school improvement fund from Trust finances.
2024 Trust central school improvement fund approved by BoD and available for use January 2024 onwards.
2) Trust Central Services and Processes
Undertake a forensic review of business systems across all schools, colleges and Trust headquarters, ensuring quality, efficiencies and value for money.
Develop a core job role functions grid to identify strategic leads in areas and then operations at college/school level.
Further develop the central services structure including LEAP central service.
Review KPIs within QuIPs to ensure the central team managers are accountable and driving the key elements of their role effectively and efficiently.
3) Primary Finances Review financial planning processes across all Trust primary schools to ensure sustainable, balanced budgets moving forward.
Improve financial reporting for management accounts for all stakeholders.
Apr 24 to Sept 25
Clarity over accountability and roles across the central team and wider trust
Support the development of threeyear budgets to ensure balanced budgets.
Jan 24 onwards Clear structures in place for all staff and a development plan to evolve the secondary arm of the trust
Ongoing Central services report to TETs becomes more data driven, to allow teams to challenge any areas of concern.
DoF Apr 24
Improve budgeting understanding and information so variances can be easily identified.
DoF March onwards Support financial forecasting.
4) Secondary Finances
Implement a curriculum led financial planning model at Wingfield Academy, ensuring value for money and a sustainable balanced budget.
Improve financial understanding of Sage and IMP budgeting software.
Working with SBM and COO to develop ICFP and use of IMP software to ensure secondaries have balanced budgets.
Curriculum is offering best value for money and benchmarking. Improve financial reporting for management accounts.
Regular meetings with SBM to monitor budgets and other spends.
CFO/ FM On-going
CFO/ COO/ SBM Jan-25
Reduce anxiety around the new systems and improve confidence and capability of new systems.
Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of curriculum ensuring it is benchmarked to similar schools.
5) College Finances
Review college finances post 2023/24 enrolment to ensure staffing levels are affordable, sustainable and aligned.
Support the development of threeyear budgets to ensure balanced budgets.
Improve financial understanding of Sage and IMP
CFO/ DoF Jan-25
Improve budgeting understanding and information so variances can be easily identified.
CFO/ DoF April 24 onwards
Improve financial understanding to improve financial decision making.
CFO/ DoF/ SBM Sept 24 - Sept 25 Support financial forecasting.
CFO/ FM Ongoing
Improve financial reporting for management accounts for all stakeholders.
Working with Curriculum Leads ensure staffing is sustainable and within budgets. Benchmarking across colleges.
CFO/DoF Sept 24
CFO Jan 25
Reduce anxiety around the new systems and improve confidence and capability of new systems
Improve budgeting understanding and information so variances can be easily identified.
Improve information around staffing and benchmarking to ensure curriculum is financially affordable and alignment across the colleges.
Improve financial understanding of Sage and IMP.
CFO/FM Sept 24
6) Digital Transformation
Develop a digital strategy for all Trust central services functions to improve efficiency, cost savings and effectiveness.
Improve processes in HR around timesheets, expenses, contracts and sickness.
Improve processes in finance around analysis/reporting and student/parent interface with payment systems.
DoDT Easter 2024
Reduce anxiety around the new systems and improve confidence and capability of new systems.
Reduce inefficiencies and workload for school staff who do HR tasks.
7) Principal/Headteacher
Knowledge of Finances
Further develop principals/headteachers professional expertise in budgeting and in the 3-year forecast process.
Improve Trust-wide visibility of and engagement with central technical expertise with existing available software and capability to design and create bespoke solutions.
Regular meetings with principals to monitor budgets and develop three-year budget forecasts.
DoDT Dec 24
8) Estates Strategy
Produce a comprehensive Estates
Strategy, incorporating sustainability whilst approving a bidding process to allow schools/colleges to access the school’s conditions allowance (SCA).
Regular meetings with SBMs and headteachers to monitor budgets and develop three-year forecasts.
Parents/students have a single portal for making payments for any college services.
Develop the Estates Strategy to further incorporate sustainability and three-year plans for each colleges/school with priority building improvement/ developments.
CFO/ DoF Start Sept 24
Schools and colleges involve central Trust for guidance in strategic decisions about implementing new technology solutions.
CFO/ DoF On-going
CFO/ DoE Sept 24
Ensure Trust/Trustees have clear picture of building priorities for next three years.
Develop Trust SCA policy and procedure.
CFO/DoE Apr 24
Clear procedure and process for bidding for SCA monies is shared with all schools/colleges within Trust.
Strategic Objective Implementation Activities Lead
1) Leadership Capacity
Invest in and develop leaders to ensure there is sufficient leadership capacity at every age phase of the Trust, particularly where new schools/colleges join.
Research the various strategies and leadership structures adopted by other MATs, with a view to phasing a new structure over the next one to three years. CEO
Milestones Target Impact
April 2024 (Ready for planning budgets for 2024/25)
New executive leadership structure (adding the additional capacity required) successfully introduced over a phased period.
Identify potential leaders who could be developed into an Executive role.
April 2024
2) New College Keighley
Ensure that New College Keighley is planned, built, fully staffed and successfully recruits the required number of students to open by the agreed date.
Work with DfE to establish a site and an opening date. NCD Principal/ CFO/ CEO
Work with the DfE Estates team/NCLT Estates Director to appoint a builder.
NCD Principal/ CFO/ CEO
Sept 24
Current college/school leaders targeted and developed as part of the Trust’s succession planning.
Sept 24
Agree with the DfE an identified site and official opening date. Publish to the public.
Successfully appoint building company to undertake the work.
3) Secondary School Expansion
Continue to explore growth into the secondary school sector with schools that align with Trust priorities, vision and values, and are geographically a good fit.
Recruit staff and students ready for opening.
Submit and liaise with DfE over transfer of LEAP Schools into NCLT.
New structure in place which integrates current LEAP central team into NCLT.
NCD Principal/ CEO To be agreed
Successfully recruit staff and students ready for the college opening.
Dec 2023 Transfer approved.
Jan - Jun 2023
New structure in place through consultation TuPE process ensuring that there are no duplication of roles and efficiencies made where viable.
Distinct secondary arm developed which includes all the secondaries. Connected sixth form provisions at the secondaries linked into the college structures.
June 2023 - June 2024
New arm adds further capacity to the secondaries and is overall a cost saver to the Trust. Some functions are centrally managed across the Trust e.g. Health and Safety with secondary support/capacity in place.
4) Primary School Expansion
Remain open to consider growth in the primary sector with schools that align with Trust, priorities, vision and values, and are geographically a good fit.
Build capacity and expertise within each phase of the Trust.
June 2024
Build capacity within the Trust and in each of the phases to ensure that the Trust has the flexibility to support the schools where required. This will also support further growth considerations in the future if required.
June 2023
Consider the feeder schools to the secondaries or other possible schools geographically linked and build relationships with key leaders who may consider joining NCLT.
CEO/ COO/ Heads of Secondary
NCLT Primary arm refined based on possible new schools joining the Trust to add greater capacity.
DfE transfer requests submitted for these further primary schools to join the Trust.
5) Trust Staff Culture
Continue to develop a culture of one organisation, particularly with schools that have recently joined.
SharePoint fully embedded across all schools in the Trust with news, calendar and key documents shared.
Trust services termly newsletter posted each half term.
2/3 primary schools considered and in a strong position to join NCLT.
June 2023 - June 2024
Primary model expanded to include a full time Director of Primary Education and other Trust roles.
June 2024 onwards
2/3 primary schools approved to join the Trust.
Sept 24 - Sept 25
News items are regularly posted, calendars embedded across the trust and key Trust documents shared centrally and easily accessed.
Key Trust managers provide content that supports key Trust priorities and statutory requirements.
Feb 2024
Develop the CEO and Trust services newsletter to include further engaging content.
CEO/ COO/CPO Feb 2024 onwards
Yearly CPD calendar confirmed.
Video content, quick surveys and other features are used within SharePoint that enhance the user experience and views continue to increase views.
Feb 2024 onwards
Key CPD events are planned in for all phases which include key Trust staff so all staff have contact with Trust leaders. Support Staff Days are further developed to include cross phase working opportunities.
6) Compliance
Review governance systems and processes to ensure ongoing legal compliance.
Development of a checklist so all aware of their individual responsibilities around compliance matters and identify any gaps.
Regular governance team meetings, involving clerks, so any issues can be identified and resolved, with any training needs identified.
GM Checklist embedded by the Spring term 2024.
Rigorous ongoing assurance which produces the strongest, most resilient schools/colleges/Trust.
7) Recruitment, Retention and Succession Planning
Further develop recruitment systems and processes to recruit and retain high quality Governors, increase attendance and ensure succession plans are in place for key governance positions.
Consider purchasing a subscription to The Key (or alternative) which provides regular updates to changes to statutory / regulatory requirements.
Consider purchasing NGA Gold to have access to expert, independent and confidential governance advice, able to answer queries on education law.
GM to report to the CEO regarding all compliance related matters, escalating to the Board where appropriate.
Compliance audit to be undertaken at least annually and where Ofsted is expected imminently.
Enhance recruitment literature utilising the skills of the marketing team.
Trial using social media platforms such as LinkedIn to find and recruit people with the right skills, experience, commitment and capacity.
GM First session with governance colleagues held before the end of September 2024.
Increased staff confidence in their respective roles.
CEO/CFO Discussion taken place by the end of the academic year 2023-24.
Positive feedback regarding governance during Ofsted visits.
CEO/CFO Discussion taken place by the end of the academic year.
GM Ad-hoc – review at year end 202324.
Positive audit outcomes.
GM Audit produced in line with annual planner 2023-24.
GM New marketing material in place November 2023.
Recruiting additional volunteers across all tiers of governance.
GM Advertisements live on social media by November 2023.
Long-standing volunteers that feel inspired to work in a school/college/Trust that makes a positive contribution to social mobility.
8) Induction and Training
Embed high quality induction processes to help attract, retain and maximise the skills of Governors, whilst ensuring all new Governors fully understand NCLT’s vision and purpose.
Agenda regular discussions at all levels regarding succession plans and forward plan what may be needed, i.e. promotional work or training.
Capitalise on networking / promotional / PR opportunities (locally and more broadly), as advocates for the Trust and its values.
Review feedback forms so that the newly developed induction programme and new training modules can be further refined based on feedback received.
GM Report to Board in July 2024 on progress during the year.
GM Active participation in events by July 2024.
GM Tweaks made and implemented by July 2024.
Reduction in resignations.
9) Risk Management
Further develop a strategic approach to effective risk management.
Further develop specific Link role training / guidance.
A highly effective induction and training programme, resulting in committed and capable volunteers who are intent on making a meaningful contribution to the Trust’s schools and colleges as well as the wider community.
GM Tweaks made and implemented by July 2024.
Develop Chairs & Vice-Chairs through increased networking opportunities, sharing of good practice and specific training sessions.
Obtain feedback from Advisor Group’s on the newly developed local risk registers and process for review. Take to TET meeting.
GM Three Chairs meetings scheduled for 2023-24.
TET colleagues to consider if accountability lines are clear, how risks are removed/added, communication lines when addressing risk, etc.
Review at TET scheduled by Spring term.
Increased profile of the schools/colleges/Trust.
Directors and Advisors to read NGA guidance on managing risks.
GM/ CFO/ CEO Changes based on review feedback implemented by July 2024.
Increased clarity around each school/college’s highest risks and the mitigating action being taken to manage them.
Circulated and read by December 2023.
Confidence that the new system is fit for purpose.
Review the role of the Governance team and further develop the structure to ensure Governance is effective and robust.
Further review the structure and remit of the team. Consider reporting lines, communication methods, engagement in achieving departmental goals and staff wellbeing .
Further review the structure and remit of the team. Consider reporting lines, communication methods, engagement in achieving departmental goals and staff wellbeing .
>Review meeting with CEO scheduled by December 2023. >Report to Board in the Spring term 2024.
To have a sector-leading governance model which adds significant value to the Trust and its schools and colleges.
Report to the Board regarding inyear successes. GM
>Changes implemented to be effective by September 2024.
Strategic priority Governance
- Education Standards Committee
- Finance, Risk and Audit Committee
- Board of Directors
- Board of Directors
- Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Chief of People Operations
Director of Finance
Trust Director
Director of Digital Transformation
Director of Primary Education
Director of Estates
Finance Manager
School Business Manager
Governance Manager
SharePoint Manager
Trust Director
Trust Director
Diane Heritage
Richard Fletcher
Andy Woodcock
Jenny Fearnhead
Lauren Walker
Reece Johnson
Dan Wood
Steve Crisp
Trudi Toms
Les Reed
Alaina Logan
Anna Armitage
Sam Corbett
Paul Hunt
Helen Jackson
Chelsea Branson-Webste